the first god

Chapter 199 Spirit Beast Showdown

Chapter 199 Spirit Beast Showdown
Jin Fen was thrown into the air like a sack.

With a slap, it was slammed to the ground by Xiao Cheng'e.

Although the fall was heavy, it was still bearable for a rank five immortal.

Jin Fen was shocked that the other party was not afraid of his fifth-grade coercion and the power of thunder and lightning, but he quickly realized that the hand that was not caught raised the Thunder God Soul Spear, and wanted to stab Cheng Zi.

However, as soon as he thought about it, something tragic happened. The crystal chess pieces under him suddenly exploded. The explosion was so powerful that half of his body was blown to a bloody mess on the spot.

He trembled all over under the severe pain, and the shot failed to go out.

The destructive power of those crystal chess pieces not only hurt the flesh, but even hurt the bone marrow, and even the spiritual essence was exploded...

Lost this opportunity, and forever lost the possibility of raising a gun to fight back again.

Like a motor, Cheng Zi grabbed Jin Fen's hand and beat him dozens of times in an instant.

Jin Fen was completely stunned by the fall. There were a few times when his body touched the crystal chess pieces just as he landed. The chess pieces either exploded suddenly, or instantly turned into ice blades and pierced hard into his meridians, stimulating his meridians. The true energy and aura in his body ran around, and he was in a daze, without the ability to resist.

Unexpected events happened, and when Cao Nima and Zhong Yi rushed forward to save people, Jin Fen had already turned into a blood gourd.

Moreover, the blood flowing out of this body is mixed with the essence and blood from Lingyuan, and the soul is also seriously damaged.

Seeing Cao Nima and Zhong Yi rushing forward, Ma Yunteng was afraid that Chengzi would suffer, so he hurried forward to take her away.

Chengzi hated Jin Fen's tongue-in-cheek, Yunyou and herself, and before leaving, she was still hesitant and kicked him between the legs.

This kick was mixed with the destructive power of the cloud-pattern lightning boots on her feet.


A shrill scream came from Jin Fen's mouth, causing crazy pain, stabbing him out of a semi-consciousness, but it was only this one cry, and he passed out again.

Cao Nima and Zhong Yi didn't react for a while, and took Jin Fen over to see that he had already lost half of his life.

Although he was beaten, injured by the explosion and the ice blade, he can still be healed. As for the damage to the soul, if there are natural treasures, with time, most of them can be recovered, but the time is relatively long.

The last kick was really too ruthless, especially when dealing with the flirtatious Jin Fen, I am afraid that he will have great difficulty in doing double cultivation in the future.

Cao Nima looked like he wanted to eat people, he stared at Ma Yunteng and Chengzi and said, "Okay! Okay! A famous teacher produces a good apprentice! It's really ruthless!"

All the men present felt their scalps go numb when they saw Cheng Zi violently beating Jin Fen, and when they saw her last kick, all the wild thoughts they had had were immediately terrified.

Liu Shi shrank his lower body uncomfortably, feeling that the most important gender characteristic of his body seemed to be blown by a cool wind, and a chill spread all over his body.

No one would have thought that Jin Fen would encounter such a tragic defeat as soon as he entered the field. Actual combat methods are prone to various accidents, and often a wrong judgment and reaction will cause a completely subversive result.

Cao Nima clenched his fists. He wished he could kill Chengzi on the spot, but just now he agreed in public to compete with each other for life and death. Killing her by himself was just a moment of pleasure, but it was likely to leave a crack in Dao Xin. The gain outweighed the loss.

He gritted his teeth, and slowly moved his eyes to Ma Yunteng... (
"In the second round, you won't have such good luck!" Cao Nima said bitterly.

Seeing that Jin Fen was defeated miserably by a young female cultivator who had just been promoted to the third rank a few years ago, Zhong Yi felt more ominous in his heart. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Cao Nima, signaling him not to be too impulsive.

Seeing their small moves, Yunyou laughed and said, "I think it's better not to compete in the second match. After two disastrous defeats, two elite disciples returned with serious injuries. I'm afraid you can't explain it. It's too hurtful." Be kind, after all, there was a bit of sympathy between our three sects in the early years."

As soon as these words came out, not only Cao Nima and Zhong Yi were trembling with anger, they almost vomited blood.

When Yunyou said that, the second match was no match.

However, when the elite disciples of the two core sects in the Horse Hunting Army—Ta Xing Sect where Lord Wuya is located and Penglai Sect where Lord Wujiao is located , I feel that the opponent's hope of winning is too slim.

Did Tianyuanzong have no spirit beasts to fight?

This is a fourth-order flame dog?
Or was it because the horse hunting army arrived too suddenly, too late to summon high-level war beasts?
Such a docile and delicate animal is almost like a pet.

Let it compete with other fierce and violent fire spirit beasts, will it turn into a roasted suckling dog on the spot? !

Among the martial arts competitions, the most dangerous is the duel of fire-type spirit beasts. They have their own spirituality, and fire-type spirit beasts are the most aggressive among the spirit beasts. Hurt the enemy, even the owner will be affected, and the beast fire they carry can cause so much damage that even a sixth-rank immortal monarch can't do it with all his strength.

Once there is a spirit beast duel, the result is almost always one party is seriously injured or even dies, and their respective spirit beasts will inevitably suffer casualties.

Zhong Yi reminded in a lower voice: "Don't take it lightly...don't forget the lessons learned by Jin Fen!"

Liu Shi's heart was awe-inspiring, but he quickly thought that Jin Fen was obsessed with sex, and that's why he followed Chengzi's way. With the spirit beast in his hand, even compared with the sixth-rank fairy, he would not be inferior, let alone this A third-grade stinky girl who will fall when the wind blows?
He slapped the spirit beast bag and said with a sneer, "Let me show you what a real sixth-order fire-type spirit beast is!"

Level six?

Xue Yuan, Heng Er, Heng Zhi, and even Ci Ning, who had never had any sense of existence, all turned pale and looked at Cheng Zi worriedly, after all, she was only the third rank.

The combat power of the Skyfire Dog is beyond doubt, but can the Skyfire Dog protect the orange?
I just hope that Cheng Zi will be smarter.

Fortunately, the super god beast Skyfire Dog is currently in the disguise of transforming, and the other party thinks it is a fourth-order ordinary spirit beast Flame Dog. This advantage is probably the key to winning by surprise.

Everyone still continued to look worried, but the peace of mind in their hearts was not revealed.

This is what Liu Shi wanted, and he smiled more complacently.

As soon as Liu Shi finished speaking, a red shadow flickered, and a big eight-foot-tall lion with red hair and four golden claws appeared beside Liu Shi. Its eyes were red, and a small blood-red sarcoma appeared on its forehead. , It looks like it has three eyes.

The sixth-order three-eyed red fire lion!

According to legend, as long as this kind of spirit beast cultivates to the seventh level, the sarcoma on its forehead will burst and a third eye will grow.

It ranks 89 among the fire-type spirit beasts. I don't know how many immortals dream of having such a powerful spirit beast.

With it by your side, it is completely enough to be a sixth-rank immortal monarch against the enemy, even worse than that.

Because the cultivation level of the spirit beast is much higher than that of Liu Shi, although Liu Shi managed to subdue it by various means, he could not completely control it, and his attitude towards it was also cautious, as if he was serving his uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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