Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 844 When the madness meets the madness!

Chapter 844 When the madness meets the madness!
Home has become a scene of fire!

The unbeautiful but gentle wife was lying half naked on the edge of the courtyard door, and the once lively and lovely son had his brains burst and fell to his death in the courtyard!

This is the last picture of home that Cheng Dakui, who just came back from shopping in the town, saw.

He was crazy, he picked up a hoe, and wanted to chase out the Japanese devils who had left the village, but was stopped by the remaining villagers in the village.

The crazy Cheng Dakui sat in the yard and stayed with his deceased wife and children for three days and nights. During those three days, there was no water or rice. He wanted to die, and he wanted to go to that cold world with his wife and children. He was afraid that they would be afraid. .

In the end, it was the only surviving uncle in the village who woke him up. The hatred of killing his wife and children is irreconcilable, and not taking revenge and only thinking about death is just a cowardly choice.

Cheng Dakui buried his wife and children, left his hometown, and became a refugee. He wanted to join the army, but he was thin and poorly dressed, and even the army refused to accept him.

Until he met the Four Elements Group and became one of the 500 recruits.

He is thin and not strong enough, but he has been holding his breath. If others stand in the military posture for two hours, then he will stand for three hours. If he throws grenades for an hour, he will throw for an extra half an hour.

Active additional training may not show any effect in a short period of time, but all his efforts were not in vain. He became one of the 300 recruits who were brought to the battlefield.

To be honest, the sudden blazing gunfire and explosion sounded completely different from the training ground. I don’t know how many recruits were scared to pee their pants at that moment. No matter how the veteran squad leader roared, at least half of them were lying in the trenches. Here, he threw the grenade tremblingly, the distance was no more than a dozen meters at most, not to mention that the Japanese were not hit, and it also blocked the sight of the infantry who were shooting wildly.

Cheng Dakuina was also afraid for a moment, afraid that he would be shot and rolled in the trench in pain like a recruit not far away from him, but when he saw with his own eyes a Japanese soldier was blown up by a grenade two or three meters high , At the moment when even his legs were blown away, the switch in his brain seemed to be turned on.

In a daze, he saw his son who was thrown to death alive, and his wife who was stabbed to death with a bayonet.

He stood up from the trench like crazy, firmly and forcefully pulled the fuse of the grenade that had been unscrewed by his side, and threw it out.

He only needs to blow up two Japanese devils, and he will avenge his wife and children, and this soldier is not in vain.

The battlefield is like this, the more you fear, the faster you may die!

In less than 40 seconds, the crazy Cheng Dakui threw 10 grenades in one breath, and almost every grenade exploded 35 meters away.

Of course, the power of grenades cannot be compared with mortar shells, but the killing radius is two to three meters. The reaction of the Japanese infantry is already very fast. After being hit, the Japanese infantry who were not injured quickly left the road and rolled into the dirt road The grass, the way of crawling on the ground to reduce the projectile surface allowed most of them to avoid the blazing rain of bullets, but in the face of such long-handled grenades that kept falling from the sky, they could only be bombed.

Cheng Dakui saw with his own eyes that the grenade he threw had blown at least five or six devils 'jumping' high. Not only did he get his wife and children back, but he also made money.

"Hui! Tian'er! I have avenged you." Cheng Dakui's tears finally rolled down his face.

"Da Kui, good job, this box of grenades is yours, continue to throw it for me, and I will give you credit after the war!" A hand slapped Cheng Dakui hard on the shoulder.

Cheng Dakui turned his head, he was the usual stern veteran squad leader, but now his face was full of gunpowder, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was almost hoarse.

Before he had time to nod, a whole box of grenades was carried by two soldiers and placed next to Cheng Dakui. The veteran patted the shoulder of the thin recruit in front of him, and bent over to leave.

The veteran was in a hurry. He had a squad of 25 recruits and allocated nearly 300 grenades. However, in the past 1 minute, less than 60 grenades were thrown out, and many of them exploded more than 20 meters away, which did not work at all. In terms of role, after the war, he, the squad leader, cannot escape the blame.

Fortunately, he was not mistaken about the little recruit who usually trained the hardest. Facing the hail of bullets from the Japanese counterattack, he threw 10 grenades by himself, and the distance was very far. Let alone the leader among the 300 recruits, it was 90.00% Veterans are inferior to him.

If these turtle grandchildren are all soft-bodied, they might as well die here!

