godfather of surgery

Chapter 1009 "Oscar" Man

Chapter 1009 "Oscar" Man

What to do about this?

If you run away at this time, you will become a joke, and your entire personality will collapse, which will make your new girlfriend look down on you.

Originally, Guan Ruyan presented himself as a hardworking, motivated, and loyal man in front of his new girlfriend. His character must not collapse, and his kidney must not be donated. How to deal with this matter? Guan Ruyan, who has always been smart, actually had no idea for a moment.

  But he is still very smart, in one word - delay!

"Is Professor Ding's current condition able to withstand such a major surgery? If he can, I hope it can be done as soon as possible. If he can't, let's see when he can have the surgery. I need to arrange my work in advance. I have several academic conferences scheduled, and I need to inform them in advance." Guan Ruyan quickly recovered from his shock.

"Principal Ding's health is getting worse and worse. If we talk about the best time, it would be as soon as possible, because it is getting worse day by day. Now is the best time." Director Yao said very objectively.

"Yes! Now is the best time. The situation will only get worse later." Director Wang of the Nephrology Department shared the same opinion as Director Yao.

After a violent cough, Guan Ruyan took a breath and said, "As soon as possible, as soon as possible!"

"Professor Guan, have you been feeling unwell recently? I noticed you were coughing quite a lot just now, do you have a cold?" Director Yao is very sensitive to acute upper respiratory tract infections, because kidney transplantation is very afraid of infection, and neither the donor nor the recipient must have active infection.

Guan Ruyan waved his hands, as if nothing had happened: "It's okay, it doesn't affect anything, it's just a minor cold. I had a high fever yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be feverish today."

"Are you okay? Don't force yourself. This kind of surgery is very risky. Why didn't I tell you yesterday?" Ding Xinyu said with concern.

Guan Ruyan said firmly: "Dad, you can't wait too long. My little cold is nothing serious. There is no risk. Don't worry, I know what I am doing."

"As a donor, if you have an active infection, you definitely can't do it. The risk of the surgery is extremely high. You absolutely cannot take this risk and have a blood test to see the white blood cell count and other infection indicators. This is no joke."

I heard that Guan Ruyan had a high fever yesterday, and there is a high possibility of active infection. If this is the case, the operation must be postponed and cannot be forced. Director Yao is very sensitive to these things and has learned bloody lessons in the past.

"No need for examination, let's arrange a kidney transplant for Teacher Ding as soon as possible." Guan Ruyan was very determined.

Director Yao advised: "Professor Ding, we understand your feelings, but we must act according to scientific principles. Check the specific situation first. If there is an infection, it must be completely controlled first. Otherwise, if the operation fails, the consequences will be disastrous. It will be extremely dangerous for both Professor Ding and you."

"Ruyan, I understand how you feel and how eager you are to save your father, but I can't let you take such a big risk." Ding Xinyu also dissuaded.

Guan Ruyan had no choice but to pretend to be eager: "As soon as possible, Teacher Ding really can't wait too long."

Yang Ping was also puzzled. Guan Ruyan had been fine, so why did he suddenly start coughing? Yang Ping didn't have time to think about other things, but once it came to the illness, he would take it very seriously. This was due to his professional habit.

The sound, frequency and manner of the cough just now were obviously not caused by an acute upper respiratory tract infection, but more like a fake cough. In addition, Lu Xiaolu had previously told him that Guan Ruyan had an affair and was planning to divorce, so Yang Ping had more reason to believe that Guan Ruyan was pretending.

In fact, Yang Ping didn't care whether he pretended or not, but this had already affected Principal Ding's condition and would seriously mislead Director Yao. Director Yao had always regarded him as a volunteer for kidney donation, but if he ran away at the last minute, he would have to go through the process again, and the consequences would be disastrous. Lu Xiaolu saw Guan Ruyan's look from the side and really wanted to rush up and slap him a few times. He was always acting, his whole life was acting. He was obviously extremely reluctant to donate a kidney, but now he acted so righteously, and he obviously didn't have a cold. Now he coughed as if it was real. Lu Xiaolu hated Guan Ruyan's "performance" very much.

But he cannot be exposed now. If he is exposed, others will definitely think that Lu Xiaolu has some bad intentions, and it will also affect Teacher Ding's treatment. If Guan Ruyan expressed frankly that he was unwilling to donate a kidney, Lu Xiaolu would not hate him so much, because donating a kidney is not a matter of other things. It involves health risks. Donating is a favor, and not donating is also natural. But now he wants to be a whore and also put on a chastity arch. It's really disgusting.

