godfather of surgery

Chapter 1008 It’s fate!

Chapter 1008 It’s fate!

Principal Ding's intracranial tumor problem has been solved. Acute renal failure is now the biggest problem. The effect of blood filtration is getting worse and worse. It seems that Director Wang of the Nephrology Department was right. As a nationally renowned nephrologist, she is experienced and can make very accurate judgments about the direction of the disease.

According to this development trend, if Principal Ding wants to save his life, he can only undergo a kidney transplant, so kidney matching is imminent. While matching with relatives, he is also looking for suitable volunteers.

Ding Xinyu, Guan Ruyan and Lu Xiaolu all completed the necessary physical examinations and kidney matching tests at the First Affiliated Hospital, but the test results would not be available so quickly, so they needed to go back and wait.

Guan Ruyan's remarks at the case discussion meeting were widely circulated within the Nandu Medical University system, and even many students on campus knew about it. He was originally an idol in everyone's mind, and now his image as a good son-in-law and a grateful person has been established invisibly, and he has become a young moral role model in everyone's mind.

When reporters from the Southern Metropolitan TV station heard the news, they were very interested in the topic and sent a team to interview Guan Ruyan. When Guan Ruyan talked about Principal Ding, he burst into tears and couldn't speak. He said that he could achieve his little success today because of Professor Ding's love and cultivation. Without Professor Ding, he wouldn't be where he is today. Now that Professor Ding is in danger, he should stand up for him. This is all right and not noble. Because of this incident, Guan Ruyan became a good son-in-law in people's minds.

Unlike Guan Ruyan, Lu Xiaolu was the one who really took the most active part in the matching, but his verbal expression was far inferior to Guan Ruyan, and he had no intention of establishing a personal character, so people did not remember him and had no idea that there was another Lu Xiaolu who participated in the matching.

Many teachers in the school said that Principal Ding has a good son-in-law who was able to bravely stand up and donate a kidney at this critical moment. It is probably difficult for a son-in-law to do this. Principal Ding is undoubtedly happy, and the efforts he put into his son-in-law were not in vain.

Originally, because of Guan Ruyan's son's incident, people in the school had some negative views of Guan Ruyan, but this time, his participation in the kidney matching action completely reversed the direction of public opinion, and Guan Ruyan really enjoyed this feeling.

In fact, Guan Ruyan was very smart. Before the final matching result came out, he used his connections to privately inquire about the possibility of matching. He entrusted the doctor whom he trusted most. One of this doctor’s undergraduate classmates worked in the organ transplant center of the First Affiliated Hospital. Of course, he told the doctor that he urgently hoped that his matching would be successful and he could save Principal Ding’s life.

The doctor's classmate secretly learned about the situation and replied that there was no way Guan Ruyan could be successfully matched, it was far from being a match, and there was no hope at all.

  When the doctor told Guan Ruyan the news, Guan Ruyan had a sad face and sighed because he could not fulfill his filial duty to Principal Ding. The doctor next to him was also infected by the same feeling. What a deep emotion.

The third consultation began again. Although the content of the consultation was about acute renal failure, Yang Ping, the chief surgeon, was still invited to participate. Principal Ding's life was temporarily saved. If he was to be saved, he had to undergo a kidney transplant. Kidney transplantation was a must, but it was just a matter of choosing when to do it. The situation was becoming less and less optimistic, and the effect of each blood filtration was worse than before.

The matching results have come out. In fact, after the results came out, the doctors at the organ transplant center were going to call the three relative volunteers who participated in the matching. However, thinking of this meeting, they simply did not call, but delivered the matching notification to them personally.

The third consultation meeting resulted in no controversy - elective kidney transplantation.

After the meeting, Director Yao took the organ matching information, three copies of which were placed in three sealed bags, and said, "Can I talk to you privately about the matching results after the meeting?"

Guan Ruyan was very generous because he already had a plan in mind: "Director Yao, there are no outsiders here, and they are all relatives. You can just announce it at the meeting. Teacher Ding is in critical condition and needs a kidney transplant at any time. Let's not waste time by going around in circles. Every minute of waiting is torture."

