godfather of surgery

Chapter 994: Opportunity for Revenge

Chapter 994: Opportunity for Revenge

But when he heard Yang Ping's name, Fu Xiaotao immediately perked up. When the attending doctor told Fu Xiaotao to ask Professor Yang Ping for a consultation, the nurse who was tidying up the bed of the discharged patient nearby mentioned: "If you let Professor Yang take a look, I think your illness will be cured soon."

After hearing what the nurse said, Fu Xiaotao's parents asked the nurse for details about Professor Yang. The nurse acted as if they were asking the right person. While making the bed, he kept talking, just like an insider telling legends. His descriptions were vivid and magical. Regardless of whether it was true or not, the nurse's words gave Fu Xiaotao and his parents a strong sense of expectation.

The medical history is complicated, and there seems to be no main thread. Various atypical symptoms are pieced together. Indeed, this is like a rheumatology and immunology disease, but it is just "like". "Similarity" cannot be used to make a diagnosis, but "likeness" can only be used as a clue.

Yang Ping has no way to figure out what the disease is now. For an excellent doctor, if he encounters a disease that is difficult to identify, there is still a powerful weapon he can use, that is pathological diagnosis. Even if it is an unknown disease, he can infer the pathological changes of the disease from the pathological manifestations, and then deduce the pathological mechanism of the disease to find out what the disease is. Many new diseases are discovered by this method.

Therefore, Yang Ping decided to take the patient's swollen lymph nodes for pathological examination, hoping to find out what happened through pathological changes in the lymph node tissue. This is the most reliable and effective method.

The work of taking medical history, physical examination and reading films has been completed. Yang Ping and everyone returned to the doctor's office. He did some thinking as he walked. The several diagnoses listed by the experts were not without basis. These were the most reasonable judgments they made from the perspective of their own specialty.

In diagnostics, there is a principle called monism, which means trying to explain all the abnormal symptoms of a patient with one disease, because the patient is much more likely to have one disease than multiple diseases.

"I suggest that the patient undergo a minor operation to remove the swollen lymph nodes for pathological sections. We can then look at what is going on from a pathological perspective." Yang Ping gave his opinion.

At present, comprehensive analysis of medical history, physical examination and auxiliary examinations has not yet determined what disease this is. Taking lymph nodes for pathological examination may not necessarily solve the problem, but it must be done now. In fact, lymph node puncture can also be performed, but puncture sometimes cannot obtain the real pathological tissue, and it is not as reliable as direct surgery to take lymph nodes.

It is impossible for all tissues in a lymph node to be pathological tissues, so there is a big problem with puncture. With such a small puncture needle, it is difficult to guarantee that the tissue pierced is pathological tissue. Even with multiple punctures, missed diagnoses are inevitable. This is why some patients with lymphoma are still diagnosed normal after multiple punctures.

Surgical removal of the entire lymph node can completely avoid the problem of missed diagnosis. The lymph node is made into many slices, and there will always be a piece that is pathological tissue. If the lymph node taken is an abnormally enlarged lymph node, the entire lymph node will be made into a pathological section, and in theory it will be impossible to miss the diagnosis.

"Follow Professor Yang's advice."

Director Jiang agreed. In fact, he had no other choice now. This was Director Jiang's last hope. Of course, if the disease had not been found out this time, Director Jiang would not have any psychological burden. In the internal medicine department, it was not strange for patients to be discharged without a clear diagnosis.

Yang Ping pulled out his Montblanc pen from the upper left pocket of his white coat and fluently wrote his consultation opinion on the consultation form. His handwriting was not sloppy. Compared with other doctors' flamboyant handwriting, Yang Ping's handwriting was actually close to regular script. The structure of each stroke could be clearly seen, which was very rare among doctors who had been working for many years.

The Montblanc pen is a small gift from Auguste. Every doctor in the Institute of Surgery has one. It is the symbol of the Institute of Surgery. However, Yang Ping’s pen is a limited edition, and it has Yang Ping’s exclusive logo on it: Docter Yang.

"Do you want to go to the operating room for the operation? What time would be more convenient for you?"

Director Jiang is an internist and is not very clear about some specific procedures in surgery.

Yang Ping replied, "You don't need to go to the operating room. It can be done in the treatment room of your ward under local anesthesia. You need to sign the informed consent form first, and then the operation can be performed. Do you have a debridement kit? You also need a 2% lidocaine and a normal saline solution."

Many lymph nodes in the body are very superficial, and many people can easily feel them by themselves. Find an obviously large superficial lymph node, make a small cut, and completely remove the lymph node in a few minutes. Even if there are adhesions, it will not affect the speed of the operation.

