godfather of surgery

Chapter 1007: Kidney matching for a rainy day

Chapter 1007: Kidney matching for a rainy day

The whole night was relatively calm. A few times, the nurse said that the pupils seemed dilated. Yang Ping got up personally to check Principal Ding's pupils, and they were completely normal.

The pupils are measured every fifteen minutes under the light of a flashlight, which can easily lead to subtle illusions. If this illusion is combined with the nurse's excessive nervousness, a normal pupil can easily be mistaken by the nurse as a high-risk sign.

The most feared thing within 24 hours after surgery is incomplete hemostasis. Now it seems that the hemostasis of the surgery is very perfect. In this kind of surgery, even slight bleeding is fatal. The next challenge to be faced is edema of brain tissue. Generally speaking, the gentler the surgical operation, the more meticulous the protection of brain tissue, and the less likely edema will occur after surgery.

Many delicate surgeries require a keen eye for details. Every detail of each step must be taken to the extreme in order to achieve good results. Failure in any link will destroy the effect of the entire operation.

The next morning, Yang Ping had to go back for something, so he took Xu Zhiliang back to Sanbo Hospital and left Song Zimo in the First Affiliated Hospital to continue to be responsible for Principal Ding's postoperative diagnosis and treatment, and asked him to stay until the high-risk period of brain edema was over. Xu Zhiliang had almost no communication skills, and it would be unreliable if he stayed here, so only Song Zimo could stay.

A week later, Principal Ding no longer had brain edema and he woke up from his coma. The operation could be declared successful at this point, but now there was a big problem. His kidney function had failed and he was in the end stage of renal dysfunction - uremia, and the effect of blood filtration was not good, so he had to undergo a kidney transplant.

In this kind of emergency situation, kidney transplant matching can only be done among relatives. After successful relative matching, ethical review will be carried out, and only after passing the ethical review can the kidney transplant operation be performed.

For this reason, Yang Ping had to go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu again. At this time, Principal Ding had woken up, but his mental state was very poor. He was still lying in the ICU. Director Yao of the Organ Transplant Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu, Director Wen of the ICU, and Director Lu of the Neurosurgery Department gathered together to discuss Principal Ding's condition.

"The effect of the bedside hemofiltration machine for uremia has always been poor. We don't know why. We have encountered such patients before. They have unexplained poor hemodialysis results and can only hope for kidney transplantation." Director Wang of the Nephrology Department was the protagonist of this consultation.

"If you really plan to have a kidney transplant, it's best to do the matching in advance, and it would be best to find a successful match from among the family volunteers," said Director Yao of the Organ Transplant Center worriedly.

Because of the special nature of this type of patient, they cannot do dialysis while waiting for a kidney source like ordinary patients with uremia. Once dialysis is completely useless for this type of patient, where would the kidney source come from if they rush to undergo a kidney transplant? Kidney sources are currently in short supply.

Guan Ruyan, Ding Xinyu and Lu Xiaolu were attending Principal Ding's consultation as family members. Professor Su turned to Ding Xinyu and asked, "What do you think? If the family can find a suitable volunteer, it will be easier to get a kidney. If we have to wait for a donor, the waiting time may be very long."

"I agree to family donation and I can participate in the matching. I am his daughter, so the matching should be successful." Ding Xinyu was worried about her father's condition and agreed without hesitation.

Director Yao said: "That's not necessarily the case. Theoretically, the probability of a successful match is highest for family members, but it's not certain."

"I'll sign up as well. Although I'm not a relative, I'm willing to donate a kidney to Principal Ding." Lu Xiaolu raised his hand. Director Yao said, "Since you're not a relative, the ethical review will be more stringent."

"Xiaolu, the success rate of matching without blood relationship is not high, and it will increase the difficulty of things. I can understand your feelings. I also want to donate a kidney to Teacher Ding, but without blood relationship, ethical review is very troublesome and it is easy to make mistakes. We must be rational. I am more anxious than anyone else, but we cannot lose our composure because of this." Guan Ruyan persuaded Lu Xiaolu to withdraw, actually for his own sake. If Lu Xiaolu participated in the matching, how could he, as a son-in-law, back down at the critical moment.

But Guan Ruyan really didn't want to participate in the matching. What if the matching was successful? He was definitely not willing to donate this kidney. Not to mention Principal Ding, even his own parents would not agree. Why should he donate a kidney to him? However, he couldn't say that on the surface.

"Yes, Professor Lu, you and Principal Ding are not related by blood, so you have to be cautious about this matter. We advocate that blood-related relatives donate voluntarily, but it must be voluntary, without any moral compulsion. It must be completely voluntary, without any moral pressure." Director Yao reminded Lu Xiaolu.

Lu Xiaolu didn't care about that at this time: "I did it voluntarily. No one forced me. I didn't feel any reluctance, and there was no moral pressure."

"Well, I think we should be cautious about this matter. Let's think of other ways. Kidney transplantation is such a major operation, and there are still rejection reactions after the operation. Considering Teacher Ding's physical condition, she just woke up from the operation and can't stand such a big blow. This is not a problem of kidney source. With the help of Professor Yang, Principal Ding narrowly escaped death and finally the operation was successful. We must cherish this achievement. I think there are other ways to think about it. For the time being, we should not perform such a major operation as kidney transplantation." Guan Ruyan spoke with reason and evidence.

Director Wang of the Nephrology Department said, "That's true. We will try to solve the problem with other methods. We will never resort to kidney transplantation until the last resort. I just think we should be prepared for a rainy day. If the day really comes, where will we rush to find a kidney? We have learned this lesson before."

"If that's the case, I'll also participate in the matching. With one more person, the chances of a successful match will be higher. I'm the son-in-law, so although we're not blood relatives, we're still relatives, so it makes sense ethically."

Now that Director Wang has made it clear, it would be inappropriate to keep making excuses. Guan Ruyan feels that now it is just a matter of matching. If the matching is unsuccessful, nothing will happen. If the matching is successful, it will not be too late to find a solution then. Whether the kidney is donated in the end is his own business. Why should others interfere?

"I'll just take part in the matching. You don't need to do that." Ding Xinyu held Guan Ruyan's hand, feeling very touched.

Guan Ruyan said: "It's okay. A healthy person only needs one kidney to survive. Dad is in this situation now. If he really needs a kidney, where can he find one in a hurry? Dad usually treats me like his son. Don't stop me at this time."

Guan Ruyan spoke in a very low voice, but some people still heard it. Everyone was moved by what he said. They thought that Principal Ding's efforts were not in vain, and this son-in-law was really loyal and righteous.

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