the first god

Chapter 144 Orange Wine

Chapter 144 Orange Wine (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

The mottled and remote picture gradually blurred from clarity until it sank to the bottom of the heart sea, without any ripples.

Ma Yunteng withdrew his thoughts, and made another gesture with his hands.

"[Skynet Recovery]!"


The shadow of the silver giant net that appeared in the chaotic mirror originally appeared out of thin air in the warm small space in front of him.

The giant net has completely shrunk, just enough to cover the one-mile-square open space outside the house.

Those jumping in the shrunk giant net were countless snow scorpions that were originally extremely rare.

In addition to the low-level snow scorpions of the first, second, and third ranks, there were unexpectedly many high-ranking snow scorpions of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ranks, and even the snow scorpion kings and queens of the eighth and ninth ranks.

"This Tianya Xuefeng is indeed one of the top ten dangers in the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm. Treasures and dangers coexist!"

Li Jing couldn't help being amazed.

Snow scorpions are also a rare species in the devil world, and snow scorpions above the fifth level are almost hard to find.

Unexpectedly, in this low-level realm, there could be such a huge population of snow scorpions.

No wonder the Zongmen spends a lot of financial resources every year and sends people to the lower realms to search for treasures and talents, and they will not lose money at all.

The natural materials and earthly treasures of the lower realm are auctioned in the auction house of the devil realm, and the profits are simply incalculable.

No wonder when they heard that he was sent to the lower realm, the Seventeenth Elder deliberately came to congratulate him, saying that this is a fat post who can receive a lot of filial piety.

It turned out that the resources in the lower realm were so abundant.

Even if no one honors him, he must try to get more treasures before returning to the Demon Realm.

At this time, Ma Yunteng never expected that there would be another expert who aspired to become a little stalker and was really good at stalking among his stalkers.

"Grandpa, can we go now?"

Seeing that Ma Yunteng had accepted Xue Xie, Li Jing hurriedly asked.

Of course he has his own little selfishness.

Although this small world is indeed as warm as spring, the outside environment is extremely dangerous. On the snow-capped peaks, the snow is raging, and the violent storm is howling and sweeping in. The ice and snow are wrapped in a strong destructive energy. , Fiercely, indiscriminately, piercing into the sea of ​​soul, consciousness, and flesh and bone marrow of all living beings.He really didn't like the icy and snowy wind outside. After all, it almost killed him, and he might lose his mind. Of course, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

On the other hand, he wants to get more treasures from heaven and earth.

In this difficult Tianya Xuefeng, he didn't have any powerful magic weapons, and it was difficult for him to move an inch, let alone find the treasure.

Leaving here, he has more opportunities.

"What's the hurry, let's have a few drinks before leaving."

Ma Yunteng slowly took out a set of white jade wine sets and placed them on the jade table.

"Ah? Is this taking care of me? It really doesn't matter. Let's get out of here first."

Li Jing waved his hand, his eagerness to leave was written all over his face.

Ma Yunteng filled two glasses of the orange wine brewed by Xuanji, the flower god who brought him the oranges, and he took the first glass and drank it down, and then motioned to Li Jing.

"Come on! Done!"

Li Jing saw that the wine in the glass turned out to be as fresh and golden yellow as orange juice. He hesitated to pick up the wine glass, took a sip, and said in surprise: "Why is it fruit wine? This is not a strong wine to keep out the cold. , this wine is only suitable for women."

"Wrong! If you want to walk out of Tianya Xuefeng intact, you really need to drink a few more glasses. This wine can dredge the collaterals and activate the blood, help you gather vitality, and resist the cold and strong wind."

Ma Yunteng continued to explain in a good-tempered manner: "This is an exclusive recipe of an ancient god. The oranges used are also the fruits of the fairy orange tree planted by her. The effect is amazing. If it weren't for your fate, It is up to you to sacrifice your life in vain."

While Ma Yunteng continued to drink on his own, he said to himself: "This wine is strong enough, so you can't drink too much, three glasses is appropriate."

