the first god

Chapter 225 An Unknown Little Girl

Chapter 225 An Unknown Little Girl
Cheng Yi also thought that they would participate in the semi-finals of the competition tomorrow, and ordered Yan Song and Wu De to entertain the guests well, and then let them go back to recharge their batteries.

Two groups of people walked outside the cave, Wu De glanced at Li Huai, turned his head and stared at Cheng Zi coldly and said: "A country girl like you deserves to have the works of a seventh-grade craftsman? Obediently, give the medicine box to Li Huai." Brother, get out of the way."

Yan Song was furious, and said: "Junior brother, what do you mean by insulting the old man's distinguished guest again and again? Who did the master give the gift to, and when is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks?"

"I'm doing it for her own good. Youdao is the crime of carrying a treasure. She got such a treasure for no reason. If she gets killed, hehe..." There was a strong sense of threat in the words.

Wu Desu looked down on senior brothers whose aptitude to enter the country was not as good as his own, but after all, this is within the scope of his master's cave, so if things get too ugly, it won't end well.

He knew that Li Huai liked the silver medicine box very much, so he wanted to snatch the orange as a favor as well.

An ignorant little girl should be easily bluffed by a few threats.

Cheng Zi laughed back in anger, and only let out a hehe.

Ma Yunteng stopped Yan Song who was about to explode, and said to Wu De calmly: "Do you dare to make a bet?"

Wu De was taken aback: "What bet?"

"Tomorrow's semi-finals, we will bet on this silver medicine box, and whoever loses will give his own medicine box to the opponent."

Ma Yunteng didn't want to cause trouble at first, but this Wu Dewei is too annoying, there is no point in wasting words with this kind of person, since it is inconvenient to beat him up now, let's find a way to make him bleed.

Wu De was about to speak, but Li Huai sneered and said, "Let me compete with this country girl? What a joke!"

"If you don't dare, forget it." Ma Yunteng still had that flat tone.

"Don't dare?! Hmph! It's not interesting to bet on the silver medicine box alone. If you lose that one, you will kowtow three times to the winner in public tomorrow, and swear that you will never pretend to be an alchemist again. Do you dare?!" Li Huai was aggressive road.

Ma Yunteng looked at Chengzi, and it was up to her to decide.

Cheng Zi hated these guys who looked down on people with dog eyes, looked at them coldly, nodded with a smile and said: "Okay! But the bet is still too small, let's add another 100 million high-grade fairy crystals."

She already understood that the head of her family was preparing to be a villain, and she should continue to carry it forward with all her strength.

This bet really shocked Wu De and others, even Li Huai couldn't help but look at her again - she was obviously just a little girl, how dare she make such a heavy bet? !

The matter has come to this point, both sides are already riding tigers, Li Huai never thought that he would lose, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! 100 million is 100 million, what if you can't afford it by then?"

Yan Song lowered his face and said: "Then the old man will pay for her, and the old man will add another 100 million bets, junior brother, do you dare?"

Wu De raised his head and said disdainfully: "Senior brother, since you want to give me pocket money, how can you refuse it? I also bet 100 million, but unfortunately you want to get it, brother, I'm afraid you may not be able to wait until the next life!"

"Then we'll wait and see! Tomorrow, I will ask curator Yuan to be a witness, and I hope you don't regret it, junior." Yan Song turned and left with Chengzi and Ma Yunteng.

Having nothing to say all night, Yan Song got up early the next morning and set off with Cheng Zi and others to participate in the competition.

The location of the meeting place happened to be on the Nanshan Mountain where Cheng Yi's Dongfu was located.

Because the vast majority of alchemists under the age of one hundred are only third-rank cultivation bases, and have not yet been able to condense alchemy fire for alchemy, and most of them cannot have fire spirit beasts above the fifth rank, so basically they still need to With the help of the ground fire, there happens to be a ground fire vein at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

The alchemy process is the most taboo to be disturbed by others, so visits are not allowed throughout the process.

At the start of the competition, the alchemists will enter the [-] independent alchemy rooms prepared in advance for alchemy. Only the referees and guests of the conference are allowed to enter the designated seats in the arena.

However, this does not affect the enthusiasm of the spectators who come to join in the fun, because there are betting booths set up by Juxianju outside the venue, and there is also a temporary market led by Subaozhai, so there is no need to worry about entertainment.

According to the regulations of the conference, after the selection of the preliminary competition, there are 50 alchemists who will enter the semi-finals. As the host sect, the Immortal Spirit Sect can directly select another ten people to enter the semi-finals.

