godfather of surgery

Chapter 992 The Most Modern Township Hospital

Chapter 992 The Most Modern Township Hospital
The operation was completed smoothly and the patient's blood pressure was stable after the operation. If Li Min had not been present today, Director Zhang and Director Peng would have definitely fallen. As the saying goes, if you stand by the river often, you will get your feet wet. At this moment, the two directors deeply understood the meaning of this sentence. Even after the operation, the two directors were still in shock.

During the postoperative anesthesia recovery period, Director Zhang pulled Li Min to the reading light and asked Li Min frankly: "Tell me how to read this CT scan. I can usually only see the tumor and several adjacent large organs clearly, and I can't see any details at all."

The reading lamp was a bit old, and some of the bulbs inside were broken, so the light was not very bright. The CT films were originally taken by a second-hand retired machine, and the patient's family did not properly keep them, so the quality of the pictures was indeed a bit bad and not very good-looking. However, this did not pose a problem for Li Min. After all, he had gone through countless trainings in reading films and was very skilled. Even if there were unclear areas, he could deduce them based on the clear areas.

In clinical practice, how is it possible for every image to be of the best quality taken by the latest equipment and the best technicians? We must be able to make the best use of the information at hand.

"These are all adhesions. You see, the density is different from that of normal organs and tumors. These are the blood vessels that supply the tumor. Continuous levels must be viewed together. The brain must have a complete image of the anatomical structure--" Li Min had to explain using the knowledge he had learned.

Director Peng could understand a lot and could ask some reliable questions, but Director Zhang didn't quite understand and could only nod in agreement. Director Zhang's foundation was still not solid, so he didn't understand what was going on at once. He doesn't read books or papers much now, and he rarely goes out to attend meetings. His clinical knowledge and skills are all the accumulation of practical experience.

"If you look closely at this place, you can see that a subtle aneurysm has already formed. This is caused by the invasion of the tumor, so if you are not careful during separation, it may cause large blood vessels to tear. The mechanism is similar to the tearing of aortic dissection--" Li Min continued to explain.

Director Peng and Director Zhang listened attentively. One was really trying to take notes, and the other wanted to take notes, but couldn't understand it and didn't know how to read it.

In fact, Lao Zhang can still see something when looking at CT films, but when it comes to MRI films, everything goes black. He usually pretends to be serious in front of patients, and his judgment is based entirely on the description and diagnosis in the report.

One time, Zhang's friend came to see Zhang with a knee MRI to see what was wrong, but his friend didn't bring the report. Zhang was completely at a loss. Originally, Zhang was a general surgeon and didn't know much about orthopedics. Now without the report, what should he do? So he looked at the MRI film and asked, "You do have an injury. What did the doctor tell you at the time?"

"The doctor said it was a cruciate ligament injury!" the friend replied.

Mr. Zhang was wondering if it was anterior or posterior cruciate, and he had no idea how to tell. So he said to his friend, "Well, since it's a cruciate ligament injury, it's still very specialized. I'll ask an orthopedic surgeon to help you take a look."

But when the orthopedic doctor came over, he directly asked about the MRI report?

Without the report, our orthopedic colleagues are at a loss. In fact, many orthopedic surgeons do not know how to read MRI. This is the market situation and there is nothing we can do about it.

However, the orthopedic doctor was very smart and examined the patient immediately. Basic physical examination is still very effective. The orthopedic doctor also has experience and can get a general idea based on the physical examination. So he said: "Your anterior cruciate ligament is obviously damaged. The posterior cruciate ligament is not very obvious, but it is also damaged." This statement is more complete and flawless.

The patient continued to ask: "What about the meniscus, collateral ligament, and patellofemoral joint?"

The orthopedic doctor was confused, but he was very honest: "You should go to the city to find the doctor who originally treated you and ask him. He knows your condition better. We haven't seen many MRI films and don't have enough experience."

After some discussion in front of the film reviewing light, they talked about other surgeries. In the eyes of Director Zhang and Director Peng, Li Min was already an expert in both theory and surgery, and his position as Nanqiao's Li Yidao was secured.