"Give me all the hard shots, whoever dares to steal and play tricks for me doesn't need to work hard, I don't need bullets from devils, I will enforce the military law for you now!" Supervise the battle in a trench of more than 200 meters.

Although the recruits were afraid of the bullets from the Japanese army, they were even more afraid of the extremely strict veteran squad leader. They knew that the squad leader was always right. He said that the enforcement of military laws was not as simple as what he said in words.

'The lesser of two evils! 'This principle is the simplest, but the recruits can only grit their teeth to cheer themselves up and throw grenades forward.

Of course, courage alone cannot stop bullets, and the casualties of recruits also increase accordingly.

This is also a process that recruits must go through to become veterans, not going through the battlefield, but walking on the verge of death!
No matter how much you talk about on the training ground, it doesn't matter at this moment.

If you are lucky, you can become a veteran from a recruit, but if you are unlucky, you will always be a recruit!
This is just an insignificant microcosm of the battlefield. Bravery and cowardice, life and death are vividly displayed!

If the recruits of the Four Elements Regiment are still struggling between bravery and cowardice, and the grenades they need to throw are far from meeting expectations, then the veterans are completely different. They are extremely resolute in carrying out Tang Tuanzuo's orders.

Before the battle, all 7 infantry companies and guard companies were replaced with continuous firearms. 300 automatic rifles, 340 submachine guns, and 600 shell guns were completely distributed to each infantry. Drown the Japanese with bullets.

Not counting light and heavy machine guns, the 1250 infantry alone carried nearly 15 rounds of ammunition. This level of ammunition consumption is usually enough for an infantry brigade to fight for a whole day, but this time, Tang Tuanzuo The order is, within an hour at the latest, give me a blank, if you still can't get it done, then do it again.

In order to implement Tang Tuanzuo's intention of firepower coverage, the baggage company in charge of staying in front of the Yellow River Bridge used a pack horse cart to transport it twice overnight, and prepared 40 rounds of various ammunition alone. All evacuated.

Tang Tuanzuo was not such a prodigal son at first, maybe he was irritated by being pursued by Tu Feiyuan, not to mention moving out the ammunition he had just replenished from the secret arsenal of the Northeast Army, and even planned to give it to the 22nd Army and the 129th Army. The division's ammunition was spent.

Looking at that posture, Chief of Staff Zhuang Da had the illusion that Tang Tuanzuo wanted to empty out the ammunition in a battle, and then the whole regiment would run away with light packs.

He was right to think so, and Tang Dao also felt that the Four Elements Regiment was carrying too much weight. If the 14th Division was chasing it like a mad dog, then the ammunition that they had worked so hard to transport might become the Japanese. The members of the Four Elements Regiment will also suffer great losses, so it is better to put them all on the Japanese.

The battle of the 2nd Infantry Regiment was actually based on this strategic guiding ideology.

It doesn't matter if Tang Dao makes such a decision. The two infantry brigades of the 2nd Infantry Regiment in the encirclement are really unlucky.

On the 1500-meter-long front, almost 10 rounds of bullets are flying every minute. The infantry fire an average of [-] rounds per minute, and there are nearly a hundred light and heavy machine guns in total?

If it is condensed, it also means that there will be more than 10 bullets flying in a space of one meter. Whoever dares to look up may be torn apart by the crazy bullet flow.

In the first ten seconds, the Japanese army suffered at least 500 casualties under the torn-off of this crazy metal bullet flow. The remaining Japanese infantry who lay in the grass did not have much chance to fight back. Most of them were killed. Pressed in the grass, I couldn't even raise my head.

The Japanese infantry were in a state of complete confusion for at least 1 minute.

As soldiers of the 14th Division, they were not frightened by being ambushed by the Chinese, but by the terrible firepower of the Chinese.

In fact, this kind of firepower density, not to mention that they have never experienced it, even on the battlefield between Germany and Maoxiong that is about to break out, in terms of bullets, it is extremely rare at the same scale.

But that's just the initial mindset.

The mood of the Japanese infantry is basically divided into four stages: ignorance, waiting, pain, and despair!
The Japanese infantry may not be lucky after waking up from their bewilderment. The Chinese should be the legendary Cheng Yaojin three axes. This kind of firepower consumption, looking at the whole of Asia, no army can last forever, maybe waiting for a while, They will be unsustainable.

So, they waited, but what they waited for was that the firepower continued and countless grenades were falling.

Those things, some bombed on the ground, some waited for a few seconds to explode, and some were far away and some were close, with no rules at all. No matter where you were, there was a chance of being bombed.

