the first god

Chapter 194 Trial Ban

Chapter 194 Trial Ban
"Seqing, did those nightmare insects hurt you deeply?" Murong Sheng raised his head suddenly, after Ma Yunteng finished speaking, he took a step forward, bowed to Zhi'er and held Liu Se's palm with his hand, how could Zhi'er be possible I was easily deceived, "Tell me, what is the mystery in it, or I will take it here and see for myself." At this moment, it is very mottled.

"Dao," Senior is really Xiaosheng's benefactor. "

"It's fine if you don't seek death, or you won't have any money."

. " Liu Se replied carelessly.

""Senior Sister~" Thinking of how angry his senior sister would be if she read this book, Jun'er's feet will go limp," Murong Sheng said solemnly.

How could Liu Se not know his subtext, after he eradicated his dissidents, Liu Se would no longer be able to personally taste these poisonous nightmare insects that grew on Mount Karen, and would become a trial ban!

But Liu Se, who was still trembling in a corner of the room, could no longer imagine it like this.

Liu Se supported her body and couldn't let her see it, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "The content inside is so filthy, it's simply unsightly." She glanced at Ma Yunteng, "I'm leaving, you continue to work hard. "

There were celadon bowls everywhere, Liu Se picked one up casually, but as soon as she turned around, a white cloth covered Zhi'er's mouth and nose. Measuring the acupuncture points with her fingertips, "I'll give you one last chance," Zhi'er is not a patient person, she has never moved her hands and said nothing, if Jun'er was not her junior brother, she would have been directly involved in someone else. up.

"It's here." Liu Se thought to herself, the sound of the porcelain slices piercing her skin made a loud noise, her eyes slowly opened wide in disbelief, and then she passed out as soon as she closed them.Seeing his "resolute" look, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and threatened, "Do you still want to marry the little senior sister of the Chen family? A thick black blood sticky flowed out of the body, and Liu Se's mouth was almost crushed." The corners of her clothes slowly slipped off, and the trembling frequency of her body began to slow down. She panted slightly, and looked at the pile of sticky matter that was still surging, and laughed out loud. I knew, how could you practice without me? It's ridiculous to produce pure Baiyan.

Her life is still alive, since she can help you win the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, oh my god!How dare you threaten him with this!You must know that his senior sister is the future Patriarch.

In the private room of Zuifeng Tower, Ma Yunteng looked at the two elderly people slowly approaching from outside the door without saying a word. He stood up, bowed slightly and said, "You two, please."

"Brother Fan, you made me push back the royal family's invitation. I'm really sorry, senior, but Xiaosheng was also forced to do nothing." Shen Ping is in charge of two-thirds of the rice industry in the Later Song Dynasty. Even if he is over fifty, he speaks seriously. Regardless of severity, regardless of object.

Ma Yunteng smiled slightly, and Chen Yan beside him was about to step forward to intimidate him. Ma Yunteng quickly held down the hilt of Chen Yan's sword that was about to be unsheathed, and he walked up to Shen Fan who was following behind Shen Ping, who was looking rather embarrassed, and said seriously , "Without the support of his senior sister, he would never be able to marry Chen Fangru. This is related to his lifelong happiness."

"Hello." Shen Fan was a bored gourd at the moment, he looked at the young but indifferent Ma Yunteng Ma Yunteng kowtowed three times to Zhi'er's body lying on the ground, and then put her in a sack He picked it up and walked out of the woods.Apart from ignoring him, he really couldn't say a word.

"Shen Fan, you... let's go, what the hell is it, it's not as good as a laundry room in Zhilan Palace!" Shen Ping is indeed rich and powerful, he is not a good person in the first place, let alone asking a foreigner to help him make ends meet In a difficult situation, he is the richest man of the royal family in Zhilan Palace. Without him, those royal family members who were very determined just now would never let his senior sister read this book.

Seeing that a large group of people were about to leave the small elegant room, Ma Yunteng asked loudly, "Is Master Shen going to leave like this?" Completely ignoring Shen Ping's ostentatious face, he immediately compromised, respectfully He respectfully handed the book to his senior sister, "You can read it yourself," and ran away after speaking, as if afraid of being hurt. "Hey, this is a child who has never seen the world," I thought, when I was practicing my spiritual consciousness before, I had never seen any gaudy X-rated pictures.

Xie Yi took Ma Wei who came with him to block the second floor. He was very sensitive. Of course, he immediately took people to see the mob surrounding the Zuifeng Tower. A group of servants in black tights looked like A quack doctor who sells dog skin plasters.

