godfather of surgery

Chapter 1005: Brainstem Surgery for 3 Heads in 2 Days

Chapter 1005: Brainstem Surgery Every Other Day

Guan Ruyan never expected that Yang Ping would give him a choice in this way, forcing him to choose emergency surgery.

Let's have the surgery. Guan Ruyan felt that it was meaningless to have the surgery now, so he said, "Okay, I agree. Emergency surgery immediately. Professor Yang, please."

Since Guan Ruyan agreed, Ding Xinyu would definitely nod along.

This kind of emergency surgery basically allows the patient to enter the operating room at any time, with a green channel all the way. Soon, Principal Ding was pushed into the operating room. Lu Xiaolu followed behind Yang Ping: "Professor Yang, please."

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Yang Ping comforted him, hoping that he could keep himself calm.

Yang Ping immediately called Song Zimo and asked him and Xu Zhiliang to come as quickly as possible to assist in the operation. However, the two were still on the operating table, so they could only come after the operation was over. Yang Ping could only take Director Lu, the director of the Department of Neurosurgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu, to perform the operation together first.

The operating room at the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu is in very good condition and has the most advanced neurosurgical microscope. Yang Ping is the lead surgeon and Director Lu is his assistant. The operation is very difficult and they have to be prepared to stop the operation midway at any time.

Professor Su, Principal Rao, Guan Ruyan, Ding Xinyu, Lu Xiaolu and others were waiting in the family waiting area outside the operating room. Guan Ruyan hid aside several times to make phone calls because the other party kept urging him when to divorce. He could only say as soon as possible. Ding Xinyu had been kept in the dark about this matter, and only Lu Xiaolu knew about it. At this time, Lu Xiaolu did not want to expose him, nor did he have the mind to expose him.

The operation was extremely difficult, so difficult that it was suffocating. Under the shadowless lamp, Director Lu felt a little breathless. This kind of operation was simply impossible to do. However, Yang Ping sat in the position of the surgeon, holding the instruments in his hands, calmly separating and stopping the bleeding bit by bit, and steadily moving towards the depths of the brain stem.

Director Lu had no experience with this type of surgery, so he didn't dare to act rashly. As an assistant, he was also hesitant about many operations.

Principal Rao was sitting in the family waiting area outside the operating room. He recalled the days when he worked with Principal Ding. In fact, Principal Ding did not have any principled shortcomings. Except for being a little selfish when it came to his daughter and son-in-law, everything else was pretty good. He was conscientious, not greedy for money, not a follower of the crowd, and there was nothing wrong with his lifestyle.

When Academician Xiang received the news, he also called President Rao to ask about Principal Ding's condition. President Rao briefly explained the condition and told Academician Xiang that Yang Ping was performing surgery on Principal Ding and there was still a glimmer of hope.

In the operating room, Yang Ping was working hard. Outside the operating room, except for Guan Ruyan, everyone was anxious. Principal Rao noticed that Guan Ruyan frequently left to answer phone calls, so he asked with concern: "What's wrong with the laboratory? Do you want me to coordinate?"

"It's okay, it's okay. One of my former students is studying in the United States. He is under a lot of pressure there and has some careless thoughts. He always calls me. I counsel him and encourage him to withstand the pressure and wait for the clouds to clear and there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I don't want to answer the phone, but I'm afraid of missing things. It's quite troublesome." Guan Ruyan explained to Principal Rao.

Principal Rao thought about it and thought that if this was the case, it was understandable. After all, Principal Ding was in surgery and everyone was waiting outside. Answering a phone call was nothing. If it was something unimportant and they were always on the phone, it would be a bit unreasonable and they didn't know the importance of the matter.

An hour into the operation, the tumor was still being separated, and every step was done very carefully. Director Lu, as an assistant, was so scared that he didn't dare to move. Yang Ping was almost the only one performing the operation.

"The urine volume is still very small. The blood draw just now showed that the creatinine is very high. We need to go back to the ward to prepare the bedside blood filter." The anesthesiologist reported the results of the most recent intraoperative blood draw to Yang Ping.

"Acute renal failure! This kind of acute renal failure is very difficult to recover after surgery." Yang Ping knew Principal Ding's condition and had studied his condition thoroughly before the operation. Principal Ding had already suffered from acute renal failure before the operation and had used a bedside blood filter, but compared to the brainstem tumor, everything else was secondary for the time being. "How's your heart rate?" Yang Ping was most concerned about his heartbeat and breathing.

The anesthesiologist held up a printed electrocardiogram and said, "Sinus rhythm has been restored, and it is much better than before. I don't know how he's breathing right now. He's currently on mechanical ventilation assisted by a ventilator."

As long as the heart rhythm and breathing can return to normal, the life can be saved. As for the kidney function, I'm afraid there is really no good way. We can only rely on dialysis temporarily after the operation to maintain it. If it doesn't work, we can have a kidney transplant later.

Because Yang Ping rushed to the First Affiliated Hospital in a hurry, Xiao Su didn't know how he was doing there or when he would be able to come back, so she called Professor Su to ask about the situation. It was night time at that time, and Professor Su told his daughter that Yang Ping was undergoing emergency surgery there and would not be back until very late, so they could rest assured.

When Su Nanchen heard that Yang Ping was coming, he brought a few good friends to Yang Ping's operating room after their operations. However, in order not to disturb Yang Ping's operation, they all stood quietly by the side and accompanied him silently.

Following Yang Ping, Su Nanchen is also a candidate for this year's Outstanding Young Scientist Award, and he has great hope of becoming an academician in the future.

The operation was indeed too difficult to perform. In addition, Director Lu, the assistant, had no experience in this area. Yang Ping did not dare to slow down the operation and could only maintain a steady pace. After about two hours, Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang appeared in the operating room. They had consciously washed their hands and started to put on surgical gowns.

"Professor, what's the situation now?" Song Zimo asked.

Yang Ping said as he was doing it: "Hurry up and get on stage - Director Lu, why don't you take a break? This operation is really a bit tiring. Let the younger ones do it."

Director Lu said with a bit of embarrassment: "My eyesight is really not good. You young people are better at operating under a microscope."

He tactfully gave up his position as first assistant. He knew his own level in front of Yang Ping. Professor Yang was giving him face by performing the operation patiently. If it was a surgeon with a bad temper, he would have started scolding him.

Yang Ping, Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang have been working together in surgery for a long time, so they have a very good understanding of each other. Especially these difficult surgeries sometimes test the strength of the team. To achieve the best results in surgery, their original team is still reliable.

"I was still on the operating table when I received your call, so I was a little late. This brainstem is very difficult. It is completely not on the same level as the other brainstems we have done today." Song Zimo began to adjust the microscope in the auxiliary position. Yang Ping paused the operation and waited for everyone to take their positions.

"Those brain stems are okay? Are they okay?"

"Today's patients are doing fine with their brain stems and vital signs stable. They are in the ICU."

Director Lu was listening on the side. These two assistants were doing brainstem surgeries every day as if it was just a piece of cake. He couldn't help feeling ashamed. Why was the gap so big? He seemed to be the director of neurosurgery in one of the top hospitals in the country. How could he lag so far behind these young people?

They perform brainstem surgeries every other day. Director Lu carefully selects and musters up the courage to perform only a dozen or so brainstem surgeries throughout the year.

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