Chapter 1 Eleven Senior Sister Don't Do Sweeping Work (Seeking Collection Recommendation Tickets)
The floating island surrounded by immortals is vast and spectacular. Lingxia is all over the sky, auspicious clouds are wandering freely, and all kinds of spirit animals and animals are chasing and wandering.Of course, looking at the vast and boundless floating immortal island, it is not really boundless.

At the end of a remote edge of this immortal island-Migu Swamp, although there is no guardian of Xian'e Daotong, it is full of traps.

"Sect Master, are we safe now? This is Senior Sister Eleven's territory! They shouldn't dare to chase after them... right?"

Orange's tone was very uncertain, with a hint of panic and unease that could not be concealed. She had obviously never experienced a big battle.

When Ma Yunteng opened his eyes, he saw an orange with a cute ball-shaped head. His eyes were moist and cute, and his little face with a little baby's fat slap should have been fair and flawless. An eyesore.

Ma Yunteng, who has always been deeply obsessed with cleanliness and flower care, stretched out his hand involuntarily and wiped it for her with his wide sleeve. Most of the dirt was wiped off, but there was such a tiny bit of stain that was stubborn and couldn't be wiped off. .

Ma Yunteng didn't think much about it, his wide sleeve dipped a little spit in his mouth, stretched out his hand, and was about to continue wiping.

Unexpectedly, he had been lying down obediently and let the sect master wipe the oranges, but suddenly a carp stood up.

Little Loli pointed at Ma Yunteng angrily, and said crisply: "Master! Aren't you a clean freak? How can you wipe such dirty spit on my face? It's unsanitary!"

At this time, a mute prompt appeared out of thin air in Ma Yunteng's mind:

薅 (hāo) [Orange Fairy] Wool at 9 o'clock!
Total value: [9 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

If he doesn't dislike the noise harassment coming from time to time in his mind, the prompt can be "ding!"

There can also be "when..."

He wisely chose to mute alerts.

However, this is...

It's also called scalloped wool?
This is much broader than what he understands about scouring wool.

The setting of this god system is also too weird.

Ma Yunteng was really surprised.

The 9 o'clock cut value is indeed insignificant, but he really didn't want to cut this wave of wool, he was just a pure obsession with cleanliness.

When Ma Yunteng first saw the task progress bar, he felt that this system was very unreliable. For a primary task, it needed so many points, and it felt completely useless.

To be honest, he really didn't look down on the so-called realm of the gods, and he didn't look forward to it at all.

Isn't it just a bigger space, if he wants, he can be completely self-sufficient.

Ma Yunteng ignored the prompt that appeared out of thin air in his mind, and let it come and slip away quietly, he didn't even bother to wave his sleeves.

He was looking at Chengzi Xian'e intently, listening intently to Xiao Xian'e's lectures, looking serious.

He felt that what Chengzi said was reasonable, so he nodded without guilt, and then humbly asked for advice: "Your face is dirty, how to clean it?"

Cheng Zi was very surprised, with an incredulous look on his face, "Naturally, it is the use of purification techniques!"

After he finished speaking, his delicate fingers that were as white as jade swiped lightly in the air, and the stubborn stains on his face disappeared without a trace.

Cheng Zi was very puzzled at this time, and the little head was wondering: Could it be that the head master is using this to test her?

The purification technique is a very low-end basic entry-level spell, and the head master actually tested her for this?

Purity? !

It was only then that Ma Yunteng realized that he had returned to the Wanling Immortal Realm, became the head of Tianyuanmen, and could use spells again.

In the last life and the previous life, he had the same name as this body, also called Ma Yunteng, and he was reborn in the world of mortals who were suppressed by the laws of heaven and could not use magic. He had not used magic for more than 100 years in the two lives combined, and he was used to the mortal world. The way of thinking, I don't know that I can use spells at all.

Once the habit is formed, it is a bit deeply ingrained, and he decided to get rid of those habits of thinking in the previous two lives.

After careful observation, he found that the memory of this body's original body was exactly the same as its appearance - it was too out of the ordinary!
Everything about the sect, even the person's own affairs, the memory is illusory and ethereal, and he can only rely on him to figure out and explore. There are a lot of situations, and the general thing is obvious, it is not difficult to guess.

The world is impermanent, this Tianyuanmen is clearly the first sect founded in Wanling Xianjie by Ling Tianyuan in his first life. When he ascended, Tianyuanmen already had a million disciples, and he had a great reputation. He mentioned Ling Tianyuan. The name is admired by everyone in the fairy world.

Now, it is so bleak. There are only two masters and apprentices left in the whole sect, and the sect's immortal mountain is not guaranteed. He was chased and chased all the way to this place, and he was very embarrassed.

Fortunately, he is back.

It seems that this system of smashing the gods in the brain is indeed a bit magical.

He was reborn many times, and he tried his best to be unable to come back, but the Shushen system really sent him back.

After going out for a while, it has been a thousand years since he came back again.

It took him a thousand years to finally understand the difference between death and ascension.

The so-called death does not mean that the Buddhist system has become fat, but that the Dharma body still remains in the original realm to wait for the rotten dust or the condensed relic, but the soul is one step ahead, and it disappears completely.

The so-called ascension is not to reach the rumored God Realm to enjoy eternal life, but to enter the Nirvana Sea to hibernate, but the soul has the opportunity to be reborn in the ninth life.

As of now, there are no immortal gods.

According to rumors, the god realm where the gods live is just a quiet and lonely sea of ​​nirvana.

Fortunately, his first life did not pass away, but soared.

