the first god

Chapter 13 [One Leaf Barrier]

Chapter 13 [One Leaf Obstructs the Eye]

Orange Xiaoxian'e shook her head with a puzzled look on her face.

"I don't know, maybe it's going to our sect Tianyuan Xianshan."

Immediately, she seemed to remember something, and said in surprise: "Ah, I know, it must be the immortal spell [One Leaf Obstruction] that I used finally worked this time! It's great! It worked for the first time!"

"Fangcai, I saw them following closely. I was afraid that they would delay the treatment of cough disease, so I kindly persuaded them to go to our sect Tianyuan Xianshan to get medicine as soon as possible. Who knows, they actually regarded my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, and did not go to get it. It's just medicine, that's their own business. They even tried to force me to be a guest at Chayanbao while the boss was not there. I'm not stupid, I must be cheating, so I won't follow them, who knows , they actually wanted to knock me out, and then grab my gold bracelet..."

After saying a lot of words in one breath, Xiao Xian'e felt thirsty again, so she took out an orange, and while nibbling on it, she continued: "Of course I won't let it go, I quickly used a blind spell [One Leaf Obstruction], but I didn't expect that, They really can't see me. Then, I slip back to find you..."

Ma Yunteng looked at the juicy and fragrant big orange, and felt thirsty, and especially thirsty.

"Oh, don't rush to finish, continue to speak slowly. Well, give Master an orange to quench his thirst. Let's talk as we walk, and we'll reach the orange garden soon."

This time, maybe it was because they could replenish new oranges right away, or maybe it was because the two of them had more conversations about eating, drinking and chatting together. Xiao Xian'e took out a very small orange very readily.

Ma Yunteng glanced at the orange space with the high-level perspective spell [Nowhere to Hide]. Sure enough, this was the smallest orange. Fortunately, it was still edible, so he stopped picking and taking the orange. In the hand, it was divided into four petals with spiritual power, one mouthful and one petal.

At this time, Ma Yunteng's mind finally appeared a mute prompt again out of thin air.

[Orange Fairy] Wool 3 points!
Total value: [5000320 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

It's only 3 points?
This before and after comparison is too stark.

Counting from millions, it suddenly dropped to single digits.

The worst stocks in the last bear market did not have such a big drop.

Yes, it is better to talk than nothing.

At least, he finally ate the orange he was thinking of.

The flesh is plump and moist, the color is delicate and pure, the juice is sweet and fragrant, and the aura is overflowing.

This little orange is equally tempting.

Hey, he was subtly assimilated into orange control?

When the prompt slipped away quietly, Ma Yunteng also gave it a cloud.

These three values ​​are like a cloud.

It's really rare!
Ma Yunteng was very emotional.

"Sect Master, I didn't expect that I could also have a Dacheng immortal spell! I have never made an immortal spell, and the elder sister promised that if I refine a Dacheng immortal spell, I will definitely make one for me. Super-quality floating immortal island. Ah... I can also have my own site to start a sect..."

Orange was overjoyed, and suddenly covered his lips.

"Ah... that... uh, Cheng Zi will definitely not leave the sect, the one who leaves the sect... bah bah bah, just pretend I didn't say it."

With a smile on his face, Ma Yunteng said kindly, "Go on, it's alright."

"It's not like this... Sect Master, listen to me..."

Orange hesitated for a while along the way, but still didn't say a reason.

Ma Yunteng didn't care.

Even if he is an empty head with no apprentices, he is fine, but he is happy and relaxed, after all, there is no burden.

"Hey...why is this person so familiar?"

Chengzi saw that not far from Feijian, a handsome young man seemed to be waving to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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