the first god

Chapter 230 Living up to the Flower God

Chapter 230 Living up to the Flower God
Just this smell is fascinating, and it seems to be full of energy.

Cheng Yi's expression changed. The oranges should be made of the fourth-grade Ziyuan Dan. This fragrance seems to be very similar to the smell of Ziyuan Dan, but to distinguish it, it is like a glass of jade liquid wine and a glass of ordinary water. It's a thousand miles away.

The faces of Le Liu and the three masters of Danhuo were gloomy. Their knowledge of alchemy is better than most of the people on the field. One look at this posture and you know that the furnace of elixir refined by Chengzi is compared with the one refined by Le Liu. It's more than one notch higher!
The golden light dissipated, and people took a closer look. There was only one golden elixir in the cauldron, and the golden light and fragrance just now came from it.

Some guests who were not very knowledgeable were immediately disappointed. There was only one piece?Is this success rate too low? !

Cheng Yi and the other four referee representatives did not feel disappointed at all. Cheng Yi took out a snow-white handkerchief and wiped his hands carefully, then changed a brand new handkerchief to wrap his hands, carefully and even piously. Incomparably, he took out the golden pill from the cauldron.

A sound of inhalation came from the mouths of the judges and the dozen or so contestants, even Le Liu was no exception.

"Sacred elixir! It's really a holy elixir! I didn't expect to see someone refine a holy elixir in my lifetime!" Cheng Yi was so excited that his whole body trembled, and his hands holding the golden elixir also trembled.

The referee representative of Ling Xingzong beside him was equally excited, holding his hand holding the alchemy in one hand and exclaiming: "Cheng, be careful!"

The referee representative of the Yunyu Sect was relatively sensible. After being shocked and ecstatic, he quickly reacted, looked at the three masters of Danhuo and the four of Leliu with a sneer, and said, "Miss Chengzi has refined the Holy Spirit Pill, and your nine ordinary four Compared with it, the pinnacle elixir is nothing!"

The referee representative of the Danxia faction hated Le Liu to death, and spoke even more meanly: "Mr. Le's ability is indeed very ordinary, haha! How dare a mere Yinghuo compete with Haoyue?! I don't know that your sect is not an ordinary alchemist. How many people have refined the holy elixir?!"

The faces of Le Liu and the other four were extremely ugly.

Generally, alchemy is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. In fact, there is another grade that is higher than the highest grade. However, it has been rare to see countless alchemists refining hundreds of millions of pills. It has become an existence almost legendary, and even many alchemists If you think it is impossible to achieve, that is the holy medicine elixir!

Once you step into the holy grade, no matter how many grades of medicine it is, it will immediately become a super-grade existence!

Don't say that Cheng Zi refined a perfect holy-grade elixir, even if the refining failed, only a half-waste holy-grade elixir was produced, that would be enough to securely win Leliu.

It is only because the refining of the Holy Grade Spirit Pill has nothing to do with cultivation, alchemy skills, etc. It requires the alchemist to have a chance to comprehend the world and enter the realm of pure enlightenment before it can be refined. As for the specific effect, it has always been Opinions vary.

Le Liu's loss today can be said to be fair, or very wrong, because it was not Cheng Zi's strength that caused him to lose in the end, and her luck was beyond the sky!
Cheng Zi came back from the alchemist competition and fell into a coma for three days and three nights. She didn't know anything about what happened afterwards, and she heard about it after waking up.

She was declared the champion of the convention without a doubt.

Le Liu and the three masters of Danhuo disappeared after the competition. The next day, the Xianlingzong issued an expulsion order, prohibiting these people from staying in the Xianlingzong territory.

That holy elixir was put on public display in front of the Zongmen Square for seven days, and it is now the hottest topic in Kunlun Xianshan.

Heng Er didn't know the danger hidden in this competition, and complained to Chengzi for a while: "You can just get a [-]% alchemy rate to suppress that guy from Xuantianzong, why bother to refine some holy elixir? I was scared to death, we bet all our belongings to Juxianju to buy you win, if you wake up later and lose the game, we will soon become poor and have no travel expenses to go home."

Listen to this, what does it mean to "casually" get a [-]% success rate, Yan Song who happened to come in to check on Chengzi's situation couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I don't want to either, isn't it a coincidence?" Cheng Zi smiled wryly.

She also didn't expect that she would accidentally enter the "Clarity Enlightenment Realm" that all alchemists dream of. She remembered seeing it somewhere. If Xianjun can enter this realm, it will be of great benefit to the cultivation of Taoism .

Hearing these words, Yan Song was filled with grief and indignation, and almost shed tears of bitterness on the spot. How many people have been looking forward to this "coincidental" opportunity for several lifetimes!

Cheng Zi was more concerned about another question: "Then how much did we win?"

