the first god

Chapter 224 Orange 6 Years Old

Chapter 224 Orange 16 Years Old

His statement just confirmed Ma Yunteng's guess.

Gan Ning was puzzled and said, "Is there a problem with letting them come to the competition?"

"It's not just a problem, it's a big problem! The final champion of the conference will enjoy five offerings within ten years, and become an elder in the five alliances, and have the same power as other elders. This offering is second, and the focus is on the role of elders. Xuantianzong people have a reason to have the opportunity to openly intervene in Wuzong's affairs, which will be a huge threat to Wuzong. Moreover, Wuzong's alchemists will not be able to hold their heads up in front of Xuantianzong people." Yan Song looked serious.

His master is the No.1 pharmacist of the Immortal Spirit Sect, and he knows more than others. The real concern of the five high-level leaders is that the Xuantian Sect will use their time as elders to eat away at their alchemy skills. Teachers' Guild.

Xuantianzong has many special methods for controlling alchemists. Once they succeed, the five major sects will become more and more dependent on Xuantianzong, and even have to obey them.

So over the years, once the upper echelons of the five sects found out that there was an alchemist from the Xuantian Sect intending to participate in their competition, they would try their best to eliminate them secretly before the conference started.

This kind of method is very dishonorable, but the people in power of the five sects can't care about so many.

Cheng Zi took the exam for a whole day and night, and fell asleep leaning on Ma Yunteng's shoulder in the car.

Xue Yuan was thinking about getting rid of the "stolen goods", and not long after she returned to Yan Song's mansion, she saw the sky was bright and dragged Heng Er and Gan Ning out to go shopping in Fangshi.

Heng Zhi was busy studying the newly obtained Zhenhuo array map, stayed in the room without going out, and took care of Cheng Zi who was also sleeping in the adjacent room.

In the evening, everyone gathered together and shared the high-grade fairy crystals that Xue Yuan and the others exchanged for. After a brief discussion, Ma Yunteng accompanied Cheng Zi and Yan Song to meet his master Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi's cave is at the foot of Nanshan Mountain outside the city. Cheng Zi and Ma Yunteng ride Yan Song's flying magic weapon. Seeing that they are about to reach their destination, a fiery red light flashes across their heads. Overhead them, and flew forward first.

Looking at the back, there are three young men and women sitting on the magic weapon.

Yan Song stared at the ray of light, with an expression of anger and helplessness in his eyes. Since Cheng Zi and the others entered the Immortal Sect, it was the first time they saw someone disrespecting him so much, and he obviously knew who the other party was but could do nothing about it. .

Soon they met that rude guy again, and the meeting place happened to be outside Cheng Yi's cave.

The two men and one woman were standing together, smiling and talking to a middle-aged man in purple clothes. Behind the man in purple clothes were a few attendants. They were dressed like Su Baozhai's buddies, and the man in purple clothes was probably also Su Bao. The management of fasting and the like.

I just heard him say: "I'm here today to send invitations to Master Cheng. Three days later, there will be a special auction at our place, which is dedicated to auctioning medicinal herbs of four or more grades purchased from various places. I am going to invite Master Cheng to come Comment and point out, I don't want to meet Mr. Wu, the second princess and his wife, and Mr. Li by such a coincidence."

"An elixir above grade four?!" The eyes of the two men and one woman sparkled.

The man in purple said with a smile: "Exactly, there are three top-quality five-rank Zhuyan pills..."

When the second princess heard Zhuyan Pill, her eyes lit up immediately.

What the man in purple wanted was her response: "Later, I will send the invitation to the Xian couple's cave, and please be sure to honor it when you arrive."

Mr. Wu laughed and said: "It must be that the means of doing business in the noble family are getting better and better, but which alchemy master has been newly recruited?"

The Mr. Li next to him suddenly said: "The five-rank Zhuyan pill is of high quality, and there are three pills in one shot, at least he is a seventh-rank alchemist?"

The man in purple smiled but said nothing.

According to the rules of Subaozhai, without the permission of the guests, they will never reveal their identities.

He turned his head and found Yan Song, Ma Yunteng, and Cheng Zi hurriedly stepped forward to salute, with the same polite and respectful attitude.

Yan Song's face paled slightly, the two exchanged a few words of greeting, and the man in purple took his leave and left.

Mr. Wu swaggered over and said, "Senior brother is so elegant. I heard that you are going to bring a 'very powerful' rookie alchemist to meet the master. You want to break the rules, right? Is this the one? Why don't you introduce me?"

He called "Senior Brother" in his mouth, but he didn't show any respect in his words and deeds. He looked at Ma Yunteng with squinted eyes, and ignored Cheng Zi as usual.

