the first god

Chapter 192 Catch the Orange

Chapter 192 Catch the Orange
After hearing Yunyou's words, Zhang Hong and Fu Yulan's hearts brightened, right!They can use the Demon Crab King to help them tear apart the talismans!The price of this sentence is too expensive.

But there is no way, such a simple method, they did not expect, but others thought of it, and it can even be sold, and it can be sold at a good price.

Forget it, as long as you can go out, you can always earn back.

If you are trapped here for many days, you may not be able to survive, and the most important thing is to save your life.

Yunyou threw out the four flags, surrounded several people, and blocked the outside world, and then explained her thoughts in detail.

It is also very simple to say, that is, paste the talisman on a magic weapon to attract the monster crab king to attack, and use the strength of the monster crab king to fight the magic weapon. The latter must be the one who is completely finished. If they are torn apart, they will naturally be sent out of the valley.

The only thing that is more dangerous is that any accident may happen when fighting with the monster crab king. After all, it is a fifth-level monster whose strength is equivalent to that of a fifth-level monk.

Before the talisman is torn, and in the short moments after, countless accidents may occur, and even die tragically.

Moreover, the fifth-order monster has already activated its intelligence, and if it discovers the mystery, the plan may completely fail.

Therefore, the talisman must be hidden well, and it must be resolved quickly.

As for magic weapons, Zhang Hong has a lot of them, and sacrificing a few pieces does not constitute a loss at all.

"Then let's go when we're ready?" Zhang Hong said eagerly, facing the fifth-order monster!

Cheng Zi reminded in a low voice: "Would it be better for you to pick up more monster corpses and take them out?"

There are so many Tier [-] monsters here, and the materials on their bodies can sell a lot of high-grade fairy crystals, and they can be counted as points in the general sects!

Fu Yulan thought to herself, if she could bring back the demon crystal of Lihuo Yuanyang Crocodile, Master would be very happy.

Yunyou laughed: "Yes! Let's prepare the magic weapon and talisman first. Later, the little junior sister will bring the flame beads to protect everyone. Let's go out to collect the corpses of monsters, and kill them on the way!"

There are not many corpses of monsters around the magic circle, and there are many corpses left by monsters from self-injury and killing outside the magic circle. Fortunately, these monsters are not well-organized, and they gather together to bite each other and fight each other. It is impossible for a disciple of this sect to last until now.

Yunyou made proper arrangements and withdrew the magic circle.

Seeing the two little fairies in front of him giggling and taking out their magic weapons, each went out to collect the corpses of monsters, Zhang Hong held back his anger, and told Yulan how to go out of the battle with magic voice transmission.

Fu Yulan was overwhelmed with surprise, but she took a look at the fifth-level demon crab king from a distance.I couldn't help being afraid again.

She turned her mind, condensed her voice into a thread, and said to Zhang Hong: "Why don't we catch that stinky girl who is only first rank, and force her to use the flame beads to deal with the monster crab king for us?"

Fu Yulan had such an idea, and she was inspired by them.

Although she had been in contact with Yunyou and Chengzi for less than half a day, she found that Yunyou took good care of this first-grade little girl.

She admits that Chengzi's flame beads are very powerful, but as far as she is concerned, she is only the first rank, and she is not very powerful.

It's just that luck is too good to be true.

Zhang Hong originally wanted to object, because after this matter was done, Yunyou would definitely not give up with them after going out.

However, he took a look at the monster crab king in the distance, and remembered the despair and horror of being trapped in the crowd of monsters when he couldn't tear the talisman, and the enmity that Chengzi and Yunyou had cheated on his high-grade fairy crystal and talisman one after another. With a sinister smile, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's do it like this!"

That fifth-order monster crab king is too dangerous, he still wants to save his life to find the way of longevity, how can he take the risk casually?

Aren't the two bandits in front of us a lot of tricks?The idea was thought up by the two of them, so let them die for his two brothers and sisters.

Yunyou seems to be quite strong, but as long as she leaves that first-rank little Xian'e, it is more than enough for the two of them to work together to control that first-rank little Xian'e.

Everyone quickly cleaned up the wreckage of monsters around the magic circle.

According to Zhang Hong's rough calculation, the wreckage and bones he collected included dozens of fourth-level monsters alone, and many third-level monsters and below.

According to the algorithm of the Four Factions Trial Conference, it would be at least a few thousand points, more than enough for a champion.

As they gradually left the range of the magic circle, more and more monsters rushed up. They didn't fight with these monsters, they just dodged all the way and picked up the corpses of monsters left on the ground. Only cast spells to fight with monsters.

Yunyou raised her eyebrows, distractedly turned her head to look in the direction of the magic circle, she had already given them a chance, so she wondered if these two idiots of Tongtianzong would dare to do it.

After all, Zhang Hong is not a murderer who is brutal by nature and kills without batting an eyelid. If he kills these two people for no reason, it will easily leave marks on his Dao heart, which will be very unfavorable for future cultivation.

Therefore, she intentionally left Chengzi alone in the formation, and gave these two people a chance to attack. They just did nothing. If they really had evil intentions, they would kill themselves.

At that time, no matter how she deals with these two people, she will feel at ease.

Chengzi can also further understand the dangers of the world, which is what she must experience after she walks out of Tianyuanmen.

Before she went out to battle, she secretly made the arrangements, but the others, including Cheng Zi, were kept in the dark.

Seeing that there were already two feet away from the magic circle, and she would be surrounded by monsters any further, Yunyou finally said loudly: "Everyone, it's almost time! Go back!"

They have at least a hundred Tier [-] monsters in their hands, which is indeed enough.

Yu Li and Lu Yan wiped the sweat from their foreheads casually, feeling a little unsatisfied.

Yunyou smiled and said: "Save some strength, we have to deal with that big guy later!"

Yu Li was right after thinking about it, so he put away several bulging storage bags, and took the lead to rush towards the magic circle. Lu Yan and some disciples of Tongtian Sect and Misty Sect were in the middle, and Yunyou was behind.

For some reason, she always felt that the monster crab king's eyes seemed to be falling on her, and that eyes implied a special coldness.Yunyou turned her head and glanced at the monster crab king who had never moved... What exactly does this guy want to do?

Inside the magic circle, Fu Yulan and Zhang Hong, who were tasked with guarding the magic circle, only picked up leaks near the magic circle, and returned to the magic circle first.

They saw from a distance that other people were about to return with a full load and would soon enter the magic circle, so they finally made up their minds to do it.

First, Fu Yulan exclaimed, covered her arms, took two steps back, and pretended to be injured.

Fu Yulan was in pain, and while moaning, she backed up to Cheng Zi, then suddenly turned around and shot, grabbed Cheng Zi's neck, and pulled her in front of her.

This movement was too fast, but Yu Li, who was passing through the magic circle at the front, could see clearly, Yu Li shouted angrily: "Fu Yulan! What do you want to do?!"

Seeing that his junior sister had succeeded, Zhang Hong didn't defend any more, he quickly retreated to meet her, and together they hijacked Cheng Zi.

The Flame Orb already had spirituality, and when it realized that its owner had been caught, it turned around and rushed towards Cheng Zi.

"You tell that Lingzhu to stop quickly, and get away!"

(End of this chapter)

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