godfather of surgery

Chapter 981 The Beauty of Machines

Chapter 981 The Beauty of Machines
Song Zimo nudged Yang Ping gently with his elbow, his eyes full of anticipation: "Professor, can you show me how to peel grapes?"

Yang Ping smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'll show you around." As soon as he finished speaking, the doctors around him immediately became excited.

In the medical field, whether it is traditional surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or today's robotic surgery, grape peeling is a common item in training surgical skills.

Yang Ping stood up and walked to the operating table. Unlike the da Vinci surgical robot, this robot has tactile feedback function and is more technologically advanced, so Yang Ping also wanted to try out this surgical robot.

The training room of the Surgical Institute is arranged differently from a real operating room. The surgical robot and operating table are placed in a spacious room. The doctors immediately gathered in a circle and stared at the operating table intently.

Yang Ping sat down at the operating table, adjusted the machine skillfully, and started operating it quickly.

The highly sophisticated surgical robot is like an extension of Yang Ping's arm. The robotic arm moves quickly and steadily in the air, as flexible as if it had life.

The tweezers of Robot Arm No. 1 gently grasped a purple grape, the tweezers at the end of Robot Arm No. 2 slightly pressed down the grape skin to create local tension on the grape skin, and the scissors at the end of Robot Arm No. 3 gently cut a small hole in the grape skin. Robot Arm No. 2 immediately caught a little of the cut grape skin edge through the small hole and gently lifted it up, and Robot Arm No. 3 began to separate them accurately with sharp scissors.

The three robotic arms worked in perfect coordination without any pause. Using tiny forces and precise control, they moved at an astonishing speed. The doctors watching were afraid that at this speed the grape skins would be torn if they were not careful.

However, this accident did not happen. Soon, in less than ten seconds, the thin peel was peeled off intact and turned into two hemisphere shapes. The whole process was amazingly smooth. The doctors watching held their breath and watched it all intently, as if they were afraid of missing any details.

However, the surprises are not over yet.

Yang Ping controlled the robotic arm and carefully "sewed" the peeled grape skins back together. The fine stitches were almost invisible, and the grape skins wrapped around the flesh again, as if they had never been peeled off.

"It's amazing!" A doctor couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and others nodded in agreement.

After completing this series of delicate operations, everyone seemed to be unsatisfied. Song Zimo suddenly had an idea and took out a piece of paper and placed it on the operating table: "Professor, can you fold a paper airplane for fun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Zimo's fingers that were holding the pieces of paper just loosened a little, and the robotic arm quickly and accurately took the paper from Song Zimo's hand. The movement was clean and neat, without any delay.

Paper was spread on the operating table, and three robotic arms began to cooperate to fold paper airplanes. Each fold was just right, and the whole process was obviously different from when people folded paper airplanes with their two hands. Soon, the paper airplane was folded out, and the final shape of the small airplane had smooth lines and flat wings, just like the most perfect handicraft of childhood.


Song Zimo still wasn't satisfied, and he was about to find another piece of paper.

But the robotic arm had already disassembled the paper airplane and smoothed out the creases. Song Zimo quickly handed over his gel pen, which the robotic arm clamped with its tweezers. He adjusted the pen's position and began to create art. The outline of the cartoon character was smoothly sketched on the paper with vivid lines and a sense of three-dimensionality. A vivid cartoon image jumped onto the paper, drawing the admiration of the doctors watching on the side.

Not only that, the robotic arm also demonstrated its ability to write Chinese characters. As the pen turned, Yang Ping's signature appeared in the lower right corner of the screen, which has the charm of traditional calligraphy and the precision of modern technology. Song Zimo silently placed beads, needles and threads on the operating table.

Yang Ping began to string the beads. The robotic arm picked up the thread, shaped the thread end, and then used the thread end to string the beads directly. Normally, people use a needle to carry the thread during training, but now Yang Ping doesn't need a needle at all and can directly use the soft thread to string the beads, which is extremely difficult.

The robotic arm was seen holding the thread, with a small section exposed, and it was moving accurately between the colorful beads, weaving strings of exquisite beads.

At this moment, the applause could no longer be held back and broke out like thunder.

However, Song Zimo always felt puzzled. He had obviously worked very hard. He came to the laboratory early every day and left late, devoting almost all his time to study and training.

But why does Yang Ping always look lazy? I don't see him training very hard, but his surgical skills are always far ahead of mine?

This made him sigh that the gap in talent really could not be eliminated by hard work. Yang Ping had always been standing on the top of the mountain, while Song Zimo felt that no matter how hard he tried, he could only look up.

"Would you like to try it?" Yang Ping stood up from his seat and stretched his muscles a little.

Song Zimo seemed a little nervous, mainly because the professor's pressure was too strong. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm not staring at you." Yang Ping said.

Song Zimo turned his head and looked at Yang Ping beside him: "Can you stay away from me? Your aura is a bit bullying."

Yang Ping had no choice but to walk to the operating table and watch Song Zimo's performance. Song Zimo gritted his teeth and tried hard to concentrate. The robotic arm began to move. The whole process could be completed, but the movements could not be smooth, let alone precise. For example, the grape skin moved several times during the suturing process, the paper airplane was not folded so standardly, and the drawing and writing could only be made do. At the end, the beads could not be threaded at all without the help of a needle.

In short, the whole process can be completed smoothly, but there is no aesthetic feeling at all. Yang Ping's performance just now exudes a kind of mechanical beauty at all times.

"You guys go train, I have something else to do."

After Yang Ping taught everyone some training methods and techniques, he left the department and went back to change his son's diaper.

In the surgical robot training room of the Institute of Surgery, everyone went back to rest one after another, and Song Zimo was the last one to leave. He trained until twelve o'clock in the evening before going back to rest. He had been trying to understand how the three robotic arms could work together perfectly, how to break away from the limitations of the two-arm operation of the human brain, and maximize the functions of the three robotic arms.

He copied the surgical video of Yang Ping from the robot host and transferred it to his mobile phone. Song Zimo planned to study it whenever he had nothing to do. He must break through his inherent thinking and master the true essence of multi-arm operation.

(End of this chapter)

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