Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 842 The eager dawn!

Chapter 842 The eager dawn!
Of course, Utsunomiya didn't know that he was already in the game of the Chinese, and began to slip into the abyss step by step!

It's not that he didn't try to resist, and refused to provide any information on the movements of the main force of his wing.

Unfortunately, not everyone is as strong-willed as he is.

Especially when they saw that their colleagues who were still alive were kicked and kneeled on the ground mercilessly by the Chinese, and their heads were chopped off like mowing grass, at least two Japanese infantrymen collapsed.

One by one, he quickly stated that he was a soldier of the 14nd Infantry Regiment of the 2th Division, and the main force was 15 kilometers away.

Betrayal is like poison. Once you drink it, you will have no scruples. Looking at the two subordinates, they can't wait to confess the color of their underwear to the Chinese. melted.

He can die, but he can't be stripped of all his clothes as the Chinese say, hung naked on a big tree by the roadside, his head cut off and built into a Beijing temple like his subordinates, the only proof His identity is the two army captain ranks placed on his head.

Thus, Gu Xishui got the information he wanted.

Utsunomiya and the two remaining Japanese soldiers also got the ending they wanted and could not continue to live, but at least Gu Xishui kept his promise and did not let the heads of the three of them become part of Jingguan.

As for the Japanese Army Captain’s extremely painful statement that Chinese soldiers would incur crazy revenge from the Imperial Army if they did that, Gu Xishui answered him unmoved: “Even if you don’t do this, you beasts have shown mercy to our Chinese people. Is it? Our group once said a word, when you stare at the abyss, the abyss also stares at you. For every evil thing you have done to our Chinese people, sooner or later we will demand it from you, we Just worry about your tiny island nation, which doesn't have such a large population."

The ice-cold declaration of revenge made Utsunomiya icy all over. He believed that as long as there was a slight difference in the war between the empire and China, the Chinese soldiers and his officers in front of him would surely fulfill their promises.

The empire has provoked a group of Chinese devils!
It's just that there wasn't much time for the Japanese army captain to sigh, he was stabbed to death with a sword in the chest, this was the greatest favor Gu Xishui could give him.

"The 14nd Infantry Regiment of the 2th Division is the main force of the 14th Division in chasing and killing our Four Elements Regiment. It is currently staying about 30 kilometers away from our troops, and will leave for Bihe tomorrow morning." Tang Dao held Gu Xi Shui muttered to himself while staring at the map based on the information obtained from the frontline reconnaissance.

After a while, he turned his gaze to Gong Shaoxun who had been silent for a long time, "Deputy Gong Tuan, what do you think our army should do?"

Gong Shaoxun, who was personally named by Tang Dao, frowned and said: "According to the battle report sent by the First Group Army, one part of the main force of the 14th Division is chasing the two infantry divisions retreating in the direction of Taihang Mountain, and the other is madly attacking the Yellow River Railway Bridge. The headquarters of the First Group Army deployed along the way in the direction, and this department should still be fifty or sixty kilometers away. Our four-row regiment has at least three days until the last batch of retreating troops from the First Group Army arrives. The group started the bridge bombing plan.

As for the 2nd Infantry Regiment, as long as our regiment continues to dig and strengthen the fortifications, their strength and artillery will not pose a great threat to our regiment.However, how the remnants of the First Army that had withdrawn from afar passed the battlefield was a difficult task. "

"Deputy Gong Tuan means that as long as our regiment sticks to the current position and the main force of the 14th Division of the Japanese Army does not attack, there will be no problem for our regiment to successfully complete the task of blowing up the bridge, right?" Lei Xiong, who was smoking silently, suddenly spoke.

"That's right! The goal of our regiment is not to participate in the battle between the 14st theater and the 14th division. Blowing up the Yellow River Bridge is enough to show our support for the [-]st theater. There is really no need to go head-to-head with the [-]th division." Gong Shaoxun nodded Head in response to Lei Xiong.

