Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 843 Don't be crazy, you'll die!

Chapter 843 Don't be crazy, you'll die!
This battlefield that broke out on the plain on the north bank of the Yellow River was recorded in the history of the Sino-Japanese war.

The title of the Chinese record for this battlefield is: The Japanese infantry regiment that died the fastest in the Great Patriotic War!

It's not how fast they died, but their marching speed is really top-notch.

15 kilometers from the station to the Bihe battlefield, an infantry regiment of more than 3000 people, and still carrying all the equipment, took only 2 hours, not including the 20-minute break in the middle, which means that they completely The speed of 9 kilometers is advancing.

With such a marching speed, the cliff can make the Sixing regiment feel ashamed. They have traveled an average of only 20 kilometers per day for 30 consecutive days, while the 14nd Infantry Regiment of the 2th Division ran half of it in just two hours. .

What is elite?This is.

Even Ishiguro Sadazo himself is proud of his subordinates.

It is not uncommon for troops to run 15 kilometers in two hours, but there are really not many troops under his command who can maintain a neat queue.

All the good mood of the Army Colonel riding on a tall horse was completely destroyed at the moment when the first ray of sunlight hit his face at dawn.

The things he was worried about finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

The reconnaissance team led by Captain Utsunomiya was discovered, and was found 3 kilometers away from the north bank of the Bihe River.

However, a total of 94 reconnaissance teams were piled up into a small pile.

Even without going to see the scene in person, listening to the report from the Major Commander of the First Infantry Battalion galloping forward, that image already appeared in Ishiguro Sadazo's mind.

More than [-] heads were piled up layer by layer, the ancient Beijing of China!
That is also an expression of the opponent's inexhaustibility.

Obviously, there is no need to ask why the reconnaissance team was wiped out. The Chinese should have mobilized heavy troops to encircle and kill them after they found traces of their own reconnaissance team on the other side of the Bi River, which led to the current situation.

Why did Utsunomiya's reconnaissance team not send a telegram to the regiment headquarters until all the members were broken? It is very likely that he did not expect such a tragedy at first, and when he wanted to send a telegram, it might be because the radio station was damaged or the communication soldier died. Lost that ability.

As for why the Chinese did not hesitate to build the Jingguan so far away from the Bihe River, according to the survey of the nearby terrain by the Japanese Army Major, fierce fighting took place there, and scorched black caused by a large number of explosions can be seen everywhere.

It should be that the reconnaissance team tried hard to evacuate, but still failed, and there was the furthest distance they escaped.

"Baga! Order the first and second brigades to continue to speed up and reach the bank of the Bihe River. When the Chinese army is unprepared, cross the river immediately. If there are Chinese troops stationed there, they will be defeated quickly. The artillery squadrons of the regiment will attack them. Carry out fire support, and in addition, let us know that we don't need any prisoners!" Ishiguro Sadazo issued the military order with a livid face.

"In addition, order the 1st Infantry Battalion to collect the remains of the imperial warriors, and pay homage to them when our troops defeat the Four Elements Regiment and use their heads to build a higher and larger Jingguan!"

The two infantry brigades of the 2nd Infantry Regiment were still advancing at a trot, but after receiving the military order from the rear regiment headquarters, they accelerated again.

Although the two infantry brigades were damaged in the continuous battles, they still maintained a strength of 900 troops each. The formation of more than 1800 people, if viewed from the air, looks like a long khaki-colored dragon, which is full of thighs. On the wasteland of wild grass, wriggling forward.

The heavy cowhide shoes stepped on the only dirt road leading to the bank of the Bihe River, and the footsteps were like thunder!
It completely shattered the originally quiet dawn on the wasteland of the Central Plains!
Because of the military order issued by Ishiguro Zhenzang at about [-] o'clock in the morning.

The record title given to this battle in the history of Japanese army warfare is: the most stupid military order in the history of army warfare, none of them!

Yes, in order to speed up the march, the two infantry brigades strode forward in a long snake formation on the only dirt road. They didn't even send any scouting soldiers, even if they were on both sides of the dirt road and couldn't see the side at a glance. None of the weeds were properly searched.

There, not to mention hiding people, even hiding a herd of bison is not easy to see, let alone under such a weather.

At 60 o'clock in the morning, the sky is just getting bright, and with the mist in the winter morning, the visibility is only [-] meters, which is by no means a good line of sight.

