the first god

Chapter 152 Before Her Birth

Chapter 152 Before Her Birth
Ma Yunteng did not immediately enter the Taoyuan blessed land to verify the appearance of Hengwu and Mu Heng, but took a look at the situation of Ma's family from the chaotic mirror.

The home of Ma Yunteng's father, Ma Shiyuan.

Ma Shiyuan's current wife, Li Yun, knows that she is always thinking wildly, and her spirit is up and down.

When she looked at her second daughter who had leukemia, she always thought of her eldest daughter.

Her own life is suffering, and so are her two daughters.

Originally thought that the second daughter would have a happy life, but she got such a disease. The key is that she has not found a successful donor for bone marrow matching.

She thought about the past again, and recalled the details of giving birth to her eldest daughter.

Those images are so clear.

The hospital where the second daughter was hospitalized suddenly changed to the hospital where she gave birth to the eldest daughter.

And Ma Yunteng also saw the situation when Ruan Fanghua was born.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Fourth People's Hospital of Wuling City, Huxiang County. On hospital bed No. 13, a young woman was lying on her side carefully covered with a thick quilt. Her stomach was arched high, and her whole body was covered tightly. Only her face without makeup was exposed. Her facial features were extremely delicate, but her complexion Visibly pale and slightly haggard.The woman looked out of the window in a daze. It was getting dark, and there was almost nothing to be seen outside the window, except for the dark and blurred shadows of a few buildings, which were not very clear.

These blurred and cold gray and black shadows, in the mind of the 13-bed woman, instantly changed into another look...

"Xiaoyun, why are your hands so cold? Hurry up and put them on my heart to warm them."

Ruan Wuji grabbed her hand without saying anything, and stuffed it into her clothes, it was really warm...

"Xiaoyun, I'll carry you, hurry up."

Ruan Wuji bent down and squatted down on the stone ladder, which was difficult to see at a glance...

"Xiaoyun, this is your favorite stewed tofu with fish head. Try to see if it tastes like Tan fish head. Come, have some soup first."

Ruan Wuji pushed a bowl of stewed white soup in front of her with one hand, and passed chopsticks with the other hand...


On bed 12, which is closer to the window, the woman sitting on the pillow turned her head sideways, glanced at the belly of the woman on bed 13 through the quilt, and then greeted eagerly: "Li Yun, you Is the due date already here? Will your man come to see you today? My man said he would definitely come today, but I don’t know if it’s true or not... Hey, Chen Jing! I just mentioned you, and you came here. You are Cao Cao!"

Just opened the door and came in, a man named Chen Jing, with a simple and shy look on his face, just smiled at the 12th bed, holding a large bouquet of roses in one hand, and a very beautiful porcelain vase in the other, he quickly scanned the room. Li Yun in bed 13 took a look, then looked away, inserted the rose in her hand, put it on the bedside cabinet, and carefully closed the quilt for the woman in bed 12, then took her left hand and said solemnly: " Wife! Happy Holidays! I love you! Love you so much!"

The face of the woman in bed 12 was immediately filled with a happy smile, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes also appeared.However, she quickly changed her face and looked angry.If it wasn't for her right hand being dripped, she would have slapped the man in front of her hard with her hand a few times, she broke free with her left hand a few times, but seeing that she couldn't get rid of it, she stared at her man fiercely and cursed: "Love me? You love a fart! If today is not Valentine's Day, February 2, don't you plan to come back to see me at all? Well, you are heartless, I have only two months left to give birth, and you don't even have a New Year's Eve Come back, don’t you want this child anymore?”

The corner of Chen Jing's mouth twitched, feeling a little wronged in his heart, but he didn't say anything. One hand continued to hold his wife's left hand, which was not on the drip, and the other hand gently touched the face of the woman in bed 12, gently rubbing a few times. Then he said slowly: "Honey! It's my fault! I'll change it! I'll definitely change it! Don't be angry, okay? You've lost so much weight..."

The woman on the 12th bed kept staring at her man's eyes. Seeing that tears were about to overflow from his eyes, she secretly glanced at Li Yun who was lying on the bed next to her. I deliberately lowered my voice, "Look at what kind of eyes you have, I have gained so much weight, and the fat on my face can shake a layer of oil, the two old women took turns to cook me delicious food, like a Bodhisattva Forgive me, I, I...husband, I miss you!"

