the first god

Chapter 195 Ransacked by Oranges

Chapter 195 Ransacked by Oranges

The Monster Crab King lifted his two long legs to the ground, and there was a bang, the mountain shook and the ground shook, and an invisible force centered on the Monster Crab King's body and rushed in all directions.

Cheng Zi's body shook violently, and the silver flying sword was bounced back immediately, and the others were not much better.

Naturally, Yunyou was fine. She was determined to let Chengzi gain experience, so she didn't intervene. She just kept paying attention to the battlefield. When it was time for her to make a move, she would naturally not be slow.

Cheng Zi held the hilt of the sword with one hand, and formed a seal with the other. The whole person seemed to turn into an ice pick in an instant, completely disregarding his own safety, and jumped up again, stabbing at the monster crab king with the sword.

"court death!"

The Monster Crab King raised one of his long legs and swept the silver sword. The silver sword immediately turned into countless shining fragments and shot out to the side. The orange was also carried by the huge force and flew horizontally. Only barely stood still.

"Tsk tsk, you girl's rank is not high, but your body is full of treasures and has strong plasticity. I will keep you useful!"

If it wasn't for the Demon Crab King calculating Cheng Zi's body, she wouldn't be able to stand at this moment, she would have fallen to the ground with serious injuries.

On the hillside, a Tongtian Sect male cultivator watching the battle hidden behind a boulder felt dizzy and weightless before he had time to exclaim...

He was teleported away!
There is also a problem with his talisman, which was hidden by Cheng Zi on her flying sword.

His body was tightly wrapped by the strong wind, but he was very anxious. He didn't want to be sent out first, for fear that something would happen to the brothers and sisters after he left!

However, the teleportation talisman attached to the silver flying sword has been completely shattered by the Monster Crab King, and he can't keep it even if he wants to.

When he opened his eyes again, the two elders with anxious and worried faces, who had completely lost their usual stern image, and many other people who were either familiar or unfamiliar.

Seeing him leaving safely, Lu Yan and Yu Li sent out a firework talisman on the hillside to inform Cheng Zi and others below, and then they also tore up the talisman and left the valley, only a moment later than the disciples of the Tongtian Sect who had just left the valley.

Liu Sheng and Ye Han pretended to be overly worried and went back to Haoranzong's temporary camp to rest. At this moment, they heard a report from their disciples that a third-rank disciple of Tongtianzong had been sent out of the valley, and their faces turned pale with shock.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?! Liu Sheng, what did you do? Did you make a mistake and gave him a normal talisman!" Ye Han was surprised and angry, and asked Liu Sheng's front with one hand.

How could Liu Sheng be willing to take the blame for this: "The talisman seal given to us by the patriarch, you and I have checked it together, and watched the Tongtian Sect and Misty Sect mark their own marks, how could it be that I made a mistake? "

The two were torn apart, and the disciple came to report again: "There are also disciples from the Yunshui Sect, the Tongtian Sect, and the Misty Sect."

Ye Han and Liu Sheng were stunned.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the patriarch's talisman?

Then, these disciples must have had an adventure in the valley!

Zhou Yong and Wu Xian of Tongtian Sect still couldn't land the big stone in their hearts. They didn't want to disturb the recovery of several people, so they were sent to the biggest and best stone room in the temporary camp to rest alone, and they sent their trusted disciples to take care of them. He and Yu Li called to another secret room to ask for details.

In front of their most trustworthy parents, the two told what happened today, including Yunyou's "argument" about the whereabouts of Yulan and Zhang Hong.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Zhou Yong and Wu Xian told them not to say anything to the outside world for the time being, but to discuss it in detail, and then inform the Misty Sect to "discuss an explanation" with the Haoran Sect.

Anyway, with the intact talisman seals of Zhang and Fu in their hands, coupled with the words of the disciples who were with them before, the Haoran Sect wanted to kill the two elite disciples of the Tongtian Sect.

It's just that Zhang Hong's life and death are unknown now. Although the chance of survival is close to zero, but in the end, to prevent it from happening, there must be a set of convincing arguments for his whereabouts no matter how the situation develops.

People from Tongtian Sect discussed behind closed doors, people from Haoran Sect fidgeted, and Yunshui Sect had nothing to gain or lose this time. However, the strange atmosphere permeating the camps of various factions outside the valley also made them a little uneasy.

The people who panicked the most were naturally the members of the Haoran Sect. Liu Sheng and Ye Han secretly sent their disciples several times to inquire about the situation of Zhang Hong and the others, but they all returned in vain.

How did the disciples of Tongtian Sect and Misty Sect tear apart the talisman and leave Fallen Devil Valley, and how much do they know about the talisman?

Are those problematic talismans still in their hands?
This is all evidence of death!

The more they thought about it, the more fearful they became, and they flew swords to send letters to report the matter to the head sect and the sixth-rank patriarch respectively.

If the conspiracy is exposed, the two fourth-rank elders cannot afford it.

In Fallen Devil Valley, after sending away all the disciples of Tongtian Sect and Misty Sect, Yunyou and Chengzi still stayed in the valley, but they used invisibility charms to hide nearby and carefully observe the furious Demon Crab King.

In a moment of carelessness, the demon crab king was blinded by the orange, and when he saw the huge empty crab net in front of him, he almost went crazy on the spot!

It's going to kill this stinky girl!

It wants to crush her bones inch by inch, it wants her to live or die, it wants to wrap her in a crab net, suck her blood and brain dry bit by bit, and make her utterly miserable...

It circled the hillside several times, and finally determined that those damned human monks had left completely.

What invisibility?

These cunning and vile humans tricked it!

They ran away!

What teleportation talisman is stolen is also a lie!

The blinded eye of the Monster Crab King was throbbing with pain. The stinging feeling made it unable to calmly think about the cause and effect. It only knew that it had been deceived, and that the person it was looking for had also flown away. !
Suddenly, a faint breath on the hillside caught its attention.

There are people on the hillside!
Zhang Hong's injuries were serious. Because Yunyouchengzi and others were there before, he did not dare to meditate to heal his injuries in order not to attract their attention and provoke revenge. He lay on the ground in the middle of the night. He hurriedly propped up his body, trying to find a place to hide first.

He was completely ransacked by Chengzi, and all he had left was his tattered clothes, shoes and socks that had been burned by the flame beads. He had no pills, let alone magic treasures, talismans, etc. Even if he bumped into an ordinary mortal at this moment, it would be enough to clean him up He has more than enough.

While moving his body with difficulty, he cursed Yunyou and Chengzi in his heart for bringing him to such a situation.

Especially oranges!
This little Xian'e, who deserved to die ten thousand times, as long as he passed this test, he must ask Master to kill this vicious dead girl!
Relying on a wave of resentment, Zhang Hong struggled to climb behind the boulder where Chengzi had been hiding before, and suddenly felt something was wrong, the surrounding was too quiet, so quiet that the chill rushed from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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