the first god

Chapter 22 Hero Saves "Beauty"

Chapter 22 Heroes Save "Beauty" ([-])
Getting close, Ma Yunteng glanced at the man on the bed, because the man closed his eyes, and his appearance was not quite accurate, but at first glance, Ma Yunteng always felt that this man was a little familiar.

"Huh? This person..."

Ma Yunteng was taken aback, this man and his current appearance were very similar, no wonder he felt familiar.

Due to the angle, a person who is sleeping soundly looks different from when he is standing and talking with his eyes open. If he is not quite familiar, he may not recognize it.

Chengzi Xiaoxian'e has always been rambunctious, and she certainly didn't see the clues, otherwise, with her blustering temperament, she would definitely shout loudly.

"I wonder if the Goddess of Flowers has an oracle?"

Ma Yunteng knew that Huashen deliberately lured Chengzi out, so he must have something to say to him, so he went straight to the topic.

The Flower God seemed to be thinking about something, and was fascinated, but did not respond to him.

"The Lady of the Flower God?"

"Huh?" The flower god came back to his senses, and looked at Ma Yunteng carefully, there seemed to be thousands of unresolved thoughts in his eyes, and his voice was vague: " have seen it too."

Ma Yunteng knew that it should mean that he was somewhat similar to the man on the bed, so he nodded and said, "Yeah!"

The flower god put down the teacup in his hand, raised his eyes and looked out the window. There were no flowers and plants outside the window. There was only a solitary sycamore tree.

Not as prosperous as the sycamore flowers on the screen.

Ma Yunteng couldn't stand such a slow rhythm of speaking, and he suddenly added a lot of sadness and sadness in his heart, which was not the emotion he wanted.

"Isn't it very boring, very boring?" The flower god looked at Ma Yunteng seriously, and said with a smile: "I just sat there and endured for 10 one would have thought that after 10 years, I It will become so quiet and dignified. 10 years have passed by in a flash, and it is already a miracle that I didn't sit still and become a stone statue who didn't talk or laugh, so what more can I expect."

Twenty thousand years?
But why did she tell me this?

Ma Yunteng couldn't figure out the routine of the big boss in front of him.

He thinks he has the consciousness of a late-born younger generation, but people seem to treat him as a peer.

The Goddess of Flowers continued to talk to herself and talked eloquently: "In the past, the Father God and the Mother God used to say that the girl Xuanji is skinnier than the monkey, so there is no time to be quiet. It's a pity that she is so quiet and elegant now. The me, the Father and the Mother, can't see it anymore."


Could it be Xuanji, the first-generation flower god?
That is, you can order Douzhuan with a wave of your hand, and you can call out the ancient top gods of Xingyi.

How could she appear in this weird Mylabris kingdom?

Although the flowers and trees are lush and lush outside, after all, it is too hidden and desolate. What's more, the mylabris is the companion creature of the gloomy and obscure place, and the dignified gods live here, always feel a little aggrieved or strange.

Is she really the flower god Xuanji, one of the top ten gods of chaos, who is famous and has mixed praise and criticism in later generations?
Ma Yunteng asked, "Are you the Great God Xuanji?"

The flower god smiled and said: "What? It's not like it at all?"

Ma Yunteng was a little passive when asked, and also smiled and said, "It's what it is, how can it be different."

"Did I originally look like this?" Hua Shen laughed a little, choked on his saliva, coughed twice, tears seemed to overflow from the corners of his eyes, and smiled calmly: "You really don't recognize me... I know what I'm stubborn about myself..."

Just kidding, how could I recognize Xuanji, the god of chaos, the flower god?

Ma Yunteng was puzzled.

Maybe, he is somewhat similar to the man lying on the bed, so God Xuanji misunderstood something.

Continue to let her misunderstand?Perhaps, it can really get a wave of windfall money?
Ma Yunteng stared at the flower god in front of him for a long time.

He is very aware of wool.

In addition to being so beautiful, he really didn't remember that he was originally a long time, but in front of Aunt Huashen who counted 10 years at every turn, it was really not worth mentioning that he had seen her in his nine lifetimes.

If he had ever seen such a beautiful goddess, he would definitely be haunted by his dreams, and he would definitely be able to tell all her beauty points when he saw her again.

Ma Yunteng hurriedly lowered his worth and said sincerely and respectfully, "Yunteng is stupid, please ask the great god to express it."

"Yunteng! Yunteng? Yunteng?"

Hua Shen repeated it three times in a row.

"Yun Teng... Do you really remember your name is Yun Teng?"

Ma Yunteng seemed to have some eyebrows.

The flower god must have an old friend named "Yun Teng", and he looks similar to himself, and may be related to the man lying on the bed.

Could it be that he and this flower god still have some feelings beyond friendship?

Ma Yunteng thinks he has made up most of the truth.

Then he should continue to be more enlightened.

This flower god used to have a cheerful and playful temperament. Compared with the oranges outside, it was not much better, or even better.

Since demure and elegance are all appearances, she certainly doesn't like to be too rough.

However, to be able to get along with the god Xuanji is not a nameless person. That "Yun Teng" must also have a lot of origins, but he has always read through various preserved books on the history of the gods, and there seems to be no one called "Yun Teng". The ancient god of "Yun Teng".

What is the identity of this "Yun Teng"?
Is the rumored war between gods and demons really because of Xuanji, the flower god?

Most of the so-called beauty disasters are nothing more than taking the blame for others.

Whether this flower god is taking the blame for others, or is really the culprit in the war between gods and demons, is really unknown. After all, the ancient books of the gods are sometimes just lies written by Mo.

Thinking of this, Ma Yunteng felt that he was relieved, and he had a strong desire to explore the war between gods and demons and the demise of the gods.

"Could it be that I lost part of my memory? Please God help me!"

Well, first, paradoxically, don't deny your identity, and then find a breakthrough.

Recalling the rapid development of the scooping value, he did not deny that scouring the wool was also a pleasure.

It's just that this goddess is probably not as bold as Hou Taiyi.

Or, if this is a premeditated high-level deception, then he can only give full play to his potential, engage in a use of doctrine, and borrow the No. 70 three changes of fighting against Buddha in the past - adapting to the situation.

Flower God shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't even help myself, how can I help you? You can only rely on yourself. However, I always remember the kindness of you two brothers, and I have been sitting here for 10 years. Kindness..."


Ma Yunteng was dumbfounded.

This chat rhythm is the rhythm of embarrassingly chatting to death, can he still answer the conversation happily?

How can this flower god care about kindness, this is 10 years of resentment...

The set is almost impossible to smash the wool, and it also triggers old grievances and hatreds.

Come on, he doesn't need to ask, she is willing to say that she will naturally say, and if she asks a few more questions, she still doesn't know what will happen.

After all, she was a skinny camel bigger than a horse.

Hey, could her body be a camel?Specifically to suppress him, the unremarkable horse that is about to die in the stable.

At this moment, her whole body was full of a powerful breath that he could not imagine.

Her strength, in his current view, obviously possesses unfathomable strength.

(End of this chapter)

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