The semi-finals will be held over five days, with 12 participants each day, and the top three will be selected to enter the finals.

And the final champion will be born among fifteen alchemists.

The alchemy process is affected by various factors. No alchemist can guarantee that he can perform at his ideal level every time. For the sake of fairness, the daily semi-finals are divided into three rounds, and then the overall score of the three rounds will be used to determine the winner.

The pills refined in the three competitions were different. In the first round, representatives of the five judges jointly designated to refine the same kind of pill, and in the second round, the contestants selected a kind of pill to refine within the specified range. In the third round, it is entirely up to the contestants to decide the type of pill to be refined.

For the first two rounds, the organizers will provide the alchemy and elixir ingredients, and the last round must be prepared by the alchemist himself.

Yan Song volunteered, willing to ask Yuan Zi to use the power of the alchemist guild to collect any elixir she needed for Chengzi. After careful consideration, Chengzi gave him two pills, one was the third-grade Xisui Pill, and the other was the fourth-grade Ziyuan Pill.

Yan Song hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help persuading: "Isn't this fourth-grade elixir too risky?"

Of course, Cheng Zi would not tell him that there is no danger in fact, he only said that he was prepared for any danger, and most likely he would not use it.

Yan Song was right when he thought about it. Since the five alchemy competitions, there were only three or five people who had successfully refined the fourth-grade elixir at the event.

Xuantianzong has quite a few such young and outstanding alchemists, but they never took the initiative to participate in their competitions in the past.

In recent years, they have been more strict in control, preventing people from Xuantianzong from participating in the competition. It is estimated that the chance of refining the fourth-grade elixir to fight luck is not high, so I won't say more.

They came not too early or too late, most of the alchemists participating in the competition had already arrived and were meditating to adjust their breath, and Li Huai was among them.

Today is the first day of the semi-finals. According to the rules, these alchemists who are directly selected by the host sect to enter the semi-finals will be divided into two contests per day. Cheng Yi and Yuan Zi discussed last night and decided to let Cheng Zi and Li Huai go first.

As soon as Xueyuan entered the arena, she grabbed Ma Yunteng and asked, "Has the bastard who challenged my orange last night arrived?"

Ma Yunteng pointed in the direction of Li Huai: "Here we are."

"Go to Curator Yuan to be a witness, he can't let go of yesterday's bet!" Xueyuan's eyes lit up with excitement, and Heng Er, who was standing beside her, had the same expression.

A total of 200 million high-grade fairy crystals bet!
Here's to a fortune!
At this moment, the eyes of the two money fans are the shadows of high-grade fairy crystals.

Seeing this, Yunyou couldn't help covering her lips and chuckling, but when she turned around, she looked calm when she saw Gan Ning. She probably saw a lot of good things around Nie Mo.

Yunyou couldn't help but think, could it be that the ancient flower god in the rumors was poor, and why the people around him were so money-obsessed.

Of course, Chengzi would not admit that these two female money fans were actually led astray by her.

Li Huai, Wu De, and the second princess who were sitting in the VIP seat also saw them, and walked over hand in hand without saying hello.

Xueyuan looked at Li Huai as if she saw 200 million high-grade fairy crystals, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, and she said kindly: "Come on, let's go to Director Yuan soon, and ask him to be a witness to make a bet! "

Wu De and others originally came here for this matter, but they didn't expect the other party to be more eager than themselves.

I really don't know where their self-confidence comes from. Because of their abnormal attitude, I have a bad premonition inexplicably.

But they really couldn't imagine that Li Huai, a third-grade alchemist, would lose to a little girl at the alchemist level, so they quickly put aside those "ridiculous" premonitions.

"Okay! It's rare that you are not afraid of death, today I will show you what the strength of a third-rank alchemist is!" Wu De snorted, and really made a bet with Yuan Zi with them.

Yuan Zi didn't like Wu De in his heart, but both he and Yan Song were Cheng Yi's disciples, and he didn't want to get involved in his master's affairs, so he wanted to decline with a embarrassed look on his face.

It happened that Zhang Jin, Zhou Xin and other alchemists of the Immortal Sect passed by. Hearing this, Zhang Jin was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Several well-known alchemists from the Immortal Spirit Sect were invited to witness.

Seeing that the betting agreement was concluded, Xue Yuan and Heng Er were so happy that they almost didn't dance.

Heng Zhi looked at Li Huai "kindly" and said, "You work hard! I like you! Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Li Huai was terrified by her laughter, leaving behind the word "lunatic" and walked away proudly.