The operation that Li Min performed when he returned to Guandu Hospital was undoubtedly an important turning point in his career. This operation not only tested his skills, but also earned him valuable reputation. The name of Li Yidao will rise like a shining new star in the medical community of Nanqiao.

Director Peng and Director Zhang invited Li Min and the old dean to go to the farmhouse at the reservoir to eat fish. Director Peng and Director Zhang had a great time talking to Li Min and called him a brother. Although Li Min was a little younger, Director Peng and Director Zhang didn't care. They were impressed by Li Min's skills and believed that the three brothers could work together in the medical field of the entire region.

During the following holidays, Li Min performed many operations, each time demonstrating amazing skills and calm judgment. His performance shocked all the doctors in the hospital, and they began to get to know Dr. Li Min again.

Of course, the old dean is the happiest. He can now retire with peace of mind. He knows that with a doctor like Li Min, the future of Guandu Hospital will be bright. Moreover, Li Min is not like other doctors. Even if he learns skills, he will not run away. He will stay in Guandu Hospital and serve the people in the mountainous areas. In the future, under the leadership of Li Min, Guandu Hospital will surely develop beyond everyone's imagination. With skills like Li Min, if it can be equipped with certain hardware and software conditions, Guandu Hospital may become a medical center for the surrounding mountainous areas.

The old dean is now thinking about how to establish a solid counterpart poverty alleviation relationship with Sanbo Hospital. However, when the old dean was hospitalized in Sanbo Hospital, Dean Xia talked to the old dean about this matter, but many details were not finalized. After all, he was only hospitalized for a few days.

This time, the old dean solemnly wrote a letter of authorization, fully authorizing Li Min to go to Sanbo Hospital to discuss poverty alleviation, hoping that Li Min could try his best to obtain more high-quality resources.

Yang Ping was very satisfied with Li Min's learning results during this period. Although Li Min's foundation was relatively poor and he was considered a poor student in the surgical institute, his efforts and progress were obvious to all.

Li Min usually managed to pass Yang Ping's training requirements. Yang Ping knew that hard work could make up for a lot of things, and Li Min proved this with his hard work. Although the training time was not long, only one year, Yang Ping devoted a lot of effort to train Li Min. He developed a personalized training plan for Li Min and personally took care of the whole process. Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang also assisted in the teaching, and their experience and guidance played a vital role in Li Min's growth.

The teaching resources of Sanbo Hospital can be said to be the strongest in the country. It has a special animal surgery laboratory for training doctors' surgical skills. A large number of experimental pigs provide surgeons with valuable practice opportunities, allowing them to continuously hone their skills in a real surgical environment. If the virtual surgery training system is successfully developed, then Sanbo Hospital's three-stage rocket training method will be officially established, and doctors will grow faster at that time.

A week of vacation is neither long nor short.

A week later, everyone returned to normal work, but their hearts were still immersed in the joy and gains of the holiday and could not focus for a while.

Xu Zhiliang's honeymoon was also completed. Their wedding was simple and novel, with a new minimalist style. They did not ask for betrothal gifts or hold a big wedding banquet. They simply asked parents, brothers and sisters from both sides to have a meal together, and then they started a sweet honeymoon without any cumbersome burden. It is said that this was the idea proposed by the woman, which made the betrothal money that Xu Zhiliang had prepared for a long time useless.

Tang Shun's family tour group also ended their trip. His American son was going back to the United States. Although they had only been together for a week, his son was reluctant to leave Tang Shun. His American girlfriends also kissed and hugged him when they left, and many of his Japanese girlfriends were in tears. Fukunaga Masako told Tang Shun that she was pregnant and decided to give birth to the child. So Tang Shun would soon have a Japanese son.

After Li Min returned to Sanbo Hospital from Guandu Hospital, he told Yang Ping about the old director's idea. In fact, Yang Ping had already noticed the issue of targeted poverty alleviation. Even without targeted poverty alleviation, Guandu Hospital would have received a lot of assistance.

