Defect another world

Chapter 260 Where are we going?

Chapter 260 Where are we going?
But what he didn't expect was that for some reason, the maid who was clearly empty-handed suddenly had a black iron chain on her hands, with the cross in front.

This iron chain is composed of many black metal rings the size of wine glasses interlocking with each other.He stabbed with the knife, just in a ring hole.

A miraculous thing happened, the maid of the genius doctor's house didn't move at all, but the iron ring deflected by itself.

It didn't matter if the thrust of his dagger was deflected upwards, he thrust too hard and couldn't hold it back at all, and both wrists also deflected upwards unexpectedly.

The maid let go of her right hand.It's obviously just an iron chain, so you have to pull at both ends to cross it, right?But it is swaying abruptly like a sword?

Before Feng Si could see clearly, the maid's vacant right hand had already slammed into his wrists that were deflected upwards and could not be retracted.

He heard a click, and his wrists dislocated together.The severe pain came like lightning, causing him to fall to the ground, rolling and screaming.

He hadn't rolled for a long time, and the iron chain was wrapped around his neck, and he was hung up.

"Who else did you tell about the arrest warrant besides yourself?"

Feng Si continued to scream, but didn't answer at all.But a second later he regretted it.Because the chain is tightening with incredible force.

"Please forgive me!"

He no longer had the strength to struggle, and could only make a weak begging sound with his hoarse throat.

The maid of the genius doctor's house was still gloomy, but her tone was a little relaxed.

"Say it obediently, I won't kill you, but I will cure you."

"I say.

"The arrest warrant was given to me by my cousin who works in the county seat.

"At that time, I told him that there is a miracle doctor who can cure all diseases, so he showed me this piece of paper.

"Although I recognized Master Miracle Doctor, I didn't report him!

"I just want to borrow some money from the genius doctor."



"it is good."

Xiaoluo nodded.Just as she nodded, Feng Si heard bursts of crisp metal bounce.

The iron rings that made up the iron chain around his neck unexpectedly bounced open a gap, and then separated.

But immediately after a series of whistling sounds, four razor-sharp blades popped out from each iron ring.


All the hoops were spinning suddenly.His neck immediately turned into minced meat like meat thrown into a meat grinder.

A few hundred steps away, He Ma finally caught up with his heavy luggage.

He clearly told Xiao Luo not to bring too many things.But women are like this, there are too many belongings that they are reluctant to part with.

Just a big basket for a change of clothes, and even pots, pans and spoons.

"Why bring such a heavy iron pot?"

"My lord, I'm afraid you don't know? Iron pots are rare in southern Xinjiang, and you may not be able to buy them if you have money! What will I use to cook soup for you?"

The southern border of Qingmang is no better than Zhongtu. Many villages only eat barbecue, and there is no mention of cooking or stewing.

"Then what's the use of the tent?"

"Didn't you say that we have to go a long way? If there is no village or shop on the road, we may have to go camping."

"What about the hammock and the folding stool?"

"Well, didn't you say camping?"

"You don't need to bring pajamas for camping, do you?"

"How do you sleep without pajamas?"


Originally, Xiao Luo had to carry the luggage.But Meng Fei felt that he was a man, and as a young man from the era of equality between men and women, he had to memorize things.

He wanted Xiao Luo to hurry up and go ahead to stop Feng Si.Feng Si must die, and the money must be returned.Just don't die in your own home.

But where to find him?
Meng Fei originally wanted to go to the village to ask questions, but when he was leaving along the way, he ran into several acquaintances on the narrow path.

He asked them all, but no one came across Feng Si.

He immediately thought that this guy took the money and didn't dare to go the right way, he must have gone through the dense forest.

The dense forest in this area is simply vast and boundless, where can I find him?

Most people will definitely get lost when they walk in.But anyone who understands knows that first find the stream, and then walk along the stream. After more than ten miles, you can see the village.

So Meng Fei carried his things behind and asked Xiao Luo to chase after him along the stream.

When he arrived, Feng Si was already decapitated, and he could not rest in peace.

"Here's the bank note. Also, the arrest warrant on him."

Xiao Luo obediently handed in the errand, both sheets of paper were covered with blood.But still intact.

"He said that he saw the arrest warrant at his cousin in the county seat, and he didn't tell anyone about you."

"The county seat? Are they all posted in the county seat?"

The nearest county seat is Zong County, but even if it is the closest, it is actually more than 200 miles away.

But since the arrest warrants have been sent to southern Xinjiang, it means that the people in Songdu have noticed his general whereabouts.That's exactly what's annoying.

Looks like I'll have to go a little further this time.

For Meng Fei, this experience is a cutscene from a thousand years ago.

Feng Si is obviously a key figure in promoting the plot.He urges Homer to leave the bamboo hut in the jungle where he has lived for so long.

If it weren't for this, He Ma couldn't have witnessed the birth of Taotie five days later.

But where did He Ma go, and where did he finally meet Taotie and be born?

Meng Fei didn't have to try hard to guess how He Ma was thinking.Because he is Ho Ma now.

He only needs to try not to mix the memory of the thousand years later, and fully replace the original self of the thousand years ago, and the plot will be promoted naturally.

So the following uses Ho Ma to call our protagonist.

He Ma and Xiao Luo dug a hole together, buried Feng Si, and covered it with thick thorns and grass after burying it.

When they climbed the hill and continued westward, the sun was already westward, and the sky was golden.

The jungle stretched like a thick green blanket to a blurred horizon that merged with the orange sky.

"where are we going?"

Xiao Luo doesn't need to carry anything on his back, and he is flexible, bouncing around in the jungle like a light and light deer.

He Ma carried dozens of kilograms of luggage and followed him through mountains and rivers with difficulty.

"Let's go to Rong County."

Although Rong County is adjacent to Zong County, it takes more than 300 miles to walk in this way.

Fortunately, He Ma never worried about the long distance.His life is to change from one place to another, just treat it as a tour of mountains and rivers.

"Why did we go to Rong County?"

"I heard that there was a barbarian invasion recently, and many people died in Rong County."

"Oh, I know."

Xiao Luo jumped onto a dead tree that was covered with mushrooms and lay down on the ground. While spreading his hands to maintain his balance, he walked forward cautiously.

"You want to save the wounded."


Ho Ma shook his head.

He is not a real doctor, so he will not rush to save people.What's more, it was a massacre, and the people in Rong County were all dead, and there was no one to save.

(End of this chapter)

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