the first god

Chapter 241 Mysterious and Familiar People

Chapter 241 Mysterious and Familiar People

Therefore, Yangshen Pill has the reputation of being the king of the seventh-grade elixir. Apart from the difficulty of finding materials, it is also notoriously difficult to refine.

Two years ago, Cheng Zi saw that his master was preparing to refine various elixir for Yangshen Pill, because this kind of elixir is also very useful for Yunyou, so now Yunyou is almost doing his best to collect the materials he needs .

And Gou Chishi refines "Tongqiao Pill", which is similar in use to Yangshen Pill, but its effect is slightly inferior, and the difficulty of refining is relatively low. Gou Chishi didn't think that Ma Yunteng would dare to take the risk to challenge Yangshen Pill when he came up. Dan, so in terms of momentum, he lost first.

Including Chengzi, no one knows why Ma Yunteng made such a choice, but Chengzi knows that Ma Yunteng should be quite sure. They have discussed in private more than once the recipe, the heat in the refining process and Among the various problems that need to be paid attention to when merging the ingredients of the elixir, the only difference is the last step of practice.

Gou Chishi's medicinal fragrance in the cauldron became more and more intense, and he began to skillfully change his fingerprints to control the five-grade real fire in the cauldron to stir various medicines and mix them.

Ma Yunteng was calm and relaxed, feeling carefully until a certain critical point was reached, when suddenly he struck the ding with both palms, and the ding was sunken in by his slap!
What kind of shoddy goods is this?Even if you are afraid, you will be flattened? !
Everyone from Xianlingzong and Subaozhai who hurried to help out couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene.

Ma Yunteng didn't seem to be satisfied, so he pressed the ding ding, kneaded and patted it for a while, playing with a good ding ding like dough.

Cheng Zi and the few people present who knew about alchemy suddenly understood that this alchemy tripod was not a fake or shoddy, on the contrary, one of its major characteristics is that it can be twisted and changed at will!

Other people alchemy only thought of controlling the alchemy fire in the cauldron to stir the essence of various elixir to mix them, but Ma Yunteng came up with such a weird way to make up for the lack of control between his golden elixir real fire and Gou Chishi's fifth-grade real fire difference in

He rubbed, kneaded and patted seemingly without any rules, but in fact, he moved according to his subtle perception of the conditions of the various elixir in the cauldron, and every stroke was just right.

The elixir fragrance in the two people's cauldron became stronger and stronger one after another, and the colorful clouds in the sky rolled up and slowly gathered on the two people's heads. This is the celestial phenomenon that will occur when the elixir of the seventh rank or above is practiced.When the elixir is released, the colorful clouds in the sky will cast rainbow light on the danding. The rainbow light will have at most seven colors, and at least one color. The more colors, the better the quality of the elixir.

Everyone stared nervously at the sky for a while, and sized up their respective alchemy for a while, and the outcome would be decided in a short while.

Gou Chishi's expression became more and more dignified, his handprints changed faster and faster, and finally he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Open!"

The cauldron he used spewed out a column of fire that soared into the sky, and three round red pills were slowly revealed in the firelight...

Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, five colors of rainbow light shone on the three pills!
Gou Chishi was very proud. He had refined seventh-grade pills many times, and most of them could only produce three-color rainbow lights. This time, five colors appeared, which means that this Tongqiao pill has at least reached the upper-middle quality. It is very rare to refine three complete pills.He dared to say that none of the other seventh-rank alchemists of Xuantianzong could compare with him.

For most seventh-rank alchemists to make alchemy, it is not bad to be able to appear two-color rainbow light, and more of them barely make one or even fail.

Although most of the people present were not good at alchemy, they all knew what the celestial phenomena caused by a furnace of seventh-grade elixir and the number of alchemy would represent. Many people looked worriedly at Ma Yunteng's side.

Ma Yunteng's expression was so calm from the beginning to the end, even with a smile on his face, as if he was not fighting life and death, but doing something that made him happy physically and mentally.

He stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, a pillar of fire shot straight towards the colorful clouds in the sky, and the purple pill was faintly visible in the pillar of fire... no more, no less, three pieces!
Gou Chishi's face was a bit ugly, but after thinking about it, even if Ma Yunteng could refine three Yangshen Pills, it's notoriously difficult to refine these pills, and the three-color rainbow light is enough to look down on Xuantianzong. Most of the seventh-rank alchemists, how can they compare with his five-color rainbow light? !
Whether the pill is difficult to refine or not, only he and Ma Yunteng have the right to speak here, and he can insist on the amount of Hongguang as the standard. ), even with a few other disciples who are not good enough, they are no match for him and Cao Nima.

