godfather of surgery

Chapter 993 Oncology Consultation

Chapter 993 Oncology Consultation
When Xu Zhiliang went back to work after the holiday, he was obviously different from before. His hair was no longer a mess, but was combed neatly. He was no longer wearing the same worn-out jeans and T-shirt that he had always worn. This time he was dressed very elegantly. I wonder how long this good image can last.

After Tang Shun came back, he was obviously a little haggard. He would type quickly on his mobile phone from time to time. Sometimes his fingers could not keep up with the speed, so he would hide aside and use voice input instead of typing. Anyway, the researchers in the laboratory saw him taking out his mobile phone from time to time and found it difficult to concentrate on his work. After all, the family had just separated, and it was inevitable that they felt reluctant to part.

Li Min said he was on vacation, but in fact he had performed surgery in Guandu Hospital for a whole week. He was also invited by Director Zhang to the county hospital to help with several more complicated cases. Of course, Li Min also gave clear diagnosis and treatment plans for these complicated cases on the spot.

The orthopedics department of the county hospital heard that Director Zhang had invited a great man, so they brought several bags of CT and MRI films to Li Min to help check. The radiology department was also very clear, thinking that the high-level resources invited by Director Zhang would not be wasted, so they also selected a thick pile of difficult and complicated cases and sent them to the general surgery department. Li Min was an honest man with no tricks. He accepted all the cases and read the films one by one, accompanied by simple explanations, and actually solved many unresolved problems of doctors.

After Yang Ping finished talking to Li Min, Song Zimo came in and said, "There's a consultation in the oncology department, and you're specifically asked to go."

After saying that, Song Zimo added, "It was really Director Jiang who personally issued the consultation form. He just called me."

There was a time when whenever a department encountered a difficult case, the attending physician would send a consultation form to the Institute of Surgery and clearly write Yang Ping's name on it. This was the so-called roll-call consultation. Yang Ping ran around the hospital with a thick stack of consultation forms and found that some of them were not difficult cases at all. These consultation forms were issued by the attending physicians and had not been reviewed by the department director.

In order to avoid wasting Yang Ping's energy, the Medical Department made a rule that the consultation form that named Yang Ping must be issued by the department director in person. This will put an end to the chaos of indiscriminate issuance of such consultation forms. Otherwise, the lovely Professor Yang can only do one thing at work every day - consultation, and there will never be enough consultations.

Therefore, Song Zimo's supplement is still necessary. Since the Medical Department issued the order, there have been some bold guys who pretended to be the director's signature and then privately issued a consultation form that named Professor Yang. This situation usually happens when the patient's condition is not serious or complicated, but the relationship with the doctor who issued the consultation form is special. At this time, the doctor will dare to take risks. If he succeeds, he will gain a lot, but if he fails, he will at most be criticized. Therefore, such adventurers will emerge from time to time.

Song Zimo handed the consultation form to Yang Ping. Yang Ping took a look at the medical summary there. There were a lot of random symptoms and a lot of diagnoses listed, but they were all uncertain diagnoses. It might be that he had encountered some troublesome case, so Yang Ping decided to take some time to see what was going on.

It seems that this case is not simple. Although he is very busy at work, no illness is trivial, so Yang Ping decided to go and see it in person. Before leaving, Yang Ping retrieved the patient's medical records from the computer for preview, which is a necessary step in the consultation.

The Institute of Surgery is a single building, so it is quite far from the Internal Medicine Building. Yang Ping picked up the consultation form, touched the Montblanc pen tucked in the upper left pocket of his white coat, stood up and went to the Internal Medicine Building, followed by two young graduate students. Anyway, whenever Yang Ping went out for a consultation, any doctor who was free would follow him.

The purpose of these young doctors following is very simple, they just want to learn something. Although some of the profound things are difficult for them to understand or see now, they will naturally understand them after seeing and hearing more.

Yang Ping walked very fast, and the doctor following him also walked very fast, but the taller of the two students looked relaxed, while the shorter student was obviously very anxious and struggling, because even if he ran in small steps, he still couldn't keep up with Professor Yang's speed.

Surgeons are like this, they come and go in a gust of wind, so they don't have time to spend time with you. In fact, in the hospital, surgeons and internists can be recognized at a glance. There is no need to look at the labels on their chests. If someone has a relaxed expression, walks quickly, and looks like he is in a hurry, he must be a surgeon. If someone walks steadily and looks thoughtful on his face while walking, he must be an internist, almost certainly.

