godfather of surgery

Chapter 1006 Bustling ICU

Chapter 1006 Bustling ICU

Three hours later, the operation was over. The tumor was completely removed and the bleeding was stopped almost perfectly. It was a perfect operation from any angle.

Director Lu stayed by the side. Although he had left the microscope and could not see some details of the operation inside the cranial cavity with his naked eyes, when the tumor was taken out, he still leaned sideways to take a look at the surgical area in the cranial cavity.

There was no bleeding and the tumor was intact, these two points were enough to demonstrate the magic of the operation.

"Anesthesiologist, vital signs?" Director Lu couldn't wait to ask the anesthesiologist on behalf of the surgeon in charge, because he wanted to know how such a perfect operation would end.

"Heart rate 78 beats/min, blood pressure 104/81 mmHg, respirations 20 times/min, which is the frequency of the ventilator, and vital signs are normal." The anesthesiologist was more relaxed than any other time he reported vital signs during the operation, because all previous vital signs were only temporary and could collapse at any time, but this time, they were more solid than any time before.

"Is the heart rhythm regular?" Director Lu actually wanted to know the heart rhythm rather than the heart rate.

The anesthesiologist still said in a relaxed tone: "The heart rhythm is normal."

Perfect! Director Lu breathed a sigh of relief. This breathtaking operation was finally performed by Professor Yang. Fortunately, he left in the middle of the operation. Otherwise, he would have been very tired if he had witnessed the whole operation with a suffocating mood.

"Check the pupil every 24 minutes within 15 hours after the operation. Notify me if there is any problem. The rest shall follow the routine after brainstem surgery." Yang Ping handed the finishing work to Song Zimo and told Director Lu about the precautions after the operation.

"What is the routine after brainstem surgery?" Director Lu couldn't help but ask one more question, because doctors who only perform a dozen brainstem surgeries a year and doctors who perform brainstem surgeries every other day have completely different understandings of the routine.

"Oh - Dr. Song will explain it to you in detail later, and will give the doctors and nurses a form listing the precautions."

Yang Ping found that his expression just now was wrong. In his own department, he could use the word "routine" to replace a lot of long-winded things, but it didn't work here. However, after the operation was over, he or Song Zimo would explain it in detail again, and then explain it again when they arrived at the ICU. Then they would leave a form and finally send another electronic form via WeChat until the other party fully understood it.

"Okay." Director Lu nodded, and was glad that he had said something extra, otherwise he would have made huge mistakes due to his inability to understand "routine". Therefore, doctors must seek truth from facts, otherwise it is very easy to make mistakes, some of which are fatal.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Su Nanchen finally had the chance to say hello to Yang Ping. The two shook hands, and the brothers were extremely cordial when meeting each other.

Several young doctors from the First Affiliated Orthopedics Department also gathered around. They used to have more opportunities to meet Yang Ping, but now it is difficult to see Yang Ping, and there are even fewer opportunities for them to chat together.

Principal Ding's vital signs were stable after the operation, which means he has passed the first hurdle. There is still a possible period of brain edema after the operation. If he can survive the period of brain edema, the operation can be considered a final success.

"how is the situation?"

Yang Ping had already changed his clothes. He came out earlier than the cart that brought Principal Ding. Su Nanchen and other doctors also came out with him. Director Lu, Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang stayed in the operating room and would personally escort the patient.

"The operation was very successful. If he can get through the postoperative edema period, there shouldn't be any major problems. However, the acute renal failure he suffered before the operation may not be recoverable after the operation, and he will most likely need dialysis or a kidney transplant." Yang Ping briefly introduced Principal Ding's condition.

Compared to surviving, these are trivial matters. Yang Ping discovered that besides Professor Su, there were also Principal Rao, Lu Xiaolu, and Ding Xinyu who came to inquire about the condition, but not Guan Ruyan. He didn't know where he was hiding and hadn't come back yet when he made a phone call.

Not long after, Principal Ding was pushed out of the operating room. Director Lu, Song Zimo, Xu Zhiliang and the anesthesiologist were responsible for escorting him. Everyone gathered around to visit Principal Ding, and when they saw the normal electrocardiogram waves on the portable electrocardiogram monitor, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Su patted Yang Ping on the shoulder and said, "Let's have a meal together later. I came here on an empty stomach."

