the first god

Chapter 14 Xiaoqiang, too strong!

Chapter 14 Xiaoqiang, too strong!

It turned out that the handsome young man beckoning to the two was the unlucky guy they had seen before being shot twice in succession by the two strong men from Chayanbao, and collided with the soon-to-be-grown ancient tree twice.

Orange exclaimed: "This cockroach spirit is not dead yet? It's still alive and kicking, it's too strong!"

Ma Yunteng couldn't help but glanced at Orange a few more times.

This little fairy turned out to be a once-in-a-century [Body of Heavenly Eyes]!
After careful investigation, he found out.

It was an omission at first, and Ma Yunteng couldn't help but be more alert.It seems that he is still not stable enough.

At this moment, the cockroach spirit with a pure, sincere and kind smile on Feijian's face has been transformed for a hundred years, and the spirit of the body has long since disappeared, and its appearance is handsome. Saw his real body.

The storage bag of the two strong men in Chayanbao was clearly covered by a very powerful blind spell, but the fairy crystals placed in it still could not escape the eyes of this little fairy.

Ma Yunteng felt that he just picked up a treasured female apprentice for nothing.

What an unremarkable little fairy!
There are many hidden treasures in her body.

At this time, Chengzi showed melancholy, with a gloomy expression on his face, and murmured to himself: "It's a pity that such an ancient tree has been annihilated, and the 3000-year-old essence of the ancient tree has been ingested by this cockroach essence for nothing."

She has already seen that the cockroach essence has a strong ancient tree essence vitality, but this cockroach essence is a blessing in disguise, and it is full of vitality again.

Seeing Xiao Xian'e's gloomy and unhappy expression, Ma Yunteng thought that she probably really showed her sincerity this time.

"Second Immortals! Please stay!"

The handsome boy was refreshed and his voice was loud.

Ma Yunteng couldn't help but sigh, this cockroach spirit is really powerful, not only has the ability to deceive the treasure of chaos, but also so tough.

Sure enough, he is a famous Xiaoqiang in the mortal world.

Xiaoqiang, it is too strong!

"Shangxian! Can you accept me as a disciple?"

Ma Yunteng's master and apprentice were about to leave, but unexpectedly, the handsome young man knelt down heavily with a "pop". The sound seemed to be the sound of kneeling on a rock.

Chengzi muttered in a low voice: "He's kneeling and bowing very well, but unfortunately, his mind is not right!"

Immediately, he shouted at the handsome young man, "Why? Ah? My master, the sixth-rank immortal of the super-class sect, is also something you, a bug, can covet? Overcome!"

The little son continued to kneel, but bowed his hands and replied respectfully: "Xiao Xian naturally dare not think about it! Xiao Xian just wants to worship the female fairy as a teacher."

"You are pure delusion!"

After speaking, Cheng Zi continued the previous style, and continued to go away with the wind and fire of Yu Jian.

Seeing that Xiao Xian'e was unhappy, Ma Yunteng ignored the handsome young man who was still kneeling proudly, and Yu Jian continued to fly forward.

The cockroach Jingzhangqiang was still kneeling on the spot in a daze, he thought to himself, this shouldn't be the case.

He first threw out the Qiankun bracelet, and this little fairy got a great benefit.

The two masters and apprentices also witnessed the scene where he was brutally beaten and almost lost his life.

Now, he respectfully and humbly showed the sincerity of his apprenticeship, and the two masters and apprentices did not like to see him so much.

It's really rare, it's really hard to understand.

Since he turned into a human form, he has been able to communicate with people with his meticulous techniques of observing words and expressions, and he has never been disadvantaged. No matter who he is, he is treated with courtesy.

In this way, over the years, he has looted a lot of treasures and learned a lot of magic tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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