Director Yao felt that what Professor Guan said made sense. President Ding was a leader within the Nandu Medical University system. The issue of relative matching had been discussed at the last meeting, and it could be made public at the meeting this time. As long as the parties involved agreed, there was nothing wrong with it, so as to avoid having to inform and talk to each of them individually after the meeting.

"Professor Ding? Professor Lu? Is it okay?" Director Yao sought the opinions of Lu Xiaolu and Ding Xinyu.

Ding Xinyu said, "Of course, just announce it at the meeting, no need to waste time." Lu Xiaolu also agreed. Everyone had expressed their willingness to donate kidneys at the last meeting, so there was no need to keep it secret now. There was nothing to keep secret.

"How is it? Is there a suitable match?" Ding Xinyu was very worried. If the match failed, her father would have to wait a long time for a kidney source. Director Yao had a relaxed smile on his face: "Principal Ding is very lucky. There is a very suitable one. It seems that your family is really blood thicker than water."

Guan Ruyan is now completely relieved, the suitable one is definitely not him. He knows that his matching has failed. It is most likely Ding Xinyu. After all, they are close relatives, so the probability of successful matching is the highest. As for Lu Xiaolu, there is a possibility, but it is not high. He knows that it is completely impossible.

"I have always been worried about what would happen if the matching was unsuccessful. Now I am relieved. When will the surgery be performed? What are the subsequent procedures?" Guan Ruyan acted very relaxed.

Director Yao said: "I have submitted the information for ethical review. There shouldn't be any problem because the whole process is completely voluntary and there is no conflict of interest. Once the ethical review is passed, we will arrange the surgery as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your hard work. Please hurry up. Mr. Ding's condition is getting worse day by day. I hope he can recover as soon as possible." Guan Ruyan's words were full of emotion. No one would doubt that he was being insincere. At this time, when it comes to organ donation, it is impossible to be insincere.

Director Yao also sighed in his heart that Principal Ding was so lucky that one of his three relatives had a successfully matched kidney, and it was his son-in-law's kidney. From a comprehensive examination, Guan Ruyan's physical condition was very good and the functions of both kidneys were normal.

On the contrary, Ding Xinyu did not have a successful match. Even if the match was successful, the risk for Ding Xinyu was extremely high and she was not suitable to donate a kidney to her father because her other kidney was blocked by urinary tract due to urinary tract congestion, causing the entire kidney to expand and become as thin as a piece of paper. If it were not for this examination, she herself would not have known and might not have felt anything.

Lu Xiaolu was also successfully matched, but he was still a little bit worse than Guan Ruyan. Lu Xiaolu could only be said to be qualified, while Guan Ruyan's kidney match was excellent. Principal Ding still relied on his son-in-law to save his life at the critical moment. This can also be considered as fate.

Director Yao tore open the seals of the three sealed bags, then carefully checked them again and said, "Professor Guan Ruyan's kidney is the most suitable."

After the news was announced, the whole audience breathed a sigh of relief. This way, Principal Ding would not have to spend a long time waiting for a kidney. He could complete the kidney transplant operation at any time as long as his physical condition could withstand the operation and anesthesia.

Guan Ruyan was petrified when he heard the news. It was indeed too unexpected. He didn't know what to say at this moment. It was completely beyond his expectations.

Ding Xinyu, who was standing next to him, thought he was too happy and excited, so she leaned over and gently hugged him to express her gratitude: "Thank you, thank you, I love you, Dad will be proud of you."

Didn’t they say that my matching was not successful?

what happened?

Was it a mistake?

If Guan Ruyan had not been still somewhat conscious at this time, he would have almost rushed up to see the matching results himself. How could it be possible to donate a kidney? He had two good kidneys, and if he donated one, he would be missing one. It was impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Professor Guan, you and Principal Ding are truly destined to meet. We must hurry and perform the surgery as soon as possible to prevent Principal Ding's condition from worsening," said Director Yao.

Guan Ruyan couldn't describe his mood at this moment, and he pretended to be relaxed: "As soon as possible - yes, as soon as possible, but we must make sure that Teacher Ding's body is in good condition and strive for the greatest success of the operation."

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