the first god

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Going to the appointment (ask for a monthly ticket!)
On Friday, Ruan Fanghua sneaked back to the dormitory to lie down and rest.

When the four sisters in the same dormitory came back from get out of class, Ruan Fanghua just woke up from sleep, wearing pajamas, applying a mask, and stretched out of the bedroom.

"Ruan Fanghua, how many nights have you been up?"

"Isn't it because I didn't sleep for two nights?"

Ruan Fanghua rolled her eyes, "I'm tired of moving bricks, can't I?"

"Move bricks? Gold bricks? Earn money again?" Yang Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked.

Zhang Xiaoqin quickly blinked her starry eyes, "May I treat you to another meal?"

Ruan Fanghua lay on the sofa, "Aren't you going to eat tonight?"

"Of course I want to eat! This is a date with Shenzhou in the spring. I can't live up to the peach blossoms, and I can't live up to the delicious food."

Zhang Xiaoqin gave the most straightforward answer.

"That's it, eat more! This is a little migrant labor fee earned by my old lady who worked so hard to move bricks around. You group of foodies, next time I go to move bricks with me, I probably know that every grain is fine." Hard work."

" just have to be smug!"

Yang Xiaoxiao also rolled her eyes.

The other three also do this movement, and they all move in unison.

Ruan Fanghua waited for enough time to apply the mask, then changed into a dress.

When she doesn't go out for activities, she has beautiful dresses to wear every day, and she hasn't gotten tired of wearing them yet.

She braided a small braid behind each ear, and simply clipped a small Swarovski crystal barrette in the middle of her long hair.

"Ruan Fanghua, why are you becoming more and more like an oriental classical beauty?"

Zhang Xiaoqin was the first to notice Ruan Fanghua's newly braided hair.

And Yang Xiaoxiao paid attention to the small Swarovski crystal hairpin, which has a very special shape, and she has never seen this kind of hairpin before.

"Ruan Fanghua, you have too many crystal hair clips..."

Bei Xuanxuan said with a smile, "I think Ruan Fanghua should only have short, capable hair, which looks like a female president."

Ruan Fanghua smiled and touched the bridge of her nose, "Female CEO, I feel very old... Do I look very old?"

Bei Xuanxuan quickly explained, "Sister Xiaofang, I don't mean that you are old! Rather, you give people a very capable impression, a kind of temperament. Moreover, it is said that the current male and female presidents are getting more and more mature. rejuvenated."

Ruan Fanghua laughed loudly and said, "Okay, I'm not angry again, I still hope that the old man will be more cautious. After all, there are many younger brothers and sisters in the family, and I am the eldest..."

"If you make yourself the boss, it depends on whether the real bosses in your orphanage agree or not!"

So, time ran happily on the very standard clock panel while talking and laughing.

Ruan Fanghua's WeChat text message came, she only glanced at it, then raised her phone, "Shenzhou is coming soon, let's go!"

The four sisters hurried over, treating Ruan Fanghua's mobile phone as a treasure in their hands, caring for it, piously enshrining it, and passing it on...

That was... a text message from Shenzhou!

Ruan Fanghua and his group of five talked and laughed all the way, while Zhang Xiaoqin and Yang Xiaoxiao were happily fighting each other all the way.

Ruan Fanghua saw Shen Yiming and another boy in his dormitory, Bai Fan, from a distance at the fountain that must pass through the gate leading to the dormitory area of ​​the Department of Archeology, and hurriedly walked over to greet him warmly.

Shen Yiming asked her why she was there, and she naturally told her honestly that she was going to an appointment for dinner.

Shen Yiming said: "It's inconvenient for you five girls to eat with a boy from a foreign department. Bai Fan and I haven't eaten yet, let's go together."

Although Ruan Fanghua felt in his heart that it was not necessary, he still agreed.

Although they came here for a meal, they were kind.

It's not too much for two people, just add one dish.

The place to eat is "Furong Restaurant", which is known as the most luxurious and high-end restaurant around Wuling University of Arts and Sciences.