In the doctor's office of the Department of Oncology, Director Jiang was frowning, and several doctors were standing beside him, seemingly discussing a case. It was obvious that Director Jiang's mental state had not been very good recently. The circle of sparse hair around him was obviously less than before, and his face always showed that he was sleep-deprived, and he had been under a lot of pressure recently.

Seeing Yang Ping coming in, Director Jiang immediately stood up to greet him: "Professor Yang!"

Although Yang Ping is very young, with his current status, as the head of the department, it is reasonable for him to stand up and call him Professor Yang.

"Hurry, go get the medical records!" Director Jiang instructed his doctors, then warmly invited Yang Ping to take a seat. The agile young doctor had already brought a glass of water.

Several doctors rushed out to get the medical records, as if it was an extremely honorable thing for Professor Hei Yang to get the medical records at this time. Soon, the medical record folder was brought to Yang Ping's hands. In fact, Yang Ping had already read the medical records on the computer in advance. Now getting the paper medical records was just a formality. For the consulting party, it seemed to be cautious, and for the inviting party, it seemed to respect the consulting doctor.

It is not appropriate to put a glass of water next to you when reading medical records. This is the rule, so without Yang Ping saying anything, someone helped to move the glass of water away.

Yang Ping looked through the medical records and found that this patient was indeed troublesome. The patient's name was Fu Xiaotao, and he was very young, only 24 years old. He studied at Jiaotong University in Shanghai and had just been admitted as a graduate student at the university. He did not expect to develop this disease.

The patient was hospitalized for 8 months due to recurrent abdominal pain, obvious weight loss, general edema and swollen lymph nodes. When he was first admitted, he was alternating between coma and consciousness. After treatment, he is now awake. He has been hospitalized for two weeks, four of which were spent in the ICU. During the hospitalization, repeated abdominal punctures have extracted about 40 kilograms of ascites.

According to the test reports, when he was admitted to the hospital, his liver, kidneys, etc. had severe dysfunctions, his immune function was seriously disordered, and CT showed enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body, but no obvious primary tumor lesions were found in the liver, lungs, etc.

After a large amount of hormone treatment, the condition is now improving, and liver and kidney function indicators are also showing a trend of improvement.

Fu Xiaotao is from Nandu Province. Since he studied in Shanghai, he had been to various major hospitals in Shanghai. Different hospitals considered different diagnoses. Some hospitals considered lymphoma, some considered systemic lupus erythematosus, some considered mononuclear hyperactivity disorder, some considered undiscovered malignant tumors metastasizing to lymph nodes, and some thought it was a rare and unknown immune rheumatic disease. These diagnoses were made by experts, and everyone had their own reasons, but the reasons were not sufficient, so these diagnoses did not eventually become confirmed diagnoses, and there was no effective treatment method. Every time the disease occurred, a large amount of glucocorticoids were used for treatment.

Given Fu Xiaotao's current condition, it is impossible for him to continue his studies, and his condition has not been clarified in Shanghai, so his family members were forced to take the patient back and find a solution.

When Fu Xiaotao went to school, he was in good health and was a school athlete. He was a main player on the school football team and even won the 5,000-meter championship during the school sports meet. Now his limbs are as thin as twigs, and his feet are as swollen as steamed buns. There is no trace of an athlete on his body.

After taking Fu Xiaotao home, his parents didn't know what to do. They could only let him rest at home. If his condition became serious, they would send him to the hospital for hormone treatment. There was no other way.

But Fu Xiaotao did not give up. He searched for information everywhere on the Internet. He did not just search for some random information. Instead, he used what he had learned from some professional journal websites to look up information about the treatment of this disease. Although he found nothing, he got the information that Sanbo Hospital was very good, especially for these difficult cases. So he came to Sanbo Hospital for treatment.

"Let's see the patient!"

Yang Ping suggested that this is the basic process of consultation. Of course, there are also doctors who come and go in a hurry. During the consultation, they do not see the patient and directly write the consultation form based on the medical records. However, most doctors will not do such stupid things. After all, the basic principle of clinical doctors is to contact patients.