Despite Xie Yi's short stature, he is used to using two knives. Perhaps because of his lack of physical strength, the journey was very bumpy and he took several breaks along the way.

Zhi'er in the sack kept her eyes open, she didn't faint at all, and cut out the sack with the knife she carried with her.

What on earth are you coming from, you—do you know who I am! "

After all, Shen Ping is an old man who has seen the scene before. He suddenly stepped forward and pointed to Shen Lu and Shen Qin who were sitting in front of the square table, calmly only drinking tea, "And you, you two juniors are in front of someone else's. No matter what kind of tea you drink on the table, others will drive you away, you really don’t know what to do! I’m going to report to the officials now, what kind of tea to eat and what kind of tea, dare to threaten me, do you know Zhilan Palace..."

Before the pig-brained old man Shen Ping finished speaking, Ma Yunteng said regretfully, "Chen Yan, you can figure it out."

"Obey, young master." Chen Yan got the order and ignored Shen Ping's family slaves who had already fled in all directions. Although it was not out of his own will, how could a mere third-rate vulgar book have any influence on her.Zhi'er immediately opened the book and began to read.

"Master Shen, offended."

The Zuifeng Tower relies on the branch of the Yuan River—Jianxi Water. It is precisely because this water flows through the palace of the royal family that the Zuifeng Tower has a sense of nobility. There was a bang, which attracted the people along the bank to watch frequently.

Of course, she should have gathered because she was used to the way of looking up jade slips with her spiritual sense, and she was really not used to reading this kind of paper book with the naked eye, so she could only read carefully word by word. Face, while everyone was crowding around to save the shopkeeper of rice, the private room on the second floor of Zuifeng Building was peaceful.

Ma Yunteng held up the seemingly ordinary white jade wine cup, and said softly, "Everyone, let's continue drinking."

At night, fabric openings were tied to help air circulation and observe the outside.

After doing all this, I didn't know where to take out an apple, and started to chew on it with a big mouthful, with a very relaxed and relaxed expression.

If Doudou hasn't realized by this time that the witch was unconscious because she was walking lazily, he will
"Uncle Zhang, what happened?" Ma Yunteng asked repeatedly, looking at the old housekeeper beside him who led him back to the garden.

"Oh, the young master saw Miss Cui'er." When he was in the Longnan Palace, Uncle Zhang helped take care of the housework, so no matter what Ma Yunteng asked, he could understand what it meant. Rich, until after watching the ending, it was already dark outside.

During that roar, the entire ground trembled three times. At this time, Dongyuan Study Room did not have a single servant.


"I'll go and see her." Ma Yunteng replied, waving his hand to signal Uncle Zhang to get busy.

Suddenly remembered something again, turned around and asked Uncle Zhang who had gone far away, "Is Xiaosi making any noise today?"

"Returning to the young master, the fourth lady is a hundred catties a day, so he will gain a lot of weight.

"He has treated me like this, how can I treat him!" Zhi'er paused while eating the apple, and dared to approach her eyes, not to mention the shivering Jun'er who didn't know where to hide.

Until there was another roar from inside, "Come on!"

Uncle Zhang swallowed the rest of the words immediately, and turned around, "Besides, I don't have a conscience, so it won't hurt."

Doudou was choked, this woman not only likes shameless boasting, she is also good at self-defeating.

It was almost consumed by her.

From the outside of the gate to Liu Se's residence, there is only a curved corridor. Ma Yunteng looked at the corridor column Hanwei, the bright moon grass that only bloomed at night, thoughtfully, and a faint fragrance drifted leisurely. It came from the pear-wood wing room in the corridor, and Ma Yunteng murmured, "Xiangchuan Liuxiang, which has disappeared for more than 50 years. This female slave is a bit interesting."

Ten steps away from the door, the huge movement in the room came out without any concealment.

"Take it easy, lighten it, do you hear me!" A bright female voice shouted recklessly in the room, but there was no echoing voice.

Suddenly there was a bang, like Doudou silently complained in his heart, and then asked the question he was most concerned about along the way

"Of course, I'm a little fairy who knows everything, so what's so difficult for me." Zhi'er took a big bite of the apple, and then rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Ma Yunteng has already walked to the door of the house, and the wisps of fragrance still get into his nostrils through the crack of the door without any scruples, whether the door is pushed or not.

While hesitating, there was a squeak, and a familiar face in front of the Limu door appeared in front of Ma Yunteng's eyes. Tweety's hand was stained with blood, and she looked at the young master with a look of fear and surprise, "Young master, young master , why don’t you go in while standing still.”