Yang Ping looked at the students who came with him. If there were experienced people, he could let them complete the task. However, there were clearly two students who came with him, so why was there only one now?

It turned out that one of the students walked too slowly and missed the elevator. As a result, he was temporarily pulled away by a doctor from a certain department to push a patient and is now missing.

Now that these students were all new to the surgical institute and did not have the ability to perform this minor surgery, Yang Ping decided to do it himself.

"Prepare everything immediately. I'll take the lymph nodes now." Yang Ping urged Director Jiang.

Director Jiang was stunned for a moment. He obviously did not guess that the big boss would do such a small operation himself. Director Jiang was not slow to react and was waiting for Yang Ping to urge him. He was waiting for Yang Ping to assign the work to the doctors below, such as the one who was following him, or other doctors. He never expected that Yang Ping was going to do it himself.

Debridement packs, lidocaine, saline, and of course sterile gloves, sterile specimen bags, and razor blades, these are all supplies that are in short supply in the internal medicine ward. Except for gloves, the other supplies need to be temporarily allocated. Director Jiang gave the order, and Fu Xiaotao's attending physician and head nurse began various arrangements. It was impossible to temporarily go to the warehouse to get supplies, so they were usually borrowed from the surgery department.

During the secondment process, because there is a huge gap between internal medicine and surgery, people would come to ask from time to time what size gloves to use, whether they should be powdered or powder-free, what specifications of blades to use, and whether they should be pointed, round or curved.

If Director Jiang had not already started allocating supplies, Yang Ping would have simply called the doctors or nurses in his department to send over a complete set faster. After repeated communications, the Department of Oncology finally gathered all the supplies needed for the minor operation.

Of course, when they were allocating supplies, Yang Ping was not idle either. He drafted the informed consent form for the surgery and conducted the signed interviews himself. Director Jiang was there with him, but he couldn't help much.

The minor operation was performed in the treatment room of the ward. The doctor in charge pushed Fu Xiaotao in a wheelchair and helped him onto the treatment bed.

"Be my assistant!" Yang Ping instructed the student he brought with him.

The student was flattered and started helping immediately. Perhaps because he was nervous, it took him several minutes to put on his gloves, and by the time he went on stage, both of his gloves were wrinkled.

Yang Ping's movements were extremely skillful. After local anesthesia, he cut the wound with his knife without any bleeding. A lymph node was separated and fell into a sterile specimen bag. Director Jiang felt something strange when he saw this scene, as if he had seen it before. He felt that he must have seen a similar scene when he was a child but he just couldn't remember it for the time being.

During the whole process, Fu Xiaotao did not feel any pain. He just lay down and it was over. It was too fast. He even felt that he had not found a comfortable position yet.

The graduate student helped to send the specimen directly to the Pathology Department. Wen Ruzheng from the Pathology Department was not in the department, but Director Guan was there. Director Guan asked the graduate student which department was sending the specimen so hurriedly, and the graduate student replied that it was Professor Yang who asked them to send it.

Director Guan immediately asked someone to bring in the pathological specimen, and did not forget to instruct: "Let Wen Ruzheng handle this specimen. Call him."

Professor Yang Ping had someone deliver the things personally, which must be some difficult case. Director Guan knew it very well. He was a little overwhelmed by this kind of specimen, and only Wen Ruzheng could handle it. Little Wen had a bit of a weird temper, but he had real skills. Director Guan always cared for Wen Ruzheng and was planning to let him take over the position of department director.

After arranging the specimens, Director Guan asked the graduate student to tell Professor Yang that Wen Ruzheng would personally prepare and observe the pathological sections.

After the consultation, Yang Ping returned to the department. It would take some time for the pathological diagnosis to come out. Even if Wen Ruzheng handled it alone, the results would not be available until 24 hours later.

The next day at around six o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Ping had just finished the operation and was discussing the case with Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang in the doctor's office when he received a call from Wen Ruzheng: "I saw it, I saw it!" "What did you see?" Yang Ping asked him. Wen Ruzheng on the other end of the phone didn't say anything and looked mysterious.

Ever since he was defeated by Yang Ping and had to run naked around the hospital three times last time, Wen Ru has been working hard and has been studying pathology except for the time for eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping. Today he finally has the chance for revenge.

"Let's have a face-to-face chat! Bring Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang with you, they should be here, right?" Wen Ruzheng said that if these two guys were not there, the time for the face-to-face chat must be changed.

Mysterious! Yang Ping called Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang: "Let's go to the pathology department and see what Wen Ru is doing."