"From the perspective of preserving the strength of our regiment, it's okay for you to think so, Deputy Gong, but have you ever thought about one thing, Deputy Gong, our regiment blows up the Yellow River Bridge to complete the task, but this second infantry who was ordered to chase after our troops What will the main force of the 2th Division, who is doomed to be unable to cross the Yellow River and attack Zhengzhou?" Lei Xiong stood up, and slapped Xinxiang hard with his fingers. A circle is drawn around it.

"They may change their strategy of attacking Zhengzhou. One will stick to Xinxiang and block my way to Huixian, and the other will attack Xiuwu and Jiaozuo, blocking me from going to Jincheng, and then the 2nd Infantry Regiment Chasing after the tail, our regiment is like a fish that has fallen into the net of his 14th Division, no matter how hard we struggle, it will become their meal!"

"This..." Gong Shaoxun gasped. "My four-element regiment is only a small infantry regiment. As for making Kenji Doihara spend so much energy? I would rather give up the two big cities of Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, and turn to chase and intercept my regiment with all my strength. Are you thinking too much, Deputy Leituan? .”

Gong Shaoxun's meaning is very clear. Lei Xiong also takes himself and the entire Four Elements Regiment too seriously. The Japanese army is a division-level unit, and its strategy is often formulated by the headquarters of the front army. How can it be possible for an infantry regiment to change? Strategy.

This is also the confidence that he dared to use the night to quietly withdraw after the whole regiment stood firm and bombed the Yellow River Bridge.

Because, he believes that the Four Elements Regiment will never become the main target of the 14th Division. Instead, they can use the opportunity of the Japanese army to focus on the seemingly easy-to-reach Zhengzhou City, and the Four Elements Regiment can get away calmly.

"Hehe, I originally thought the same as you, Brother Gong. My four-element regiment is only a mere 2000 people, and it deserves the Japanese army's attention there. I finally got to be sure that the Japanese army paid more attention to it than you and I imagined." Lei Xiong smiled, and threw a cigarette to each of the three colleagues sitting on the table. "I believe that my judgment is the same as that of Tuan Zuo."

"Brother Lei, how do you think our group can break the situation?" Tang Dao held a match and lit a cigarette, his eyes still fixed on the map.

"Our regiment wants to break this situation in two ways. Before blowing up the bridge, the regiment headquarters, the two artillery companies, and the supply company all retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River, and then the infantry retreated alternately under cover. The explosives of the new eighth division had already been installed. Just order the bridge to be blown up, and the Japanese army can only look at the river and sigh.

Only in this way, I don’t know when our group’s trip to Taihang Mountain will be able to take place. Originally, it was only a ten-day trip, and it may take half a year if it is delayed. We can wait, but the colleagues of the 22nd Army can’t wait. "Lei Xiong said. "So this kind, I conclude that you won't use it, the leader of the regiment. "

"As for the second type, it's that our regiment doesn't stick to the rules and chooses to stick to it, but takes the initiative to attack and defeat the 2nd Infantry Regiment in one fell swoop! Didn't the fat and round bastards want to attack my regiment! Then we will kill it He let him know with one paw that he could not send an infantry regiment to deal with my four-element regiment, if he wants to trouble my four-element regiment, remember to come to an infantry brigade next time." Lei Xiong said next The words are shocking.

Gong Shaoxun opened his mouth wide in shock.

The reason why he came to the Four Elements Regiment was firstly that he could be promoted to a military position, secondly that Tang Dao personally ordered generals, and thirdly that he had fought side by side with Tang Dao and had a certain degree of recognition for Tang Dao. One month, because he was low-key and humble enough, got along well with the Four Elements Group, and had a good impression of Lei Xiong, but he never expected that Lei Xiong would be so arrogant.

He is very clear about the situation of the Four Elements Regiment. There are more than 2800 soldiers in the whole regiment, but in fact, only 800 are recruits and student companies. Although the equipment has been strengthened, there are a few more 2000mm mortars, and the whole regiment is also equipped with semi-automatic rifles, but there are 150 Japanese infantry regiments!

