the first god

Chapter 143 Chaos Mirror Chapter Title

Chapter 143 Chaos Mirror Topic (ask for a monthly ticket!)

At first, Li Jing was attracted by the crystal-clear snow scorpion that suddenly appeared in the mirror, but then he was attracted by the simple and simple shape of the mirror.

"Is's...the Chaos Mirror?"

Li Jing couldn't believe his eyes, he obviously stuttered when he spoke, and was extremely surprised.

This ancient mirror is engraved with complex and simple black patterns, which may form a mysterious formation.Although the mirror didn't release the coercion, Li Jing could still feel the vast aura of power.

Ma Yunteng did not deny it, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you seen the Chaos Mirror?"

Li Jing nodded, then shook his head again.

"I've seen the illustrations in "Catalogue of Artifacts", and it's exactly the same as this one."

""Illustrated Artifact Catalog"?"

Li Jing saw that Ma Yunteng seemed to be unable to remember, so he explained: "You may have forgotten, this is the basic introductory book of the devil world, one of the manuals that three-year-old children must memorize."

Only then did Ma Yunteng pretend to be enlightened and said: "I vaguely remember what you said."

Li Jing didn't think too much about the loopholes in Ma Yunteng's words, he just cared about his excitement.

"It is rumored that the Chaos Mirror has the power to freely travel through time and space, and the mirror has the power to break the gap between time and space."

"Grandpa! You are indeed the chosen one. With the Chaos Mirror in your hand, no matter where the Chaos Yuan Pot is hidden, we can find it, and we will definitely be the first to complete the task!"

Li Jing's confidence soared, and he couldn't help but look at the Chaos Mirror a few more times.

Ma Yunteng is not so optimistic. His current grade cannot be accurately positioned when traveling through time and space, and he may arrive at the wrong time and space.

He has to cultivate to the rank of tenth-rank immortal monarch to have the ability to locate time and space. Even if he uses it at the rank of eighth-rank immortal monarch now, the effect will definitely not be satisfactory.He stepped up and used the space-time precise positioning technique, and the location of the Mylabris Kingdom did not appear.

He suddenly remembered the flower god Xuanji who had given her the Chaos Mirror.

The Chaos Mirror is the natal magic weapon of Xuanji, the God of Flowers.

I don't know how she is now.

This mysterious and beautiful goddess, unexpectedly made him worry about it at some point.

The intersection between him and Xuanji, the flower god, was just a stranger chatting for a few words.

There is still an unfamiliar distance between them. This sense of unfamiliarity definitely exists, and it is also a temporarily insurmountable barrier.

However, distance often creates beauty.

The memory of the past is like an old projector, but the picture inside the mottled fuselage is still very clear.

Her voice, face, and smile came out perfectly.

She put down the teacup in her hand and looked out of the window. There were no flowers and plants outside the window, only a single sycamore tree, which was very different from the lush greenery and flowers in the past.

Not as prosperous as the sycamore flowers on the screen.

"Isn't it very boring, very boring?" She looked at him seriously, and said with a smile: "I just sat there for 10 years... No one would have thought that after 10 years, I would change It is so quiet and dignified. It is already a miracle that 10 years have passed by without becoming a stone statue that just sits and talks and laughs.

"In the past, Father God and Mother God often said that the female doll Xuanji was skinnier than that monkey, and there was never a moment of quietness. It's a pity that Father God and Mother God can't see me who is so quiet and elegant now. "

"Did I look like this?" She laughed a little bit, choked on saliva, coughed twice, tears seemed to overflow from the corners of her eyes, and said with a calm smile: "You really don't recognize me... I don't know What am I obsessing about myself..."

She shook her head and said with a smile: "I can't even help myself, how can I help you? You can only rely on yourself. However, I always remember the kindness of you two brothers, and the kindness that has been sitting here for 10 years ..."

"Father God and Mother God have left instructions before they died. After 10 years of the Great War of Gods and Demons, if the collapsed God Realm can be rebuilt, the Chaos God Spring and Godhead Water will reappear in the God Realm. Damage the divine essence, at that time, the God Realm will be rejuvenated, and a new law of heaven will be established."

"The Chaos Mirror is my natal magic weapon, and it was also forged by you..."

In the rain of blood and fire all over the sky, the flower gods floated gracefully, and the blood and fire rain created by the devil blood fire formation that swallowed the sky seemed to instantly become the most gorgeous and bright petal rain background.

Although she was pale and haggard, she was still the most moving scenery Ma Yunteng IX had ever seen.

The flower god was silent, only his hands were sealed, and the purple light curtain wall and silver light shield were reinforced again.

The cracks and holes on the purple light curtain wall and silver light shield quickly recovered, and no more magical energy penetrated.

The previous terrifying majesty was gone.

The axe formation behind Ma Yunteng seemed to automatically feel the relief of the crisis and also quietly disappeared.

Behind the flower god, there are Xue Yuan, Cheng Zi, Heng Er, and a man who looks extremely young, namely King Heng Zhi of Cantharidin.

The four seemed to have fallen asleep.

With a wave of Hua Shen's sleeves, Xue Yuan, Cheng Zi, Heng Er and Heng Zhi suddenly disappeared from the air.

It turned out that it was sent to Ma Yunteng's finger space - Taoyuan Blessed Land.

"Ahuo! Come back!" Hua Shen called softly.

The black, white and brown three-colored dog, whose body swelled and stretched like a great wall and a long dragon, seemed to hear the call of its master, shrinking its body, wagging its tail and spreading its wings from the air.

The Tianhuo dog came to the flower god's side, and only then took its wings, just like a cute and well-behaved Bernese mountain dog, lovingly licked the delicate white jade fingers that the flower god touched.

"Yunteng! The situation is critical, you take them all away! Hurry up! Use the Chaos Mirror to break the void, and I have to leave behind to mend the void."

"Do you want to stay alone? Do you want to go together..."

Hua Shen didn't say a word, only savagely gouged out a look at Ma Yunteng, directly summoned the Chaos Mirror from Ma Yunteng, and slashed towards the void behind him, and a narrow space crack suddenly appeared.

Before Ma Yunteng could say anything, he was thrown directly into the crack by Hua Shen with his sleeves.

The Chaos Mirror was also thrown over.

There are two multicolored stones in Hua Shen's hands, and they are mending the cracks. At the moment when the cracks are about to close, Hua Shen sends a voice transmission: "Save your life! Rebuild the God Realm! You and I may see each other again..."

Is it because he was rudely thrown away by her, so he was brooding?
Or, that woman is really too impressive?

He originally thought that after several lifetimes, beautiful women would only have a hint of affection for him. He was no longer the stunned young man in his first lifetime, and he planted thousands of acres of fairy orange trees for the female fairy. , I will never do it again, and even my feelings are numb.In the last life, he would rather live with Doudou all his life than try the forbidden land of love.

Ma Yunteng forcibly held down the discomfort in his heart.

Probably because she was shocked by the righteousness of her life and death.

Well, also, there was a wave of giant-level wool from her.

(End of this chapter)

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