However, when the ninth life returned, his number of rebirths had been exhausted. In this life, the Dharma body still dormant in the Nirvana Sea, as well as his soul, were always faced with the final outcome of being forced to die by the laws of heaven and then completely wiped out.

In this last life, it is rare to be able to return to the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm, and he has to cherish it.

"Sect Master, those crazy and fierce pursuers may catch up at any time, let's hurry up and find Senior Sister Eleven!"

"Okay! You lead the way!"

Orange's slender eyelashes moved slightly, and the black and white apricot eyes were full of confusion, "I don't know the way!"

Ma Yunteng thought for a while, and said slowly, "Don't our sect have a map of fairy spirits on the palm? You can stretch out your palm and use your spiritual power to check it carefully."

"Ah? However, this Spirit Vulture Island is an immortal island recently refined by Senior Sister Eleven, and it hasn't been added to the Xianling map yet..."

Refining Immortal Island?

Ma Yunteng suddenly asked: "Your Eleventh Senior Sister, you are not doing the cleaning work on this floating immortal island?"

Orange was even more confused and startled, her round almond eyes were obviously one-fifth wider, and her black and white pupils and whites were moist and glowing.

She whispered to herself in a low voice: "How could my eleventh senior sister do the sweeping work? Could it be that I do the sweeping work, do the other brothers and sisters have to do the sweeping work? We Tianyuanmen are cultivators. A sect, not a housekeeping sect..."

After she finished speaking, she proudly puffed out her abnormally well-developed breasts and put on a arrogant attitude that I am proud of my sect.

At this time, the prompt in Ma Yunteng's mind came quietly again:

[Orange Fairy] Wool 100 points!
Total value: [109 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

The prompt slipped away again, without taking away a cloud either.

Ma Yunteng coughed twice, and continued to say calmly: "It's a lie for the teacher. Your Eleventh Senior Sister is doing well on this immortal island. She is a role model for you to learn from."

Unexpectedly, Chengzi's face changed suddenly, and she jumped up and scolded angrily: "She is not a role model for Chengzi! She left the sect and established her own business, and she will be spurned."

Ma Yunteng looked at the little girl who was full of positive energy and was just and righteous. He wanted to laugh, but it was inconvenient to laugh out loud. He finally tried his best to hold back his laughter and said, "Oh, who is going to spurn her?"

"Of course it's all the Immortal Venerables and all the disciples of our Tianyuan Sect!"

"Where are these people? Where have they all gone now?" Ma Yunteng hurriedly asked.

Chengzi sighed helplessly, the head master Zunkong had a pair of golden and jade skins that the female immortals were competing for, but he ignored the immortal affairs and did not know the world, so she could only look after her fate.

"They... they have all gone out to stand on their own! Hmph! It's all my fault that Big Sister didn't lead the way!"

So... the implication can only be that their master and apprentice despise those apprentices who go out alone to seek new development.

Are you all out on your own?

This is not good for unity.

It seems that the original owner of the flesh is really not good at education and guidance.

Ma Yunteng smiled calmly and said, "It's better for them to go out for a while, so that they will be more mature and stable."

Chengzi began to jump again, and asked in a somewhat unkind tone: "Master, do you think that I am not stable enough?"

This girl was so impatient, Ma Yunteng had no choice but to praise: "You are the best orange! Only you are the one who guards the sect."

The smile on Chengzi's face was bright, and he thought to himself: It's not because the big sister said that you have a habit of cleanliness, and someone must be responsible for cleaning, and also promised that all the oranges in the Orange Garden in the back of the sect and all the spirits and beasts will be enjoyed by me... …

She licked her rosy lips and said aggrievedly, "Sect Master, I'm hungry..."

Ma Yunteng sat half-sitting and looked around. The empty muddy swamp had neither fresh fruit to pick nor birds and beasts that could be roasted...

"Sect Master! Is that black thing chasing after the bats and beasts of Immortal Wuya?"

Orange's tone instantly became anxious and flustered.

Ma Yunteng held his forehead and said secretly: This girl is too impatient, she is still too young.

"Nothing! This Immortal Venerable is here!"

"Sect Master! If you can beat Immortal Wuya, do we still need to run for our lives?"

Chengzi screamed sharply while having no shrewdness, and consciously hid behind Ma Yunteng. She is a clever little ghost that even the elder sister often praises, and will never be a burden to the head master.

Ma Yunteng looked back, and the little girl was using him as a human shield, nibbling on a big orange with full and fragrant flesh.

——————To be continued Dividing line ———


1. "The First God" is not a rigorous and serious manual for cultivation of immortals. It is essentially a collection of endless fun, amusing, and funny. Well, what I actually want to say is that the author of this book really does not recommend readers to read it. It is too much. Makes no sense...

2. Hāo (hāo) wool: Vouchers for taxi-hailing and carpooling software, relief activities for take-out orders, free delivery of phone bills to recharge traffic, etc., can all be called “hāo”.

3. (*∩_∩*) How much of your mother's wool did you shave? The thorn wool in "The First God" is a tucked wool in a broader sense, and it is a tucked wool that crosses the boundaries of time and space. If you can see all of them clearly, you will definitely show a mysterious deep connotation smile...

4. 薅草: Pronounced hāo cǎo, meaning weeding, pulling weeds.I am a native of the countryside, and the hoe that weeds in this corner of our country is called a hoe, a long-handled hoe... Does anyone know what a hoe looks like?It may be different in different places, who can take a picture? ! (*∩_∩*)
 Poison test warning: This book is really different from ordinary routines, and it is also different from what you imagined. The author of this book really does not recommend book friends to read it... That's it...

(End of this chapter)

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