the first god

Chapter 231 The Power of the Heavenly Fire Dog

Chapter 231 The Power of the Heavenly Fire Dog

After a dinner party, the guests and the host had a great time. After the banquet, Cheng Yi led Cheng Zi and the others to a quiet hall, where the representatives sent by the other four sects to serve as referees for the competition were already waiting there.

Before coming here, Yan Song once said that the champion of the competition can get the joint offerings of the five sects within ten years and become the elder of the five sect alliances, but the price is that during the ten years, the oranges must be refined for each of the five sects every year. Appointing the elixir involves a lot of details and will be discussed with her after the banquet, so Cheng Zi is not surprised.

The two sides sat down, and Cheng Yi immediately went straight to the point and introduced the rewards for the champions of the five alchemist competitions one by one, and finally said: "In the next ten years, what is the plan of Miss Chengzi?"

Cheng Zi had already discussed this matter with several people, and immediately turned his attention to Hengzhi, dealing with people and bargaining, and letting Hengzhi do it more professionally.

Hengzhi smiled and said: "Several seniors must know where our teacher came from. Chengzi is still young and not familiar with the situation of the five great sects. The position of elder is a heavy responsibility. I'm afraid she is not competent. Just give her a name." , will not participate in the decision-making of the five alliances."

After hearing this, the representatives of the five sects were all relieved. Orange alchemy is very strong, but they are not from the five major sects. They feel a little uncomfortable for an outsider to enter the presbyterian meeting of the five sect alliance.

Moreover, she is so young and her cultivation level is still low, if someone uses her to cause sabotage, it will be very troublesome.She is willing to voluntarily give up exercising power, which is what everyone wishes for.

On behalf of the Five Sects Alliance, Cheng Yi pretended to persuade him a few words, but stopped, and asked about Cheng Zi's alchemy for the Five Sects.

This was just a symbolic rule at first. In the past, no matter how powerful the champion in the competition was, it was a third-rank alchemist. Although it was quite rare in the five sects, there was no shortage of such a person who could make a batch of pills every year.

But oranges are different!She is only in her teens, and her alchemy skills may have surpassed a third-rank alchemist, and she has even refined a holy-rank elixir. She has a bright future, and it is not surprising that she will break through to a fifth-rank or even a sixth-rank alchemist within ten years.Naturally, they would not give up such a good seedling.

You must know that the strongest alchemist of the five major sects is the only alchemist of the sixth rank in the Xianling sect. Is there any trick, the pill is refined anyway, how can the sects and immortals of the five major sects not flock to it?
Ma Yunteng smiled slightly, asking them for help, so they can get some favorable conditions.

Both parties were satisfied with the result of the negotiation, and decided on the various benefits that Chengzi could obtain in the five major sects in the next ten years. For example, this year, the masters of the five major sects would be invited to make at least one spiritual weapon for self-defense for Chengzi.Chengzi's own strength is too weak, spreading the fame of alchemy will bring her more and more dangers, and she must prepare more advanced self-defense magic weapons.Ordinary treasures are no longer enough to look at. Higher-level spiritual weapons are hard to come by. Even high-grade fairy crystals are not necessarily available. Fortunately, the five major sects have some masters of refining equipment. As long as the five sect alliances are willing to contribute, they can do it come out.

The other is to give Orange a sufficient amount of high-grade fairy crystals every year, and she can also replace the high-grade fairy crystals with other things if she needs it.

The elders can only be named and not participate in the actual decision-making, but the benefits and benefits must be included, so that it will be much more convenient for them during the training period of the five sects.

And what Chengzi has to do is to make alchemy for them, at least four grades of elixir, and each case has a furnace every year.

It sounds like the five majors are at a disadvantage, but it is not.The success rate of orange alchemy is placed there. They find other alchemists to refine fourth-grade pills, and they may only be half successful in the end, while oranges can reach [-]% or even [-]%. The quality of the pills is at least above average .

The amount of elixir she refines is equivalent to several other alchemists, and the amount of elixir she uses is the same as that of other alchemists, which means that the cost is constant and the income is doubled. For the five major sects who are very short of elixir Huge boon.

Ma Yunteng even hinted that if they need fifth-grade or even sixth-grade or seventh-grade pills, they can ask her master to help them through Chengzi's relationship, which is too attractive.

There are very few alchemists above the fourth rank in the entire Myriad Spirits Immortal Realm, and those above the seventh rank are mastered by the Xuantian Sect. Even the fifth sect has only one sixth-rank alchemist. It is difficult to find someone who can refine the sixth rank with sufficient confidence. After listening to Ma Yunteng's suggestion, the representatives of the five sects almost pounced on the above pills with blue eyes.

