the first god

Chapter 220 It turns out that it is already rank 3

Chapter 220
While speaking, Gan Ning couldn't help looking at the small tent.

Lin Qin turned her eyes to the small tent that had been quiet all this time, and asked, "Sister Gan Ning, is your junior sister here? Is she as beautiful as you?"

The alchemist is in the tent?
Not one of the other three beautiful female fairies?
Yan Song was also very curious. He naturally felt that there was another person in the tent, but it was clearly an ordinary person without cultivation!However, if the opponent is an alchemist, it is not surprising that there are some tricks to cover up his cultivation.No wonder this little junior sister didn't show up after being beaten up outside, it turned out to be an alchemist...

Although Yan Song is in a difficult situation today, he is a highly respected figure in Xianlingzong, and he is also used to the behavior of other big-name alchemists, so he naturally thinks wrong.

Just as Orange was about to answer, Orange happened to wake up in the tent.

She pulled out her earplugs, got up in a daze, poked her head out of the tent with her messy hair, and looked around. When she saw Lime was at the door of the tent, she saw two strangers again. She squinted her eyes and yawned. Said: "Good morning, senior sister!"

The group of them had agreed long ago, and in front of strangers, they would all be collectively referred to as disciples of Tianyuanmen.

However, Manning has never enjoyed the treatment of being affectionately called a senior sister by Chengzi, so Maneng quickly returned Chengzi with a bright smile: "Morning, get up quickly, we are ready to go."

Chengzi let out an "oh", then retreated back to dress and tidy up.

Gan Ning turned around and introduced to Yan Song and Lin Qin: "She is my junior sister. Her name is Cheng Zi. She can not only make alchemy, but also cook medicinal food. The food she makes is delicious!"

Of course, the things made by Chengzi are not comparable to the meals made by Ma Yunteng and Hengzhi.

The food cooked by Ma Yunteng and Hengzhi not only completely killed Cheng Zi, but also completely killed the other four.

Yan Song tried his best to adjust the stiff and demented expression on his face, and forced a dry smile, "Really? You're so talented..."

He carefully observed Cheng Zi's eyes and breath fluctuations, and he was finally sure that this girl's rank was already the third rank.

It seems that she completely restrained her rank when she slept.

In today's chaotic period, camping in the wild can completely rest assured of your personal safety, which is extra confidence in your brothers and sisters.

Three grades?

She looks not much older than her apprentice Lin Qin, and her cultivation level is the same as that of Gan Ning, which is the third rank.

Moreover, such a little girl is still an alchemist? !

Yan Song was in shock, when Ma Yunteng saw Chengzi wake up, walked to the side of the tent and said, "Give me Doudou."

Chengzi obediently handed out Doudou, who was also drowsy, and Ma Yunteng walked towards the corner of the camp with big strides in his arms.

"Sister Gan, that..." Lin Qin's eyes lit up when he saw the puppy, what a cute puppy!

Orange's expression was even more proud: "That's my junior sister's spirit beast, it can make alchemy, it's very powerful!"

The corner of Yan Song's mouth twitched, a dog... also spirit beasts, alchemy? !
If it wasn't for the fact that Gan Ning showed enough strength yesterday, he would almost doubt that the enchanting and beautiful fairy in front of him is an idiot with big breasts and no brains.

No matter how much he favors his own people, there is no such thing as bragging about not drafting!

Ma Yunteng carried the puppy Doudou to the place where the ghosts and soul-eating flags were planted and the corpses of the five ghost kings of the Yin Division were parked. He stroked the puppy's head and said, "All these are burned!"

The puppy opened its mouth and yawned, spit out a small fireball weakly, sniffled its nose, narrowed its eyes, arched itself into Ma Yunteng's arms, and wanted to continue sleeping again.

Ma Yunteng was angry, and picked up its ear with one hand and shouted: "Stupid dog! Wake up! Didn't you hear me calling you?!"

When the puppy was drunk by him, he was so frightened that he woke up completely, and opened his mouth to "hoo" and spit out a ball of flames.

The purple-red flame fell on the banner of Ghosts and Soul Eater, and the blurred ghost head on the banner suddenly twisted, and let out a scream of "squeak", and the banner shook violently, as if the ghost head was about to break free and escape.

But it was too late, the flames instantly wrapped the entire Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner tightly.

In the flames, the ugly ghost head shook twice desperately, and then became silent again. This side had devoured countless ghosts, and the awe-inspiring ghost banner quickly turned into a pile together with the five corpses under the banner. black ash.

Yan Song and Lin Qin looked at this scene in surprise, dumbfounded.

Although they were separated by a distance, they could still feel the terrifying power of the flame spit out by the puppy.

