the first god

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Dripping Blood (Ask for a monthly pass!)
Luckily, he saved his life. He lay motionless on the snowy ground for a long time, spit out several mouthfuls of blood, unable to speak, but couldn't help cursing at the sky in his heart...

These pictures are sad once recalled.Li Jing felt that he came here purely to seek guilt.

Even if there are great benefits, it must be endured with life.

If it wasn't for the limited time he spent in this low-level realm before finding the spies, he wouldn't have come to Tianya Xuefeng to find someone in such an extremely dangerous place.

What the hell, luckily he was prepared.Crossing borders, connecting with spies lurking here is simply not done by humans...

"That's right. Hurry up and drop a drop of blood on this space-time locator, otherwise, I will be teleported back to the Demon Realm soon."

Only then did Li Jing suddenly realize that if he could not connect with the spies, his time in this low-level realm would be limited. Only when the spies left identity verification information on the space-time locator would the sect continue to consume crystals to maintain His activities here.

Because of the restriction of the law of heaven and earth, people from the demon world cross the realm from the space crack to the low-level realm, and the consumption is very huge. The higher the rank of the demon king, the greater the consumption required to stay here. The real reason why the Zongmen sent a low-level person like him here to join forces and assist the spies to complete the task.

Thinking of this, Li Jing suddenly became depressed, and the pleasure of eating a bunch of sparrow butts before was gone.

A blood confession?Oh no, blood test?Ma Yunteng began to mutter in his heart.

If the password is correct and the token Purple Spirit Sword is taken out, it is completely a coincidence.Then, this drop of blood verification really can't be fooled.

Otherwise, pre-emptively deal with this spy.

In case, the drop of blood test can match, then isn't he destined to be a spy?

Ma Yunteng's mind turned back and forth for a while.

Seeing Ma Yunteng's delay in moving, Li Jing naturally didn't think that Ma Yunteng hesitated because he was afraid of pain, so he quickly explained: "The suzerain has explained, this time we must obtain your DNA information, and keep your DNA information in the suzerain. Behind the door, it can effectively prevent someone from pretending to be you in the future, and the sect no longer has to worry about being infiltrated by people from the God Realm with ulterior motives."

This demon world is advancing very fast with the times, and has already begun to learn the high technology of human beings.

How does it feel, this demon world is not the same as the demon world he imagined in his mind.

Ma Yunteng left this crop and ignored it for the time being.

Another hidden message was thinking in my heart. This blood drop is probably the first entry, not a comparison test.

Ma Yunteng tentatively asked: "When I went to training before, why didn't I hear that DNA information should be recorded?"

"Oh, at that time, there was no DNA information collection system in the entire Demon Realm, which was only widely promoted in recent years."

Ma Yunteng is relieved now.

Li Jing asked him to bleed, not for comparison and verification, but for the first collection. Even if a real spy shows up in the future, it will still be a fake spy.

As long as he bleeds and has a terminal DNA certificate, it means that he, a fake spy, has officially turned into a real spy.

At that time, it will be as easy as pie to infiltrate the Demon Realm to inquire about the situation.


Is the spy a man or a woman, and the people of the devil world are so stupid that they can't figure it out?
The Purple Spirit Sword was given to him by Wang Youfeng, the lord of Chayan Castle. Wang Youfeng is the real spy, but she is a woman.

Perhaps, this purple spirit sword has been around for some years, and the real spies are the male members of Wang Youfeng's family, or even the elders.

Ma Yunteng tried again: "I have been away from the Demon Realm for too long, I don't know what major events have happened in the Demon Realm recently?"

Li Jing really fell into the trap, and hurriedly said: "Yes, you have been away from the Demon Realm for nearly a hundred years. Indeed, many things have happened in these hundred years. The Demon Lord has changed three times. Speaking of which, it is really embarrassing."

The spy has been away from the devil world for nearly a hundred years?
It seems that ordinary people cannot go to the devil world for training. At least, life expectancy and cultivation must be guaranteed.

It's no wonder that this person from the devil world can't figure out the identity information of the spy. Although there are secret words and tokens as evidence for the secret agent who has not been used for nearly a hundred years, it has been too long after all. Can this kind of high-level spy who has been out of control for nearly a hundred years continue to be used? All become problems.

Is the intention of dripping blood to collect DNA information to prevent counterfeiting, or to trick him into becoming a puppet-like existence?

Ma Yunteng had to think carefully.

"Bring it!"

"Oh well!"

Li Jing slightly hesitated, and quickly handed the time-space locator to Ma Yunteng, and kept his eyes on Ma Yunteng and the time-space locator, as if he was worried that Ma Yunteng would lose or break the time-space locator.

Under the eyes of people from the devil world staring closely, Ma Yunteng was still calm and composed by performing a blindfold spell. His current rank was enough to crush Li Jing.

Of course he wouldn't drop his own blood.

What he dripped was the blood of Liu Zhihe, the Great Elder of the Beast Sect.

Ma Yunteng took the Tianpin space scroll with a six-level protective cover forced by Liu Zhihe, and did not want Liu Zhihe's soul, but kept ten drops of his blood.

Although Liu Zhihe was not happy in every way at the time, he was more inclined to leave ten drops of blood than to leave a wisp of spirit.

After Ma Yunteng dripped a drop of Liu Zhihe's blood into the space-time locator, the blood drop was quickly absorbed by the space-time locator, and the space-time locator emitted a soft azure blue light, and the surface was soon as clean as new, and could never be seen again Blood stains.

Of course Li Jing couldn't see Ma Yunteng's hands and feet, he only saw the phantom of Ma Yunteng cutting his right index finger and dripping blood on the time-space locator.

He took the time-space locator that Ma Yunteng handed over again, with great joy on his face.

You know, after completing this step, he will immediately receive a generous reward of fairy crystals and pills in his personal account.

"Engong! From now on, we will be grasshoppers on the same rope. I will definitely follow the lead of Engong and do my best to assist Engong to complete the task."

Faced with Li Jing's impassioned statement, Ma Yunteng only responded lightly.

Li Jing hesitated for a while, and then said coyly: "Grandfather, let's leave Tianya Xuefeng first, this is one of the ten most dangerous places in the world of ten thousand spirits, even if the ingredients prepared by Mrs. Fang Xiaotian takes shelter, but it is not suitable for long-term residence after all."

Ma Yunteng said with a smile: "When the next wave of snow scorpions closes the net, I will leave immediately and won't stay any longer."

Li Jing asked suspiciously: "Snow scorpion? Can this thing enter the net by itself? Scorpion trap?"


Ma Yunteng didn't explain much, but made a formula casually. He had an antique mirror in his hand, and the shadow of a huge silver net appeared in the mirror. snow scorpion.

(End of this chapter)

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