godfather of surgery

Chapter 998 Collapse

Chapter 998 Collapse
"I remember that Professor Guan had a paper about the research on the expression protein of tumor cells, which mentioned the modification of this expressed protein. I have read this paper published in the journal Science. I would like to ask, what are the specific methods used to achieve the modification and labeling at that time?"

Everyone was very enthusiastic about the discussion. After all, they are all top experts in the industry. This defense meeting itself is a process of questioning and resolving doubts. After fierce debate, the value of your topic will be finally determined.

That previous paper?
Guan Ruyan only knew the general idea. After all, the experiment was not designed by him, nor was it completed by him personally, and he did not write the paper. So he certainly would not be very clear about some of the deeper things in it.

Lu Xiaolu hasn't come yet. It's been such a long time. This has never happened to Lu Xiaolu before. He always stays by Guan Ruyan's side at every academic meeting. But now he runs away from such an important meeting. But we can't blame him. Other things can be endured, but no one can endure diarrhea.

Guan Ruyan wanted to make a phone call, but he couldn't because President Rao and Academician Xiang were sitting next to him. Guan Ruyan was on pins and needles. He had no choice but to answer the questions, but it would be easy to be exposed if he answered them. All the people present were real top experts and it would be impossible to fool them. Professor Guan was simply suffering in the frying pan.

"We use a method that is at the intersection of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry. Since Sharpless first proposed the concept of click chemistry in 1998, it has been gradually improved. The core concept of click chemistry is that synthetic chemistry should be guided by molecular functions and quickly and reliably complete the chemical synthesis of various molecules through the simple splicing of small units. This theory gives us the possibility to splice protein submolecules. Bioorthogonal chemistry gives us another tool. The initial bioorthogonal reaction mainly refers to coupling reaction, which is used to label, trace, enrich or modify the target biological molecules in the complex environment of organisms. After more than ten years of development, more than ten bioorthogonal reactions for living cells have been discovered or developed. These reactions have played an important role in living cell imaging and bio-omics analysis and have shown great potential. We combine them to complete splicing, labeling, tracing, enrichment, etc."

Although Guan Ruyan is not as good as Lu Xiaolu, he is a PhD who studied in Germany, so his foundation must be good. He not only understands these cutting-edge technologies, but is also very familiar with them. He can talk about them in a lot of ways, but he did not get to the core of the problem. The core of the problem can only be answered by the person who is actually in charge of the project.

It was obvious that the American expert was a little confused, so he was very dissatisfied with Guan Ruyan's answer: "Professor Guan, you didn't actually answer my question directly. I didn't ask you to answer the history and application of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry theory. I know you combined the two theories. I want to know how you combined the two theories, what you combined, and how they were organically combined. I need more details. For example, you told me to use a quadratic function to solve this problem, but this is far from enough. You should present the complete process of solving the problem."

As for the specific details, Guan Ruyan really couldn't think of them now. For example, the pattern on a piece of clothing is very beautiful. Others asked how the pattern was made, what artistic inspiration was borrowed from the design of the pattern, what technology was used to draw the pattern, the formula of the color dye of the pattern, etc. These specific details must be known by people who have been through the entire process.

So Guan Ruyan had no way of answering these details and could only wait for Lu Xiaolu to come back. However, this guy was not coming back for a long time. Maybe he fainted in the bathroom.

"Sorry, my throat feels a little uncomfortable. Let me take a break." Guan Ruyan took another sip of water to buy some time to recover.

Guan Ruyan waved his hand, and the student at the door came in immediately. Guan Ruyan whispered, "Professor Lu is not feeling well and just went to the bathroom. I'm worried that he may have fainted in the bathroom. Go and look for him."

After arranging for the students to find Lu Xiaolu, Guan Ruyan began to answer the American professor's questions again. He coughed a few times and said, "My throat is really uncomfortable. It feels like it's burning. Wait for my assistant to come back and let him answer your questions in detail."

The other person was not feeling well and could not speak. If he continued to ask questions forcefully, it would be considered impolite, so the American professor temporarily stopped asking questions.