In fact, Gou Chishi regretted it a little. He knew that he shouldn't have listened to Cao Nima's nonsense and competed with Ma Yunteng in alchemy, and gave him time to save the soldiers.

The colorful clouds above Ma Yunteng's head began to cast rainbow lights one after another...

Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo... blue, purple? !
It's a pity that the purple light disappeared completely in just a flash, and it didn't really project on the Yangshen Pill, but even so, the six-color rainbow light flashed clearly, which clearly showed Ma Yunteng's victory.

There was a burst of thunderous applause around, Ma Yunteng brushed the hem of his clothes and stood up, putting the three Yangshen Pills into the jade bottle.The colorful clouds and rainbow light in the sky finally dissipated bit by bit.

Gou Chishi's complacent expression froze instantly, and he glared at Ma Yunteng viciously, as if he wanted to tear him apart!

how is this possible? !how is this possible? !
Ma Yunteng is only a sixth-rank alchemist, and his alchemy relies on the golden core real fire, how could it be comparable to his fifth-rank real fire? !For a sixth-rank alchemist to refine a seventh-rank Yangshen pill to be able to forge a six-color rainbow light celestial phenomenon, even in Xuantianzong, it is a shocking miracle!He couldn't imagine anyone else who could have such a heaven-defying talent.

He, a seventh-rank alchemist, lost to a sixth-rank alchemist!If this matter spreads, what will the Young Sect Master think of him? !
When Gou Chishi thought of the young master of Xuantian Sect, it was as if he was suddenly doused with a bucket of ice water on a hot day, and he didn't want to suddenly jump up and rush towards Ma Yunteng.

He wants to kill him, only his death can wash away his humiliation!In order to completely eliminate the possibility of being replaced as an abandoned child.

He attacked Ma Yunteng, the sixth-rank fairy, with his early seventh-rank cultivation base regardless of his identity. The two were so close that even Yunyou couldn't save them in time.

Many people screamed and cursed, seeing that the flames from Gou Chishi's palm were about to engulf Ma Yunteng, suddenly a golden sword flew out of the sky and struck at Gou Chishi. Gou Chishi was also made by a seventh-rank immortal monarch!
If Gou Chishi insisted on continuing to attack, his head would be split in half on the spot.After all, it was his own life that mattered, so Gou Chishi had no choice but to withdraw his palm and turn around to avoid this fatal sword.

Yunyou's reaction was only slightly inferior to that of the owner of the golden sword. After Gou Chishi made an offensive, she was already in front of Ma Yunteng, blocking him behind her.

It is better not to disclose Ma Yunteng's current cultivation base.

Gou Chishi's sure blow was suddenly destroyed by someone... He shouted furiously, "Where did Xiaoxiao come from!"

A thin old man in black slowly came out from behind a nearby boulder, but no one noticed that there was someone hiding nearby.

And this person is a seventh-rank fairy!
The mysterious black-clothed old man who suddenly appeared had cloudy eyes, as if he hadn't woken up. He walked forward slowly, squinted at Gou Chishi and said, "It's really shameless to sneak up and plot against you if you lose!"

His voice was like the sound of steel files rubbing against metal, which made people get goosebumps.The golden sword that had saved Ma Yunteng's life earlier flew back to his head lightly, like a piece of paper without weight, without any trace of the fierce and swift terror.

Gou Chishi did such a thing in public, and even Cao Nima felt a burst of blush.Originally, he thought that Gou Chishi would definitely win against Ma Yunteng, so he urged him to compete with Ma Yunteng in alchemy, firstly, he could get rid of Ma Yunteng in a fair manner, and secondly, he could completely suppress the arrogance of Tianyuanmen.

Ma Yunteng fully demonstrated the influence of a sixth-rank peak alchemist. The three major sects in the Wanling Immortal Realm knew that Tianyuanmen had such a powerful young leader, and two of them couldn't wait to make friends with Tianyuanmen. Sparing no effort to support them, although Penglai Sect wants to become a first-class sect, there is still a considerable gap in strength between them, so the matter of conquering Tianyuan Sect has become full of obstacles.

Cao Nima, who was in charge of subduing Tianyuanmen, was under a lot of pressure. The suzerain wanted him to take it under his banner while preserving most of the strength of Tianyuanmen, which Cao Nima thought was impossible.

So he wanted to use Gou Chishi's power to get rid of Ma Yunteng. Anyway, Penglai Sect had already joined Xuantian Sect, and it would be easier for Tianyuan Sect to control it without a sixth-grade alchemist.

Gou Chishi once personally went to Wudazong to deal with Chengzi and others, but their whereabouts were erratic, changing identities from time to time in order to "do good", and they were more slippery than loach.It is difficult for Xuantianzong's power to play a role in the five major sects. Gou Chishi ran around for a long time and couldn't find them. He didn't expect to meet Ma Yunteng and the others by chance.

