the first god

Chapter 219 Learning from Orange is Broken

Chapter 219 Learning from Orange is Broken

Using this trick, they have to pay a very high price. The bearded man can suffer from a serious illness at the slightest, and his cultivation base will go back a hundred years, and at worst, his own soul will be injured by the soul of the ghosts, or even completely swallowed. bearable.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, he is not willing to do so.

There is really no other way...

Ah Er and Ah Wu put down the corpses in their hands in response, and stood beside the bearded man on one left and one on the right, stretched out their fingers and swiped their wrists, and blood gushed out like a spring.

The blood did not drip down as usual, but was shot towards the soul-calling banner as if being pulled by something, the whole surface of the soul-calling banner flashed with blood, and the bloody smell boiled with the evil spirit .

Wherever the red light went, it seemed to be a sea of ​​blood. Countless ghosts roared and screamed in the sea of ​​blood, and even the sky was dyed bloody red by the endless blood.

"Today, I will let you all see how powerful I am!" The bearded man laughed wildly, and the color of the bloody skull above his head became more and more thick, and finally turned black.

The bearded man had already commanded the black skull to launch an offensive, Hengzhi raised his hand and took out a disc-shaped magic weapon to meet the enemy.

Ma Yunteng was worried about Cheng Zi, there was such a big commotion outside, but there was no response in the small tent, he was a little worried that Cheng Zi would have an accident, so he went to see her directly when he got out of the stone jar.

As soon as I entered the tent, I felt a warm fragrance with the fragrance of elixir rushing to my nostrils.

On the thick mattress in the tent, Chengzi wrapped a blanket and hugged the Skyfire dog Doudou, curled up in a ball and slept soundly.

Looking again, she actually had small golden corks in her ears.

Ma Yunteng suddenly realized, no wonder she didn't wake up because of the noise, because she blocked her ears.

This little idiot!Gluttony and sleepiness, really hopeless!

Thinking of the hard work of the past few days, Ma Yunteng finally didn't have the heart to wake up Cheng Zi, and after confirming that she was fine, he walked out of the tent to watch Heng Zhi fight with the three bearded brothers.

On the edge of the camp, the jet-black skull above the big bearded man is slowly opening its big black mouth, and countless ferocious souls with fangs and claws float out of the seven orifices, rushing towards Hengzhi with a fierce and sinister aura.

These ominous souls screamed and roared in unison, and the sound waves beat down like huge waves of a tsunami. Countless ominous souls were like bloodthirsty sharks in the sea, shuttling through the waves, showing sharp The fangs want to tear apart all living beings and devour them to extinction.

Gan Ning and the two pairs of master and apprentice stood aside, feeling a huge pressure, as if they were about to be squeezed and crushed, and the cold and suffocating feeling rushed straight to the top door from the soles of their feet.

For a moment, they felt as if they were buried deep in the cold and smelly soil, and they would lose their ability to breathe the next moment.

It is conceivable how much pressure there will be to face the impact of spells head-on!

Heng Zhi naturally acted very calmly, he was quite sure before he decided to deal with these people, with a wave of his right hand, the seven formation flags were arranged into a seven-star formation that swirled the sky and attracted souls, and he was standing right outside the formation In the position of the North Star, [-]% of the magic circle is guided by the fluctuating light, and the seven stars are revolving, and the spoon-shaped magic circle circles around the balance.

With a flick of the disc-shaped magic weapon in Heng Zhi's hand, it turned into a large grinding disc with a diameter of about half a foot, and the grinding disc was engraved with golden rebirth spells.

The bearded man knew his posture was not good as soon as he saw his posture. He didn't know much about spell formations and spells, but he could also feel the ghostly ghost spit out by the black skull after Heng Zhi sacrificed the magic circle and this weird magic weapon. Soul seems to be agitated by some kind of strong attraction, and there are vague signs of trying to get out of his control.

Why does it look like this young fourth-rank fairy is coming prepared?

But the matter has come to this point, the bearded man can only resist, I hope that the soul of the ghosts summoned by his two brothers with the blood sacrifice is strong enough to break the magic circle of balance before the soul of the ghosts loses control, and severely injure him !

Thousands of ghosts pounced on Hengzhi like a tsunami, but when they encountered the seven-star array hovering around him, they became disorganized, not only refused to move forward, but drifted and dodged.

The overwhelming offensive was completely drawn by the magic circle, and countless ghosts escaped from the control of the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Devouring Banner one after another, circling around Hengzhi unconsciously following the agitation of the magic circle.

"This little blood sacrifice can't break my Xuantian Seven Star Formation." Heng Zhi Shi said calmly, with some kind of hint hidden in his words.

