the first god

Chapter 201 I Owe Oranges

Chapter 201 I Owe Oranges

The three-eyed red fire lion shook its head and dodged this kick, the little milk dog chased after him and kicked again.

The three-eyed red fire lion's claws swept towards it, and it didn't know how to use its strength, so it moved a foot sideways out of thin air to avoid it.

You come and I attack each other rounds, no matter how the big fiery lion rolls and jumps, it can't do anything to such a little white dog.

The three-eyed red fire lion was already stimulated, and the more it fought, the more violent and anxious it became. It opened its mouth wide, and it didn't care whether the nearby enemies were friends or foes, it just spewed out balls of fire.

Cao Nima and Zhong Yi were very nervous about such a situation where they were obviously at a disadvantage.

The flames spouted by the three-eyed red fire lion are like a fire dragon churning, dazzling.

Chengzi watched coldly, and finally found an opportunity to secretly release the steel heart stab, and stabbed another needle in the back of the three-eyed red fire lion's neck where it had been pierced!
Everyone was attracted by the fierce battle scene, and no one noticed her small movements. Cheng Zi carefully controlled the steel mind with the soul to stab one of the pinholes left by Liu Shi earlier.

After piercing, fearing that everyone would find out, secretly let the little milk dog Doudou temporarily swallow the steel heart thorn into his stomach during the fight.

The three-eyed red fire lion felt pain in the back of his neck, and a feeling of numbness flooded his whole body in an instant. Finally, he completely lost his mind, only blood was left in his mind, and roared, jumped up and rushed towards the little milk dog.

The little milk dog Doudou turned around and ran towards Liu Shi!

When Liu Shi saw that little milk dog running over, his eyes lit up. He had wanted to deal with this little beast for too long!Immediately mobilizing the spiritual power of his whole body, he slashed down with his palm in the direction of the little milk dog.

This is his famous masterpiece [Burning Sea]!
A ray of red light quickly condensed into a huge banner with his movements, and with the momentum of moving mountains and filling seas, it enveloped the little milk dog's head.

The huge flag followed like a shadow, and the little milk dog retreated, and it entered, not to mention the crazy three-eyed red fire lion behind the little milk dog was swooping down from mid-air.

Facing the front and rear attack, the little milk dog Doudou suddenly stopped his steps, rolled backwards, narrowly slipped between the legs of the three-eyed red fire lion, and avoided its astonishing pounce.

And [Blazing Sea] also chased after it, and the little milk dog happened to be under the big lion's belly, so the big lion immediately became a natural meat shield, and was hit head-on by this blow.

Liu Shiren was a foot away, saw that the blow failed and injured his spirit beast instead, and was annoyed that the puppy was too cunning, suddenly a red shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and the three-eyed red fire lion had already swooped over, with a pair of front paws Slapped on the head without mercy.

The three-eyed red fire lion didn't know who was who for a long time in his heart, he only knew whoever attacked it was the enemy, and he had to kill it mercilessly!
Liu Shi exclaimed, and sacrificed his magic weapon to block in front of him, while hurriedly backing away, he only hoped that his high-grade treasure, Jasper Qilin Shield, could withstand the full attack of the three-eyed red fire lion, and let his two sixth-rank The senior brother stepped forward in time to save his life.

Cao Nima and Zhong Yi only said that the three-eyed red fire lion is Liu Shi's spirit beast, and it is absolutely impossible to directly attack its master, so it was a little slow to rush out to save people.

Hearing a loud bang, Liu Shi and his shield were stepped on by the three-eyed red fire lion, and the entire jasper unicorn shield was cracked into countless pieces. It is not known whether Liu Shi below is alive or dead, and how injured he is.

Although a high-grade treasure is good, it also depends on who owns it and what its attributes are. This jasper unicorn shield is excellent against water-type spells, but when it encounters the violent impact of fire-type spirit beasts, it is more than half of its usefulness.

As the number one brother of the horse hunting army, Cao Nima was worried that he would not be able to do business with Uncle Wuya, so he was so frightened and furious that he slashed at the three-eyed red fire lion with his palm, and shouted angrily, "How dare you, beast!"

The three-eyed red fire lion was so thoroughly stimulated by three consecutive needles, even if the person in front of him was a middle-stage sixth-rank immortal, he didn't respond. fire back.

It is willing to lose both sides, but Cao Nima is not happy!

Moreover, during the outbreak of the stimulated Tier [-] monster beast, its strength was already close to Tier [-], which was not too far behind Cao Nima, but the attack power of the beast fire was even more violent, and he was not sure if he could take it. Hold on, I can only dodge and retreat at the moment.

Zhong Yi rushed forward to help, the three-eyed red fire lion faced the siege of two sixth-rank mid-stage masters, its limbs stopped hard, its eyes burst out, and with a cry, a golden-red fist-sized ball was sprayed from its mouth.

That is the demon pill of the three-eyed red fire lion!

It spewed out the demon pill at this time, clearly wanting to explode the pill and perish with the enemy.

Liu Shi, who was trampled under his feet like a carpet, just recovered from the dizziness from his serious injury, when he was trampled on again so hard, his eyes rolled, blood spurted from his mouth, and he passed out completely.

Cao Nima and Zhong Yi were also terrified. They no longer cared about Liu Shi's life and death, and now they wished they could turn around and run away immediately.

The crazy sixth-level fire-type monsters want to explode their demon cores. That's not for fun. Even if they are already sixth-rank middle-stage immortals, they will suffer serious injuries if they are so close.

Ma Yunteng's complexion changed drastically, he shouted to the people around him to retreat quickly, while turning his palms to form a seal with all his strength, a purple-red mask appeared from his palm, quickly expanding to a radius of one zhang, enclosing everyone in Tianyuanmen.

Just when everyone thought that a catastrophe was inevitable, a white light flashed, and the little milk dog slammed into the violent flames ejected by the three-eyed red fire lion. The demon pill that was about to explode was swallowed alive!
The two people and the lion who were facing each other couldn't believe their eyes. They watched the little milk dog land lightly, hiccupped, and ran away happily.

The three-eyed red fire lion, which had lost its demon pill, was about to go mad, but Cao Nima and Zhong Yi had recovered, and both attacked its vitals.

The three-eyed red fire lion's power was much weaker than before. Although he tried his best to resist, he was severely injured by two people and fell to the ground.

The time for a stick of incense has passed, and it doesn't even have the strength to stand up, its eyes are wide open in confusion and pain, and it doesn't know why it has fallen into such a situation.

Cao Nima and Zhong Yi were busy checking Liu Shi's injuries. He was more seriously injured than Jin Fen. Most of the bones in his body were crushed and cracked, his internal organs were severely damaged, and one eye was blinded by the lion's claw. Half of his face was dripping with blood and his flesh was turned upside down, which was uglier than a ghost.

If an ordinary person suffered such an injury, he would have died once, but even a fifth-rank immortal would have to recuperate for several years and use a large amount of elixir to strengthen his foundation and cultivate his vitality. It would be difficult to recover and practice again in ten or twenty years.

Cao Nima really wanted to attack again, but everyone could see that it was Liu Shi who couldn't control his spirit beast, so he was seriously injured by backlash. If it wasn't for that little milk dog, the three-eyed red fire lion blew himself up after the demon pill, Maybe he couldn't even save his life, and most of the horse hunters would be injured. Speaking of which, they still owed Cheng Zi a favor.

But how do you swallow this breath? !
(End of this chapter)

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