Seeing that Ma Yunteng had finished drinking three glasses of wine, Li Jing still had doubts in his heart.

However, he still drank three glasses in a row.

After a while, Li Jing's eyes started to turn red, "The more you drink this wine, the more mellow it becomes, and it's really addictive. Can I have another three glasses?"

Ma Yunteng stared at Li Jing's appearance, and then took a closer look. Although he had an ordinary middle-aged uncle's face, he was eight feet tall, so he should be regarded as a dignified figure. The neck is straight and straight like a dark cloud covering the body, the variegated ribbon is like a python wrapping around the body, the band on the forehead is brilliant, the eyes are faintly golden, a pair of eyes shoot cold stars, the two eyebrows are like lacquer, and the cloth and jacket on the body are colorful, like copper bars and iron. Bones, broad chest, invincible majesty, abstinence from two mouthfuls of knives, holding murderous aura in the air, speaking loudly, expressing the ambition of flying thousands of feet into the clouds, bold and bold, like a lion shaking the sky, descending from the clouds, strong bones and muscles, Pixiu is sitting on the seat like a shake, he happens to be from the devil world, like a devil descended from the sky, he is really the god of Tai Sui in the world.

This kind of face is actually not bad, just like the famous Wu Song, who is greedy for drinking and drinking, and also exactly like the tiger-fighting star Wu Song.

Ma Yunteng smiled and said: "No! Do you think you are Wu Song? Can you drink eighteen bowls? This wine really does not go down the mountain after three cups. One more sip will guarantee that you will not be able to go down this Xuefeng Mountain."

Li Jing was obviously a little depressed, showing a look of disappointment, and asked tentatively: "Is it true that you can't drink too much in one sip?"


Seeing Ma Yunteng's firm stand again, Li Jing had no choice but to give up, and suddenly asked as if waking up from a dream: "Wu Song? This name is a bit familiar. Who is he? Can he really drink eighteen cups? No, what you said is—— Eighteen bowls?"

Ma Yunteng said with a smile: "That's right, it's eighteen bowls!"

"This person must be powerful, what deeds?"

Ma Yunteng saw that Li Jing was like a curious baby, pestering him endlessly, while secretly thinking that your name Li Jing is actually more famous, and at the same time patiently told Li Jing about Wu Song fighting a tiger in Jingyanggang in "Water Margin". story.

After Li Jing listened to the story, he stared at Ma Yunteng for a while as if he was looking at a fool, and then said in a murmur, "I thought it was really a powerful person, but he just killed an ordinary tiger. How can he be famous? Is Da Zhen famous forever? However, he is indeed a big drinker, isn't he famous because he can drink a lot?"

Ma Yunteng said with a smile: "This is a story in a mortal book. Every mortal loves to read books and highly admires the characters in the book. Moreover, in the world of mortals, a mortal who can kill a tiger is actually pretty awesome." Yes. However, because the number of tigers is not much, the mortal world is now strictly forbidden to kill tigers."

Li Jing felt even more strange, and continued to ask: "Tigers can't be killed? What happens if you accidentally kill a tiger?"

Ma Yunteng recalled a little, and replied: "Arrested, sentenced to 10 years or more in prison or life imprisonment, and fined or confiscated property."

Li Jing said with a smile: "The author of this book is so bold that he dared to write such a plot."

"The times are different. When the author Naiangong created this character, there was no such regulation. At that time, fighting tigers was to eliminate harm for the people, and he was called a tiger-fighting hero. The process of creating this character is still a bit interesting. He But when I went for a walk in Houyanggang behind the village in Dazhaili, I saw a yellow dog sleeping under a pine tree. A Zhuang Dingwu A Er beat the yellow dog away. Shi Naian used this as a prototype to create after returning home, and made Houyang The hill was changed to Jingyanggang, the yellow dog became an eye-catching white-fronted tiger, and Wu Ah Er became Wu Song."

(End of this chapter)

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