Not to mention that they are also equipped with infantry artillery and mountain artillery, and have even been strengthened by the artillery wing. Just say that they have twice the strength of their own side. What can the Four Elements use to defeat them?By bragging?

However, there is no madness, only crazier.

The next moment, Tang Dao shook his head, "Brother Lei, your idea is wrong. If you want to make this old boy Dou Feiyuan feel bad, just defeating the 2nd Infantry Regiment is not enough. We have to wipe them all out."

Gong Shaoxun.
"Does Deputy Gong Tuan think that our idea is a bit fanciful?" Tang Dao cast his eyes on his deputy with determination. "The Japanese actually think the same way. Otherwise, why would they dare to let an infantry regiment go deep alone? From the beginning of Doi Yuan, the Japanese generals are probably thinking about how our four-element regiment will retreat after the two armies engage in battle. , and never considered that our regiment not only will not retreat, but also eat them in one bite."

"Tuan Zuo, it's true to say that it's true to use troops, but how can our regiment encircle an enemy army whose strength is more than twice that of our army? Moreover, the Japanese army has aircraft to support operations. Even if our army can surround it, there is no way The strength to swallow it up in a short time!" Gong Shaoxun quickly persuaded. "More importantly, this place is a plain, not a mountainous area in Guangde. Does our regiment have an ambush with dangerous terrain?"

"Deputy Gong Tuan, you are right. This place is a plain, not the best place to set up an ambush, so the Japanese will naturally not be vigilant. That is our chance." Tang Dao turned his attention to what he saw just now Map, suddenly raised the volume: "I ordered the whole regiment, except the supply company and the student company to stay in the position, the rest of the army marched in the direction of Bihe, and ordered the whole army to throw away all unnecessary materials such as quilts and food. Carry enough ammunition and tell the battalion and company commanders that the time left by the Japanese is only 12 hours."

"Yes!" Lei Xiong, Zhuang Shisan, including Gong Shaoxun, who was still strongly suggesting just now, stood up and agreed.

Regardless of personal opinions, whenever the supreme commander Tang Dao gives an order, everyone will follow the order. This is the deepest understanding of Gong Shaoxun, the new deputy head, after joining the Four Elements Group for a month.

Zhuang Shisan is the chief of staff, and Tang Dao's orders will be issued through his staff, so he has to leave first. Lei Xiong is also the commander of the first battalion. He grabs his hat and runs faster than Zhuang Da's chief of staff, leaving Gong Shaoxun alone , Before he could step out, he was stopped by Tang Dao.

"Brother Shaoxun, just now Brother Lei and I didn't want to refute your face and go against you. You actually considered it very comprehensively, which is the strategy to preserve the strength of my four-element group to the greatest extent!" Tang Dao looked Gently explained.

Gong Shaoxun's heart warmed when he said it. He knew that Tang Dao, as the supreme commander of the Four Elements Regiment, had already controlled the Four Elements Regiment to a jaw-dropping level after going through countless battles. Lei Xiong, the second member of the Four Elements Regiment, would not have any objections to a first-class soldier, and Tang Dao didn't need to explain to him, the deputy who was newly transferred to the Four Elements Regiment, who only had at most one cavalry company.

Just as I was about to speak, Tang Dao waved his hand, "But you overlooked a problem. The reason why our Four Elements Regiment exists is not to save much strength and become a prince, but to kill as many devils as possible. As long as the devils dare to come, My four-element group dares to kill.

It is precisely for this reason that the Japanese army regards Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group as a confidant. What they fear is not the Chinese soldiers with strong combat effectiveness, but the Chinese soldiers who never compromise and are destined to fight them to the end. No matter how much time is spent, no matter how much sacrifice is made, I, Tang Dao and my army, as long as one person survives, we will definitely fight them to the end, and even one day, we will be able to enter their island and inflict the suffering on our Chinese people. Return them one by one. "

"As long as there is one person alive, we must fight them to the end."

Tang Dao's voice was not loud, but it made Gong Shaoxun feel a kind of heat flow from the soles of his feet to the sky, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

That is the trembling from the depths of the soul!

This is what a real Chinese soldier looks like!