The atmosphere in the oncology ward is generally depressing. Patients wearing hats or covering themselves tightly can be seen everywhere. This is because radiotherapy and chemotherapy have taken away their hair. Some patients who love beauty, especially women, always like to wear hats to cover up their lost hair. At the same time, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have destroyed their immunity, so they are more afraid of being infected by bacteria and viruses, or being attacked by colds.

The windows and balcony of the oncology department are locked, so the whole space is closed, adding a bit of depressing atmosphere. Locking the doors, windows and balcony does not mean that the hospital does not give patients the freedom to go out and breathe fresh air. Because the oncology department is very special, patients often jump off the building because of their depression. So in order to avoid trouble, many hospitals simply lock the doors and windows, or open them regularly under supervision.

When Yang Ping arrived at the ward, Fu Xiaotao was curled up on the bed. His limbs were like dry firewood and his abdomen was swollen like a six-month pregnant woman. It was said that he looked like an eight-month pregnant woman when he first came. His feet were swollen like steamed buns and wrinkles could be seen on his thin skin, indicating that the swelling was more severe before and was now in the process of detumescence.

Sitting next to them were Fu Xiaotao's parents, who had worked so hard to get their children into a 985 university and had them admitted to graduate school. This was a classic example of a successful child who was pushed to the limit to get a job. But now it has turned out like this. The parents felt heartbroken and upset, as if their dreams had been shattered.

Perhaps they are already accustomed to this kind of back-and-forth consultation in many hospitals, so when they saw Yang Ping and the doctor come in, Fu Xiaotao's parents didn't move.

"This is our Professor Yang!" Director Jiang introduced him personally, as if it would be insignificant or impolite for other doctors to introduce Professor Yang.

When the patient's parents heard Professor Yang's words, they both stood up immediately and forced a smile on their worried faces: "Hello, Professor Yang." They finally met the legendary Professor Yang.

The spread of a doctor's fame relies on two things - word of mouth and papers. The spread of fame among the common people relies on word of mouth, while the spread of fame in the medical community relies on papers. Of course, giving lectures at academic conferences is also a way to become famous in the medical community. The more times you appear and the earlier you appear, the more you will be remembered by your peers. But in the final analysis, it still depends on papers. Without excellent papers, the doctor will have no chance to give lectures on the stage and can only be a loyal listener in the audience.

Hearing the name Professor Yang, Fu Xiaotao immediately turned over and sat up, as if stimulated by something. He faced Professor Yang with his true face. Before Professor Yang was introduced, the patient had been lying on his side with his back facing this side, and he had not spoken. He was also used to doctors coming and going. Every time he came, the final conclusion was the same: "It cannot be diagnosed. Only glucocorticoids can be used for symptomatic treatment."

Presumably, the result would be the same this time, but when Fu Xiaotao heard the three words "Professor Yang", hope seemed to be rekindled, and he also greeted Yang Ping respectfully: "Professor Yang!"

In fact, this time it was also relying on a large amount of glucocorticoids to end the intermittent coma and restore the patient to a conscious state. Glucocorticoids are a powerful universal weapon in medicine. No matter what disease it is, when there is no other way, doctors will often use hormones. This is the doctor's last resort.

Although the medical records are already written in great detail, Yang Ping is used to asking about the medical history himself. Although the medical history is the same, different doctors will ask about it differently, that is for sure.

Yang Ping also has the habit of re-examining the patient himself. Although the patient's physical signs have always been the same, whether he can find out what is wrong and how much he can find out is directly related to the doctor's level.

"Frequent waking up from sleep at night, waking up covered in sweat, clothes soaked, repeated abdominal pain, fatigue, inexplicable swelling of lymph nodes all over the body, strange red lumps on the skin--" The patient is already very familiar with his condition and can list a lot of it without thinking.

It has been exactly eight months since the onset of the disease. When Fu Xiaotao first fell ill, he complained to his parents about his physical discomfort, but his parents thought he was under pressure from the postgraduate entrance examination, so they did not take it seriously and continued to encourage him. Later, when the symptoms became more and more severe and unbearable, Fu Xiaotao went to the hospital alone. Since then, in the past eight months, Fu Xiaotao has been seeking medical treatment intermittently, but he could not get a definite answer every time. In the end, he relied on large amounts of hormone treatment to relieve his symptoms.

After many times, Fu Xiaotao gradually lost confidence in hospitals and doctors. Every time he went to the hospital, he just got relief. He never expected to find out what the disease was, let alone cure it. Many diseases cannot be cured. This is the reality.

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