the first god

Chapter 191 Lie to Xianjing and Lie to Fulu

Chapter 191 Lie to Xianjing and Lie to Fulu

"Go and replace my little junior sister. Let me think about what to do. I can't keep being beaten passively like this. I think the fifth-order monsters here are probably more than the monster crab king. When they make a move, we The trouble is really big."

Yunyou deliberately rubbed the center of her eyebrows, pretending to be weak, and her tone was very polite.

Although Zhang Hong was dissatisfied with how she flirted with him, he was not in the mood to quarrel in this situation, he just showed his injuries.

It's not that he doesn't obey the arrangement, but... I really can't do it.

"If Fairy Fu has had enough rest, please go and replace my little junior sister."

It was only now that Yunyou noticed Zhang Hong's injury. The words were polite, but the attitude was undeniable.

Fu Yulan turned her head to look at her senior brother, Zhang Hong sat weakly at the side and meditated to recover the true energy that was consumed by the Hundred Refining Vajra Talisman before, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he was hopeless.

The two senior brothers and sisters are now dependent on others, and they can't tolerate her arrogance and temper, so they have to stand up with a cold face and go to the outside to take over for Cheng Zi.

Although Chengzi knew Yunyou's strength, she still pretended to be worried, and ran to Yunyou's side and said, "Senior Sister Eleven, are you okay?"

Yunyou immediately understood when she heard the words, smiled gently, and said, "Just take a break. You also sit down and rest for a while, I'm afraid it will be more difficult in the future."

"I'm not afraid! And you will definitely find a way!"

Cheng Zi smiled carelessly, her beautiful almond eyes shone brightly.

Zhang Hong was fascinated by the sight.

Damn, these two little fairies are too juicy.That charming and enchanting young girl is even more attractive than his Junior Sister Fu.

Cheng Zi stood up and walked to Zhang Hong's side, saying: "You should take some pills, just meditate like this, the recovery is too slow."

Zhang Hong didn't expect that she would take the initiative to talk to him and care about his situation, so he couldn't help thinking to himself: This little Xian'e is attractive and has a good heart, much cuter than his arrogant and savage Junior Sister Fu.

"My elixir has long been exhausted."

Zhang Hong smiled wryly.

Not every sect can eat pills like candy like them.

"You have high-grade fairy crystals on you, right? How many?" Cheng Zi secretly rejoiced, his eyes shining brightly.

Zhang Hong silently took out a storage bag, handed it to Cheng Zi and said, "There are five thousand top-grade fairy crystals in it."

This is already half of his net worth.

Cheng Zi took it unceremoniously, took a jade bottle and handed it to him, "Fifty high-grade rejuvenation pills should be enough for you."

The expression on Zhang Hong's face twitched, his heart was bleeding. Although high-grade rejuvenation pills are rare, they can be exchanged for one at most [-] high-grade fairy crystals in terms of value. Sell ​​him one hundred top-grade fairy crystals!
It's like eating people without spitting out their bones!
In normal times, he could slap her into meat sauce with one palm.

But now, he could only swallow his anger, even if Cheng Zi took him five thousand high-grade fairy crystals for nothing, so what could he do?
No matter how useless Cheng Zi is, the celestial artifact in her hand, the Flame Bead, and her senior sister are not something she can afford to provoke.

Cheng Zi earned a vote, and was in a good mood. She clapped her hands and stood up and said, "Hurry up and eat the elixir, so you can go and replace your junior sister Fu."

This is the primary reason why she took the initiative to care about the patient.

Zhang Hong held his breath so hard that he almost suffered internal injuries.

This little fairy's heart is so dark that ink can be squeezed out!
Blacker than himself!
How could he be blind just now and think that she is beautiful and kind? !
Under the cover of the flame beads, Cheng Zi went out and walked around.

Finally, he returned to the formation, walked up to Zhang Hong, and asked in a low voice: "Give me all the talismans you have entered the formation. If I can tear them open for you, how about paying me another immortal crystal? If you don't Enough high-grade fairy crystals, you can pay IOUs!"

Zhang Hongzheng was so angry that he glanced at her, and found that there was a flame bead spraying fire beside him, scaring away any monsters that accidentally entered the formation, so he held back his anger and said, "What do you want those things for? "

Cheng Zi rolled his eyes and said, "Those talismans can't be torn apart, but can they be burned with fire?"

Zhang Hong snorted: "You want the flame beads to blow fire, right? If you can, how annoying is it for me? Do you think I'm a fool? This kind of talisman paper is made of special materials. If you insist on burning it, the The rune will be completely useless."

Cheng Zi was disappointed: "Is there really no way to tear it apart? Even using magic weapons to cut it?"

Zhang Hong shook his head and said: "No, unless we have people with a cultivation base above the fourth rank, otherwise, magic weapons alone are useless."

After more than half a day of "training", the Flame Orb can deal with those monsters freely without the need for Cheng Zi to communicate with it.

Cheng Zi hesitated to speak, as long as she fuses with the Flame Orb, she will be almost level [-] Dzogchen and close to Level [-], but the senior sister has repeatedly instructed that she must never reveal this in front of others, even the Flame Orb is a matter of the Fire Spirit , must be kept secret from all.

She was thinking about how to persuade Zhang Hong to give her the talisman of the two, so that she could find a chance to secretly fuse with the flame bead and tear off the talisman, so that she could earn another high-grade fairy crystal.

Tianyuanmen is really too poor.

The head master doesn't care about the common affairs of the sect, so she can only undertake the task of earning immortal crystals.

Cheng Zi walked directly to Zhang Hong's side and said, "I have a way to get you all to leave this place before dawn, but I need to get four Hundred Refining Vajra Talismans in exchange."

Zhang Hong was overjoyed, but he didn't care about the heartache. He immediately took out four Hundred Refining Vajra Talismans. He had seven such Talismans in his body. He used one just now, but after the exchange, there were only two left.

This is the treasure his master entrusted to him to save his life. Even against fifth-rank monks, it is also a block. Although it is only a block, it is enough to save lives at critical moments.

As long as he can leave this place, he will take back all the good things these bandits from the Hao Ran Sect have done to him!
He snatched the elixir and tricked them with fake talismans.

If you don't avenge this revenge, it's hard to get rid of the hostility in your heart.

Chengzi handed the four talismans to Yunyou for careful inspection, and after confirming that there were no problems, he told Zhang Hong his method: "Hide the teleportation talismans in the magic weapon, send them to the demon crab king, and let them replace them for you." You can break it."

Four Hundred Refinement Vajra Talismans were exchanged for such a sentence, Zhang Hong's face turned blue and red, he didn't know whether to blame himself for being stupid or the other party for being too cruel.

How could this little fairy be so dark!It was obvious that he was treated as a sheep!
First to lie to his high-grade fairy crystal, and then to lie to his talisman, he said, how could they be so kind?
Suddenly I heard Yunyou's voice saying: "There are no people who have cultivated at the fourth-rank and fifth-rank level, but there is one monster ready-made, and there may be more..."

(End of this chapter)

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