Yang Ping was indeed feeling very hungry now. He had been so immersed in the operation just now that he didn't feel anything. But after being reminded by Professor Su, he felt that he was so hungry that his belly was sticking to his spine.

"I'm really hungry." Yang Ping subconsciously touched his stomach, which was numb from hunger. After arriving at the ICU and settling Principal Ding down, Yang Ping went to the doctor's office to drink a glass of water to moisten his dry throat. Lu Xiaolu followed him out: "Professor Yang, how was the operation?"

Yang Ping knew that Lu Xiaolu was worried. Although he had publicly stated that the operation was successful, Lu Xiaolu was worried that Yang Ping might just be saying encouraging words out of politeness, because this kind of operation would not make much sense no matter what.

"Really, the operation was very successful, but the acute renal failure that occurred before the operation is likely to be irreversible after the operation. Dialysis or kidney transplantation is the only option in the future," Yang Ping said again.

Lu Xiaolu felt relieved this time, and was sure that Yang Ping's words were not just polite remarks.

"What should I pay attention to after the operation?" Although Lu Xiaolu was not a doctor, he still wanted to know some details. After all, in his mind, doctors and nurses would not be more serious than himself.

Yang Ping thought for a moment and said, "The most important thing after surgery is to pay attention to the pupil. I have already told them to check every fifteen minutes for 24 hours after surgery and notify me immediately if the pupil dilates."

"Can you - can you stay here today? It will be more convenient if something happens." Lu Xiaolu mustered up the courage to make his request.

Indeed, it would not be appropriate to go back now. It is about an hour's drive from here to Sanbo Hospital. If something unexpected really happens, the day lily will be cold by the time Yang Ping arrives. So Yang Ping decided to stay, at least for 24 hours.

"I will stay here. I will sleep in the duty room of the ICU today." Yang Ping said to Lu Xiaolu.

There was obvious gratitude in Lu Xiaolu's eyes: "Thank you!" He also decided to stay. Although he was not a doctor, he felt that he could always help in some way. He knew that Ding Xinyu had no opinion at this time, and Guan Ruyan's mind was not here at all.

"Professor Yang--" Guan Ruyan's voice was heard outside the office. Soon, Guan Ruyan appeared in front of Yang Ping in a hurry. He politely shook Yang Ping's hand and kept thanking him.

"I've been looking for you just now, and I didn't expect you to be here. Thank you so much. If you hadn't performed emergency surgery on my father, he wouldn't know what was going on. Dinner has been arranged, let's go have a quick meal together." Guan Ruyan is always so gentle and polite, and his words and actions really make people feel comfortable.

"Xiaolu, you go back and have a rest. I will sleep here tonight. You take care of the laboratory tomorrow." Guan Ruyan said to Lu Xiaolu kindly.

Lu Xiaolu insisted on staying: "I'll stay here too, it will be more convenient with more people."

When Director Wen of the ICU heard that Yang Ping would stay here to rest, he immediately finished his shift, changed the bed sheets and quilts, and then arranged for someone to prepare toiletries urgently.

When Su Nanchen and a group of young doctors from the first ward heard that Yang Ping was staying in the ICU duty room, they also arranged for everyone to stay in the ICU, making the entire ICU very crowded. Some people even started to make do with chairs in the office to spend the night.

"Why is the ICU so busy today?"

Director Wen took the cup out from the warehouse and found it very strange. Not only was the duty room crowded, but the chairs and desks in the office were occupied and turned into makeshift beds. There were also people lying on the floor of the locker room. They were all young doctors from the orthopedics and neurosurgery departments. Even Professor Su Nanchen from the orthopedics department was squeezed into the smelly duty room.

I didn't expect the ICU to be so lively tonight.

"There are still some on the benches in the family waiting area outside! I want to stay here tonight but I can't find a place."

Seeing Director Wen's surprised expression, Director Lu from the Department of Neurosurgery said helplessly.

"Forget it, just go back to your own department and sleep, and don't join in the fun." Director Wen complained, having almost stepped on someone while coming from the locker room.

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