godfather of surgery

Chapter 1012 Principal Rao's Resignation

Chapter 1012 Principal Rao's Resignation

After Guan Ruyan ran away from the ward, he has been out of contact, and this incident has become very popular on the Internet.

Ding Xinyu had to accept the reality before her, but as a woman who valued feelings, she could not accept such a result. No one could accept it. A man who claimed to love her had been deceiving her and only used her as a tool to achieve a breakthrough in life.

A tool, just a tool that can be discarded at any time, has now been thrown aside.

How could a man be so heartless? At first, Ding Xinyu didn't believe what Lu Xiaolu said about how ruthless Guan Ruyan was in the past, but now she has to believe it.

He could block Ding Xinyu from all WeChat accounts on his phone, and didn't even want to ask his child a question, let alone his father who was lying in the ward.

Several doctors moved into Ding Xinyu's home and divided the work among them. Some accompanied Ding Xinyu, while others took care of Ding Xinyu's children to prevent the family from collapsing. At this time, Lu Xiaolu, who was able to support the family, was about to go on the operating table.

The investigation team from above will come to Nandu Medical University soon. President Rao and Academician Xiang were confused by Guan Ruyan's sudden escape. They thought that Guan Ruyan would never do such a childish and dirty thing, so they let things take a break and deal with the matter after Principal Ding's treatment was arranged. They didn't expect it to break out suddenly now. What makes them uncomfortable is that Guan Ruyan could hold a high position in the school for so many years, and as the president, they didn't even see it.

This is really a cold joke. Principal Rao began to reflect on where the problem lies. Principal Rao couldn't figure it out for a while. Is there still such a person in the school? Thinking about it, he was a little scared.

President Rao already had a plan in mind for how to deal with Guan Ruyan. As long as Lu Xiaolu's evidence was true, he would immediately dismiss Guan Ruyan, cancel all his academic positions, and issue a notice to the world.

As for Principal Ding, he will definitely be dealt with, but for humanitarian reasons, we will wait until he is discharged from the hospital and then conduct an investigation, and he will still have to be punished accordingly.

Lu Xiaolu has both merits and demerits. He has been involved in helping Guan Ruyan commit academic fraud for so many years, but he was able to stand up and expose Guan Ruyan at this time, which can be regarded as a meritorious performance. He should be fired and recommended to the laboratory of Sanbo Hospital, so that his talents can be put to good use.

"This incident will cause immeasurable damage to the reputation of Nandu Medical University! I have an unshirkable responsibility." President Rao blamed himself very much.

Academician Xiang sighed and said, "We should deal with problems when they arise, so that we can preserve our reputation. If we cover up problems and do not have a correct attitude, this will cause the greatest damage to the school's reputation. So we must be sober at this time. No matter how many people are involved or how big the impact is, we must deal with it to the end."

"I understand. After this matter is dealt with, I will resign on my own initiative. It is unreasonable for me to say that I have no responsibility for this kind of thing." Principal Rao said.

Academician Xiang remained silent for a long time before he said, "I agree with your approach."

"As for the successor, I think Su Qingyun should be the principal and dean of the First Affiliated School." Principal Rao recommended, but this was just their private conversation and did not have any administrative binding force.

How could he, as the principal, not have any responsibility for such a big incident at the school? If he only dealt with others and kept himself safe, it would obviously be difficult to establish his integrity. Only by dealing with himself as well can he make a mark in the school's history and let everyone at Nandu Medical University remember this incident and this lesson.

These years, things have moved too fast and people's hearts have become too impetuous. Many people have lost themselves in material desires. The more Principal Rao thought about it, the sadder he became. If Yang Ping had not taken away the quota for the Outstanding Young Scholar, Guan Ruyan would be the Outstanding Young Scholar now. Think more boldly, if Yang Ping had not appeared, if Principal Ding had not had health problems, and if Guan Ruyan's crime had not been exposed, Guan Ruyan might have become the youngest vice-principal soon. Principal Rao was scared just thinking about it. Maybe he would be discussing the school's development plan with Guan Ruyan now.