Yan Song didn't want to talk to him at first, but he took the initiative to talk to him in front of the master's cave, and he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it, so he said with a stiff expression: "This is the old man's junior brother Wu De, beside him is His Royal Highness the Second Princess of Yunguo, He is also the Taoist partner of Junior Brother Wu, this little brother is surnamed Bai and his name is Qianzhou, and this girl is called Chengzi..."

Ma Yunteng has always used the pseudonym Bai Qianzhou to the outside world, and only said that he is a disciple of Tianyuanmen.

He was interrupted by Wu De before he finished his sentence: "What can I introduce to a humble little maid?!"

Cheng Zi was so angry that Ma Yunteng said with a dark face: "Cheng Zi is my younger sister, Mr. Wu, please be careful."

"I said, brother, you want to flatter your master, and you should also weigh your own abilities. You have been a mere third-rank alchemist for so many years, what kind of powerful people can you make friends with? Rookie... Hehe, Bai Qianzhou, you passed the exam as a third-rank alchemist Are you qualified? Not everyone can participate in my five alchemist competitions, if you have the courage to humiliate yourself, we must give you this opportunity!"

When Wu De was pushed up by Ma Yunteng, not only did he not know how to restrain himself, but his words became even harsher.

Yan Song was so angry that his face was flushed, he pointed at him and said angrily: "Brother, for the sake of my brother, I have given up my master's painstaking teachings, but don't underestimate the people in the world, you are just a third-rank alchemist, and you haven't arrived yet." When you are arrogant."

If he had known that he would bump into this ignorant junior, he would definitely bring Cheng Zi over on another date.

After yesterday's events, he admired Cheng Zi's alchemy skills and was convinced that she would win the championship as long as she competed.If she were to leave in anger because of Wu De's harsh words, it would be the Immortal Spirit Sect who lost, and their hope of regaining the championship of the Alchemist Competition would be in vain again.

Wu De sneered twice and was about to refute, when a black-clothed boy ran out of the cave and said with a smile: "Master invites all distinguished guests and two senior brothers to enter."

Yan Song and Wu De gave a cold snort to each other, and strode into the cave.

Yan Song turned slightly to Chengzi and said apologetically: "Miss Chengzi laughed at me, I am a junior who is successful at a young age, has a wild temper, and doesn't know the severity of what I say, so don't take it to heart."

Cheng Zi forced a smile, which is considered to have exposed the matter.

Ma Yunteng looked calm, as if the conflict just now hadn't happened at all.

The two groups of people were not far apart, and Wu De also heard Yan Song's words, but considering that this is the master's cave, he couldn't openly refute, so he sneered with a sullen face.

The second princess beside him smiled softly, reached out and put his arm around his neck and shook it as consolation.

The young man surnamed Li who came with them had a haughty face from beginning to end, and he didn't even look at Heng Zhi and Cheng Zi.

In the main hall of the cave mansion, a fat old man with a half-bald head, wearing a light blue Taoist robe, sat at the head. He was chatting and laughing with another old man with white beard and white hair sitting in the hall.

He is Yan Song's master Cheng Yi, who has the cultivation base of a sixth-rank immortal.

Both Cheng Zi and Heng Zhi recognized the white-haired old man who was talking to him. It was Yuan Zi, the director of the alchemy master's guild whom he met yesterday, and he was also a sixth-rank immortal.

When Yuan Zi saw Chengzi, he was very pleasantly surprised. He even stood up from his seat and took a few steps to greet him, saying, "Nephew Baixian and Miss Chengzi are indeed here. Just now Master Cheng said that Mr. Yan will bring distinguished guests to visit today. I wonder if it's you guys, haha!"

Wu De and the second princess looked at each other, and they both felt very strange. They naturally knew Yuan Zi's identity. Why are people so warm and polite?
They don't pay much attention to the cultivation of Bai Qianzhou's fourth-rank immortal, let alone Chengzi, who is only third-rank.

Cheng Yi heard from Yuan Zi just now that Cheng Zi participated in the third-rank alchemist assessment yesterday, and he was skeptical about the fact that she could refine [-] Tongmai pills at a time with an extremely high success rate of [-]%. Increase instead of decrease.

If he hadn't had confidence in the character of Yuan Zi and his disciple Yan Song, he would have doubted that the two had teamed up to tell a big lie.

That little girl is really too young, and the growth of an alchemist cannot be achieved in a short time.

He smiled slightly, and said to Chengzi: "This is Miss Chengzi? Curator Yuan has always praised your alchemy skills. Your honored guests come from afar, and you are full of brilliance."

Ma Yunteng saluted with Cheng Zi: "Senior, it's absurd praise."

