the first god

Chapter 23 Hero Saves "Beauty"

Chapter 23 Heroes Save "Beauty" ([-])
That is the terrifying strength that greatly surpasses the tenth-grade Immortal Monarch!
Even if it is not the strength of the gods, it is at least the strength of the gods.

Ma Yunteng did secretly feel a little arrogant before, that he has the magic bonus of the ninth generation, and is not afraid of all dangerous situations.

But the person in front of him taught him to remember again: there are thousands of paths in life, and the first rule of being a safe person is to memorize the rules of stability.

At this moment, the Goddess of Flowers did not release coercion, but he has been keenly guarding against it.

Be prepared.

Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm, the highest strength, is limited to ten-rank immortals, and there are no eleven-rank immortals.

Restricted by the laws of heaven, after the [-]th-grade Immortal Monarch is consummated, he will either wait for the death to come, or fight to ascend to the realm of the gods.

However, after he had already ascended once, he did not ascend to the realm of the gods to become a god as he imagined, let alone coveted the position of god.

Because the realm of the gods has collapsed, only the Nirvana Sea where the tenth-grade immortal monarch after ascension has been reincarnated and put aside the legal body is left.

The known books of the gods only mention the war between gods and demons, and the gods of the gods have fallen, but there is no specific mention of the follow-up development of the gods.

Ma Yunteng estimated that the gods in the realm of the gods and the gods of various ranks have probably all fallen and died. Hou Taiyi and the gods of flowers who still exist in the world should be extremely rare fish that slip through the net. It is conceivable how tragic the war between gods and demons was. .

And the person lying on the bed was probably affected by the war between gods and demons. Although the body of the law was preserved, the soul may have been separated.

Ma Yunteng looked out the window by chance and couldn't help but think of a weird thing.

As he walked along the way, the outermost immortal plants were different from ordinary immortal flowers and immortal grass. They were particularly tall and lush, and they should have benefited from the divine power of the flower god.

However, why is the lonely sycamore tree outside the window such a decadent and decadent scene?

Maybe it's because of the mood of the flower god?

Could it be that this is the rumored divine sense spell—

[One thought is eternal]?
One thought turns into a sea, one thought transforms mulberry fields, one thought kills a thousand demons, one thought kills ten thousand immortals...

If on the battlefield of the battle between gods and demons, this kind of terrifying power of divine sense is everywhere, that scene...

No wonder the realm of the gods, which was supposed to be impregnable, collapsed and perished.

Ma Yunteng felt that, according to his normal physique, thinking of this, he would definitely shudder.

In the face of a powerful and terrifying existence, the humble and small looking up must be trembling and fearful.

However, he has gone through ninth lives, and his soul and spiritual power are not comparable to ordinary immortal cultivators, and he still lives on Hold.

According to the words of the flower god, the person lying on the bed is his brother.Assuming he recognizes this identity, then, is that person a brother or a brother?According to his vision, it should be his brother.

After all, the elders are orderly, and the elder brother should be allowed to lie down.

If this supposed identity is true, isn't he also the reincarnation of Chaos God?
Well, in this way, it can also explain why he was born with a halo and golden fingers.

Although it has been mixed until now, it has finally reached a magnanimous situation that is waiting for the arrival of ashes at any time.

Well, then he will happily recognize this identity and continue to live a magnanimous life.

Although the betting lucky bag of this identity is optimistic or not, it is currently open at [-]. In case of winning, it can save the capital and make a small profit.

Xianjun is magnanimous and seeks in danger.

He continued to borrow the No.70 Three Changes of Dou Victory Buddha - adapt to the situation.

cough cough...

It is necessary for the progress bar of [Opening the Realm of the Gods] to continue to advance rapidly and to continue chatting.

After the awkward chat, it is natural for someone to take the lead in breaking the awkward atmosphere.

The goddess of flowers is a god, not to mention the pretense of being a god, then you must continue to maintain the demeanor of a goddess. Naturally, it can only be done by the immortal Ma Yunteng.

"Xuanji, I'm back!"

Ma Yunteng pondered for a while, and after multiple choices, he finally decided on the single choice, and he also simplified the complexity and pretended to be familiar as soon as he opened the mouth.

If Chengzi Xian'e was still here, she would definitely be shocked. Her face paralyzed head of the Flower of the High Mountains would actually say such sensational words with emotion.

Really must give a thumbs up.

Then, the flower god must be... not giving a thumbs up.

The Flower God just sneered indifferently, and even acted so elegantly that no one would notice the shallow snort.

Ma Yunteng made up his own brain: make persistent efforts!There is no harsh criticism, that is to say, the set is almost a progress bar, and [-]% of the success has been achieved.

The flower god said that she had sat here for 10 years.

Alas, the gods have fallen, the world of gods has collapsed, she has nowhere to go, no relatives and friends to communicate with, and she is unwilling to go out and make new friends.

What a poor, extremely rare, super-severe autistic patient!

Unfortunately, he is not a psychiatrist, and he can only rely on feelings for patients' emotions.

His parents in the last life planned to let him study medicine, but he chose the Internet celebrity chef broadcast. He really regretted it.

It takes less time to learn.

Sitting dry for 10 years, this kind of skill is really only a god can do.

The flower god only revealed a hint of resentment and loneliness that was not very obvious.

Ma Yunteng thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said softly:
"Xuanji, in the future, I will accompany you..."

Immediately, he looked up at the window without changing his face.

This action should add a sincere and sincere score, which was calculated by him after careful consideration and quick calculation in his brain.

Well, he actually got goosebumps all over the place.

Huashen's eyelashes trembled slightly, if it wasn't for Ma Yunteng to withdraw his gaze in time and carefully staring at the change in Huashen's expression, he would not have noticed it.

Hua Shen smiled faintly: "No need... If you really get your memory back, maybe you won't say such things again."


Not too bad.

It's no big deal if it gets torn down.

However, the flower god is also very stable, and he will never reveal more and more tips at will.

Ma Yunteng continued to say calmly and familiarly, "Xuanji, what happened to my brother?"

Well, his ambiguous acting skills were originally negative, and he really can't act anymore. Then change the topic and talk about other related topics, and you can take the opportunity to get a glimpse of it.

Hua Shen hesitated for a while, or was thinking about how to say this.

"Your brother, he..."

Bang bang bang!
"Sister Xuanji!"

Outside the door there were bang bang bangs and the loud shouts of men.

The sound was like thunder, and the dome inside the house, which was clean, was actually shaken to drop some dust.

Even Ma Yunteng, who has always claimed to be calm, felt disturbed.

Of course, he just learned that it was my brother who was on the bed. He was anxious to know the follow-up, but was interrupted, which was really annoying.

According to Ma Yunteng's preliminary judgment, with such a hot temper, he must have broken in directly, but why didn't he break in directly.

First, he was afraid.

Second, he couldn't get in at all.

If he really had too many scruples, he wouldn't have slammed on the door so hard.

Apparently it was the Flower God who set up the access control barrier, and he couldn't break in.

(End of this chapter)

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