Heng Er said indignantly again: "This bastard bullied Cheng Zi, I thought you would beat him to vent your anger, senior brother, why are you still so polite to him?!"

Hengzhi shook his head and waved his hands nervously: "I can't beat it! That's 200 million top-grade fairy crystals! He is so generous, what does it matter if he is proud for a while? When I think of his face after the fiasco I can't help it...hahahaha!"

Cheng Zi didn't have enough ready-made high-grade fairy crystals, so last night he "generously donated" and lent her all of his high-grade fairy crystals.Chengzi reciprocates, promising to share whatever he earns.

Now when he saw Li Huai, he felt closer than his relatives and cuter than a naked beauty.How could he be willing to beat him, wishing that he would be healthy and strong-willed until the end of the game, so that he could watch the show and get high-grade immortal crystals!
It's really hard not to get rich if there are more fat sheep like this!

The bell of the competition rang, and Cheng Yi, on behalf of the five sect masters and the major sects organized, announced the start of the semi-finals of the alchemy contest. After the rules were announced, twelve participating alchemists were invited to the stage, and each of them received a A prescription and elixir provided by the organizer of the conference.

In the first competition, they were required to refine the same second-grade elixir designated by the conference within three hours. When Cheng Zi saw the name of the elixir, he was stunned on the spot, it turned out to be Tongmai Pill again!
She raised her head to look at Yuan Zi who was at the guest table, and the other party smiled and nodded at her, that smile was like an old fox!
This is probably cheating in disguise, using the identity of the organizer to let their own players refine the most certain medicine.Cheng Zi stuck out her tongue in her heart, they were really worrying too much.

When the rest of the contestants saw this question, their faces were very ugly. They were probably cursing in their hearts why the organizer would propose such a difficult question. They clearly wanted them out!
Among the twelve alchemists participating today, except for Li Huai and another Danxia Sect representative who are third-rank alchemists, the rest are only second-rank alchemists. To them, Tongmai Pill is indeed quite difficult.

Cheng Zi carefully checked that the elixir given to her by the conference was correct, then turned and walked into her NO.12 alchemy room.

Three hours is just the blink of an eye for a cultivator, and soon the doors of the twelve alchemy rooms opened one after another, and the contestants came out one after another in surprise or depression, Cheng Zi still holding the puppy. was the last to appear.

This is a major bet that involves her, Yan Song, Li Huai, and Wu De, so she naturally dare not neglect to do her best, so the success rate of pills is "somewhat" high, among which the top-grade pills are "somewhat" "Too much.

With too conspicuous results, if she was the first one to run out of the alchemy room, it would be too high-profile, so she chose to wait for everyone else to go out without hesitation, and then slowly move out.

A group of alchemists walked to the referee's seat one by one, and poured the alchemy they had refined into a jade plate for the judges to evaluate and score.

The first one to go forward was Li Huai. He raised his head and chest confidently and walked to the front of the stage to slowly pour out the pills in the jade bottle in his hand one by one. , which attracted the exclamation of other contestants and guests on stage!
The results spread outside the arena, and those who bet on Li Huai's victory cheered loudly.

Heng Zhi had a dreamy smile on his face, and said cheerfully: "Laugh, laugh, you will cry later!"

He also went to the booth of Juxianju to bet just now, and he invested all the remaining high-grade fairy crystals on his body, and there were hundreds of thousands of high-grade fairy crystals there.

Orange is just a third-grade alchemist who has just been certified, and he is also the youngest one, and he entered the semi-finals directly through the back door, so he has the highest odds among all the contestants, four for one!

When Heng Zhi, Heng Er, Xue Yuan and others thought of the top-grade fairy crystal that was about to be paid, they felt that everything became infinitely better, and even the hateful faces of Wu De and Li Huai became cute.

The amount of elixir provided by today's meeting is just enough to refine a furnace of ten Tongmai Pills, Li Huai refined nine, that is a [-]% success rate of alchemy, even if a second-grade pill is refined at the level of a third-grade alchemist Such a performance is still something to be proud of.

The most rare thing is that among the nine Tongmai Pills, four of them have reached medium quality.

The other third-rank alchemist of Danxia Sect's face immediately sank when he saw such achievements, and the other third-rank alchemists were even more depressed.

Li Huai looked around the audience, unable to hide his pride, Wu De and the second princess even got up and went to the audience to compliment him.

The three of them coldly glanced at Yan Song and the four members of Tianyuanmen, only to find that not only did they not have any worries on their faces, but they all showed excitement and laughed like fools.

Could it be that that unknown little girl could have even better results?

(End of this chapter)

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