Yan Song looked at the puppy in awe, and thought: Even if it is the sixth level, no!Even a seventh-order spirit beast can't spit out such powerful beast fire!I just went blind!Don't know what breed this dog is?
Poor him, after digging his brains, he just couldn't think of any powerful fire-type spirit beast that looks like a dog.

There is no record of Tianhuo dog in the fairy books of Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm.

You know, at the beginning of the chaos, there was only one sky fire dog.

After completing the task, the puppy turned its head to look at Ma Yunteng timidly, and let out two flattering "hmmmm" sounds, showing a well-behaved and pitiful expression.

The more Ma Yunteng looked at it, the more he felt that its expression was exactly the same as that of Cheng Zi. He felt amused in his heart, so he hugged and rubbed it twice to comfort him.

Gan Ning enviously said: "Except for Orange, Doudou listens to you, so don't be so fierce to it."

Ma Yunteng gave a "hmm" and returned the puppy to Chengzi indifferently.

Orange quickly packed up and got out of the tent.

Yan Song and Lin Qin saw how powerful the puppy is, and put away all contempt towards its owner.

Xueyuan has already distributed the spoils looted from the five ghost kings of the Yin Division.

Heng Er hunted two first-order monsters and clamored to finish his breakfast before setting off.

Others, of course, have no opinion.

Cheng Zi was very excited when she heard it. Recently, she suddenly became very interested in cooking.

Take out the Dan Ding used as a pot, and let the puppy light a fire to "stir-fry".

Seeing this scene, Yan Song and his disciples became confused again.

Who are these people!
Use a regular high-end alchemy cauldron as a pot, use monster elixir as a meal, and use that rare and rare spirit dog as a fire source for cooking.

No wonder that beautiful female fairy just now put cooking and alchemy together and said that dare to love is the same thing in their eyes!

But I have to admit that the food made by this little girl named Orange is really delicious!
Chengzi has become very interested in cooking recently because she has discovered that she seems to have become enlightened recently. Not only has her cultivation level improved, but cooking has also suddenly become very smooth. Not only can she successfully cook cooked food, but it also tastes good.

The most critical point is that kitchen utensils and clothing are rarely damaged.

Probably because of the helpers of Heng Er, Xue Yuan, and Li Meng.

Therefore, oranges are getting more and more fulfilling, and the food is getting better and better.

The types of food are no longer limited to the same medicinal diet as alchemy.

Lin Qin is only a first-class female fairy, so she can't eat such nourishing food, so Cheng Zi made her a Lingcao vegetarian noodle soup.

After eating, Lin Qin was obviously a little closer to the orange.

Cheng Zi didn’t know how to make noodle soup, because Ma Yunteng wanted to eat birthday noodles for his birthday. After repeated practice, she finally succeeded in making it, and when she tried it again later, she gained experience, and the more she made it, the better.

In her eyes, this elder sister has powerful senior brothers and sisters, and also has an amazing puppy spirit beast, but she has no airs at all, she is very gentle and considerate!

If Cheng Zi knew about Lin Qin's mental activities, I don't know how he would feel.

Oranges even have a gentle and considerate label.

For the rest of the journey, the group changed from a group of seven to a group of nine, and the team is really huge.

Chengzi wants to make the elixir he has refined famous and further increase the price, and plans to participate in the five alchemist competitions.

After all, she has never participated in the alchemist's assessment, even if she can refine high-quality elixirs, she may be questioned.

Since Tianyuan Sect is going to be strengthened, it is also a way to gain fame from pills.

They learned from Yan Song that the host sect of the five alchemist competitions this time is the Immortal Sect, and Yan Song's master Cheng Yi is one of the five judges of the competition. After the preliminary round, as long as you can register with him three days before the semi-finals, you will be able to participate smoothly.

Of course, the premise is that Chengzi has to pass the examination of a third-rank alchemist, so there is no back door to go.

In the past, Yan Song might have felt that Cheng Zi was taking the shame of himself, but after eating the food she made with monsters and elixir, he had a different evaluation of her in his heart.

Judging from Cheng Zi's grasp of the heat of these special foods, at least her ability to control flames through spirit beasts and her perception of various spirit herbs and medicines are superior to his.

What Yan Song didn't know was that before, although Cheng Zi had mastered the ability to control flames during alchemy and had a good perception of various spiritual herbs and medicines, she didn't know anything about the heat of food.

However, not long ago, her grasp of the temperature of food was suddenly enlightened, and she was fully enlightened.

Therefore, Yan Song's master and apprentice are indeed lucky people.

After seeing the elixir made by Chengzi, Yan Song put away all his prejudices, and seriously regarded Chengzi as an alchemist who was equal to or even better than himself.

