godfather of surgery

Chapter 980 Latest Entertainment Project

Chapter 980 Latest Entertainment Project

Ou Lianfeng was discharged from the hospital happily, and the local county sent a business car to pick him up. Of course, local propaganda staff also accompanied him, and they continued to follow up and publicize Ou Lianfeng's deeds in a positive manner.

Before being discharged from the hospital, Ou Lianfeng repeatedly thanked Yang Ping and Sanbo Hospital for their help, presented a banner and many fruits, and wrote a heartfelt thank-you letter. He was not well educated and did not know how to speak, but he knew in his heart that without Professor Yang and Sanbo Hospital, he would not be who he is today. Not only did he get a new lung and a new life, he also received compensation and various kinds of care.

Although Ou Lianfeng has been given new lungs and regained good lung function, they are someone else's lungs after all, and there is always a rejection reaction. Therefore, he needs to take immunosuppressants for life to avoid rejection after surgery. Immunosuppressants suppress the body's immune system to achieve the effect of suppressing rejection reactions. But at the same time, because the patient's immunity is suppressed, the patient's resistance to various pathogenic factors is also weakened. For example, the probability of infection and tumors is much greater than that of healthy people. There is no way to solve this problem. Many things in medicine are choices made after weighing the pros and cons.

Hard work pays off. After getting Yang Ping's consent, Manager Mo persuaded the senior management of his company to install three surgical robots in Sanbo Hospital at one time, one in the animal laboratory for training, and two in the Surgical Research Institute, one for training and one for surgery. When other companies heard about this, they called her a ruthless person and were impressed by her courage, but at the same time they felt very regretful. They regretted that they should not have left so quickly and should have stayed for a few more days like Manager Mo. It seems that this woman is not only beautiful, but also good at business.

Manager Mo's idea was actually very simple. The company's surgical robots couldn't be sold anyway, and they would just be piled up in the warehouse. It would be better to send them out to play a role. Women are sometimes more ruthless than men when doing things. After installing three robots, Manager Mo asked if they wanted to install a few more. He planned to give all of this year's market targets to Sanbo Hospital for free.

If Manager Mo's superior, the general manager of the South China region, had not felt the pain and slammed on the brakes, and if the headquarters had not directly cut off Manager Mo's bold plan, Manager Mo would have prepared to give away a few more units. A few more or a few less are all gifts, so why not be more generous and try to build up a certain scale.

Anyway, the company's current situation is that the machines are good and the technology has advantages, especially the tactile feedback technology which can be said to be unique in the world. Unfortunately, the market often recognizes products that are not of the best technology, and the company's robots have not been sold yet.

Now Manager Mo simply doesn't go anywhere. She stays at Sanbo Hospital every day to get familiar with everyone. When the doctors are training on how to operate the surgical robot, she hangs around and acts as a waitress. If there are any problems, they can communicate at any time. This can not only bring her closer to the doctors at Sanbo Hospital, but also collect information about problems encountered during the use of the surgical robot. Manager Mo has been working in the company for so long without any results, so she might as well bet on Sanbo Hospital. Maybe after the doctors at Sanbo Hospital complete their training, all of them will like to do robotic surgery, and it won't be difficult to buy a few more at once.

What’s more important is that Professor Yang has such a high status in the medical community. If he can use the device smoothly and just brag about it in public, his company’s surgical robot will become an instant hit.

Besides, the robot is in the hands of Professor Yang. If it performs many world-first surgeries in the future, the robot brand will also benefit. At least the company can publicize that the world's first surgery was performed by a certain brand of surgical robot, and how many such surgeries have been performed by a certain brand of robot.

Everyone in the medical business circle knows the story of Mr. Huang of Ruixing. Legend has it that Huang Jiacai guarded Sanbo Hospital and clung to Professor Yang's thigh, and he rose from a salesman to the big boss of the company. Mo Yeqing guarded Sanbo Hospital, the Institute of Surgery, and clung to Professor Yang's other leg. It would be okay for her to achieve some results. As the saying goes, "Don't hit a smiling person." She doesn't do any bad things when she comes here every day. She just provides good service for the surgical robot. Others will not chase her away.

After thinking it over in her mind, Manager Mo decided to go all out. She simply rented a house near the hospital to take care of these robots. Her boss also agreed with her plan. Anyway, the company was in the current state and was burning money. If they didn't make some progress without selling a single robot, no one would be willing to invest. Surgical robots were popular, but they were probably just a gust of wind, and after the wind passed, everything would be in tatters. The market for surgical robots was only so big, and because they were large items, the market growth was also relatively slow. The first-mover advantage of the leading brands was very large. Everyone was willing to buy the leading brands, and they didn't dare to buy new brands as guinea pigs. So they used the free strategy to open up the market and accumulate successful cases before expanding the market later. Otherwise, they couldn't sell them, and without successful cases, they would form a vicious circle.

The only way to break the vicious circle is to send out a few robots, let them do something, accumulate cases, and demonstrate the advantages of technology.

After installing the machine, Yang Ping wanted to see everyone's enthusiasm for training. It turned out that many people who had just finished an operation rushed to grab the training positions for the surgical robots without even having their meals. Several robots were full. In addition to those who were training seriously, there were also doctors eating boxed lunches and waiting in line. Each person had half an hour of training time, and they lined up one by one.

Surgical robots have really become toys for doctors at the Surgical Institute. As long as they have time, everyone comes to play with them. Training surgical robots has become the latest entertainment project for doctors at the Surgical Institute. As they play, their surgical skills are unknowingly improved.

Since Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang were already able to perform robotic surgery, they became our instructors and taught us some basic operating knowledge.

Xia Shu increasingly felt that his original choice was right. He decisively resigned from his job in the capital and joined Sanbo Hospital. Although he has not been here for long, he can already perform coronary artery bypass grafting operations. The training model here is very easy to grow. First, you need to master the theory, then conduct a lot of training with experimental pigs, and then follow Professor Yang to perform operations, and finally you can perform operations yourself. Once you can perform operations yourself, the number of surgeries you accumulate will increase, and your surgical experience will become richer and richer.

Now it is possible to use surgical robots for training, just like playing games. This is something Xia Shu had never dared to think about before. Before, Xia Shu could only help load and unload surgical instruments on the stage. As for operating a robot, that was impossible. Only a limited number of directors could touch such expensive equipment.

Doctor Li Min is a trainee doctor. He had seen this thing before in a township hospital. But when it was his turn, his hands were shaking and he didn't dare to operate it for a long time. After all, he felt that he had to treat this equipment worth tens of millions as a toy. He couldn't get over the invisible hurdle in his heart.

Many other young doctors would only dare to take action after repeatedly confirming that no compensation was required for damage. Before the responsibility was made clear, these young doctors did not dare to take action at all. They might end up going bankrupt after repairing the damage.

In order to improve the training effect, everyone brainstormed and developed many training methods. These are basic operations such as peeling grape skins and sewing grape skins. Everyone developed a variety of training programs such as origami airplanes, drawing cartoon characters, writing Chinese characters, threading beads, embroidering, etc.

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