However, the Japanese army ignored these, and bravely rushed towards the quiet Bihe River along the only dirt road.

To be honest, it’s not that the more than 3000 Japanese troops from Ishiguro Sadazo are all pigs, but that since North China, the 14th Division has won consecutive battles and has hardly encountered any decent resistance. Even the First Army is equipped with such equipment. The excellent Chinese army, far superior in strength to the 14th Division, still suffered successive defeats.

It can be said that although the 14th Division did not make astonishing feats in conquering Jin Province like the 5th Division, they were better than the 5th Division in terms of battle damage and the speed at which they defeated the Chinese army.

Laozi is the number one in the standing division of the Imperial Japanese Army, and this idea has already spread in the 14th division.

Not to mention that they never thought that they would be ambushed by the Chinese army. Even if they were ambushed, they would still be able to smash the Chinese attack. This is the confidence exuded from the bones of the 14th Division.

Under such extreme self-confidence, they also made mistakes in their judgment.Even if the Chinese army wants to stop them, they can only rely on the natural dangers of the river to stop them, and not in this unobstructed plain area. For the Chinese army lacking artillery, it is completely suicidal.

If it were any other Chinese army, Ishiguro Sadazo's judgment would be correct. Putting down infantry on such an unobstructed plain, a single infantry squad might be gone as soon as a shell is fired. As long as a Chinese commander with a little brains , will not do so.

Unfortunately, what he met was the Four Elements Group!
Its supreme commander Tang Dao, according to Kenji Doihara, his favorite tactic is a surprise attack. What the opponent thinks is impossible is the best reason for him.

And the Four Elements Regiment is not an ordinary Chinese army. This time, they transported the equipment of two entire infantry regiments, not to mention dozens of heavy machine guns, more than 100 light machine guns, and even 150 caliber heavy mortars. There are 6 guns.

That thing, except that the range is only a little closer to 3300 meters, is not less powerful than the 105 howitzer at all.

In addition, there are still more than 82 20mm mortars, 7 infantry guns captured from the Japanese army, and 75 Type 4 [-] mountain guns.

And what about the 2nd Infantry Regiment?
Each infantry brigade is only equipped with two infantry artillery, and the regiment headquarters also has an infantry artillery squad with 4 infantry artillery squadrons, a total of 10 infantry artillery, plus the rapid-fire artillery squadron directly under the regiment headquarters is equipped with 6 37mm rapid-fire guns, mountain artillery The squadron is equipped with four 4mm 75-type mountain guns.

With a total of 20 artillery pieces, against ordinary Chinese troops, the heavy firepower of the 2nd Infantry Regiment can exceed that of an infantry division.

But in front of today's Four Elements Regiment, these 20 artillery can only be hanged, which is one of Tang Dao's confidence to play such a surprise tactic.

Of course, compared to the advantage of heavy firepower, the biggest reason why Tang Dao dared to make up his mind was probably the Czech semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns and shell guns that had been installed in the whole regiment.

That was a secret that Tang Dao didn't reveal during the military parade in the small town. Except for a few generals, no one knew that the entire Four Elements Regiment had installed continuous firearms capable of continuous shooting at the rank of first class .

Yes, except for the 500 recruits and student companies, all the battalions and companies had changed their outfits during the confrontation with the 20th Division more than 20 days ago, and even the cooking soldiers had put on their shell guns.

According to the most conservative estimate, the continuous firepower of the four-row regiment is three times what it used to be.Not to mention far surpassing the Chinese army, even the Japanese army equipped with [-]-style rifles is far behind.

Therefore, when the vanguard of the [-]st Infantry Battalion of the Japanese Army could see that the wide Bihe River was beginning to slow down, they planned to send leading soldiers to reconnaissance, and the main force was preparing to cross the river.


Gunshots rang out!
It was a flare gun in the wilderness.

Erya, pulled the trigger against the sky, and the red signal flare burst into brilliant red light high in the sky, like a meteor piercing through the haze, leaving a brilliant silhouette in the pupils of the Japanese soldiers who raised their heads and shrank suddenly.

What followed was a bean-popping gunshot.

Caught off guard, the Japanese army fell like mowing grass.

"Enemy attack!" The heart-piercing roar of the Japanese officer was quickly drowned out by the turbulent stream of metal bullets.

. . . . . . . . . .