"Brother Shaoxun, you have a question just now. How can our army eat them in a short time before the main force of the Japanese army arrives? There is no other possibility except for a surprise attack." Tang Dao's voice sounded. "This is a plain, and there was no such possibility in the first place, but fortunately, Gu Xishui brought me good news. At that time, our regiment's final blow to the 2nd Infantry Regiment will still rely on the command of you, Brother Shaoxun." Cavalry company, once the signal is sent out, I wonder if Brother Shaoxun can do it?"

"Tuan Zuo, for what you said just now, Gong Shaoxun and the cavalry company will definitely order and stop it. Gong Shaoxun doesn't know if you will be able to complete your military order in the end, but Gong Shaoxun can guarantee that it must be the person who rushed to the front of the cavalry company .” Gong Shaoxun replied with an extremely serious face.

"I believe in you, and please believe in me. I will wipe out this Japanese bandit as a congratulatory gift for you and the cavalry company of the Northeast Army to join my four-element regiment!" Tang Dao also solemnly replied.

"Good!" Gong Shaoxun saluted solemnly.

Tang Dao returned the gift!

No need to say any more, the military salute is the simplest and most direct answer from the two soldiers.

Tang Dao knew that although he hadn't completely subdued the hearts of this northeast cavalry company, that day was not too far away.

People's hearts are very complicated. They joined the Four Elements Regiment because they obeyed orders. The easiest way for them to fully integrate into the new army is nothing more than a big victory.

Dasheng belonging to the Four Elements Regiment and this newly joined cavalry, with the blood of the Japanese flowing everywhere, is the sweetest fusion agent.

. . . . . . . .

Ishiguro Sadazo didn't sleep well that night.

It wasn't because the Chinese soldiers were tenacious that they held back the main force of his wing all afternoon, and nearly more than 100 people were killed or injured to take down the position of the Chinese rout.

The casualties of more than a hundred people are almost negligible for him, the captain of the Great Zuo Lian. After the battle, he can replenish from the logistics regiment at any time and give them a few kills. For example, Zhengzhou City, which is only tens of kilometers away, At least [-] Chinese can fully undertake the task of training the recruits, and the combat effectiveness of the alliance can be restored quickly.

What worried the Japanese Army Colonel a little was that that bastard Utsunomiya had disappeared without a trace since he sent a telegram in the afternoon to discover the traces of the Four Elements Group.

The communications team of the wing headquarters kept calling, but there was no response from them.

Are they the main group that met the Chinese people?Or in order to prevent being discovered by the Chinese, they played radio silence?Ishiguro Zhenzo has no way of knowing.

What made him even more worried was that he finally found the Four Elements Group, whether the Chinese army with a cunning commander would sense danger and flee.

Although my mind was so full of thoughts that I didn't have a good rest all night, in any case, the Yellow River Bridge was more than 30 kilometers away. As long as the most important traffic line on the Yellow River is taken down, it will not only block the way for Chinese soldiers and civilians to flee south, It also paved the way for the division to attack Zhengzhou next, which can be regarded as a great achievement.

Therefore, at [-]:[-] the next morning, Shi Hei Zhenzang, with a pair of panda eyes, got up and ordered the whole army not to light a fire to cook food. The whole army had canned beef for breakfast. river march.

He had to cross the Bi River before the Chinese reacted.

After all, the telegram sent back by Utsunomiya made it very clear that the Bihe River is 50 meters wide. In such a winter day, if the Chinese respond and deploy defenses along the river, the alliance will have to pay unimaginable sacrifices if they want to cross the river. cost.

In the early morning light, the 2nd Infantry Regiment rushed towards Bihe at a high speed at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour.

In the darkness, the dirt road that can only be walked in a carriage, billows of smoke and dust.

But in an instant, it disappeared into the morning light with visibility of less than 10 meters.

The 2nd Infantry Wing did not realize that they were already more than 14 kilometers away from the main force of the 40th Division.

That is really too far.

For the Japanese army that has not yet entered mechanization, it may not be possible to rush to the battlefield within a day even if they run and vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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