the first god

Chapter 153 Birth

Chapter 153 Birth (No monthly pass required this month, thank you for your support)

Li Ying, who is in her 40s, felt very helpless at this time, and when she was sad, she seemed a lot more old-fashioned, "Xiaoyun, the backstage of that woman is ``too`` hard, and the gun is indeed from Wuji's desk. She also found a few personal witnesses. Wuji belonged to carrying a murder weapon to carry out hooligans' crimes. The circumstances were serious, and she even hid guns. Last year was during the crackdown period. so……"

Li Yun raised her eyes to look at the warm sun above her head, her eyes went dark, and she fell directly to the ground.

This Li Yun, before becoming Ma Yunteng's stepmother, took care of Ma Yunteng in every possible way. After becoming Ma Yunteng's stepmother, even after giving birth to another daughter, she loved Ma Yunteng very much, sincerely.

Seeing this, I don't know if he was affected by the other Ma Yunteng's emotions. Ma Yunteng felt very unbearable, and stretched out his hand through the chaotic mirror, wanting to help that woman...

Li Ying quickly reached out to support her, and moved her back to the bench to lean on. In anxiety, she patted her face and pinched her middle part fiercely, but Li Yun still didn't respond.

Li Ying had no choice but to run to a nearby emergency room, and asked the nurse to push a stretcher...

Li Yun woke up again, after a day and a night. The 12-bed Wang Fang came to protect the baby and has been discharged from the hospital. The one with the 14th bed was delivered by caesarean section and was also discharged from the hospital.There were few patients in the first month, and there were no new patients admitted for the time being. There were only Li Yun and Li Ying in the ward.

After the blurred vision gradually became clear, Li Ying seemed to have aged a lot, and the wrinkles on his face were getting deeper and deeper, but Li Yun had no time to take care of Aunt Ying's old age at this time, "Aunt Ying! It's a death sentence. ,right!"

Faced with Li Yun's unusually calm tone, Li Ying suddenly panicked, and she quickly took her hands, "My child, if you want to cry, just cry, don't hold back, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, our mother and I will not It’s a hurdle that you can’t get past. Otherwise, you should drink some hot porridge first, you haven’t eaten all day and night, and the child in your belly is also hungry!”

Li Yun shook her head, expressing that she didn't want to drink porridge, her tone was still calm, "What is the way to die? Have you decided?"

Li Ying was silent for almost 2 minutes before speaking slowly, "Shoot!"

Li Yun's expression was still very calm, and she murmured in a very clear voice, "I'm really a bit stupid. I was sentenced to death, and of course it was executed by shooting. I actually asked how to die. I can only wait for his body to be collected." .”

Although Li Yun's voice was very soft, Li Ying could still hear it clearly. She was a little anxious. Li Yun's tone of voice seemed to be talking about other people's affairs, but something was wrong.

Li Yun never cried. Although she fell asleep for a day and a night after fainting, her mood was really not right.

Li Ying thought about it in her heart, "Xiaoyun, the baby is about to be born, you can cry if you want, don't hold it in your heart, but don't let it get you thinking about it!"

Li Yun was a little distracted...

"Xiaoyun, you have to believe me. I was really wronged. I have never messed around outside. If I don't want a divorce, that woman said she would take revenge on me and destroy our family. She is a lunatic..."

Ruan Wuji's words appeared in Li Yun's mind, and she suddenly laughed, but the voice was more sad than crying, "Aunt Ying, I know how to measure, I have been giving psychological hints in my heart, don't worry, I'm really fine , if my child and I die, that woman's plot to destroy our family will succeed, and I will not let her do so."

Li Ying didn't know what to say to persuade her, but she was still a little worried.

Li Yun closed her eyes, but the woman's sinister gaze appeared in her mind.

That woman not only talked to Ruan Wuji harshly, but also talked to her several times, but she never spoke to Ruan Wuji once.

She knew very well that Ruan Wuji used sweet words to tease the women around him many times. That's what he did, but he didn't have the guts to mess around, let alone rape. Not as good as her.

Li Yun thought very clearly that it was because Ruan Wuji didn't let go that the crazy and perverted woman came to her, but if Ruan Wuji didn't provoke that woman, how could he be entangled? His mouth was happy, but really The family is broken.

That woman's words are still in my ears...

"Li Yun, you are still so young and so beautiful. You can find a better one even if you are divorced. Why do you have to cling to Ruan Wuji? He is so flirtatious and has already betrayed you. Why are you doing this?"

"Li Yun, if you continue to be obsessed with your obsession, then just wait for your family to be ruined!"


She was an orphan since she was a child. Fortunately, she was adopted by Aunt Ying to an orphanage. Unexpectedly, her child was born without a father.Therefore, her heart must not be disturbed, and the child must not continue to be an orphan.

However, her mind is really messed up...

"Li Yun, if you are told to abort the child, you don't abort it, if you are told to divorce, you don't get a divorce. Okay, very good. You wait, once your child is born, the father will be a death row criminal or a hooligan. Your child will live forever. You have to bear such stains and not be able to hold your head up!"

"I have to bear such stains all my life and can't lift my head to be a man! I have to bear such stains all my life and can't lift my head to be a man..."


"You can get up now, the baby is fine and the fetal position is upright."

The doctor who took the B-ultrasound was very kind. Li Yun got up in a trance, still thinking about the woman's vicious curses. Li Ying hurriedly helped her back to the ward.

After a while, the doctor started to give her oxytocin.

After hanging oxytocin for several days, neither redness nor amniotic fluid came out. The child in Li Yun's stomach seemed very unwilling to be born, and kept hiding.

In the end, the doctor performed amniocentesis and then administered oxytocin. Finally, the labor pains began. The labor pains began in the morning, and the child was born naturally at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The birth was relatively fast and smooth.Because the pain was so numb during the birth, when the midwife stitched up Li Yun, she couldn't feel anything at all.

"Congratulations! You are a beautiful doll!"

Listening to the midwife's voice, Li Yun felt something was wrong even though her mind was dizzy.

"Nurse, why isn't my child crying? She..."

The midwife knew what Li Yun was going to say, so she interrupted her quickly, "Don't worry! This baby is very healthy! Some babies don't cry when they are born. Her facial features are really exquisite. When she grows up, she must be just like her mother, too. A big beauty!"

Li Yun was lying in the maternity lounge, and the midwife bathed the baby girl, and before handing it to Li Ying, there was another episode.

A middle-aged man with a somewhat wretched appearance.Wanted to take the baby girl away from the midwife.

The midwife quickly reprimanded him, "This is not your child! What are you doing? Go, go!"

The man's voice was higher than that of the midwife, "This is my child. I clearly saw the child go to take a bath, so you can't lie to me."

Li Ying didn't say anything, took the baby from the midwife, and went straight back to the ward, ignoring the middle-aged man.

I don't know whether he admitted the wrong child or abducted the child.

At this time, she has no extra energy to manage, and she is too lazy to do anything.

Because, the child and the mother of the child have suffered enough.

She didn't plan to tell Li Yun about this either.

(End of this chapter)

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