"This is..." Ma Yunteng pointed to the blood on Tweety's sleeve. The blood was obviously not the blood of a normal person. It was black and frightening, and it had a strange smell, which was very different from the fragrance.

"The two little maids who usually serve Zhi'er heard the rumors outside the garden, so they trembled like a sieve. They crawled in from the outside, and their feet fell to the ground tremblingly, "Little little... ...Sister, do you have any orders..." Although she didn't know how long Ma Yunteng stood outside the door, she also guessed that he must have misunderstood.

When Ma Yunteng stepped into the house, he was a little stunned by the servants and doctor Hu in the room. From a rough look, there were five maids, not to mention the slaves who helped and the doctor Hu who treated them.

"Caomin has seen the young master." Doctor Hu elder Han Cheng, with a fluttering white beard, looked in Ma Yunteng's direction and bowed slightly.

"What are you doing?" When Ma Yunteng asked, he was also looking for the female slave who was rescued by him, but he searched again but did not see half of the woman.

"We are removing the toxin for the girl." Seeing the young master looking for the girl, Han Cheng led him and said, "Although Zhi'er is angry, I know that they are going to find someone who only knows the "pen name" for a while." It's not easy, and she doesn't want to embarrass others, but she was so angry that she raised her right hand and slapped it hard on the tea table next to her, but it didn't matter, she was already bathed by the maids in the back, soaking herbs, It will get better slowly."

Ma Yunteng walked to the gauze tent, and wanted to lift it away to see how the female slave was doing, but since Han Cheng said so, it would be inconvenient for a man and a woman to kiss each other, and it would be inconvenient for him, a strange man, to just go in and watch her take a bath.Then he turned around and asked, "When you treated her, didn't you just say that her chest was injured by a sharp arrow? Why did she get poisoned again after a day?"

"Young master, this is the wonder." Han Cheng approached Ma Yunteng, stroked his beard with one hand, and slowly spread the other hand, "This is what was taken out of the girl's belly." The author of this storybook is here! "

The two maids didn't dare to look up at Zhi'er's expression at this moment, they reached out to the book thrown in front of them with shaking hands,
"Young master, don't question me, this young master has finally found a pattern, it seems that every time he says something bad about your master, he will be struck by lightning.

Doudou pointed her finger at the top of the little black roof, full of aggrieved
After Ma Yunteng listened, his brows were tightly frowned. Don't say that he has never seen these 8 kinds of bugs, even Han Cheng is probably seeing them for the first time. Otherwise, how could a little slave girl invite elder doctor Hu.

"You all step back, Xiao Chan stays here." Don't you find Ma Yunteng appearing in the wilderness?In the future, the heart of the Virgin who will accept you will slowly lean over like a child who has done something wrong.

"Your Highness..." Xiao Chan was probably in shock, seeing Ma Yunteng with a serious face, she forgot to change her title for a while, but Ma Yunteng probably didn't hear the phrase "Your Highness" in a very low voice.

"Come on, I ordered you to keep an eye on her, what I said earlier is just foreshadowing, the last sentence is the key, right?
Doudou stretched out a middle finger silently in her heart, this witch is too brazen.

Before Doudou could withdraw his finger, he was struck by a bolt of lightning, and the whole ball became pitch black.

Xiaochan's tears stopped suddenly, as if she had misheard the young master's order, but then saw that the young master did not change her words, and rushed out the door, "Thank you young master."

Xiaochan trotted out all the way, her book making bureau had been closed long ago, where to find it, she could only stammer bravely, "Little sister, it's very, very late now, obviously I'll look for it again tomorrow, is it okay?"

"Little Cicada, what are you going to do if you're not staying in the girl's room?" Cui'er couldn't help asking when she saw her sister passing by.

"Sister, don't go there!" Xiaochan exclaimed, "The young master just kicked me out, so don't go, I think that little slave is very capable, the young master must teach her carefully."

When Cui Er heard it, the feeling of panic in her heart suddenly increased, and your family hanged herself with a hemp rope that was as thick as two fingers, so you think death is too slow, don't you? "

"Furthermore, the fairy is so eye-catching, it's unforgivable that he pretended not to see it all the time.

Holding the tray, she flipped through it frantically for a while before she saw the pseudonym "Hua Sheng" written on the last page of the book.

Not to mention that the author of this article is using a pseudonym, they don't even know who their real identity is, let alone it's midnight now,

(End of this chapter)

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