Heng Er sighed: "Your results in the semi-finals are too good, and the odds in the finals are very low. We only made less than [-]% by betting so many high-grade immortal crystals, and we were quite frightened!"

Fortunately, Cheng Zi won, otherwise she would have gone bankrupt just to earn this less than [-]% of the bonus... She would really regret her death.

"Little gambling, you better not be so ruthless in the future..." Cheng Zi was also terrified.

Seeing that their conversation had come to an end, Yan Song coughed dryly... walked up two steps and said, "Miss Chengzi, are you feeling better?"

Cheng Zi nodded and said, "It's much better!"

"The suzerain of our sect plans to hold a banquet tomorrow night to celebrate the girl's achievements. Guests from the other five major sects and well-known alchemists in Kunlun Fairy Mountain will be present. At that time, the suzerain will also invite the relics of the ice and fire god king from the sect treasury as agreed. Give it to the girl." Yan Song announced the good news with a smile.

As long as the relic of the Ice and Fire God King is in hand, their mission to the Immortal Spirit Sect will be completed!
Heng Er happily went to find other people to share the good news... Yan Song took the opportunity to stay and ask Cheng Zi about the Clarity Enlightenment and the Holy Spirit Pill. Although he and his master Cheng Yi knew about these two, the specific details were not clear. It is clear that Chengzi has experienced it personally and is also a disciple of Ma Yunteng, the top six alchemist, so he must know more, especially the effect of the holy elixir.

Cheng Zi thought for a while and said, "I remember Master said that the holy elixir is produced by comprehending the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, so it cannot be measured by the efficacy of normal elixir... the effect of swallowing it varies from person to person. Different, for some people, it may be the life and death of human flesh and bones, or even a peerless medicine that can ascend in the daytime, and for some people, it may be a poison that seals the throat when seeing blood, it depends on the person's chance... However, it is said that the holy product For the Ninth Rank Immortal Monarch, the Spirit Pill is the Spirit Pill that can make one's cultivation perfect and reach the realm of ascension."

In fact, these words were not said by Ma Yunteng, and even Chengzi couldn't figure out why he knew it.

Nine grades!This is too far away for most immortals in the world.

Yan Song was fascinated for a moment, then returned to reality, frowned and said: "How do you know who will benefit from taking it, and who will be harmful if taking it?"

Cheng Zi shook her head and said, "I don't know either. But carrying the holy elixir with you can also have the miraculous effect of calming the mind and mind. It is more effective in practicing, and the higher the level of cultivation, the greater the benefits." She only knew this .

Yan Song asked Chengzi how he felt when he entered the state of enlightenment that day... Chengzi couldn't explain clearly, but suddenly felt that the world was very quiet, as if he could see through everything, and then accidentally made the elixir.

If it wasn't for Doudou jumping into her arms and arching wildly, she wouldn't have woken up just before the end of the game.

It is too much a matter of chance to enter the state of enlightenment, Yan Song is just curious, and did not expect Chengzi to be able to explain clearly, but after listening to Chengzi's narration, he immediately felt infinitely grateful to the puppy, fortunately he reminded him in time, otherwise they would not be here now Big trouble!
In an unremarkable small courtyard in Kunlun Fairy Mountain, Le Liu and the three masters of Danhuo are discussing the next plan.

Nan Ada said in a deep voice: "The plan failed this time. I need to go back to Xuantianzong to personally plead guilty to the young sect master. Except for the Xianlingzong, the other four sects' edicts to expel us may be issued within a few days. We are lurking in the This is not very meaningful anymore, when we go back this time, the young suzerain will probably send us elsewhere, so you should prepare well first."

He will definitely be punished when he returns to Xuantian Sect this time. The Young Sect Master has always punished subordinates who are ineffective. He intentionally let the second and third younger brothers stay, in the name of cleaning up their hands. In fact, he hoped that they could avoid punishment.Nan Ah Er and Ah San didn't understand, they were both grateful and sad, they all bowed their heads and remained silent.

Le Liu suddenly said: "I remember that the young master once sent an order to the world, asking us to pay attention to the girl who is good at alchemy..."

Nan Ah San snorted and said, "Young Sect is mainly looking for his concubine, who is from the Dan family. She is extremely beautiful and has a high level of cultivation. Even if you are eager to make up for your mistakes, don't rush to the doctor because of the appearance of that little girl. ?how is this possible!"

Even though they knew that their mission failed, it's no wonder why Le Liu, if any alchemist, even those eighth-rank old monsters in their Xuantian sect, could only bow their heads and admit defeat to Cheng Zi, who had refined the holy elixir. But he was still somewhat resentful.Who made Le Liu so confident before, claiming that he was sure to win?

Le Liu didn't care about his attitude, and just continued to Nan'a Dao: "You can pretend your appearance and cultivation. And she ruined our big event, so you just let it go?"