Wu De, the second princess, and that Mr. Li, who were left alone, saw that the two big brothers attached great importance to Chengzi and Ma Yunteng, and their faces showed disapproval. Mr. Li even elongated his face, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Wu De didn't want to be robbed of the limelight by this senior brother who was not as good as him, so he immediately took two steps to intervene between them, and said to his master Cheng Yi: "Greetings, Master, I have met a young and promising friend recently, and I have repeatedly invited him to represent you. My Immortal Spirit Sect participated in the Alchemist Competition, and finally got him to agree to help me out, so I specially invited him to meet with Master today."

As he spoke, he turned and asked Mr. Li to come forward, and introduced with a look of color on his face: "This brother Li Huai, Li, is 87 years old this year and has just been promoted to a third-rank alchemist. Brother Li, this is my elder brother's master."

While introducing, he looked at the faces of everyone present. Unfortunately, everyone was very calm, and there was no expression of surprise, surprise, or embarrassment that he expected.

If Wu De had come one day earlier, maybe he would really have seen what he wanted to see, but unfortunately he just showed up with Li Huai now. He originally wanted to be the finale, but it turned out to be a foil.

Yuan Zi and Yan Song saw Cheng Zi's almost perverted alchemy technique yesterday, and they had a high opinion of her in their hearts, which is not comparable to any third-rank alchemist.

Cheng Yi himself is a fifth-rank alchemist. Although he felt that Li Huai had already entered the rank of third-rank alchemy before he was a hundred years old, he was thinking about what Yuan Zi said about Chengzi's excellent performance in the alchemist's hall yesterday. The enthusiasm for Li Huai faded a little.

He is a mature and prudent person, so of course he would not pin all his hopes on Chengzi, so he quickly adjusted his mood, and had a friendly conversation with Li Huai.

The second princess was careful, looked at Cheng Zi back and forth from head to toe many times, took advantage of their conversation, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that it was not this Mr. Bai that Senior Brother Yan wanted to introduce to Master Cheng, but Miss Cheng Zi. There are very few women among alchemists. Forgive me for being blind, I don’t know what level of alchemist Chengzi is, how old is she this year, and which master did she learn from?"

As soon as she spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Cheng Zi.

Chengzi looked at Ma Yunteng, and said, "I am 16 years old. Although I have refined elixirs, I have never been an alchemist. Before going out, my master told me not to reveal his name at will."

Except for Ma Yunteng, Yuan Zi and Yan Song who had seen her skills, the rest of the people had the urge to roll their eyes after hearing this answer.

Wu De laughed straight away: "Hahaha, senior brother, this is the alchemy wizard you found? It's ridiculous! Any maid in my house is better than her!"

"Stop being rude!" Yan Song and Yuan Zi said in unison. They both regarded Cheng Zi as the hope of winning the championship of the Immortal Sect, and they were afraid of Wu De's poisonous tongue, so they wanted to rush to sew his mouth shut.

They also felt very strange in their hearts, Cheng Zi was only 16 years old?Then did she start learning alchemy from the womb?
Cheng Yi was also very disapproving of Cheng Zi, but Yuan Zi once said that she was a disciple of Ma Yunteng, a peak alchemist of the sixth rank, so he had some knowledge.

Just looking at Bai Qianzhou beside her, who is estimated to be less than 50 years old and already has the cultivation base of a fourth-rank immortal, but he is very protective of her, one can know that she is not as ordinary and useless as she seems on the surface.

"Wu Dexiu is talking nonsense. Tomorrow is the day of the semi-finals of the Alchemist Conference. It is a great fortune for my Immortal Sect to have the help of two young and promising alchemists. Please go back tonight and have a good rest. I wish the two of you a successful tomorrow. "

Cheng Yi didn't want to say much, it was a dragon or a snake, and he would see the truth tomorrow.

The boy next to him got a signal from him, and came forward with two trays, and sent them to Cheng Zi and Li Huai respectively, with a silver box on each tray.

"This is a little thought from the old man, please accept it. This silver box was made by Luo Jue, the seventh-rank master of the smithy. It can keep fresh elixir intact for a hundred years. It looks small, but there are 340 three It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small medicine storehouse.”

After hearing Cheng Yi's introduction, Cheng Zi and Li Huai were both pleasantly surprised. It is absolutely rare to see the works of a seventh-grade master craftsman outside, and only the five masters who are famous for their crafting skills can send them out so lightly. Such a good thing.

The two thanked each other for accepting it, and Chengzi also had a medicine box that Heng Er made for her with a similar purpose, but it only had more than 100 compartments, and it could only keep the elixir for one month.

Heng Er is only a third-rank craftsman now, and there is a huge distance between him and a seventh-rank craftsman. It is normal for the things he refines to have some gaps.

Li Huai received such an important gift, and the anger that he felt left out before calmed down, but when he thought that a little girl like Cheng Zi had received the same gift as himself, he immediately became a little unhappy.

Forget it, when she shines tomorrow, and that little girl shows herself ugly, these people will definitely regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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