The two sides negotiated the terms, Orange stayed in Xianlingzong for a period of time, and refined a total of five batches of this year's pills for the five masters.The elixir is of course provided by the five sects themselves, and it is up to them to decide what kind of elixir to refine.

Cheng Zi is used to living in Yan Song's mansion, and still chooses to live there.For the next few days, she mostly just stayed in the mansion every day, waiting for the other four schools to prepare the elixir and deliver it.

She lived a leisurely and comfortable life, but she was so anxious that Xuantianzong was waiting in the dark for the murderous Le Liu and the three masters of Danhuo.

Cheng Zi never left Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and when he left Yan Mansion by chance, Yan Song invited a fifth-grade master to accompany him, and they went to a lively place, and they couldn't find a chance to make a move.

Several people deliberated over and over again, and decided that Nan Ada would return to Xuantianzong to plead guilty to the Young Sect Master, while the other three continued to lurk and wait for the opportunity to act.

Half a month later, Nan'a Er, Ah Sanyue and others became more and more impetuous, and almost wished to rush into Yan's mansion to take people away. Le Liu persuaded them and said: "Yan Song's mansion is in the prosperous place of Kunlun Fairy Mountain. Once something happens, there must be many immortals rushing to help, if you rush in rashly, you may never return."

Nan Ah Sanyi rolled her eyes and said: "You suggested to arrest that little girl, but now I'm afraid of this and that. I don't know what punishment my elder brother will receive when he goes back. Naturally, you are not in a hurry. I am so anxious to death!"

Le Liu is just a third-rank immortal monarch. If he didn't have the identity of an alchemist, he wouldn't be able to point fingers in front of Brother Nan. The Xuantian Sect has many other alchemists. It's not worth asking them to kowtow.

Le Liu was furious in his heart, and said calmly: "I have a way to make that girl fall into the net without alarming other people in Kunlun Xianshan."

"If there is a way, don't you hurry up and say it?!" Nan Ah San said anxiously.

"That little girl, it's not easy for us to open our hands, but according to my observations, her senior brothers and sisters have been going to Juxianju to compete with others almost every day these days. They don't have a fifth-rank expert to protect them. As long as they I caught it...Are you afraid that the little girl won't come to your door automatically?" Le Liu believed himself, he thought about it for a few days, and he had already figured out the action plan. A few fourth grades are basically guaranteed.

The two Nan brothers looked at each other, it was really a good way, so they all nodded and said: "Okay! Let's do it like this!"

Early the next morning, Xueyuan and the others went to Juxianju to practice as usual. During the day, they fought with others to increase their actual combat experience. When they returned to Yan Mansion at night, they threw the high-grade ice crystal into the cold pool water in the stone bucket. Soaking their whole bodies in it to meditate and practice, the speed of entering the realm even surprised them themselves.

The only regret is that Manning cannot improve his cultivation base with the help of the top-grade Binggui fairy crystal, and his progress is obviously not as good as them.

At noon, the envoy of the Immortal Spirit Sect came to Yan Mansion, and brought a batch of elixir and a prescription for "Xuanyin Pill".

Cheng Zi asked him to come to pick up the pills tomorrow, so he packed up the elixir and went to the pill room in the backyard.

Master Ma Yunteng, Eleventh Senior Sister Yunyou and Hengzhi have something to go out, Xueyuan, Henger, and Orange go out to Juxianju to practice and fight together.

Today, she always felt that something was wrong all over her body. After sitting quietly holding the puppy for a while, she was still restless, as if something bad was about to happen.She didn't dare to command the puppy to start alchemy in such a state, so she had to force herself to meditate.After sitting for a while, suddenly a piercing chill came from the jade pendant hanging on his chest.

Cheng Zi was startled, that jade pendant was given to her by Ci Ning to drive away her nightmares, it is said to be a relic of her mother, and such a strange phenomenon had never occurred in the past, she reached into the front of her clothes and touched it, the touch was cold, the smell The chill penetrated into her heart through her skin with a strong ominous feeling...

Something happened to Lemon!definitely is!

Could it be that something happened to Ci Ning, Xue Yuan, and Heng Er?
Cheng Zi jumped up, fear and panic nearly wiped her out instantly, what should I do?How to do? !

She tried to force herself to calm down, she didn't plan to go out today, Yan Song also went to his master Cheng Yi's place, when she finds someone to rush to Juxianju, it may be too late!

She looked down at Doudou, the Skyfire dog who was also restless... She had to go immediately!