Yang Ping felt very strange. He had just said so many irrelevant words. Why didn't he answer his question directly? Is it necessary to keep it confidential? No, there is no need to keep it confidential. He has published everything in the journal Science. The method he used was also developed on the basis of internationally shared technology. He should not only inform his peers, but also has the obligation to do so.

Yang Ping vaguely felt that there was something special behind this, and it was definitely not a matter of confidentiality. Could it be that all these projects were completed by Lu Xiaolu, and Guan Ruyan didn't know the details? How could it be possible? Yang Ping felt that his idea was absurd and disrespectful. Guan Ruyan was a young talent at Nandu Medical University, a candidate for the next session of outstanding young scientists, and his current scientific research output was very excellent. How could he not know about his own project? It was impossible. There must be other reasons, but Yang Ping couldn't think of it for the time being.

Academician Xiang frowned and was very unhappy. This kind of meeting was supposed to be a defense meeting, and you should give direct answers to other people's questions. You always beat around the bush. Doesn't your throat hurt from going around in circles? Going around in circles for a long time and then finally telling people that your throat hurts is obviously disrespectful to others and is not in line with the purpose of the meeting.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the meeting fell into a brief awkwardness. No one dared to ask questions. It seemed that asking questions would be torture to Guan Ruyan. He had already said that he had a sore throat. If he continued to ask questions, it would certainly seem extremely inhumane.

What to do? Several professors in Nandu Medical University looked at President Rao, hoping that he would give an answer. President Rao said, "Wait until Lu Xiaolu comes back. Do you have any other assistants? Please answer for Professor Guan. Professor Guan is not feeling well."

There was an assistant standing at the door who didn't come in, but he was obviously unable to answer for him. Even Guan Ruyan couldn't answer it. This young assistant was just a PhD who had not yet graduated, so how could he possibly give a clear answer?

"It's okay, let me answer it!" Guan Ruyan coughed a few times, then took a sip of water, his expression extremely painful.

"Is such that---"

As soon as it started, I started coughing violently.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry--" Guan Ruyan acted as if he really couldn't hold on any longer.

Soon, the student who had gone to look for Lu Xiaolu came back, and Principal Rao asked anxiously, "How is Professor Lu?"

"The security guard said that Professor Lu almost fainted in the restroom. He just called a car to take Professor Lu to the Fuyi Hospital for rehydration."

Principal Rao was completely confused and very angry. What are you two doing? It's such an important meeting, but no one of you explained the situation in advance before the meeting. Now one of you has a sore throat and the other has diarrhea, and the diarrhea went straight to the Affiliated Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University.

Guan Ruyan was completely dumbfounded. How could Lu Xiaolu leave such an important project? The key point was that he was too busy during this period and he didn't pay any attention to this project. Originally, the project was led by Lu Xiaolu, and he was too busy to familiarize himself with the project in advance, and didn't have much communication with Lu Xiaolu. He rushed into the project, so how could he tell the details? Now he was in a dilemma. He had never encountered such a thing before.

Now the assistant is in the hospital. You can't say that you can't complete the defense without the assistant. If you do that, isn't that just a child's play? A sore throat or a cough is not a big deal. It's okay to endure it and say a few words.

"Call the school doctor and ask him to send a throat spray of hormone and two Asperme." Principal Rao knows a lot about medicine, and he has encountered this kind of thing before when teaching students. It is easy to solve. It is just acute upper respiratory tract, sore throat, and the throat spray of hormone will definitely relieve it immediately. Asperme is also effective for cough. This meeting is so important that it must not be cancelled because of this little problem. You have to know that some of these experts are from the capital, some from the Magic City, and some flew back from the United States. Who doesn't have a cold?

Guan Ruyan didn't know whether to stop it or not. He was totally at a loss. Lu Xiaolu was not here, so no matter what he tried, it would be useless unless he fainted on the spot. Fainting on the spot was impossible. If it weren't for his good mental strength, Guan Ruyan's forehead would definitely be covered in sweat.

"Is Professor Lu okay?" Guan Ruyan asked with concern, trying to delay time as much as possible and then think of a solution.

"I don't know, maybe it's dehydration. I'll call Affiliated Hospital and ask." The student immediately left the venue.

