the first god

Chapter 12 Week 1 rushes to the list to ask for a monthly ticket as a reward for investment recommen

Chapter 12 Climb the list on Monday for a monthly ticket reward for investment recommendation votes!Thanks for the support!
Dear book friends: Thank you for your support of "The First God"!Happy new week (#^.^#)
Here, I would like to thank the book friends Karlking, Qianzhou Heyi, and Lei Queen for their rewards and monthly tickets;

Thank you for the rewards and monthly tickets from Deacon Tightly Clothes and Deacon who Wants to Eat Chicken;

Thank you to all book friends for their rewards, monthly tickets, collection recommendation tickets, comments, likes, investment...

Climb the list on Monday, continue to ask for monthly passes, ask for rewards, ask for investment, and ask for recommended tickets!Ask for anything!
Thank you again for your support of "The First God"!Happy new week (#^.^#)
After the outline is sorted out, I will try my best to give back to everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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