The bearded man's face was gloomy, seeing more and more ghosts lose control, flying with the opponent's magic circle, if he continued, he was afraid that the souls of all ghosts he had worked so hard to collect would be completely folded into the opponent's hands.

He anxiously glanced at the pale faces of the two brothers next to him, and finally became ruthless, and suddenly restrained the two of them, and threw them to the ghost head painted on the banner of the ghosts and souls!
Ah Er and Ah Wu used their own blood as a blood sacrifice. They were already extremely weak, and they had no defense against their brothers, so they bumped into the ugly and terrifying ghost head on the banner one after another without any resistance.

A horrifying thing happened, the ghost suddenly opened his bloody mouth, swallowed the two in one gulp, and spit them out again after a while.

Poor those two unlucky bastards who were betrayed by their boss and fed to the evil spirits, they have turned into two mummies, their souls, essence and blood were sucked clean by the evil spirits on the banners.

With these two fresh sacrifices, the black skull above the bearded man's head flickered, and some ghosts who had lost control before cheered up again and tried to continue attacking Hengzhi.

Hengzhi smiled and sighed softly: "You sacrificed all your brothers, it's your turn next."

The big bearded man's face turned blue, trembling all over, he tried his best to hold on to the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater banner, but he also knew that he couldn't hold on for much longer, he wanted to ask for mercy, but unfortunately he couldn't even pull up the strength.

He didn't expect that the sacrifice of the two brothers would arouse the power of the ghostly soul-eating banner, but it also stimulated the suppressed evil spirit on the banner. His magic power was not enough to suppress this evil spirit.

The evil spirit's "appetite" has been opened, and he will not stop until he is full. Standing under the banner, he must bear the brunt of it.

He's completely screwed.

Even if the ghosts and soul eaters kill all the people in the world for him, what's the use?
The bearded man didn't expect that Hengzhi knew more about the ghosts and soul-eating banners than himself, and deliberately lured him to over-arouse the evil spirits in the banners, causing backlash.

He was shrewd all his life, and when it came time, he was so stupid to do such a self-defeating thing.

Even if I die, I want you to be buried with me!The big bearded man cried out in despair.

The flag pole he was holding seemed to be a popsicle. He wanted to let go and retreat, but his hands seemed to be glued to it. In a trance, he felt that his whole body was about to be sucked dry. He even saw a part of himself. His hands quickly shrank and shriveled, becoming like dry branches...

Done!It's all over!

Gan Ning and the pair of master and apprentice both watched the bearded man under the banner of Ghost Eater, being sucked alive and turned into a mummy, and finally fell straight on the ground, they were so disgusted that they felt cold all over, and the little girl turned into a corpse. He turned his face and didn't want to take a closer look.

With the death of the big bearded man, the Ghost Eater of Souls completely lost control, the black skull opened its mouth wide, and flew towards Hengzhi roaring.

Hengzhi flipped his palm, and a dark red wooden sword appeared in his hand, and he shot straight at the skull's big mouth.

Woo!When the extremely ferocious skull touched the mahogany sword, it let out a dull roar and flew backwards, and the ghosts it spit out were even more chaotic.

Heng Zhi didn't even look at the retreating skull, and formed a seal with one hand, directing the seven-star formation to speed up the movement, and the ghosts in the sky rotated with the formation, slowly gathering into a black tornado.

The big millstone that had been parked in front of him also turned, and the black tornado was absorbed into the millstone bit by bit from the round hole above the millstone. The golden rebirth spells on the millstone seemed to come alive, and the spells floated one by one. Get up and firmly surround the entire millstone.

Grinded by the millstone, the ghost turned into wisps of white smoke, passed through the golden charm, and dissipated into the night sky.

And the head color of that jet-black skeleton also began to become more and more gloomy and vain. Black ghosts and ghosts could not stop pouring out from its seven orifices, but the number became smaller and smaller, and their lethality weakened rapidly.

Finally, the translucent skull spit out the last few ghosts and disappeared completely.

After a while, the tornado formed by the evil spirits and ghosts was completely inhaled by the millstone, and the white smoke curled up. All the evil spirits were blown by the cool night wind and disappeared without a trace.

The blood-red ghosts and soul-eating banner stuck on the ground turned into an ordinary cloth banner, and only a vague outline of the painted ghost head remained on the banner.

Hengzhi let out a long breath, walked up a few steps, and picked up the Hongshu sword that repelled the skull just now.

Xueyuan, who had just come out of the big stone vat, recognized it at a glance, and said, "Isn't this the Peach Immortal Sword that the Flower Goddess gave you?"