The bullets came from the grass on both sides of the dirt road that the Japanese army did not care about after a rough inspection. Tang Dao took out all seven infantry companies in his hand, including Peng Chong's guard company and 500 of the 300 recruits.

The two infantry brigades of the Japanese army formed a long snake formation on the dirt road with a length of nearly 1500 meters. The six infantry companies and the attack line of 300 recruits on both sides of the dirt road happened to include this 1500-meter section of the road.

The nearest trench on the dirt road is only 30 meters away, and the distance farther away is only 40 meters, which is almost the distance of hand-to-hand combat.

Because the distance is too short, and Tang Dao uses ambushes from both sides of the road, even if the road is higher than the grass on both sides, the soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment spent the whole night digging a trench of nearly 90 centimeters. Dao still ordered each company to adopt a staggered formation.

That is to say, the squads and platoons are never allowed to face each other head-on, and must be staggered by a certain distance. All the firepower on both sides of the road, like a canine tooth, firmly clamps the entire dirt road.

The distribution of firepower was fine, the key was the bold tactic of using bushes and ambushing almost right under the noses of the Japanese army. Not to mention that the Japanese army did not think of it, even Lei Xiong, who advocated an active attack, was almost shocked. chin.

As long as the Japanese army is more careful and searches the grass, don't look at the soldiers who used the night time to dig trenches that are half the depth of the people, and cover them with straw mats sent by the logistics company and spread them with hay for enough camouflage. It is inevitable that they will be discovered. of.

At that time, the Japanese army bombarded the grass on the plain with various types of artillery, and there was a possibility of more than 90.00% that they could steal chickens and lose money.

But Tang Dao, who arrived at the north bank of the Bihe River at night, adopted this tactic arbitrarily after inspecting the terrain.

This is Tang Dao's inspiration from the almost miraculous "Shentouling" battle of Brigadier Chen of the 386th Brigade in time and space. Now that he has decided to catch him by surprise, he will use this to the extreme.

In the Battle of Shentouling, the ambush site of the 386th Brigade was only a dozen meters away from the Japanese army's advancing road, but the Japanese army did not notice it at all. In the end, the 386th Brigade wiped out more than 200 Japanese soldiers with more than [-] casualties of the baggage train.

What is even more amazing is that the main force that ambushed the Japanese army's supply team was not the main force of the 386 brigade, the 772nd and 771st regiments, but the supplementary regiments.

It is said to be a supplementary regiment, but it is actually a reserve army. During this period, the bullets of the regular army of the 386 brigade were only 10 bullets made in Hanyang, let alone the reserve army. According to the records of the war history at that time, the average number of men in the supplementary regiment of the 386 brigade was three One gun, each with 5 rounds of ammunition, but each has a red-tasseled gun.

The most fundamental reason for the annihilation of the more than a thousand Japanese invaders was that the ambush location was chosen very close. After all the officers and soldiers of the supplementary regiment fired all the bullets, they all started hand-to-hand combat with red-tasseled guns.

The Japanese army’s 1.7-meter-long 10th cover originally had an advantage over the 386-centimeter-shorter Hanyang-made, but the 2th Brigade’s supplementary regiment didn’t have many rifles at all, and the red tasseled gun, which was more than [-] meters long, was the most convenient in their hands. weapons.

Faced with the Japanese heavy soldiers whose rifles were tens of centimeters longer than their own, the 386th Brigade was able to win this magical battle.

On the other hand, the Sixing Regiment, the Japanese 2nd Infantry Regiment is not comparable to the heavy equipment in terms of equipment or fighting will, but the equipment of the Sixing Regiment and the 386th Brigade Supplementary Regiment are also in the sky and on the ground.

All infantry equipped with semi-automatic rifles are equipped with 120 rounds of ammunition, infantry equipped with submachine guns are equipped with 160 rounds of ammunition, and those equipped with shell guns are also equipped with 160 rounds of ammunition. In addition, because other baggage is discarded, each infantry carries an average of 6 grenades. , some with enough strength even brought as many as 10 pieces.

Light machine guns and grenades were not only distributed to each infantry squad, but each infantry company was equipped with up to 9 light machine guns and 9 grenades in each infantry squad. The machine guns were taken out, and each infantry company drew 8 machine gunners to serve as temporary heavy machine gunners, and 4 people were in charge of a heavy machine gun. Special personnel helped carry the heavy machine guns and ammunition during the march.