With Yan Song's guarantee, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stopped rushing like crazy like before.

Occasionally stopping to rest on the road, Yan Song would ask some questions about alchemy to discuss with Chengzi. The more he discussed, the more he respected Chengzi's attitude, and he privately ordered Lin Qin to ask Chengzi for advice.

From time to time, Cheng Zi asked Yan Song about the level of alchemy in Xianlingzong and the competition of alchemists. Although Liu Fei from Subaozhai said something about it before, it is not as good as the insiders of alchemy in Wuzong who understand the details.

Generally speaking, the level of alchemists in the five sects is indeed higher than that in other places in the world of Wanlingxian, but alchemists are still a scarce population in the five sects.

Because, to become an alchemist, the requirements are extremely strict. Even if one becomes an alchemist, it is not easy to refine high-grade pure pills.

Taking Xianlingzong as an example, there are only about fifty third-rank alchemists registered in the entire sect, less than ten fourth-rank alchemists, and only one fifth-rank alchemist is Yan Song's master Cheng Yi.

The only sixth-grade alchemist received treatment in Xianlingzong even better than the elder of Xianlingzong.

This is roughly the case for the five major cases.

Xueyuan listened to it, and excitedly patted Cheng Zi on the shoulder and said, "Cheng Zi, we can count on you for our good days in Wu Da Zong!"

Because Chengzi had to pass the alchemist's assessment, the trip to Stepping Star Sect and Penglai Sect was temporarily postponed.

Heng Zhi smiled and poured a bucket of ice water on her: "Xueyuan, we are not familiar with the place, so it's better for us to keep a low profile."

Hengzhi's concerns are not unreasonable, Chengzi is young and her mana cultivation is not high, too high alchemy skills may cause some shock.

Moreover, the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, and if something happens, it will be a big trouble, so it is better to see the situation clearly first.

Yan Song was listening to them talking, and was secretly surprised. Hearing the tone of these people, it seemed that Cheng Zi's alchemy skills were enough to disdain the five great sects. !
He admits that Chengzi's knowledge and insights into alchemy are difficult for others, but he, a third-rank alchemist, can't quite figure out what level she is.

He even couldn't wait to take Cheng Zi to meet his master Cheng Yi. With such a powerful player joining their Immortal Spirit Sect, the possibility of winning the championship in the five alchemist competitions was much greater!
It has been more than a hundred years since the Immortal Sect has won the championship at the conference. The alchemists of the Immortal Sect feel ashamed in front of the other four alchemists. strive for.

Taking advantage of the break in the middle, Yan Song winked at Lin Qin, and Lin Qin knowingly went to chat with Cheng Zi, and asked casually, "Sister Cheng Zi, have you ever refined a fourth-grade elixir?"

Chengzi was reminded by Hengzhi, and Yunyou also warned her many times that she must never show outsiders the level of a fifth-rank alchemist, so she was very careful about such questions, and immediately shook her head: "No."

She is not lying. Since she can remember, she has never refined a fourth-rank elixir, but she has refined a fifth-rank Zhuyan Pill, and a seventh-rank pill in Ma Yunteng's cave in Tianyuan Xianshan. It's just Ningying Pill.

Although Lin Qin felt slightly disappointed, she actually felt that this was more normal, so she took advantage of the situation and asked, "What about the third-grade elixir?"


In order not to attract attention, Chengzi also tried to refine a low-level third-grade elixir.

When Lin Qin got the answer she wanted, she ran to report to her master with elation, and Yan Song nodded repeatedly.Immediately, he felt that he was one step closer to being the champion of the five alchemist competitions.

Because the conference only allows contestants under the age of a hundred to participate, the general immortal monarch is a fourth rank if he is a hundred years old, and very few with outstanding aptitude can reach the fifth rank.

In theory, third-rank immortals have the opportunity to become third-rank alchemists, but in fact, those who can do this are even rarer than geniuses who become fifth-rank at the age of a hundred.

Most of the fourth-rank and fifth-rank immortals are nothing more than third-rank alchemists.

Xuantianzong is a sect famous for alchemy. It itself has a large number of highly qualified alchemists, and has recruited alchemy talents from the top ten sects. Therefore, among the six major sects in the Myriad Spirits Immortal World, except Xuantianzong, the other five There are too few third-rank alchemists in the large group, and they can be counted with one hand, and the youngest of these limited few are nearly a hundred years old.

Yan Song thought about it, among the five sects, only the third-rank alchemist under the age of [-] is the young disciple of the fifth-rank alchemist of the Danxia School. The probability is as high as [-]%!

(End of this chapter)

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