Because Yang Ping's attention to Li Min also attracted the attention of Yang Ping's friends, they began to plan to donate equipment to Guandu Hospital. CT, MRI, color ultrasound, etc. were all on the donation list.

Some friends have started planning to donate funds, and some have even expressed their willingness to build a new campus for Guandu Hospital. And they are not just talking, they have already started taking action.

If the spontaneous donations from these friends are combined into a plan, the entire support plan will not only include talent training, provision of funding and hardware support, but also the construction of a new campus. They plan to build Guandu Hospital into a small modern hospital, "small but complete", and all kinds of inspection equipment will be included in the support list.

Nowadays, it is popular in the medical field to form medical groups. The so-called medical group is led by a large hospital, which incorporates some grassroots hospitals into its own management scope and forms a medical group.

In a sense, this can help grassroots hospitals improve their medical technology and promote their development and growth. However, in actual operation, things often change.

The original intention was good, but as time went by and various problems arose during the actual operation, medical groups often became channels for large hospitals to attract patients from small hospitals; while grassroots hospitals lost their own technical systems and became completely dependent on the help and support of large hospitals. In this way, grassroots hospitals not only did not get real development and improvement, but also lost their original positioning.

Before joining the group, the small hospital may have had its own technical system. After joining, it completely lost its own technical system and became completely dependent on the help of large hospitals. Deans, department heads and so on are all sent by large hospitals, and these deans and department heads are temporary and cannot work here for a long time. Some of them are even here just to practice. The opportunities originally given to grassroots hospitals were taken by the doctors who were airborne by these large hospitals. The doctors of the hospital only help to manage patients and do some auxiliary work.

In fact, the expansion of these large hospitals does not add anything new, but only takes away resources that originally belonged to grassroots hospitals. It is actually a way of expanding the monopoly by taking advantage of their already monopolistic position.

The goals of large hospitals and grassroots hospitals are inconsistent. Large hospitals want to get patients, while small hospitals hope that large hospitals can help them. However, in reality, powerful large hospitals can often achieve their goals, while small hospitals find it difficult to truly achieve their goals.

However, Yang Ping did not want to do this. He sincerely wanted to help Guandu Hospital. Supporting Guandu Hospital was not a problem in terms of economy. At the same time, with the technical strength of Sanbo Hospital, it was not a problem in terms of technology. Therefore, there were no problems in all aspects, and things could be said to be a natural outcome. They had the confidence and ability to build Guandu Hospital into a modern, efficient, and distinctive primary medical institution, and provide better medical services to local residents.

Li Min reported the news to the old dean, who smiled even when sleeping. He imagined what the new hospital would look like after it was built: Although the hospital was not big, it had all the basic equipment, and it was a new hospital. What a happy thing! It would be even better if there was an ambulance!
In this way, Guandu Hospital will be the most modern township hospital in the future.

Li Min sorted out the records of the surgeries he had performed in Guandu Hospital and brought them to Yang Ping to see, especially the abdominal tumor surgery that saved Director Zhang and Director Peng. The records were extremely detailed.

He hoped to find out his shortcomings and make improvements through Yang Ping's guidance. Since there was no intraoperative video footage for reference, Li Min could only rely on his own truthful detailed records and pre- and post-operative imaging images to show Yang Ping the surgical process and seek guidance.

After carefully studying the information provided by Li Min, Yang Ping gave some advice and suggestions. He believed that Li Min handled the matter well in general and did not miss any important steps, but some details needed further improvement and perfection.

Seeing that Li Min has mastered basic surgical techniques well, Yang Ping feels that it is time for him to get involved in robotic surgery. Although grassroots hospitals currently do not have robotic surgical equipment, Yang Ping still hopes that Li Min can master these cutting-edge technologies.

Yang Ping believes that surgical robots, like laparoscopes, belong to the category of tools. Regardless of whether they can be used in actual work, it is necessary to master their use.

Therefore, the training plan for Li Min also includes training in surgical robots. Although the requirements are not high, he is only required to master the operation of surgical robots and be able to perform some typical simple general surgical operations, but this is undoubtedly another improvement and challenge for Li Min's technical ability.

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