In this way, an infantry company has 9 light machine guns and 2 heavy machine guns, and the infantry company alone has 12 heavy machine guns.

But that’s not all. The three major infantry battalions have a machine gun company. Because the ambushes are too close, the mortars of the machine gun company will not bombard the road area when it is not necessary to prevent accidental injury. No, the 6 heavy machine gun squads were originally equipped with 6 heavy machine guns as standard. In order to strengthen the firepower, Tang Dao frantically equipped the heavy machine gun squad with two Maxim heavy machine guns.

That means that the six infantry companies and three machine gun companies in charge of ambushing in the grass on both sides of the road have 54 light machine guns in addition to the semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, and shell guns equipped by nearly a thousand infantrymen. There are 48 Qin heavy machine guns, 54 grenadiers, and 82 18-caliber mortars.

According to the configuration of the Japanese infantry brigade, the two infantry brigades marching on the dirt road, one infantry squad is equipped with two light machine guns, one squadron has no more than 6 guns, and the two infantry brigades have a maximum of 48 guns. The two heavy machine gun squadrons equipped with the two infantry brigades only had 24 Type 92 heavy machine guns, but they were completely beaten by 48 Maxim guns.

Tang Dao felt that it was not enough to hit the Japanese army with heavy firepower.

The ambush location chosen by the Four Elements Regiment is no more than 40 meters away from the dirt road. The purpose is to facilitate bombing.

There are nearly a thousand infantrymen, with an average of six or seven grenades on each person, which is thousands of grenades. The other 300 recruits who were ordered to participate in the battle did not just come to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield.

The recruits who were also in the trenches were ordered not to shoot unless there was an emergency. All they had to do was to throw all the grenades they carried.

It doesn't need to be accurate in throwing, just throw the grenade 30 meters or 40 meters away as they usually train. That is the only tactical training for recruits in this month besides the training queue. I didn't expect it to be so fast. It came in handy.

Such grenadiers are basically allocated 50 people to each infantry company participating in the ambush.

This also means that the Japanese troops on the road at this time not only have to suffer from the baptism of dense metal bullets with an intensity they have never experienced before, but also have to withstand the intensity of an average grenade explosion per 10 square meters.

That is, within five or six seconds, the sound of explosions, howls, and roars resounded across the dirt road, and the movement was much louder than the previous Japanese march.

It was almost like a thunderbolt, completely tearing apart all the tranquility in this wilderness with an area of ​​several square kilometers.

Let alone 500 meters away on the south bank of the Bihe River, holding a telescope and looking at the cannons on the battlefield in a distance Zang was almost frightened by the muffled thunder that intertwined and fell off his horse.

He hurriedly picked up the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked ahead. The thick gunpowder even broke through the pre-dawn mist and entered his field of vision.

"Are the Chinese crazy?" The Japanese Army Chief, whose face was instantly pale as paper, was stunned.

Yes, the Chinese must be crazy.

In the face of the Japanese army who was almost reduced to dimensionality, if the Chinese did not become lunatics, they would become dead.

Both, can only choose one of the two.

Cheng Dakui thought so.

"I'll blow you up, I'll blow you up, you bastard." Cheng Dakui was throwing a grenade on the dirt road 40 meters away.

While casting, he roared crazily.

Looking away at the grenade he threw, a black-gray flower bloomed on the dirt road, Cheng Dakui's eyes were full of tears.

Two months ago, he was just the most ordinary farmer in the Chinese countryside. He worked in the farmland on weekdays, and then returned home. The son who started to babble with a few teeth, the exhaustion of the day disappeared in an instant.

Cheng Dakui once thought that he would live his life in such a safe and stable way. When he raised his son, he got married and had a baby. He and his wife would take care of the children for him. Finally, like his father, he closed his eyes and kicked his legs to the sky calmly. .

However, the war started and the Japanese came.

Everything that Cheng Dakui possessed, all his imagination, came to an abrupt end that day!

He was crazy, like he is today.

The bullets fired back by the Japanese army whizzed around him, and he seemed to feel the scorching temperature of the bullets in his ears and temples, but he was not afraid, and threw the grenade in his hand far more standard than usual training.

Blood debts can only be repaid with blood!
This is the only belief that supports him to continue to live!

The Four Elements Group gave him a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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