the first god

Chapter 242 Mo Orange

Chapter 242 Mo Orange
The room was empty, and the old man in black stretched out his hand to caress a medicine shovel hanging on the wall, and sighed, "You still have this thing with you..."

This time Cheng Zi could hear clearly, it was a clear and sweet female voice!

"I will keep everything you gave me carefully." Ma Yunteng replied.

The "old man" turned his head slowly with a medicine shovel in his hand, and the old man with bird skin and white hair suddenly turned into a pretty lady with a cloudy nose and beautiful face.

Cheng Zi exclaimed in surprise: "Master!"

Yunyou was also very excited: "Big sister!"

Seeing the master and the elder sister looking at each other "with affection", Cheng Zi felt that she seemed a little redundant, and moved her body to sneak out, so as not to hinder the two of them talking about the old days.

The "seventh-rank fairy" (actually the ninth-rank Dzogchen) who suddenly appeared was Ma Yunteng's chief disciple, Mo Ju, and Mo Ju suddenly said to Cheng Zi: "I will talk about other things later. Cheng Zi, prepare yourself. Later, bring the puppy and follow me to kill Gou Chishi and Cao Nima!"

"What?!" Cheng Zi's eyes widened. Did she hear wrong?The elder sister actually asked her to kill someone as soon as she opened her mouth? !Those who killed were still two immortals of the sixth and seventh ranks!

This, this, is this too much to think of her? She kills birds and rabbits to make do, and killing people is very unprofessional.

Ma Yunteng was also taken aback by Moju's words: "If you want to kill those two, just ask Yunyou for help. How can you let Chengzi go?"

"Why not? This is an excellent opportunity to practice your mobile phone! Both Yunyou and I can ensure that Orange has nothing to worry about. She is also a late-stage fifth-rank fairy after merging with the puppy. It is up to her to kill this in one fell swoop." The meaning of the two people." Mo Ju took it for granted.

"But, I... I still don't dare..." Chengzi said in a stuttering voice. She was not surprised why the senior sister knew the secret between her and Doudou. She could guess from the senior sister's surname that they both came from the same age. Mo tribe, she should be her own clan relative.

She didn't understand why the elder sister suddenly "entrusted her with a heavy responsibility..."

She doesn't have the guts at all, the other party is the sixth-rank and seventh-rank immortals!
With her three-legged cat, it would be good if she was not killed.

"No one is born with this. You should have guessed something about yourself. As you are now, what should you do when the enemy comes to your door? Are you hiding behind the master again? Even if he takes his life for you, he will stop you." I can't live with those people." Mo Ju said mercilessly.

Cheng Zi lowered his head, unable to utter a word of rebuttal.

Ma Yunteng couldn't bear to see her like this, and persuaded Mo Ju: "Although Cao Nima is hateful, it doesn't matter at the moment. We can wait for Gou Chishi to kill him to avenge the people of the Mo tribe when he is on the order. Oranges will be defeated one by one. It's much less difficult."

"I'm afraid you will be killed by the two of them together, Master, before Gou Chishi is alone. He has the secret treasure to kill the Dzogchen at the peak of the eighth rank." Mo Ju sneered.

"Gou Chishi's narrow-mindedness is the most taboo talent. When you are the seventh-rank alchemist of Xuantianzong, everyone is not as good as him? No one dares to surpass him at all, otherwise you will just wait for bad luck. You are in public today. If he loses all his face and doesn't kill you, he will never be willing to leave, with Cao Nima as a good helper, how can he easily separate from him?"

Ma Yunteng sighed and said, "That's also a matter for me as a master. How can I let my apprentice take risks?"

He is naturally happy that the eldest apprentice is worried about his safety, but if he pushes Chengzi into danger because of this, of course he will not allow it.

"You are more nervous about her than I am." Mo Ju snorted softly.

Chengzi sniffled, moved to Ma Yunteng's side and said, "Master, I'll go! Don't quarrel with the elder sister."

Mo Ju settled down and said: "I'm not trying to force her. She will have to face these things sooner or later. I already have a detailed plan in my heart. If Cheng Zi really can't do it, then we Mo people have to accept our fate and I will inform Others, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, don't expect revenge, and keep the blood of our Mo people to live in seclusion. As for Chengzi, I will take her to escape overseas and hide her identity for the rest of her life."

Chengzi half understood, but she knew very well that Ma Yunteng had a lot of unfinished business, and those things were even more important than his life. She couldn't ask him to let go of everything and flee overseas with her. Separated.

She really doesn't want to be separated from Ma Yunteng, she wants to stay with him in the future, they said they would always be together.

"I...I can do it!" Cheng Zi gritted his teeth.