Nan Ada really didn’t believe that Chengzi would be the person his young sect was looking for. He had observed Chengzi carefully, and he was 100% sure that she was indeed just a cultivation base that had just stepped into the third rank. The only difference was that she had a A very powerful fire-type spirit beast, and her ability to perceive the soul is stronger than many immortals.

But be careful, as long as you catch her and give it a try!If it is, then the credit is probably greater than subduing the five great sects. If not, it would be better to kill her and vent her anger.

Nan'a's big eyes showed a fierce look and nodded slowly.

The Immortal Spirit Sect has not won the championship in the five major alchemist competitions for over a hundred years. Not only did they win the championship this time, but they also produced a rare holy elixir. Naturally, they should celebrate it with great fanfare.

A celebration banquet was held in an extremely grand and grand manner. The famous immortals and alchemists in the Xianlingzong, as well as the other four guests who came to Kunlun Xianshan to participate in the competition, gathered together. A foundation-building stage or even a rank-five immortal.

Xue Yuan and the others completely put away the carelessness they had originally felt due to the low level of alchemy of the five sects.

Just talking about the strength of the Xianjun present is already very powerful, not to mention the powerful energy of the five major alliances.

Although these people at the banquet may not be willing to work hard for the five great sects, as long as they help out a little at a critical moment, it will be a great force.What's more, within the five sects there are more than a dozen major and small cultivation sects. This strength is indeed not comparable to the current Tianyuan sect with withered talents.

Cheng Zi is naturally the focus of everyone's attention, and many people want to come over to make friends, but fortunately Cheng Yi and Yan Song are on their behalf.

Ma Yunteng and the others looked calm and composed, but they were all thinking about the relics of the ice and fire god king, the only goal of their trip.

Waiting all the way to the middle of the banquet, a group of immortals walked in neatly outside the hall, led by a vigorous white-haired old man who walked slowly to the center of the hall with a black wooden box in his hand, and said loudly: "The suzerain has a purpose, The relics of the Ice and Fire God King, the most precious treasure handed down from the family, are specially presented to Miss Chengzi, the winner of the five alchemist competitions, and given the title of alchemy elder of the Xianlingzong."

Cheng Yi had introduced this old man to Cheng Zi before. He is the elder of the guardian sect of the Immortal Spirit Sect, with an eighth-rank cultivation. His name is Wan Sheng. , that is, the maker of the two silver pill boxes that Cheng Zixin got.

Wan Sheng finished announcing the suzerain's oral order, opened the lid of the black wooden box, and showed the relics of the Ice and Fire God King inside to everyone present.

It was a thin strip of purple bamboo wood that was more than a foot long, with a natural auspicious cloud texture on it. Eight completely different small gemstones were inlaid between the clusters of auspicious clouds. It looked like the shape of the Big Dipper and the North Star.

When Heng Erxue, Yuan Hengzhi and the others saw it, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests with excitement.

This shape and appearance is indeed the relic of the Ice and Fire God King they are looking for!

Chengzi glanced at Ma Yunteng, walked up a few steps, took the black wooden box from Wan Sheng with both hands, and handed it to Ma Yunteng, then saluted Wan Sheng himself and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wan."

Wan Sheng didn't expect Cheng Zi to be so polite to him, and he was flattered immediately.

The five major sects are the places where refiners gather. Fifth grade refiners are nothing in the eyes of many high-ranking immortals, but alchemists are rare animals, and the treatment they receive is generally much higher than that of refiners of the same level .

In the past, when Wan Sheng met Cheng Yi, a fifth-rank alchemist, he was polite and regarded himself as a junior. Although Cheng Zi was young and her cultivation level was relatively low, her status in the hearts of the five great sects of immortals was no less than Cheng Yi.

Wan Sheng hurriedly replied: "Miss Chengzi, you are welcome. This was originally promised by the suzerain. The relic of the Ice and Fire God King was originally a magic weapon refined by the ancient and powerful Ice and Fire God King. Unfortunately, it was sealed for some reason. No one can crack it for many years. Miss Chengzi is a blessed person with a great opportunity, and she may be able to penetrate the secret. Although it is sealed, it still has a miraculous effect of "repelling fire", that is, even the legendary sky fire can't hurt it at all."

"Thank you, Mr. Wan, for letting me know. It turns out that it still has such uses. It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort when refining alchemy." Cheng Zi replied with a face full of enlightenment.

Hengzhi said that they had to find a way to cover up their real purpose of finding the treasures that Huashen sister had personally instructed, but it turned out that Wan Sheng took the initiative to send an excuse, which is really very understanding.

She will never let down the trust of Sister Huashen!Thinking of Xuanji, the God of Flowers, Cheng Zi felt a sour feeling in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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