godfather of surgery

Chapter 979 Surprises one after another

Chapter 979 Surprises one after another
Professor Su and Yang Ping's father quickly reached a consensus on the wedding. The whole negotiation process was very pleasant, and the two old men started playing chess in their spare time.

The next day, Yang Ping walked to the hospital to work. The hospital was only across the street from the community. As long as he crossed the overpass, he would reach the small square in front of the emergency department. Walking took much less time than driving.

I remember that when Xiaowu just got a car, he forced Yang Ping to ride in his car. During working hours, there were many people and cars. The hospital was just opposite, but the car couldn't get around, so it took half an hour to get to work.

Yang Ping crossed the overpass, passed the small square of the emergency department, and then walked along the main axis of Sanbo Hospital all the way to the Institute of Surgery. The security guard saw him coming from a distance and had already helped him press the elevator.

Yang Ping likes his current life very much. He goes from home to the hospital and then from the hospital back home. He works hard to treat patients and save lives when he gets off work, and he and his family are happy together. It is simple and pure, and he can focus on his medical skills.

It was still past six o'clock, and the doctors in the department were already busy. The young grassroots doctors had a very heavy workload every day. Writing medical records alone was a tedious task. Many attending doctors developed tendonitis due to typing on the computer.

Some doctors are already typing while eating breakfast. They really don't have enough time. After finishing the work at hand, they have to hand over the shift immediately. After handing over the shift, they have to do rounds. After the rounds, there are still a lot of surgeries waiting. After the surgery in the afternoon, they have to arrange for discharge. In the evening, they have to organize medical records. One pair of hands simply cannot handle it all.

If these tasks are paused for a moment or the doctors are lazy, the work will pile up immediately. It will keep piling up and will become impossible to finish. The quality control department will immediately urge them to do so. Therefore, these doctors try not to procrastinate on their work and will finish today's tasks today, even if they have to work overtime until midnight.

Yang Ping turned on his computer and checked his emails. Professor Mannstein's work in Germany was progressing smoothly. Most of the judges were very patient. Every time they listened to Professor Mannstein's explanation of the spatial orientation gene theory, they asked in confusion, "Can you say it again?"

This is the sentence Professor Maninstein has heard most frequently recently. "Can you say it again?" It has been lingering in his ears. He frequently goes to and from Sweden with the same lecture notes, giving lectures to those bigwigs tirelessly to make them understand Professor Yang's theory as soon as possible. Professor Maninstein hopes that Yang Ping's scientific research results can successfully stand on the Nobel Prize podium this year.

This is not only for the cause of science, but also for Mannstein's own career. His research on nerve damage repair has not made any breakthroughs, and he urgently needs to cooperate with Yang Ping. Contributing to Yang Ping's Nobel Prize can obviously promote the achievement of cooperation.

After handing over the ward rounds in the morning, Yang Ping went to the Department of Thoracic Surgery to see Ou Lianfeng. Ou Lianfeng had recovered very well after the operation and was about to be discharged from the hospital.

It can be said that Ou Lianfeng has been pleasantly surprised recently, with good things happening one after another. What he did not expect was that the village cadres, township cadres, county leaders, and city leaders from his hometown all came in person to express their condolences to Ou Lianfeng.

This touched Ou Lianfeng very much. It turned out that the world could be so beautiful and that the world loved him so much. Ou Lianfeng, who had never experienced this before, felt flattered. He doubted from time to time whether the surprise he encountered was real, so his mental exhaustion during this period was quite serious. Now Ou Lianfeng's ward is full of various condolences, and the bonus for condolences is also very soft. Every time people come to see him, the red envelopes they give are very generous, tens of thousands at any time, and almost no thousands. I didn't expect that coming to Sanbo Hospital for treatment would become a turning point in my life. I used to have difficulty in doing things, but now I can do things smoothly.

The county leaders felt that Ou Lianfeng's house was too old and the living conditions were too poor, so they immediately ordered the relevant departments to improve Ou Lianfeng's living conditions as soon as possible. In fact, the government paid for him to build a house.

Later, when they heard that Ou Lianfeng's wife was unemployed, the county leaders immediately tried to help arrange a nearby job. Ou Lianfeng's child was in school, and the leaders also thought of doing something for the child. They immediately went to the school to understand the situation and provide timely care.

This was not the biggest surprise. During his hospitalization, he actually met his former boss who worked as a construction worker on the construction site. Back then, this boss owed him more than 8,000 yuan in wages. After so many years, he actually doubled the money and sent him a lot of nutritional supplements. He apologized to Ou Lianfeng in person and complained about how he was forced to do so back then. He had been looking for Ou Lianfeng all these years but couldn't find him. Today, he finally found his good co-worker from back then.

At this moment, Ou Lianfeng couldn't help but sigh at the changes in his life. All the sufferings he had experienced before were actually resolved in recent times. It seemed that good things happened every day. In the past, he ran around everywhere to diagnose pneumoconiosis, but people didn't give him a good face at all. Sometimes they would even ask the security guards to drive him away. As for some leaders who were busy with all kinds of affairs, it was impossible for Ou Lianfeng to see them.

Now everyone spoke to him in a kind manner, with smiles on their faces, and no matter what they said or did, they all exuded infinite warmth. It turned out that life was so beautiful.

Ou Lian has been transferred to the general ward of the thoracic surgery department. Yang Ping still comes to check on him regularly every day. Because the surgery was performed with a surgical robot and is very minimally invasive, the recovery is particularly fast and he now meets the conditions for discharge.

Ou Lianfeng's discharge from the hospital was a big event in the local area. The county leaders sent people and cars to pick him up, and special personnel from the civil affairs, social security and other departments came to see if he needed any financial help.

As for what to do after being discharged from the hospital, from the city to the county, his leaders had already thought about it for him, so he didn't have to worry about these trivial matters at all. The civil affairs department had already helped him find a job as a security guard in the communication room of a public institution in the county. Although he was a contract worker, he signed a long-term contract, with complete social security and medical insurance, and good salary and benefits. The key was that the work was leisurely, and he usually just received and delivered newspapers and watched the gate. There was no heavy physical labor. Compared with before, it was simply a job like heaven.

In fact, because the medical expenses were free, Ou Lianfeng did not pay any money this time, and the compensation was still in his hands. After living for decades, Ou Lianfeng had never felt so at ease. Until now, he still thought he was dreaming. Everything came too fast, and he got everything he wanted.

On the day of discharge, someone from the county came to pick him up, the city called to inquire, and the township head and village chief helped with the luggage. Everyone was so kind and compassionate that they made Ou Lianfeng see the beauty of the world.

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