The hard decoration is luxurious and the soft decoration is unique.

Naturally, the eight boys from Computer Department 302 arrived early.

When they arrived at the agreed box, the five girls were a little surprised.

What a big battle!
So many boys?
Who is the great god?
Ruan Fanghua's pocket is thick enough to invite so many people to dinner.

Ruan Fanghua also looked confused, God didn't say there were so many boys.

Well, she also brought two boys from the Department of Archeology over, didn't she say that in advance.

Cough cough, tacitly turn the chapter.

Well, it is safer to communicate more in advance.

Fortunately, exactly fifteen seats, just right.

It seems that everyone is on the same page.

That's great, Shenzhou actually thought of leaving more seats so thoughtfully.

The boys from the computer science department thought, this is a bit like a blind date.

However, are the boys from the Department of Archeology a family group or a flower protection group?Probably the latter.

Suppress your inner discomfort!
Everyone warmly welcomes the beauties, and also warmly welcomes the handsome guys from the Department of Archeology.

The four sisters in Ruan Fanghua's dormitory felt a little weird. Isn't Ruan Fanghua the owner?
The boys in the computer department are really familiar.

Bai Qianzhou introduced generously: "This is the brothers from 302 of our computer department, all beauties, don't be restrained."

Then, they introduced each other one by one.

Naturally, Shen Yiming and Bai Fan were not polite, they had already sat down, Shen Yiming dragged the chair beside him out, and motioned Ruan Fanghua to sit next to him.

Ruan Fanghua secretly laughed, did she protect her like a cute little white rabbit?
Still obediently sat down next to Shen Yiming, and called the other four girls in the same dormitory to sit down quickly.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaoqin was the last one to sit down. Today, she didn't come here just to eat. She almost didn't even look at the table full of food.

It is really rare.

Yang Xiaoxiao was very surprised that Zhang Xiaoqin was staring at that man named Lu Fang in a daze.

Among this group of boys, isn't Bai Qianzhou and Yiming Xueba the most dazzling?

Well, Lu Fang is also quite handsome and capable.

Out of the corner of Yang Xiaoxiao's eyes, she glanced at Bei Xuanxuan next to her, and the goddess Xuanxuan was also staring at Shenzhou with a springy face, alas, all of them are blooming.

Fortunately, the head of the dormitory, Liang Zhiyan, was normal and did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Yiming Xueba, seems to be very talkative tonight.

Yang Xiaoxiao knew that Shen Yiming and Ruan Fanghua had been classmates since childhood, and they had a close relationship.

However, in the past when we were in class together, we never saw him talking to Ruan Fanghua.

Tonight, Yiming Xueba seems to have a lot to say with Ruan Fanghua. Looking back at the previous stories, he talked about many unforgettable experiences.

Shenzhou and Liang Zhiyan seem to have a lot in common.

And Lu Fang and Zhang Xiaoqin also chatted enthusiastically.

The six boys from the computer department looked at each other in dismay.

Bei Xuanxuan and Yang Xiaoxiao, the two girls chatted about themselves, making it difficult for others to interrupt.

Ruan Fanghua and the two boys from the Department of Archeology kept talking and laughing, and no one else could get in the way.

Therefore, for this meal, the six boys from the computer department ate the most food. It seemed that they got the benefits, but in fact, it was the benefits of eating a full meal.

As for the Great God Bai Qianzhou, he gained a lot and found two game spokespersons in no time.

He found that Liang Zhiyan's image was also very suitable for an explosive female character in the game.

Of course, Ruan Fanghua and Liang Zhiyan's advertising together must be the ultimate killer of game geeks.

He took the lead in negotiating the endorsement matters with Liang Zhiyan.

As for Ruan Fanghua, he also took the opportunity to talk about it while she was washing her hands.

Ruan Fanghua was surprised, thought for a while, and readily agreed.

A meal, the guest and host enjoy.

With the two flower protectors from the Archeology Department, all the boys from the Computer Department had no excuse to follow them to the Archeology Department, so they had to go back to their dormitories in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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