All battlefield evasion tactics are useless in front of this thing.

If you want to live, you can only rely on luck!

An elite Japanese veteran who could have easily killed ten people in a field battle could only watch helplessly as a smoked grenade landed one meter beside him, then exploded, and then he was killed The air wave was blown out several meters!
That feeling of powerlessness is really painful.

It wasn't that no veterans launched a counterattack. At least dozens of Japanese veterans pressed their bodies close to the ground, saw the dark blue shadow from the corner of their eyes, and then shot and hit the target!

But soon, they will be overwhelmed by more violent bullets, either by bullets or by the ensuing grenade fragments.

According to statistics, within 3 minutes of the start of the war, more than half of the 1800 Japanese infantry brigades suffered battle damage. Among the 900 soldiers, about one-third died of bullet-penetrating wounds, but only [-]/[-] died of grenade fragments. Accounted for two-thirds.

Tang Daoding's fire suppression and grenade killing tactics were more than half successful.

Of course, among the 900 people, only about 500 are actually real infantry, and the remaining 400 are mostly heavy machine gunners and artillery.

Yes, compared with the blows encountered by the two heavy machine gun squadrons, the Japanese infantry who lived by luck in the grass were living in heaven.

The treatment of the two heavy machine gun squadrons is very good, basically there are pack horses to help transport heavy machine guns and ammunition and other equipment, so the target is also obvious.

From the moment they entered the battlefield, the grenadiers who were in charge of besieging the Japanese army on the dirt road almost all set their sights on them, or the two machine gun companies of the first and second battalions were also added.

Yes, the two infantry brigades of the Japanese army entered the encirclement, and the two infantry battalions of the Four Elements Regiment were responsible for attacking them.

The first battalion is headed by deputy regiment commander and battalion commander Lei Xiong. On the left side of the dirt road, there are two infantry companies and one machine gun company under his command. In addition, there are 9 companies from the third battalion and 150 recruits; the second battalion is led by battalion commander Guo Shouzhi. Sitting in town, on the right side of the dirt road, with two infantry companies, one machine gun company and a regiment guard company, plus 150 recruits;
In addition to the enhancement of heavy machine guns, the two machine gun companies also increased their mortars. It was only due to the expansion of the backbone from the artillery company in Panghai a month ago, and the bombardment level was not as good as that of the original artillery company.

Therefore, Tang Dao ordered that unless there are special operational needs, the mortar groups located 500 meters away from the two wings of the road should not fire easily.

It's not terrible to make a mistake of more than ten meters. If you make a mistake of three or 40 meters, you will blow up your brothers.

But the heavy machine gun squadrons of the Japanese army were the key care objects. Lei Xiong and Guo Shouzhi, two chief officers, realized that if the two heavy machine gun squadrons of the Japanese army were to be equipped with heavy machine guns, the casualties would definitely be greater than the number of people who might be accidentally injured.

These two, one from the 88th Division and the other from the 67th Army, are tough figures who have experienced the battlefield of mountains of corpses and seas of blood. If ten lives were exchanged for hundreds of lives, they would never frown.

The machine gun companies of the two battalions were issued a military order that all mortars must be aimed at the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army on the dirt road.

Of course, in order to prevent accidental injury, all the gunners who adjust the distance of the mortar must be veterans, otherwise they would rather the mortar not participate in the war.

Therefore, when the red signal flare hit the sky, about 10 mortars from the two machine gun companies aimed at the two heavy machine gun squadrons to bombard them, but there were as many as 30 grenades that bombarded them. of grenades.
The density of firepower can be imagined with the heel.

If it is simply said that within 3 minutes of the start of the war, the casualty rate of the two heavy machine gun squadrons exceeded 80.00%, which may not be enough to explain the intensity of their firepower.

According to post-war statistics, the pack horses of the two heavy machine gun squadrons were frightened and jumped down the grass, not to mention all of them were killed. At the speed of the frightened galloping horses, the furthest one did not reach ten meters in front of the trenches of the Four Elements Regiment.

The two heavy machine gun squadrons fired perhaps less than 200 rounds, and the entire army was wiped out.

That should be the first unit of the Japanese infantry brigade to be destroyed, but their colleagues will definitely not last long, and they will soon be reunited with Amaterasu God.

By the 10th minute of the beating, the mentality of the Japanese army had turned from pain to despair.

Because, the imaginary reinforcements were blocked.

