Defect another world

Chapter 261 Homer's Sin

Chapter 261 Homer's Sin

From here, you can either go east to Zong County or west to Rong County.

A warrant for his arrest had already appeared in Zong County, and the yamen must have received a document to arrest him.However, Rong County has just been massacred by aliens, and it is in chaos, and the official government office no longer exists.

In such a comparison, it is self-evident which is safer for him.

"Hehe, actually it is."

Xiao Luo is sticking to his point of view.



"It's really not..."

This debate, in which no one can convince anyone, lasted from day to night.

After the last ray of sunlight disappeared over the high mountains to the west, the sky was covered with starlight, covering the entire forest, like black velvet covered with countless shining gems.

Because they wanted to take a look at the scenery along the way, they climbed up a high mountain and set up camp by a cool water pool halfway up the mountain.

There is an iron pot in the middle, and a fire is burning underneath.The soup in the iron pot was boiling, exuding a strong aroma.

Swirling in the soup was a pot of chopped pheasant from game they killed along the way.

Xiao Luo held a big spoon in his hand, scooped up some soup and tasted it first.While it smells good, it still tastes a bit bland.

She carefully took the seasoning jar and added salt to it.

"You see what I said is right? You must bring the iron pot and salt shaker. Otherwise, how could you drink such good chicken soup?"

He Ma didn't seem to hear her words, and looked up at the starry sky motionlessly.

On the mountains thousands of years ago, trees and vines covered the sky and the sun.But this pool of water brings a rare open space.

Although the terrain here is high, there is no wide view.Because there are tall trees overlapping all around, it looks like many huge, dark stone statues of gods and monsters in the firelight, surrounding the two of them in the middle.

Although there is no moon in the sky, the stars are extremely bright, like black jade inlaid with countless bright and brilliant gemstones, reflected in the calm pool water.

In fact, the seemingly calm pool of water is connected to the cliff.A few hundred cloth away, it turns into a waterfall and slants down.The faint sound of running water can already be heard here.

On this night thousands of years ago, He Ma was thinking about who he was, where he came from, and where he was going.He is not a man with a complete memory.

A huge accident seven years ago caused him to lose his memory before that, so that he forgot the answers to those three questions.

It was the first battle of the gods, and the gods worked together to defeat the god of death who was the most powerful and built the largest empire in this world.The god of death just fell.

The Grim Reaper is believed to be the cause of all death in this world.For he kills life to create death, and uses it to prolong his own life.

But the strange thing is that after the first war of gods, no living thing gained eternal life.Death is still there.Some people infer from this that the Grim Reaper is not dead.

Seven years ago, Xiao Luo was 13 years old.She was pierced with a spear and her intestines flowed out.It was raining heavily, and she was soaked in the mud with many dead people.

Ho Ma pulled her out from the pile of dead people and put her on the horse's back.At that moment, all the wounds on her body healed instantly.

Meng Fei could easily recall the scene of him rescuing Xiao Luo.But the strange thing is that there is no trace of Ho Ma's memory before that.

"Come on, try it."

A bowl of steaming steaming chicken soup was delivered to Casually.Xiaoluo scooped up half a spoonful with a wooden spoon, and then blew gently.

"Don't worry, it's not hot."

Meng Fei took a sip, and the delicious taste immediately filled his mouth.

"How about it?"


"are you hungry?"


"Then I'll feed you."

"I will do it myself."

The two struggled for a whole day in the rough and difficult jungle, and they couldn't hold back once they started moving.After a while, the contents of the pot were nothing but a pile of broken bones.

It's cold at night, but there are a lot of mosquitoes.There are also many strange bugs rushing towards the fire, flying into the flames without hesitation until they turned into a pile of coke.

Xiao Luo lit the mosquito coil, and Meng Fei smelled the lavender-like fragrance in the room again.

"You even brought mosquito coils with you?"

"Of course. Don't you know how poisonous mosquitoes are in the wild?"

Xiao Luo showed a proud look of "I've thought of it a long time ago", sitting obediently next to him, leaning against him, and looking up at the starry sky with him.

"Why do we run around? Isn't it good to just stop in one place and live?"

No one yearns for a peaceful life more than Xiao Luo, who climbed out of the dead in the first battle of the gods.

But she has been with He Ma for seven years, and she has moved to many places in these seven years, running around all the time.

"Who told me to be a bad guy, being hunted all day long?"

Meng Fei turned his head and found an excuse.But he was very clear about He Ma's thoughts thousands of years ago.

It was not difficult for Homer to find a place to hide from the pursuit.He went from one place to another, looking for his lost memory.


Xiao Luo leaned closer to him.

"Our family, Homer, is the nicest person in the world."


"You have cured more patients than all doctors combined."

"You can't say that."

Meng Fei decided to tell the truth for Ho Ma.

"Because I like to enjoy myself very much and need a lot of money, that's why I treat people."

In fact, the same goes for writing books.

"What's the matter, that's the money you should get."

Xiaoluo's eyes reflected the starlight and looked particularly bright.

"This one……"

Meng Fei decided to educate this innocent girl from the perspective of origin.

"My crime is greater than any murderer.

"Because I am doing bad things, not good things, by treating people. Because..."

"You're talking nonsense again."

Xiao Luo looks like your theories are coming again, but I don't read much, so don't lie to me all the time.

"Because I am not looking for the cause, experimenting with drugs, and prescribing the right medicine to cure the disease. I use the method of 'stealing' negative entropy to treat the disease."

Meng Fei used words that were thousands of years later.


Xiao Luo was at a loss.

Xiao Han, who has been changed for a thousand years, has studied with Lao Li in the Ability Department for so long, and may be more proficient in this area than him.

"Negtropy is order. The order in this world is created by mortals.

"For example, if a doctor treats a disease, a farmer cultivates the field, and a craftsman makes a tool, then they are producing negative entropy."

"But me, I didn't create any negative entropy when I treated people. I directly stole negative entropy from this world to treat people."

"What does that matter?"

Xiaoluo looked down at the black crystal-like water reflecting the sky and trees.

"I don't care what you produce or steal. As long as you can cure the sick, you are a good person!"

"It's different."

Meng Fei told her the cruel truth.

"Because I'm stealing negentropy, I'm going to create more chaos. Let's just say that for every one person I heal, there might be three."

(End of this chapter)

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