the first god

Chapter 200

Chapter 200
But every time Liu Shi saw his three-eyed red fire lion come out, he would be overtly or secretly amazed and frightened, and felt that everything was worth it!

He didn't know how much he spent trying to please his master, so he got this spirit beast.

"Let your spirit beast out!" Liu Shi proudly said with his head raised.

Cheng Zi tried her best to pretend to look down on the world, so as to overwhelm the three-eyed red fire lion's aura, but when she thought of the little milk dog's appearance at this time, she felt discouraged.

"Doudou! Come here!"

With a flash of the white shadow, the pink, round, invincible and cute little milk dog appeared on the stage, and there was no trace of Tianhuo dog.

Doudou threw herself into Cheng Zi's arms, screaming coquettishly for a while.

Chengzi pulled the little milk dog away in embarrassment, and said in the direction of Liu Shi: "Don't make trouble! I want to compete with this villain, and set fire to scare this big guy away!"

The people of Star Stepping Sect and Penglai Sect were all secretly happy.

They all felt sorry for Chengzi.

The three-eyed red fire lion opened Xuepan's mouth wide enough to swallow that little puppy and her head.

Liu Shi was dumbfounded, pointing at the little milk dog, clutching his belly and laughing wildly: "Bah! Such a little beast, even my three-eyed red fire lion can't get enough teeth, how dare you come to fight?! Could it be that you think Showing weakness like this, will I let you go?!"

He laughed so happily that he didn't notice that the majestic three-eyed red fire lion beside him, since the little milk dog appeared, showed fear and caution, and his high head slowly lowered , with limbs bent, slowly bent down, with a vigilant posture as if facing an enemy.

Both Zhong Yi and Cao Nima discovered something wrong with the three-eyed red fire lion one step earlier than him. Cao Nima couldn't help shouting: "Liu Shi, don't take it lightly!"

His drink was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. Liu Shi was shocked, and finally noticed the strange reaction of the three-eyed red fire lion.

The three-eyed red fire lion is born dumb. Even if it has been cultivated to the fifth level and above, it cannot speak. Liu Shi has not made a contract with it to recognize its master, so he can only barely understand about [-]% of its thoughts. .

He sensed that the three-eyed red fire lion was about to shrink back, but he didn't know the reason. Looking at the one-foot-tall white puppy standing in front of Cheng Zi, he couldn't see anything scary about it.

But with his spirit beast in its current state, it would be fine if it didn't turn around and run away. How could it be expected to attack a person and a dog on the opposite side?
If the three-eyed red fire lion really turned around and ran away, even if he said he would break the sky, he would lose this game!

It must be that little milk dog knows some kind of illusion that specializes in dealing with fire-type spirit beasts, so it scares his three-eyed red fire lion like this!

Liu Shi was startled and angry, thinking he had discovered the treacherous scheme between Ma Yunteng and Chengzi's master and apprentice.

You guys actually want to use this villain's tricks against me? !I'm risking my life today, but I also want the three-eyed red fire lion to burn you, you ignorant stinky girl, and this ignorant dog to ashes!

As soon as Liu Shi gritted his teeth, he took out a fiery red needle and pierced it into the back of the three-eyed red fire lion's neck.

The three-eyed red fire lion trembled violently, and became violent in an instant. It opened its mouth and spewed blood-red flames towards Cheng Zi and the little milk dog standing in front.

The little milk dog barely squeezed its chubby belly, spread its two fat and short hind legs, squatted on the ground, opened its mouth, and took a sip. The astonishing flame was swallowed by it just like that. !

Slowly opened its mouth and exhaled a cloud of hot white air. The little milk dog turned its head and looked at the orange expectantly, squinting its eyes and clearly wrote three large characters - please praise!

"You are amazing! But... be careful!"

Cheng Zi exclaimed, a fireball that was bigger than before had rushed to less than a foot in front of the little milk dog——

After all, the little milk dog after the transformation of Tianhuo Dog at this time is too small and exquisite.

The little milk dog Doudou was busy claiming credit for Cheng Zi, with a chubby body, it was already very difficult to complete the posture of squatting and looking back, but when hit by a fireball, he lost his center of gravity on the spot, leaned back, and fell on his back.

Fortunately, the fireball stopped when it touched it, and did not continue to fly in the direction of the orange.

The fireball with astonishing firepower collided head-on with Doudou, miraculously, not even a single dog hair was burned.

Cheng Zi was taken aback and secretly called fluke.

The little milk dog Doudou kicked his legs in embarrassment and straightened his back, finally turned over, resentful, and swallowed the fireball with another gulp.

It didn't need to look at Cheng Zi's face, but it knew that it was ashamed. It was so angry that it yelled "Wow" and rushed towards the three-eyed red fire lion, jumping up and down on the way, and swallowed at least five or six fireballs spit out by the three-eyed red fire lion. , but the momentum has not diminished in the slightest.

Liu Shi saw that the little milk dog didn't pay attention to the fierce attack of his own spirit beast at all, and knew that it was not easy, so he just kept on doing it, and took the fiery red needle again, and stabbed it at the three-eyed red fire lion. Another needle in the neck.

Immortal Wuya once reminded him that it is very dangerous to stimulate spirit beasts in this way, especially spirit beasts that do not recognize him as their master. Usually, one needle is enough, and no more than three needles at most, otherwise After the spirit beast erupts, it will directly explode the meridian demon pill and die on the spot.

Although this method can greatly stimulate the power of the spirit beast within a stick of incense, it will also cause the spirit beast to lose its mind for a short time and attack wildly regardless of whether it is the enemy or ourselves.

And after the time limit of a stick of incense expires, the cultivation of the spirit beast may drop by one level, if it is not absolutely necessary, it is best not to do it.

Seeing Jin Fen's disastrous defeat, Liu Shi's spirit beast seemed to have the upper hand, but he couldn't even deal with a humble little milk dog. He had always been proud and arrogant, and really couldn't accept such a defeat.

Especially when the opponent is a third-rank female fairy with a stupid and blunt little white dog!
This matter is about to spread, how can he hold his head up as a fifth-rank immortal?

So, there is no choice but to fight!But he wasn't completely crazy yet, so he didn't dare to get the third needle, and after the second needle, he immediately backed away, refusing to get close to the three-eyed red fire lion.

Cheng Zi has been paying attention to Liu Shi's movements, watching him steal the spirit beast twice with a needle, and immediately knows his plan. She also knows the method and taboo of stimulating the spirit beast, although she doesn't remember what it is from Tianyuanmen. What I saw in the book collection was known from other places.

She hesitated a little in her heart, secretly took out a steel heart thorn, pricked her fingertips, and poured a drop of blood into it.

The three-eyed red fire lion had gone berserk, completely forgot to be afraid of the little milk dog, rushed forward and breathed fire, and launched a new round of berserk attacks on the little milk dog.

That little milk dog is very small and chubby, and it's not slow in its movements. With a push of its limbs, it leaps more than a foot in the air. The sarcoid will be kicked.

(End of this chapter)

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