Here he met Cao Nima, and the two hit it off immediately, and together they approached Ma Yunteng in the name of seeking revenge.

Cao Nima suffered too many times, and he was full of thoughts about using Gou Chishi to crush Ma Yunteng, but instead he threw a stone and hit himself in the foot. He had a lot of thoughts about Gou Chishi in his heart: what is the most outstanding seventh-rank alchemist of Xuantianzong?It can't compare to Ma Yunteng, the sixth rank!The airs are higher than my suzerain, but he even missed a sixth-rank immortal.

Gou Chishi had already lost face anyway, and he gave it all up. He stared fiercely at Ma Yunteng's direction and said, "No matter what, I must kill you today!"

"Brother Cao, as long as you do me this favor, I will recommend you to become the first-class guest elder of Xuantianzong!" Gou Chishi said to Cao Nima.

Xuantianzong's first-class guest elder? !This is not the kind of treatment that any sixth-grade immortal who is attached to Xuantianzong can get, Cao Nima's heart moved.

The mysterious black-clothed old man quacked and said with a strange laugh: "What a skill, if you really have such authority, why would you come here alone?"

Cao Nima already had contempt for Gou Chishi in his heart, and when he heard the old man's words, he immediately wavered. He disobeyed the suzerain's order for him, and if he was unable to fulfill the promise by then, wouldn't he be empty-handed?

"Master Gou, since we have an appointment with Ma Yunteng, we might as well let it go today." Cao Nima persuaded.

People from Xianlingzong and Subaozhai are all there, and they have already made a mistake. According to Cao Nima's thinking, since it is impossible to make it clear, it is better to come to the dark and look for an opportunity to assassinate Ma Yunteng.Not only can he explain to the suzerain, but he can also vent his anger and revenge for Gou Chishi.On the surface, he persuaded Gou Chishi, and secretly told him his thoughts through voice transmission.

Gou Chishi looked around at the people in front of him. Originally, he and Cao Nima were more than enough to deal with these people, but another seventh-rank fairy appeared temporarily. Although it seemed that his cultivation was only at the early stage of seventh rank, even if they won two against two, it would be a miserable victory. What's more, Cao Nima is obviously unwilling to kill Yunyou and the head disciples of Tianyuanmen, and he will not openly conflict with the people of Xianlingzong and Subaozhai.

There is nothing to do today, and it is indeed the best way to find another opportunity to plot and kill Ma Yunteng.

Gou Chishi gave Ma Yunteng a cold look, flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

Ma Yunteng's attention was not on him at all, but on the mysterious old man in black.

It was "she" who came!finally came back!
Cheng Zi was also paying attention to the mysterious black-clothed old man who suddenly appeared. She should have never seen this man before, but she always felt a sense of familiarity with him, which made her feel very kind.Could it be someone I knew before?

There was also eagerness in Yunyou's eyes.

With the departure of Gou Chishi and Cao Nima, the atmosphere here became more enthusiastic. People from Subaozhai and Xianlingzong witnessed Ma Yunteng's ability with their own eyes, and felt that it was too prescient for them to spare no effort to befriend Tianyuanmen up.

Ma Yunteng can beat the long-known seventh-rank alchemist of Xuantianzong with only the pinnacle of the sixth-rank. In addition, his disciple Cheng Zi shined brilliantly in the five major alchemist competitions at a young age. Even Xuantianzong's alchemist was defeated by her, and becoming an ally with such outstanding two masters and apprentices will bring countless benefits in the future.

Yunyou cupped her hands to the mysterious old man in black and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister, for your help!"

Before Yunyou could speak, Ma Yunteng had already walked over. Just now, he was acting like a fairy teacher, but when he came in front of this mysterious black-clothed old man, his attitude changed drastically.

People who are used to seeing Ma Yunteng's arrogant and arrogant virtue almost doubt their own eyes. He has never been so enthusiastic and active towards Yunyou.

The old man in black gave him a sideways glance, and his eyes turned to Cheng Zi.

Chengzi thought for a while, then looked back at Ma Yunteng, and walked over with strides.

The mysterious old man in black held Chengzi with one hand, and said to Ma Yunteng, "Lead the way!"

"Go to your place!"

The old man in black said to Ma Yunteng, who was staring at him in a daze, angrily and amusedly, that expression seemed a bit charming and coquettish in Cheng Zi's eyes!
An old man is charming and coquettish towards his master? !Cheng Zi shuddered, thinking that he must be dazzled.

"Oh!" Ma Yunteng came to his senses and took them to his residence.

Back at the residence, Ma Yunteng finally came to his senses, cleared out all the idlers, and then brought the old man in black, Yunyou and Chengzi into his quiet room.

(End of this chapter)

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