The woman in bed 12 suddenly felt that she didn't want to talk anymore, her heart felt sour, and her eyes seemed to become a little moist. The couple suddenly stopped talking, and the ward was silent for a few seconds...

Li Yun from bed 13 had withdrawn her attention. She originally wanted to chat with Wang Fang from bed 12, but depending on the situation, it was hard for her to speak.

She doesn't need an IV today. The doctor said that if she still doesn't have an attack tomorrow, she can try a bottle of oxytocin tomorrow.

Li Yun closed her eyes, thinking to herself, this Wang Fang is lucky, and her man Chen Jing is really a good man.At first, he said "wife! Happy holidays! I love you! I love you very much" really stunned her. She thought that he seemed to be honest, but he was actually a scheming man, so he lied to the 12-bed Wang Fang to be so forthright. It's just a temperamental woman.

At the beginning, Ruan Wuji used these means to deceive her into being completely devoted to him, causing her to treat him as a Mingjiao and advocate Wuji, or the Jet Li version.

Just now, she really heard that man's voice seemed a little nasal. This is a poor loyal dog!Unlike her family, Ruan Wuji, who is just an empty talker who can only make honey in his heart and sugar in his mouth.

Thinking of Ruan Wuji, her mood suddenly became chaotic again, the feeling of facing collapse and despair came again.

However, she was about to give birth to their baby.

She must not fall down by herself!

Otherwise, it would be one dead body and two lives!
The life of the child in her belly seems to be more miserable than her own!
She herself was a poor orphan, her parents were unknown, and her memory before the age of four was completely blurred.But when she was four years old, Li Ying, the director of the Sunshine Orphanage, picked her up beside a trash can near a supermarket, and she still vaguely remembers it.

That day, the sun was particularly bright, shining on Li Ying's face, it seemed to be covered with a layer of golden Buddha's light, perhaps, it was the Buddha's light that she had imagined after watching too many TV dramas.

In short, that day was the first day in her life that she felt warm.

Not only was she taken to the orphanage by Li Ying, where she played with her friends and went to school together, and later she lived directly in Li Ying's home. She actually wanted to call Li Ying's mother, but Li Ying said that the children in the orphanage Everyone calls her Aunt Ying, and she can be called Aunt Ying too.But she understands that her relationship with Li Ying is different from other orphans in the orphanage. If she has a future, she is willing to provide for Li Ying.

Later, she and Aunt Ying occasionally talked about their first meeting, but Aunt Ying smiled and said that it was obviously a cloudy day, with sporadic drizzle occasionally, and no sunlight at all.

It turned out that it was the sunshine and Buddha's light in her heart...

Ruan Wuji's sentence has not come down yet, she has to keep hinting to herself that her family Ruan Wuji was wronged, and our family of three will definitely survive!The sunshine in her heart will shine forever...

I wonder what time Aunt Ying will come today?Aunt Ying's ex-husband, Zhao Tingjian, is now a prominent figure in Wuling City. Aunt Ying has already gone to him, maybe he can really help, she must not be depressed.

When Li Yun silently hinted to herself on the positive side in her heart, the voices of the man and woman on the 12th bed filled her ears again...

"Xiaofang, this time, I have a three-month vacation to accompany you. I will accompany our child to be born. Also, if you are in confinement, I will wash diapers for your child until you are confinement."

"Really? Chen Jing, what you said is true?" Wang Fang's surprised voice suddenly became louder, "You have three months of vacation?"

"Otherwise, why wouldn't I even come back for the Chinese New Year? I just thought, to spend the Chinese New Year with you, it would be better to accompany the birth of the child, and confinement with you..."

"How could your leaders agree?" Wang Fang was surprised, but still expressed doubts.

Chen Jing obviously hesitated for a moment, "Before the Spring Festival, I went on a mission, which was a bit difficult. I didn't make great progress until the third grade of junior high school. It was finally finished yesterday. The leader said that he would give me a commendation. No, I applied for a three-month vacation."

After Wang Fang listened, she was silent for a moment, as if she just came to her senses, "A somewhat difficult task? Isn't it dangerous? Ah? If something happens to you, how can I live? What will the child do? "

Speaking of the excitement, Wang Fang waved her left hand and slammed Chen Jing several times.

"Honey, don't move. If you move again, the needle will go away. I will smash it myself!"