Mo Ju smiled, patted her head and said, "Good boy."

This action, this smile was so familiar, Cheng Zi was shocked, and hugged Mo Ju unconsciously: "Master..."

Mo Ju was taken aback for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "You child, haven't you been weaned yet?"


Cheng Zi stared at her blankly, the appearance of the young and beautiful Ninth Rank female fairy in front of her was very different from the old, skinny, ordinary old woman that came to her mind recently, but the feeling was unmistakable!

A part of her previously lost memory came back.

It must be the Nine-Tailed Phantom Fox who broke the magic spell in her heart.

Although her aunt has "passed away" for several years, she has been with her aunt and wandered around for a long time as long as she can remember. She will never forget the feeling from the beginning, let alone misunderstand it.

"You...why?" Although Chengzi had a premonition that the aunt who died that year was not her real aunt, she still didn't understand why she suddenly decided to leave. She was already very obedient, why did she leave her alone? ?

"Although I had joined the Tianyuan Sect for a long time, the imprint belonging to the Mo people on my body could not be completely eliminated, it could only be temporarily covered, so most of the time I dare not be with you, for fear of being discovered by the masters who came to hunt down the Mo people. Then I found you, but those people still came, I had no choice but to feign death and leave, and lead the pursuers away."

"Master and Yunyou are people I can trust, so I let you meet them by chance and brought you back to Tianyuanmen."

Moju didn't want to make Chengzi feel uncomfortable, so he briefly explained the situation at the beginning.

Cheng Zi bowed her head and said nothing. All the doubts she had when she got along with her "aunt" in the past have finally been explained coherently. She wants to ask her where her real relatives are, but she also knows that the answer may be scary.

Ma Yunteng saw that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he said to Mo Ju: "Gou Chishi has a high position in Xuantianzong now, I'm afraid it's impossible to spend a long time here, once he is killed, Xuantianzong will definitely react , On the contrary, it is easy to attract attention. I will act more carefully these days, and wait for him to leave by himself."

Mo Ju bitterly said: "This person betrayed the Mo clan and killed many of our clansmen. He is in the Xuantian Sect and we have nothing to do with him. It's rare for him to go out alone this time. If we don't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him in the future." Yes. And that Cao Nimo, what do you think he is? Three years ago, he and those thieves from the Xuan clan besieged and killed hundreds of women and children from our Mo clan!"

Ma Yunteng knew that he couldn't persuade Mo Ju, but luckily Mo Ju was never impulsive and reckless, since she already had a plan, there must be a certain chance of winning.He is very clear about the significance of Chengzi to Moju and to the entire Mo tribe. If he is not sure enough, Moju will not be willing to let Chengzi take risks.

Having figured this out, Ma Yunteng no longer stopped Mo Ju: "What are you going to do?"

Mo Ju groaned for a moment and said, "I guess Gou Chishi and Cao Nima will do it soon. Is there anything to do recently?"

"Two days later, a sixth-rank immortal from the Immortal Spirit Sect will visit Wuli City. Juxianju has sent an invitation letter to invite him to come and have a gathering. Originally, I was also invited. If you want to give that If the two of you have a chance to fight, I can just think of an excuse and refuse to go." Ma Yunteng said, his arrogance is notorious, and no one would suspect that he temporarily rejected this kind of gathering.

Mo Ju smiled and said, "Okay, it's only three days later. Later, you spread the news that I will be a guest in Wuli City for a period of time. It is best to let others think that I am from the Immortal Sect."

Chengzi let out a muffled "Oh".

Ma Yunteng was puzzled: "Since you want to lure them into the bait, wouldn't it be better to let them think that you have left?"

"If there is no one around you to protect you, I'm afraid they will become suspicious and refuse to take the bait." Mo Ju explained her plan in detail.

Cheng Zi knew that the senior sister must have a lot to say, so she memorized every detail of the plan, checked it with them, and got up to leave after confirming that it was correct.

Back at the residence, there was a lot of sound transmission symbols in front of the door. She opened it, and every time she opened a sound transmission symbol, she could hear a familiar voice greeting her and asking about her recent situation, and even more complaining, introducing her recent situation Yes, those who ask for alchemy and so on.

She was sitting by the door smiling and listening to these words that made her warm and kind. Suddenly, a thought popped up in her heart. She wondered how her relatives of the Mo clan were doing now. The tone of the big sister seemed to be very bad.

Eldest Sister just mentioned the matter of the Mo clan and even the Xuantian Sect in front of her without hesitation, presumably she did not intend to continue to hide it from her, maybe it was because the situation was critical and she couldn't wait any longer, maybe she felt that it was time for her to face the reality when.