The next day, the ethical review of Lu Xiaolu's kidney donation was passed, and Director Yao then arranged a kidney transplant operation for Principal Ding.

The operation was successful. One of Lu Xiaolu's kidneys was successfully transplanted to Principal Ding. After the operation, Principal Ding was sent to the ICU ward for postoperative monitoring. Lu Xiaolu also needed to stay in the ward for about a week. The investigation team came to Sanbo Hospital quickly. Because Lu Xiaolu provided sufficient evidence, the investigation team did not spend much effort to find out the whole story. In the end, Principal Rao quickly expelled Guan Ruyan, revoked all his professional titles and academic titles, and announced the whole thing to the world.

When Guan Ruyan's new girlfriend's father saw this scene, he immediately forced his daughter to cut off ties with this man. Of course, when his true face was revealed, the girl no longer had much admiration for him, because what she admired was the proactive and talented Guan Ruyan, not an academic speculator who cheated and relied on women to get to the top.

The whole thing is a bit funny. Guan Ruyan was a young talent with great academic achievements not long ago, but now he has become a hated rat. However, in the end, he is the one who is blamed. The contrast between the past and the present is too great.

Principal Ding's condition improved, and Lu Xiaolu was very grateful to Yang Ping. Yang Ping came to the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu many times to participate in Principal Ding's consultation, and performed the operation himself.

Lu Xiaolu decided to stay. Actually, he didn't want to go to the United States, but he felt that if he got rid of Guan Ruyan personally after Principal Ding left, he would feel a huge sense of loss and there was no point in staying here. Now he had different ideas. Only by making some achievements and making certain contributions to the country and society could he live up to Principal Ding's kindness. What's more, Principal Ding was still fine now.

Yang Ping’s words made him realize: Don’t be a pessimistic escapist, but be an optimistic and realistic changer and builder.

Principal Rao also punished Lu Xiaolu for his behavior and fired him from his original position. However, since he took the initiative to expose Guan Ruyan, no other action was taken. After Lu Xiaolu was fired, Sanbo Hospital immediately invited him to join the Sanbo Hospital laboratory team.

The newly opened oncology laboratory in Sanbo Hospital has been lacking a suitable director. When Lu Xiaolu came to Sanbo Hospital, Yang Ping gave him the position of laboratory director. Lu Xiaolu is independent in business and has great autonomy.

After finishing this busy period, Yang Ping started to devote himself to his own research projects, which are currently progressing slowly.

The results of Fu Xiaotao's first follow-up examination after switching to the new plan came out. Since taking sirolimus, his symptoms have been significantly alleviated, and are getting better day by day. This is under the premise that he only took sirolimus without using any hormones or chemotherapy drugs.

It seems that the new idea is correct and the effect is immediate. Sometimes when a solution doesn’t work, calming down and thinking may lead to greater gains.

Inspired by Fu Xiaotao's illness, Yang Ping began to re-examine his previous experiments on using apoptosis to treat tumors. This experiment had been obstructed because the activating factors obtained in vitro were far from being able to play their due role in vivo for various reasons. Even if they could barely work the first time, they would be recognized by tumor cells the second and third time, resulting in failure of the effect.

Yang Ping was thinking, the previous approach has always been to modify protein molecules so that they can remain unchanged during the process of entering the target cells. Is this idea wrong now? Is there a more correct idea?

For example, this activating factor cannot play its due role in the body in any way, and we should start from scratch and find a new activating factor.

There must be not just one factor that can cause apoptosis of tumor cells, but countless. Perhaps the key is to focus research on how the K factor is cultivated and to obtain some mechanisms of the emergence of the initiating factor itself.

After dealing with these matters, Principal Rao planned to resign and apologize. Someone had to be responsible for this matter. Before resigning, Principal Rao always felt that he should do something.

(End of this chapter)

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