Cheng Zi put the puppy into the spirit beast bag, put on a hood to cover his head and face, and relied on his powerful spiritual sense to avoid the patrolling guards and piercing servants all the way. government.

Quickly walking through several streets and alleys, Cheng Zi walked to an unoccupied corner, took out a black cloak with a hood from the storage bag, put it on, put on a mask, then released the puppy from the spirit beast bag, and put it on Holding her in her arms, she whispered, "It's up to you..."

Cheng Yi, who was talking with his disciple Yan Song in the cave mansion, suddenly frowned, stood up abruptly and walked out of the cave mansion, looking towards Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Seeing Master's solemn expression, Yan Song quickly asked, "Master, what happened?"

"There's something big happening on the Kunlun Immortal Mountain!" At the same time, all the sects and casual cultivators around the Kunlun Immortal Mountain were all palpitating, and they all went to a high place and looked towards the south of the city, but no one dared to act rashly.

Immortals and mortals live together in the Kunlun Fairy Mountains. The emperor in the palace controls the secular power, but the sects really hold the highest power.

The powerful coercion suddenly erupted from the southern part of Kunlun Xianshan. The eighth-rank immortal Hong Pan is a master of seventh-rank crafting. Even if he is in retreat, he can feel it. After bowing and saluting, they also noticed a change in Kunlun Xianshan.

Hong Pan nodded casually, and with a flash of light under his feet, he had already flown above the sky.

"Where is the master? This seat is Hong Pan of the Immortal Spirit Sect. Fellow Daoists, please show up and see!"

Hong Pan's voice was not loud, and his tone was soothing. He seemed to be chatting casually with friends around him, but everyone in Kunlun Fairy Mountain could hear him clearly, as if someone was speaking right next to his ear.

Afterwards, the two fifth-rank elders who followed up felt terrified. If the high-ranking eighth-rank patriarch in his sect could speak so politely, the other party might have a lot of background.

One of the fifth-rank elders couldn't help asking: "Master Hong, what kind of cultivation is the other party?"

Hong Pan frowned deeply, and said word by word: "The late stage of the eighth rank."

The two fifth-rank elders looked at each other in amazement, Hong Pan in front of him was only the early eighth-rank, and the late eighth-rank immortal looked at the five great sects, but there were only three of them.

Kunlun Xianshan is the territory of Xianlingzong, so who is it?Could it be an enemy from Xuantianzong?
The three stood in the clouds in shock, but they didn't know that the "culprit" who made them uneasy was even more restless than them.

Cheng Zi hastily let the Skyfire Dog unleash most of its power, and forgot to tell the Skyfire Dog to restrain its coercion. As a result, the entire Kunlun Immortal Mountain was alarmed.

Tianhuo dog Doudou was so stupid that he didn't know that he had caused trouble, and he only cared about the safety of Xueyuan and the others. His consciousness swept the entire Kunlun Fairy Mountain in an instant like quicksilver, and soon found Xueyuan and the three of them.It didn't care about shocking the world, it turned and flew into the air, passed by countless houses, and appeared in a small courtyard on the side of Juxianju in a blink of an eye.

Xueyuan and the other three were sitting cross-legged on the ground at the moment, surrounded by circles of churning black mist that was slowly shrinking the circle and approaching them.

The three of them closed their eyes tightly, their expressions distorted as if they were suffering from great pain.

There are three other people in the small courtyard, they are the two of the three masters of Danhuo and Leliu. When Tianhuogou saw this scene, he knew that these three bastards must be responsible.

Le Liu saw that the two Nan brothers were unable to attack for a long time even after using the magic weapon handed down by the young suzerain.

He was shocked and raised his eyes to look at the source of the coercion, only to see a monster with a mask and a black cloak appearing on the wall like a ghost.

Brother Nan felt that something was wrong a long time ago. He took a moment to glance at the direction of Chengzi and Tianhuogou. He was not sure whether he should continue to attack or retreat. When did Kunlun Xianshan come to such a powerful person?

They had obviously tried their best to restrain themselves, was this person just passing by or came here specially to find their bad luck?
Before they could figure it out, Hong Pan's shout came. Cheng Zi didn't expect to startle the local snake so quickly. In desperation, he only wanted Tianhuogou to get rid of these three villains as soon as possible.

At this time, the orange surrounded by the black mist finally couldn't bear it, and her body trembled violently. The nearby black mist scrambled towards her, and the three of them joined forces to resist the black fog. If the orange fell If it is broken, the protective circle will be broken immediately, and the other two will not be spared by then.

Cheng Zi couldn't understand this, but only knew that the three of them were going to die, and hurriedly called the Skyfire Dog to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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