So the three of them came to the pathology department. Wen Ru was guarding a microscope, looking quite leisurely. He seemed to be waiting for Yang Ping to arrive: "Professor Yang, please take a seat."

"How is it? Have you seen Fu Xiaotao's pathological section? What's the situation?" Yang Ping asked him directly, not wanting to play any mysterious games with him.

Wen Ruzheng was not in a hurry to answer, and smiled strangely: "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, Professor Yang, how about we make another bet this time? The same bet as last time"

"Bet? What bet?" Yang Ping had already forgotten about Wen Ruzheng's last bet on streaking.

Wen Ruzheng said confidently: "I have successfully deciphered the pathological section of this patient. I am 100% confident that there is no mistake. If you can figure it out, I lose and I will run around the hospital naked three times. If you can't figure it out, I'm sorry, but you run around the hospital naked three times. How about that?"

Damn, this is revenge. Yang Ping finally understood why he was so mysterious and asked to bring Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang with him. He just wanted to replicate the previous scene.

Let Professor Yang run naked! Just thinking about it is exciting. Haha, Wen Ruzheng was already laughing in his heart.

"What, you don't dare?" Wen Ru was just trying to provoke Yang Ping, fearing that Yang Ping would back down and lose such a good chance for revenge. He wanted to get up from where he fell, and this time Wen Ru was going to get up with dignity.

Wen Ruzheng thought to himself, to be frank, the number of hospitals in the world that can interpret this pathology section can be counted on one hand. In the United States, only hospitals of the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University can interpret it. My level, Wen Ruzheng, is not to be underestimated. It is now world-class. In China, there are probably only three or two hospitals that can interpret it. As a surgeon, Yang Ping's knowledge of pathology is indeed impressive, but it is impossible for him to be this good. Professional barriers still exist. This bet is 100% a win.

If Wen Ruzheng had not devoted himself to study during this period, he would probably not have been able to see it clearly this time. Opportunities, opportunities only come to those who are prepared.

"Let me take a look--" Yang Ping wanted to go over and take a look.

Wen Ruzheng immediately reached out to stop Yang Ping, blocking his body in front of the microscope: "Let me make it clear first, do you want to bet or not? If you don't bet, it means you admit defeat."

"Wen Ruzheng, what are you doing? We are all busy and don't have time to play tricks with you. Just tell me what disease you have." Song Zimo said impatiently.

Wen Ruzheng immediately said unhappily: "Mr. Song, what's wrong? Are you all scared? Was I, Wen Ruzheng, scared last time? I lost and ran naked three laps anyway."

"We do this because we're afraid that you'll embarrass yourself again. We're brothers, there's no need to be so cruel." Xu Zhiliang and Wen Ruzheng said seriously.

Song Zimo also advised him: "Yes, once is enough, why do you do it twice? Maybe your muscle volume has improved recently and you want to show it off."

When Wen Ruzheng heard this, he became even more unhappy: "You don't have to care about me. I am willing to accept the loss. What's wrong? Do you dare to gamble?"

Song Zimo shook his head. He had seen people who were not afraid of death, but he had never seen someone this fearless. "No underwear this time!"

"Okay!" Wen Ruzheng said without even thinking about it.

Yang Ping sighed and said, "Dr. Wen, do we have to keep this relationship like this? Is there no room for improvement?"

"No! But don't worry, if I, Wen Ruzheng, lose again, I will definitely not escape. I will run around Sanbo Hospital three times without wearing any internal medicine uniform." Wen Ruzheng said firmly.

Yang Ping had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's bet!"

Wen Ruzheng finally let go of Yang Ping. Yang Ping sat in front of the microscope, took a look, and within a minute he said, "Castleman's disease!"

When Wen Ru heard Yang Ping's diagnosis, he was struck by lightning and was petrified on the spot. He could not believe his ears.

"Brother, pick your own time and remember not to wear underwear!"

Song Zimo patted the petrified Wen Ruzheng's shoulder. The three of them were in a hurry, and after getting the results, they went straight out of the pathology department.

"Xiao Wen! Are you okay?" Director Guan came out of the office and saw Wen Ru sitting on the chair, like a wooden sculpture, with no expression on his face.

"Xiao Wen! Xiao Wen! Xiao Wen!"

Director Guan called out three times, but Wen Ruzheng didn't move at all. Director Guan was startled and walked over immediately. He thought, "Could anything have happened? Why wasn't he moving?"

"Oh it's all right!"

Wen Ruzheng finally spoke.

"You scared me. I thought you had a cerebral infarction." Director Guan took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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