"How about this, we'll let Professor Guan take the temperature later to see if he still has a fever, draw blood to check the white blood cell classification and count, and check other infection indicators. It's reasonable for Professor Guan to be anxious. Teacher Ding's condition cannot wait, and we can't delay any longer. We have to act as soon as possible." Lu Xiaolu put forward his suggestion.

Because Lu Xiaolu knew Guan Ruyan too well, he was a complete hypocrite who relied on acting for everything. It would be a shame for his acting skills if he didn't win an Oscar.

"Director Yao, don't waste any more time. Sign the informed consent form for kidney donation now while we are all here. Professor Guan is right. We need to do it as soon as possible. We have discussed these matters face to face many times. There is no need to have another private conversation, right, Professor Guan?" Lu Xiaolu asked all at once.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Guan Ruyan had no choice but to cooperate. His personality must not collapse. Once it collapsed, even his new girlfriend would leave him immediately. The reason why his new girlfriend was devoted to him was because she thought he was a talented and outstanding young scholar. Especially the fact that he voluntarily donated a kidney to his father-in-law made the girl admire him very much.

Guan Ruyan told his new girlfriend that Principal Ding's kindness to him was all superficial. In fact, all the academic achievements of Principal Ding and Ding Xinyu were his. Principal Ding accepted him as his son-in-law just to exploit him and make him work for them like a slave. He didn't realize it before, but now he is completely aware of it. He doesn't want to work for their family anymore and wants to pursue his own life. So his girlfriend loves and pities her talented man.

"That's fine. We shouldn't delay. Principal Ding's condition doesn't allow for delay. Professor Guan's ethical review has been passed. Among the three participants, Professor Guan is the best match. This is also fate. Ding Xinyu failed to match, and Lu Xiaolu barely passed the match, but the ethical review did not pass."

Director Yao personally took out a series of prepared informed consents from the folder and began to explain them one by one, then handed them to Guan Ruyan. Because Guan Ruyan was the most successful match and Lu Xiaolu was just barely qualified, Director Yao directly chose Guan Ruyan. Besides, Lu Xiaolu was not a relative, so it was not appropriate for him to donate a kidney.

Holding the informed consent form, Guan Ruyan's heart is shaking now, but he knows that he has nothing to be afraid of signing. As long as he does not go on the operating table, no one can force a kidney to be cut on him. So it is better to sign it quickly and do it with full effort.

Guan Ruyan took a quick look at the informed consent form and immediately signed his name without any hesitation.

He signed so readily. If Lu Xiaolu didn't know him thoroughly, he would probably believe him and doubt his own judgment.

Guan Ruyan had just used this time and had already made a plan in his mind. He used his new girlfriend to stop him from donating a kidney. His new girlfriend was not a medical student and did not know anything. When the time came, he would break up with his new girlfriend. When his girlfriend asked why they broke up, Guan Ruyan would say that a man would become impotent if a kidney was removed and would not be able to bring her happiness in the future. If his girlfriend went to look up information or consult, Guan Ruyan would tell her that these truths would not be written in the information and others would not tell you these truths. Women, especially those in love, are very easy to fool.

In fact, there is no direct relationship between the kidneys and sexual ability. The kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are two different things. One kidney will not affect sexual ability.

With that said, his girlfriend will definitely use all her strength to stop him, and will also take care of his reputation, because he has already planted the seed in his girlfriend's heart that he is an extremely unhappy man who is oppressed by the woman. She originally planned to divorce, but now that his father-in-law is seriously ill, he really doesn't want to divorce at this time.

All in all, the girl's father's actual power is greater than that of Principal Ding. Principal Ding is limited to the school, while the future father-in-law is at least a powerful figure in the political arena. As long as the girlfriend is willing to come forward, any idea can stop this matter without damaging his reputation.

Guan Ruyan is quite good at handling women. Of course, compared to Tang Shun, he is just a clown, while Tang Shun is a master.

"Let me say a few words. I am deeply moved by the way Professor Guan saved his father-in-law. This family affection and this great love make me respect him. I think if we delay for even a minute now, it will be a betrayal of this great love. I suggest that after the meeting, a physical examination be arranged for Professor Guan immediately. If there is no problem, emergency surgery should be performed as soon as possible. There should be no delay. If there is a problem, Professor Guan should be treated immediately. I am also willing to work with everyone to help Principal Ding and Professor Guan." Yang Ping felt that he should say a few words at this time. Principal Ding's condition must not be delayed because of this Oscar man. Human life is at stake.

"Xiaolu, help Professor Guan deal with his work matters and don't distract him. Also, it's best for Professor Guan to be hospitalized now and be ready for surgery at any time." Yang Ping added.

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