Hormone and Asma were also delivered to him, and even warm water was delivered to him. Guan Ruyan had no choice but to take two Asma pills and then spray the throat with hormone. Principal Rao asked, "How is it? Do you feel better? I used to use this method when I had a cough and a sore throat during class. It always works."

"Let's continue the meeting. Professor Guan is feeling a little unwell. Please forgive me. I'm sorry for wasting your time." President Rao came out personally to apologize to everyone.

The quality of these professors is really high. When encountering such an incident, no one whispered or showed impatience. They were very tolerant of Professor Guan, and the meeting went on as usual.

The other experts were still very considerate. Knowing that Guan Ruyan was not feeling well, they basically asked symbolic questions, and the meeting was just going through the motions. However, the Americans were not polite at all.

"Professor Guan, I don't know if you didn't hear my question clearly. My question is how you use the theories of two cutting-edge technologies to achieve your goals. For example, the details mentioned in your paper: modular construction of a compound library based on a double click chemistry strategy. This is the necessary preparation for your subsequent research."

Guan Ruyan tried his best to answer: "My paper mentioned active fluorosulfonyl isocyanate, which is used as a bi-electrophilic reagent to realize the amidation of carboxylic acid and amine building blocks and the SuFEx sequential linking. Both reactions can be carried out under simple conditions, and most substrates can be converted nearly quantitatively. N-acylsulfonyl fluoride and N-acylsulfonamide compounds can be obtained with excellent yields. This experiment is the basis for our subsequent protein modification and labeling."

"These are all in the papers. I want to know the details beyond the papers, such as how many microplates did you conduct your initial experiments on, what was the conversion rate, etc."

Americans ask very detailed questions and like to use follow-up questions. You answer a question and they will continue to ask questions based on your answer.

This kind of follow-up questioning made Guan Ruyan dizzy. The experiment was not designed by Guan Ruyan, so how could he know the ideas and details behind it.

Guan Ruyan was stuck for a moment, but the American was not ready to give up and was waiting for his answer.

"Just tell him directly, there's nothing to keep secret about this." Academician Xiang was very dissatisfied with Guan Ruyan's performance.

First you said you had a sore throat and refused to answer the question directly. Now you are stuck when someone asks you a question. How could you not know your own project? Even if you are a hands-off boss and hand over the specific work to the graduate students, you basically designed the experiment yourself. At least the idea is yours, so you can definitely answer this question.

Yang Ping thought that Guan Ruyan had a cold and his hearing was impaired, so he helped translate: "He wants to know how you completed this precursor research. Tell him the details of the implementation, such as how many microwell plates you used, the conversion efficiency of the target compound, etc."

Guan Ruyan was flipping through the materials on the computer very quickly. The computer was connected to the projector, so the screen showed the images switching as he frantically flipped through the courseware.

Where is it? To be honest, today's courseware was prepared by Lu Xiaolu. He is not familiar with it at all. He just familiarized himself with it a little before coming. How could he understand the details?

"I'm sorry, I really don't remember these specific data accurately. I need to look up the information." Guan Ruyan had no choice but to say this.

Lu Xiaolu, Lu Xiaolu, you have really screwed me today. I had diarrhea not earlier or later, but now, and it went all the way to Fuyi.

At this time, President Rao, Academician Xiang, and Yang Ping all looked at him. You don't know? How is it possible? How could you not know such important data? Even if you don't know, at least you can give a rough idea. And even if you don't know, you can infer it from the data in the previous topic. Isn't the predicted data in the topic inferred by the formula using these data?

This is way off the mark!

"Just give a rough estimate. He just wants to know the rough estimate, because if some indicators don't meet the standards, they can't be used in your project."

Academician Xiang gave a kind reminder.

But we don't even know the approximate data, and we don't know any of the details in it. It's like the manuscript the director just got, he just glanced over it and then went on stage to speak, and then someone asked him so seriously about the details of the manuscript, how could he possibly answer it? Isn't this asking too much?

It would have been fine if no one had urged him, but now that everyone was pushing him like this, Guan Ruyan became even more anxious. The key point was that he didn't know anything, nothing at all. This was something outside the subject and not in the subject plan.

You must not collapse today, Guan Ruyan forced himself to calm down.

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