Hengzhi smiled and said: "That's right. It's the Peach Broken Sword! According to the water mirror, these people are known as the five ghost kings of the Yin Division. They once assassinated several fifth-rank Mylabris Demon Sha who were out on errands. They are good at hiding and have no whereabouts. Ding, I wanted to come out and kill them myself, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find them. I didn't expect to bump into them today. The broken evil peach fairy sword and the seven-star array flag that made the spinning sky and attracting souls were all planted by Xuanji herself It is made of the thousand-year-old peach fairy tree tree heart tree, which is specially used to restrain evil spirits such as ghosts and soul-eating banners."

Ma Yunteng has been watching with cold eyes, and only then said: "So you have been prepared for a long time. This evil thing, even the ninth-rank immortals are a bit afraid! You have good eyesight, and you can recognize them at a glance."

Hengzhi smiled and said nothing, he had only guessed based on their characteristics, these people had evil intentions, and wanted to play with Gan Ning, even if he didn't have the treasure presented by Xuanji, he would not let them go.

Ma Yunteng glanced at the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner, frowned and said, "How to deal with this evil thing?"

Gan Ning interjected: "This soul-eating streamer has absorbed tens of thousands of ghosts and has become a top-grade treasure. It cannot be destroyed by ordinary methods. However, I think the puppy can burn it by setting it on fire."

Xue Yuan hurriedly said: "Let's burn their bodies together, it looks disgusting! But get rid of their valuables first, hehehe!"

Heng Er and Yun You happened to come out of the big stone vat together, and they both heard Xue Yuan's words.

Heng Er jokingly said: "Xue Yuan, you are becoming more and more decent as a robber! You have also learned from Cheng Zi!"

Xueyuan was embarrassed by them, she raised her head, and said righteously: "I proposed it for Chengzi."

Several people were speechless, knowing that she was using Chengzi as a cover, but if Chengzi was awake, she would really mention this matter.

The two masters and apprentices who were rescued came forward tremblingly to thank them. They were affected by the attack of the ghosts and soul eaters just now, and they have not recovered yet.

With the old man's cultivation base, it would not be like this. He wanted to protect his apprentice wholeheartedly, which is why he ended up in such a mess.

When Orange sees him, she thinks of Yunyou's love for her, and she has more affection for the old man.

The two sides notified their names and asked why the old man was hunted down.

The old man's name is Yan Song, he is a third-rank alchemist of Xianlingzong, and his disciple is Lin Qin.

The two masters and apprentices had brought a few guards here to search for a fourth-grade elixir called "Silver Grass", but they accidentally ran into the five murderers known as the "Five Ghost Kings of the Yin Division" who robbed and killed the Danxia sect. disciple.

Danxia sect is one of the top ten sects, known for being good at refining weapons.

The five ghost kings of the Yin Division were afraid that this matter would be revealed, so they decided to kill people to silence them.

Although Yan Song's several guards were all third-rank immortals, they were no match for the bearded man with the ghosts and soul-eating banners in his hands, and they were all killed one after another. Yan Song and his apprentice fled here desperately, only to be saved by luck.

According to Yan Song's guidance, Ma Yunteng and others found the bodies of the slain disciples of the Danxia School and Yan Song's several guards.

Yan Song put away the corpse temporarily by himself, saying that he would send it to Danxia to report the funeral, and the guards he brought planned to return it to their relatives for a generous burial.

Heng Zhi observed from the side, and felt that Yan Song was kind and he was a local, so he immediately suggested that they go with a few of them.

Yan Song was worried that he would encounter murderers like the Five Ghost Kings of the Yin Division on the road. It is of course wishful to have seven powerful immortals together.

After a lot of fuss, most of the night passed like this. Several people took a short rest and prepared to leave.

Lin Qin was very curious about them, her big eyes turned around on them, but because she was not too familiar with them, she didn't dare to talk to them easily.

Gan Ning had a good impression of this little girl, remembering that every time they mentioned Yan Song's identity as a third-rank alchemist, they looked a little proud, so she asked curiously: "Is your master a third-rank alchemist? There are not many Zong Duo? I heard that you have to pass the examination, right?"

Lin Qin nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, there are about fifty third-grade alchemists in the entire Xianlingzong, and the assessment is very strict!"

Tang Ning thought that Cheng Zi would also have to take the third-grade alchemist qualification, and then he would have the opportunity to participate in the five-country alchemist competition, and said, "Where do you want to take the exam? What are you going to take?"

Lin Qin looked at Master Yan Song, Yan Song touched her head with a smile, and said: "Actually, the main test is how many grades of pills the alchemist can concoct. In addition, some basic skills are also tested, such as The identification of elixir, the control of fire, and the acuity of the soul. The former accounted for [-]% of the assessment score, and the latter few basic skills accounted for another [-]%. The fairy asked this, could it be that some of them are alchemists? "

Gan Ning smiled and said: "Yes, my little junior sister is an alchemist."

(End of this chapter)

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