"You, you... I'm so pissed off by you! I'm so mad at you! Don't smash it! Who will take care of me if it's broken? Today is my mother's meal delivery. Your mother just met an old colleague from the past. The sentence will be back soon. Mom saw you like this and thought I was bullying you again! Hmph..." Wang Fang was obviously more excited.

Chen Jing glanced at the progress of the drip, and then carefully checked the part of Wang Fang's right hand where the blood returned from the needle eye. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, he quickly grabbed Wang Fang's restless left hand again, "This time there is really no danger, it's just that the other party is very cunning. It's not that I'm brainless, the child is about to be born, and I don't dare to fight like before! You are right, take care of my little family first, so that the country won't be in trouble, I will remember it!"

"You still have a bit of conscience! Hey, I said, if you remember the merits, will you be promoted to a higher level? What a pity! No, it's not a pity, our son definitely wants you to accompany him more!" Wang Fang's tone Gradually calm down.

The man smiled honestly, "Why do you say it's your son? During the B-ultrasound scan, it's not allowed to say whether it's a boy or a girl."

Wang Fang also laughed, "I knew it was a son! Like you, he's so silly, so fun!"

"Xiaofang, doesn't your family have twin genes? Grandma gave birth to fourth and fifth uncles, sister Mei also gave birth to a pair of twin sons, and your sister-in-law also gave birth to a pair of twin daughters. Maybe your child will also be born to our old Chen family. A pair of twin girls!" Chen Jing himself became more and more excited, as if he had seen the twin girls after birth.

Wang Fang sneered, "You have to have some common sense when you have sweet dreams. It's probably because you haven't been back for a long time. If it was twins, the doctor who took the B-ultrasound must have told me, otherwise, there would be risks when the baby was born , we are all confused."

Chen Jing smiled naively again, "This, I really didn't expect, I like both sons and daughters."

Wang Fang curled her lips in disdain, "Our mother only wants a son! Besides, I don't want to have a pair of twin girls like my sister-in-law! Thinking about her actions makes her angry. She didn't do it on purpose. Did she kill her first wife? I don’t even want to recognize a money-greedy and vicious woman like her! Don’t call me auntie, no matter how rich she is, we won’t beg her. It’s like losing the [-]th generation of our Wang family ancestors. Face, Wang Yan, she is a bitch, a scum!"

Seeing that Wang Fang became more and more excited as she spoke, Chen Jing gently pushed her, then quickly glanced at Li Yun, and then made a "shh" gesture, and Wang Fang also hurriedly swept over to the 13th bed. At the same time, he stopped talking, and Chen Jing silently ran to the bathroom to wash the apples...

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and the women in beds 12 and 13 all looked towards the door.A capable woman in her 50s or [-]s walked in, wearing a black tunic down jacket, holding a thermos bucket containing food in each hand.

"Aunt Ying, you're here! How's it going?"

Li Yun was a little anxious and wanted to get up and sit back, but the more anxious she was, the more sluggish her movements became.

Li Ying, who had just entered the door, quickly put down the thermos in her hand, walked a few steps quickly, helped Li Yun up, and took a pillow to put her behind her, "You are full-term, so you must be careful in everything. There is a future."

Although Li Ying's tone was very calm, Li Yun still heard something unusual, "Aunt Ying, I want to go for a walk in the garden downstairs, please give me a hand, the doctor also said to take a proper walk, which is beneficial Production."

"Drink the pig's trotters and soybean soup first, and it's not too late to go down to digest food." Li Ying naturally understood Li Yun's meaning. Seeing Li Yun shaking her head, she had to bring Li Yun's shoes, while smiling and talking to the 12-bed couple. greet.

Li Ying supported Li Yun, walked out of the ward, talked to the nurse at the nurse's station, and then came to the elevator room. Seeing that there were many people, Li Ying remained silent, and so did Li Yun.

The two of them came to a relatively secluded place deep in the hospital garden in silence, and Li Yun couldn't wait.

"Aunt Ying, tell me quickly! I can resist!"

Only then did Li Ying lower her voice, and said slowly: "Xiaoyun, you have to be more open, at least you still have children, you are still so young, you can't accept death."

Li Yun's heart thumped, like a person with motion sickness, sweat suddenly began to sweat on her back, her forehead also began to sweat, and her head was a little dizzy, but she still cheered herself up secretly in her heart, "Aunt Ying, has the sentence been sentenced?" gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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