Asking her to kill Gou Chishi and Cao Nima together is just the beginning, and there will not be a few more days left for her peaceful days. Thinking of this, Chengzi is no longer in the mood to smile.

At this moment, another sound transmission talisman flew over, picked up the orange and opened it, and this time it was Ma Yunteng's voice: "If you have nothing to do, take a rest first."

His tone can't be called gentle, but when Cheng Zi thinks that he took time to send her this in the middle of the discussion with the two senior sisters, his heart is sweet and sour, and he can't tell what it feels like

In the middle of the night, Chengzi felt that there was someone beside her, and she opened her eyes in a daze. In the silvery moonlight, she saw Ma Yunteng walking into the room with her in his arms.

"Master?" Chengzi unconsciously moved over, and Doudou woke up at some point, squinting her eyes and crawling up on Chengzi with the same confused expression, and then hugged Ma Yunteng, feeling very affectionate.

Originally, Ma Yunteng was the only person other than Chengzi who was able to make the puppy work smoothly. The puppy has always been a little in awe of him, and he obeyed his words. I don’t know how long Xueyuan and the others have secretly envied him.

Ma Yunteng put Chengzi on the bed in the room, hugged the puppy with one hand and rubbed it, and gently touched Chengzi's face with the other hand and said, "Why did you fall asleep while lying on the table? Didn't you say you don't have to wait for me?"

Cheng Zi rubbed his hand, said "hmm", and gradually regained consciousness bit by bit, got up and said to him: "There is a lot of food in the kitchen, leave when you are full, I went to Dan I made a trip to the room and made some pills, which you just happened to take back."

Ma Yunteng watched her jump out of bed and walk across the hall to the kitchen. After the sound of pots and pans, the aroma of food soon came.

When he came, he saw the lights in Chengzi's house from a distance, and knew that Chengzi was waiting for him, and his heart was filled with warmth for a moment. When he walked in, he saw Chengzi lighting the lamp in the hall, and fell asleep lying on the table.He didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart, a little distressed, but also satisfied.

No matter at any time, as long as he turns his head, he can see Cheng Zi's small figure guarding behind him, isolating all the coldness, loneliness and hesitation.

Orange dinner prepared a lot of delicious things, but it was a pity that Ma Yunteng was not there. Fortunately, she had a meal box made of citrus in her kitchen, which could keep the food as if it was freshly baked for a day or two, so Ma Yunteng put it in front of it soon. A big table of meals was served.

Ma Yunteng looked at the dishes that were more than one size smaller than usual and said strangely; "Why are the portions of each dish so small?"

"Ah? You don't have enough? I left a copy for everyone, you can take it to them later." Cheng Zi jumped up and was about to go to the kitchen to add vegetables, but Ma Yunteng grabbed him with one hand.

"What do you care about them?" Ma Yunteng's last sentence was a bit sour.

Why does his Chengzi not understand the idea of ​​emphasizing sex over friends, every time he cooks something delicious, Chengzi will give those guys a share, hum!
Cheng Zi was relieved, and took out a few more jade bottles. As usual, the pills in the white jade bottles were for Ma Yunteng, and the rest of the green jade bottles were for other people. The former was refined in a normal pill furnace, and the latter , Naturally, Doudou vomited.

Ma Yunteng finally felt a little differential treatment, and his face looked better again.

The handsome young man under the lamp is beautiful and delicious. The appearance of Ma Yunteng eating happily is very elegant and good-looking in Chengzi's eyes. I don't know if this is beauty in the eye of the beholder. Never tire of watching.

After Ma Yunteng was sent away, Chengzi had no dreams until dawn.

In the next two days, she was very busy. While socializing with the five immortals who came to see her, she secretly rehearsed with Mo Ju and Ma Yunteng to prepare for the murder two days later.

Under Ma Yunteng's deliberate publicity, the entire Wuli City knew that there was a seventh-rank fairy here as a guest, but this person was withdrawn and only lived in the residence of the master and apprentice of Tianyuanmen, and never went out. Never bothered.

Things developed as they had envisioned. On the morning of the third day, Mo Ju's plan was officially launched. This time, they set up a trap in an uninhabited place in Lingyun Mountain.

Lingyun Mountain stretches for nearly a hundred miles, and the Lingyun Sect only occupies a few main peaks with relatively abundant aura, and the large forests nearby are almost uninhabited.The magical power of an immortal monarch above the seventh rank is no small matter, a gesture of his hand is enough to flatten a small mountain, even if the world is turned upside down in those uninhabited places, the impact on the Lingyun faction will be limited.

(End of this chapter)

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