the first god

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Sword Cry
Bai Fan went home halfway, and Shen Yiming planned to escort the five girls back to the dormitory of the Department of Archeology. Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaoxiao wanted to go shopping in the supermarket, so she dragged the three girls away.

Shen Yiming and Ruan Fanghua went back to the dormitory of the Department of Archeology together.

"Yiming, I'm going to Burma to gamble in Stone City tonight!"

Ruan Fanghua hesitated for a moment, but still told Shen Yiming.

Shen Yiming frowned, "You are still a student, why are you trying so hard to make money? Haven't you already earned a lot? Isn't it enough? The orphanage's expenses are not large, and Grandma Li also has a lot of savings. Besides, there are A loving donation from some social forces. Why do you do this? Do you think you are really an iron man with a flat head?"

Ruan Fanghua had a bit of a headache, even grandma wouldn't tell her mother-in-law what to say.

Shen Yiming, are you still a passionate man who dares to venture out?
"If I knew you were such a mother-in-law, I wouldn't have told you."

Ruan Fanghua was a little depressed.

Shen Yiming suddenly approached her and touched her long hair casually, "You are a girl, do you know that?"

Shen Yiming raised her by almost a head, feeling very oppressive. Ruan Fanghua was taken aback and wanted to stay away from him, "Just talk when you talk, why are you so close."

Shen Yiming stopped her and held her tightly in his arms, "Why, do you know that you are a girl? Are you a little scared? Are you uncomfortable?"

Ruan Fanghua struggled a bit, but couldn't break free.

She knew it was futile, because Shen Yiming joined the chivalrous gymnasium earlier than her. He was her senior brother, and he was also a boy who studied harder than her. Naturally, she was a little inferior and her strength was also a little smaller.

"What are you doing?" Ruan Fanghua said angrily.

Shen Yiming: "Tell you a truth about being a human being, a girl must know how to pity herself!"

Ruan Fanghua: "Can't you talk properly?"

Shen Yiming: "Are you a person who listens to advice? Where have you been these two days? Huh?"

Ruan Fanghua: "What are you doing? Why should I report to you?"

Shen Yiming didn't answer, but just circled her tighter, touched her hair again, and rested his fingertips on the crystal hairpin, "This is the first time you use this hairpin! Why did you finally remember it?"

Ruan Fanghua curled her lips, "You gave me so many hair clips, and there is always one that I wear for the first time! Almost all of my hair clips are given by you. If you wear any of them, you will probably ask this question."

"This one is different, have you forgotten?"

"Anything special? I don't remember."

Shen Yiming: "This is the first hair clip I gave you! You said that if you have someone you like in the future, you will definitely have long hair, so you can show it to your boyfriend!"

Ruan Fanghua looked surprised, and then deviated from the point of the conversation, "Huh? It was the first hair clip you gave me? You gave me so many, and it's been so long. Remember."

Shen Yiming: "Be my girlfriend!"

Ruan Fanghua looked confused, "Are you kidding me? Aren't we good buddies?"

Shen Yiming suddenly lowered his head, and his lips covered the other pair of lips that were particularly cute at the moment.

Ruan Fanghua only felt the warmth on her lips, and the cool mint scent hit the tip of her nose. She was stunned for half a second before she began to struggle.

"Um...what are you doing?"

"Didn't you put this hairpin on for me to see? Hmm?"

Shen Yiming didn't go on with the in-depth communication, just tasted it.

Ruan Fanghua opened her eyes wide, ""

"I will accompany you to Myanmar!"


Shen Yiming looked at Ruan Fanghua's tangled expression, and smiled slightly, "Since you agree, let's say it like this! My girlfriend has something to do, and as a boyfriend, it is natural that I am duty-bound to accompany her all the way. There are many reckless men in Myanmar, and I worried."

Ruan Fanghua finally came back to her senses and stopped stuttering. The conversation finally got back to the point, "That's not the case! I didn't say I'm your girlfriend! Why are you like this?"

Shen Yiming lowered his head again, "I accepted my token of love, grew long hair again, and showed it to me, don't you like me and confess to me? I accept your confession, that's it !"

Ruan Fanghua thought he was going to kiss her again, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

Shen Yiming just sniffed her long hair, "It smells so good! Did you wash your hair today?"

Ruan Fanghua replied casually: "Well, I've washed it!"

"Ah... no, that's not the point! I solemnly declare and emphasize: I didn't confess my love to you!"

Shen Yiming smiled brighter, "I have to be responsible for what I have said and done! I don't care, I have already agreed!"

Ruan Fanghua: I obviously went to someone else's banquet, so I wore this hairpin, okay?

Moreover, I just grabbed a hairpin and wore it!

I didn't know I would meet you, what the hell, did I wear it on purpose for you to see?
Shen Yiming, you are the one with the sword...

After finally reacting, Ruan Fanghua couldn't complain.

A token of love?Isn't that the birthday gift and New Year's gift that we exchanged when we were young?
He celebrates his birthday and she gives gifts.

She celebrates her birthday and he gives presents.

During the Chinese New Year and holidays, it is natural to send gifts to each other.

It's classmates, senior brothers and sisters, and best buddies, isn't it normal to give gifts to each other?
The two elementary school students don't understand anything, but it's very common to give each other gifts on birthdays, Chinese New Year and holidays.

And it's not just the two of them giving each other gifts!Instead, they played together, and everyone gave each other gifts!

I have forgotten what things she gave Shen Yiming, they are basically not the same thing anyway.

However, Shen Yiming sent hairpins every time.

In the fifth grade of elementary school, the first time he gave her a gift was a crystal hair clip. After that, every gift he gave her was a crystal hair clip.

Could it be that the hairpin she is wearing now is the first hairpin she was given when she was in the fifth grade?
She had always had a crew cut, but he gave her useless barrettes every time.

The first time she gave her a hair clip, she only remembered being very angry at that time, thinking that he deliberately humiliated her and wanted to break up with him.

However, Shen Yiming explained, "Knowing that you like long hair, you will definitely grow long hair, and then you can use it? Looking at a shiny hair clip, isn't it just looking at a head of long hair? In the future, I will give it to you. You have a bunch of hairpins, you won’t have to buy them yourself in the future.”

Alas, among those who played together, only Shen Yiming knew that he liked long hair and long skirts.

So, she was persuaded, and specially bought a valuable box to keep it. All the hairpins she received later were thrown into this box. She couldn't remember which hairpin he sent first.

Shen Yiming said, "If you don't send hair clips, you can only send skirts. If you don't wear them now, you won't be able to wear them later. Wouldn't it be a waste? But hair clips can be kept for many years."

Well, she happily accepted Shen Yiming's habit of sending hair clips that had not changed for many years.

However, when did the hairpin given N years ago become a token of love?

What's the matter, he even said that the gift from the fifth grade of primary school was a token of love.

ah ah ah ah...

The sword cry of the unity of man and sword!Untouchables!

In the end, Ruan Fanghua went back to the dormitory indignantly to pack her luggage.

He took off his skirt and changed into the clothes for going out. Not long after he walked out of the girls' dormitory, he found that Shen Yiming was already dragging his suitcase on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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