the first god

Chapter 130 Treasure Hunting in the Deep Mountains

Chapter 130 Treasure Hunting in the Deep Mountains (Ask for a monthly pass!)
Ruan Fanghua hung up the phone, and left a message in the 502 dormitory group, asking the head of the dormitory, Liang Zhiyan, to ask her for a day off first, saying that she has a stomach and intestine discomfort, and she will go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow, and she will continue to ask for another day off the day after tomorrow to recuperate at home.

The four sharp guys in the 502 dormitory immediately posted pictures together and despised her.

After Zhang Xiaoqin posted the picture, the voice asked: "The night after tomorrow is Friday, don't you want to invite the God of Shenzhou and the sisters to dinner? Can you come back in time? It's okay if you don't make it in time, and you can send the bill later, just pay by WeChat!"

Ruan Fanghua replied in voice: "Don't worry! I will definitely pay the bill! Just let go and eat! Moreover, it is estimated that I can come back two hours before dinner on Friday."

After solving these trivial matters, Ruan Fanghua dialed another number.

"Hi, Boss Jin, hello! Because I'm afraid that the night will be long and the dream will be more, it's really better to do this sooner rather than later. I took time this afternoon to go back to the orphanage to visit my younger brothers and sisters."

"So, let's go directly to Burma to gamble in Stone City after dinner on Friday!"

"Well... you are too polite! It is my duty to be considerate of customers. Of course I will try my best to squeeze in time... I dare not do it! I don't dare to do it! This matter may not be successful for you... Okay, That's it, you arrange it as soon as possible...Okay, goodbye!"

Ruan Fanghua was a little helpless. The recent schedule was really tight. This time, she was really busy.

When she turned around, Li Xue was stuffing fruit in her mouth, watching TV while stuffing fruit.

This foodie eats non-stop all day long and doesn't like to exercise, but he can't gain weight no matter what, and has always maintained a petite and well-proportioned figure.

I ate so many good things, but I didn't see fat or height, and I didn't know where all the food went.

Ruan Fanghua herself, if she only eats and does not exercise, she will gain weight soon.

So, she's been paying attention to her diet and exercise.

"Don't eat it! Hurry up and see your younger siblings! You haven't been here for a long time, I guess the little guys miss you very much."

"Aren't I waiting for you to hang up? Busy man! Brother Pingtou, in my opinion, you are a crazy money-making machine! You have to be like me and know how to enjoy life slowly!"

Ruan Fanghua smiled, "Enjoy life? Isn't making money the best enjoyment?"

Li Xue curled her lips in disdain, "I can't explain it to a person whose logic is different from ordinary people like you!"

Ruan Fanghua did not refute, but asked seriously: "Have you talked to grandma?"

"Well! Grandma is also very supportive! But she also reminded me to pay attention to preventing risks. Jiang is really old and spicy. Grandma thought of it, but I really didn't expect it. But I really have to discuss with grandma for any major matters."

"That's right, quite smart! I'm very relieved to leave Xuefang Piaoluo to you!"

"You also said that you are plausible as a hands-off shopkeeper."

Walking into the front yard, in the orphanage, many children had dinner and were playing outdoors.

There are many facilities for fitness and entertainment.

The picture is very warm.

Ruan Fanghua and Li Xue looked at each other and smiled.

It is rare to see such a warm orphanage these days.

The hardware and software facilities of the Sunshine Orphanage can be said to be the best in the city.

The orphans are well taken care of.

Even if you are an adult, you can receive living support subsidies until you find a job and become completely independent.

Those who have the ability to repay the orphanage after adulthood, everyone will do what they can and do what they can.

Compared with those children who have divorced parents, although they have fathers and mothers, the children in the Sunshine Orphanage are obviously much happier.

"Thank you sisters for the loving fruit!"

Li Zhuo, Li Zhun, Li Yin, Li Bai, Li Qingzhao, Li Lian'er... a dozen children gathered around at once.

"Study hard, don't be lazy!"

Ruan Fanghua's rhetoric has remained unchanged for almost ten thousand years.

"Eat more, look more handsome, more charming..."

Li Xue's rhetoric has also remained unchanged for many years. In addition to talking about food, foodies also pay great attention to appearance.


After coming out of the orphanage, Ruan Fanghua drove Li Xue back to the community where she lived, only went back and changed into outdoor hiking clothes and shoes, and rushed to the helicopter take-off point without stopping.

If we can get a special approval for the flight line tonight, of course we will rush there tonight.

The sooner the matter is resolved, the more stable she will be.

"Brother Pingtou, why don't you drive?"

The one flying the helicopter tonight is Gao Ren, the Seventeenth Senior Brother of the Chivalry Academy.

Ruan Fanghua smiled slightly, "Senior Brother Seventeen, are you not afraid that I will hit a cliff today?"

Gao Ren touched the bridge of his nose, a little embarrassed.

"How can it be? Thanks to my junior sister, the danger was saved. I take back what I said at the beginning. I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. I hope my junior sister Haihan!"


A year ago, also at night, the two happened to be on the same helicopter.

Ruan Fanghua said that she wanted to practice her skills, so she just got her driver's license, and she didn't want to waste it.

Gao Ren naturally refused, "What if you hit a cliff?"

As a result, during the flight, Gao Ren made a mistake in his own judgment and almost hit the cliff.

Ruan Fanghua lay directly on top of him, and manually controlled the plane to fly in the canyon in the dark night, almost sticking to the wall.

In a slightly wider place, rushing straight up, this is out of danger.

Gao Ren was dumbfounded, he woke up from the shock and apologized again and again.

He couldn't help being curious, "How long have you been flying the helicopter? What about this route? How many times have you been flying it?"

Ruan Fanghua also smiled slightly at the time, "Two summer vacations, one winter vacation! This is the first time I have passed this route, but I have been studying this route for more than two hours. Every complicated and dangerous place here has been It's etched in my head."

that's it?
Is that okay?

What the hell, he has been flying helicopters for six years and has flown this route no less than thirty times.

Can't compare to Xiao Mengxin, who is talking about war on paper?
The next day, Thursday.

Ruan Fanghua successfully arrived at a hidden Orion's house deep in the Taihang Mountains.

There are four members of Orion's family, including three generations of male grandparents and a beautiful hostess in her 40s.

The family of four lives in a wooden building that looks like an ancient castle-style courtyard.

Why do you say it looks a bit like a castle, because the scale of the courtyard wooden building is not small, and it has a sense of sight of the palace-style wooden pavilion where the chieftain of the ethnic minorities lived in ancient times.

Ruan Fanghua is very strange, why is this antique wooden building not protected?

Aren't ancient rhyme pavilions like this all protected as cultural relics or developed as scenic spots?

How could there be no way to the outside world?
Complete isolation!

The place where the family lives is very open, and there is a lot of room for activities around the house, but there are tall trees all over the surrounding area and above the house. Looking from a distance or looking down from the air, there is no shadow of any house at all.

It extends for about three to five kilometers in all directions, surrounded by cliffs on all sides.

This house is located in the forest on the peak of a rocky cliff.

It feels a bit like the location of the ancient sect in the Xianxia world.

If the family wants to go down the mountain, they must tie a rope or climb a soft ladder to go down.

Fortunately, the family's young hunters used their mobile phones to guide their helicopter to an open platform on the mountain.

The hunter who discovered the old Taihang thuja was the youngest hunter in this family. He was really young, and he looked less than 20 years old.

Ruan Fanghua felt that, judging by her age, she was probably a high school student.

Ruan Fanghua and the family got acquainted quickly after a pleasant dinner and conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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