Ishiguro Sadazo is not a fool, and the last infantry brigade following his regiment headquarters is not just for nothing.

The next second after shouting that the Chinese were crazy, Ishiguro Sadazo issued an order to reinforce the front.

The Third Infantry Brigade invested all four infantry squadrons and one heavy machine gun squadron under its command, with nearly a thousand troops.

Of course, they would no longer be foolishly staying on the dirt road with obvious targets and marching towards the battlefield hundreds of meters away. The four infantry squadrons were all scattered in the grass in the wilderness, rushing towards the battlefield at high speed.

Behind them, there are 4 mountain cannons, 4 infantry cannons and 6 rapid-fire cannons that have already started to shoot.

In just 5 minutes, they advanced more than 400 meters, and there were more than 200 meters before they arrived at the battlefield.

But this 200 meters has become an insurmountable distance for the Japanese Third Infantry Battalion.

Because there was an infantry battalion blocking their way.

That was Leng Feng's third battalion!
Li Jiujin's 7th company is on the left, Luo Xingbang's 8th company is on the right, and Mo Songzi's 3rd machine gun company is 50 meters behind the two infantry companies, and the horizontal distance from the trench that is nearly perpendicular to the dirt road is more than 1000 meters.

If you add the trenches on both sides of the road with a total length of more than 4000 meters, and in some special locations, there are second-line trenches, and the trenches dug and camouflaged by the Four Elements Group at night can exceed 6000 meters.

From the arrival of the Four Elements Regiment to the arrival of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, it took only 7 hours, which is almost impossible to complete.

But the Four Elements Regiment was completed. In addition to nearly [-] people risking their lives, the engineer company of the New Eighth Division who volunteered to march with the Four Elements Regiment was almost tired and vomited blood.

Sweat more before a battle and bleed less in war.

The two infantry companies lurked in the camouflaged trenches until the observation post fired the first shot with a shell gun. The stormy bullets tore up the weeds up to waist deep, and the human body was in vain.

Of course the Japanese army was vigilant. They also bent over when they advanced, even if the blades of weeds scratched their faces, but their lives were more important than that, right?

Moreover, the distance between them is very wide, the four infantry squadrons distributed on both wings, the distance between individual soldiers is at least more than 3 meters!
But even so, under the first wave of blows, at least nearly a hundred people fell.

The reason is very simple, because Leng Feng's third battalion also transferred an infantry company to the first battalion, and they also took on the dual task of blocking Japanese reinforcements.

Tang Tuanzuo, who was about to completely empty out the ammunition, frantically prepared 22 heavy machine guns for Mo Songzi's machine gun company, not Maxim, but the Type 92 captured from the Japanese army in previous battles, plus the original 6 Maxim. Songzi has 28 heavy machine guns under his command.

Heavy machine guns are not rifles, they can be operated by anyone who comes here. In order to maintain the continuous firepower of the heavy machine guns, Leng Feng almost dispatched all the machine gunners of each infantry squad, and all of them were reinforced to Mo Songzi's machine gun company.

As for the light machine guns of each squad, of course, they can only be used temporarily by the squad leaders of each squad, and they can use them as soon as they are easy to use.

The former sergeant machine gun shooter may have never commanded so many heavy machine gun salvos. When he roared "Hit me!", the trembling sound of his little tongue made people almost mistakenly think that he was the one who was beaten.

Even if it is distributed on the defense line of nearly a thousand meters, it is creepy to have the firepower of a heavy machine gun sweeping across an average of 30 meters.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and the heavy machine guns firing frantically, not to mention the muzzle bullets shining, could clearly see the fiery red ballistic trajectories from a distance, like chains of ecstasy extending from the depths of hell.

who I am?where am iHow should I fight?This is the mood of the Japanese infantry who were blinded by the brilliant bullets at that moment.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: In the previous chapter, there was a mistake in writing the number of semi-automatic rifles. I am really sorry. It was Fengyue who wrote it in confusion, and it will be revised after the update.

In addition, I would like to announce that Fengyue's true self, "Han and Tang Fengyue" will soon come back to the arena. In August, a science fiction book will be launched. It is about the collision of the real world and the world of mountains and seas. What kind of sparks will be created when the demon encounters?This is the story of Fengyue's careful preparation for half a year!

However, book friends, don’t worry, the reason why Fengyue dares to double-open is that there are few things in the second half of the year, and Fengyue will definitely focus on military affairs. The updates are very stable.After the new book comes out, I will tell you again.

(End of this chapter)

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