the first god

Chapter 257 Mo Ju visits

Chapter 257 Mo Ju visits
On the third day of Heng Zhi's coma, Heng Er went to see him early in the morning as usual, and when he walked to the bed, he found that his face was a little uglier than yesterday, his pale complexion was lifeless and wrinkled.

wrinkle? !Heng Er was startled, and looked closely, it was really wrinkled!
Hengzhi is a cultivator of immortality, how could he have wrinkles so quickly? !
Heng Er carefully stretched out his fingers to lightly touch his face, the skin without elasticity felt very weird.

She plucked up the courage to rub it a little harder, and the entire piece of skin the size of a fingernail was rubbed off!

Heng Er was so frightened that he almost screamed, but the piece of skin that peeled off did not seep blood, but instead revealed a small piece of jade-like smooth and delicate skin.

How is this going? !
"Hengzhi has experienced silent thunder, and he has been reborn. His muscles, bones, hair and skin have taken on a new look. His physical strength will be close to that of the Ninth Grade Immortal Monarch, and he will wake up in two days at most."

Yunyou's voice came from behind Heng Er, full of emotion and joy.It was only at this moment that she was really sure about Hengzhi's situation.

Hearing this, Heng Er completely let go of his heart, turned around and said, "Yuzi, you have to promise!"

Yunyou looked at her with a complicated expression and nodded, and said: "There seems to be some movement on Xueyuan's side, maybe it will be promoted in less than a month. You go back today and have a good rest. After a while, you may have to retreat to consolidate your realm .”

Heng Er knew that he couldn't help and couldn't stay, so he left obediently.

Yunyou knows that the two of them have a deep relationship, so it is needless to say that Heng Er is obedient to Heng Zhi's words. What happened to Er, Heng Zhi must be the first to jump up and defend her regardless of the consequences.

In the eyes of others, two days pass in the blink of an eye, but in Heng Er's eyes, it feels like years.According to Yunyou, Hengzhi can leave the customs at noon at the latest. She got up early to make Hengzhi's favorite chicken noodle soup, and was about to wait in front of the cave where Hengzhi retreated, when suddenly she saw a figure flashing outside the door, A familiar voice came: "You are not stupid to the end, you made delicious food early in the morning and waited for me..."

Heng Er raised his head in disbelief, and Heng Zhi was standing by the door, looking at her with a relaxed expression and a smile on his face.

It was Heng Er who wept loudly to welcome Heng Zhi to leave the customs early.

"Okay! Don't cry, okay? I'm fine. Why do you cry so much? It's useless!" Heng Er looked weakly at the clothes covered with Heng Er's tears and snot. Just replaced after closing.

"What does my crying have to do with you?!" Heng Er sobbed.

It seems that it really doesn't matter. Some people cry because of weakness and pain, but Heng Er often cries for him.Thinking of this, Hengzhi's heart softened, he rubbed her head and said, "I'll be fine, you don't have to be afraid."

Heng Er didn't speak, he picked up Heng Zhi's sleeve and wiped his face with resentment, then brought chicken noodle soup for him to eat.

In fact, they don't need to eat or drink anymore, but Heng Zhi and they can't change their habits for a while, and Heng Zhi is also a senior foodie, he is very particular about food and drink, and the food and drink he makes are very delicious.

Although Heng Er loves to eat, he has no talent for cooking, and his skills are not good enough, and the noodles are a bit mushy.

It seems that the taste is still very good, Heng Er saw that Heng Zhi was very happy and ate the whole pot, and pulled out the jade pendant hanging around his neck with great determination: "You take a little blood, Is it okay to seal it on this jade pendant?"

"What?" Heng Zhi asked inexplicably.

Heng Er didn't answer, but just looked at him persistently.

Hengzhi suddenly understood that she was afraid that something would happen to him in the future, with his blood, maybe he could remake his body like a nine-tailed phantom fox, and then he still had a chance to be reborn.

It turned out that I made her so uneasy... Heng Zhi didn't say a word, he stretched out his fingertips and made a light cut between the eyebrows, condensed his true energy and printed three drops of blood essence into the jade pendant.

Heng Er said with red eyes: "I hope that I will never have the chance to use these three drops of blood..."

"Fool!" Heng Zhi hugged her, and he didn't want Heng Er to be like a nine-tailed phantom fox, saddened by Fen Biqin's accidental death.

"I just said that when Hengzhi leaves the gate, he must come to see Heng Er first!" Yunyou's voice came from outside the door, so frightened that Heng Er quickly pushed Heng Zhi away and sat up straight.

"It's not about catching rape in bed, why are you nervous? Everyone knows about the relationship between the two of you." Yunyou didn't care about the little girl's face at all, and walked with Ma Yunteng and Chengzi while yelling loudly came in.

"Senior Sister Eleven, stop talking, Heng Er's ears are red." Cheng Zi said without thinking.

Heng Er's neck turned red on the spot.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Ma Yunteng smiled and smoothed things over: "We are here to ask Heng Zhi about comprehending "Tian Bing Jue."

Ma Yunteng took out the statue of the Ice and Fire God King and put it on the table, saying: "This piece of Chaos Ice and Fire Jade, no one is sure of its usefulness, from the cheats left by the Ice and Fire God King and the phrase 'reversing yin and yang, ice and fire' under the stone statue, this sentence In other words, it should be related to the idea of ​​the ice and fire god king condensing fire into ice and turning ice into fire. You, of course, might use oranges and limes, and whoever wants to use them."

The reason why Ma Yunteng didn't give Hengzhi in private, but let everyone talk about it, is because he wanted to show that he has no selfish intentions, and he doesn't want to leave a rift between several people.

The Chaos Ice and Fire Jade is indeed useless to the rest of the people, and whether Cheng Zi and Heng Zhi can penetrate the secrets in the end depends on their chances.

In the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King, Hengzhi obtained all the inheritance of "Tianbing Jue", and even miraculously promoted to the eighth rank. Apart from his own understanding and perseverance, luck is also a very important factor.

Hengzhi waved his hand carelessly and said, "If it wasn't for Doudou who managed the deadly eternal fire, it wouldn't be surprising that we would all be roasted to death in the treasure. It's just right for Chengzi to take this Chaos Ice and Fire Jade. But Chengzi, then It's up to you to clear the ink!"

Hengzhi will never hide anything from them.

Heng Er suddenly said: "Cheng Zi, I really want to ask you for a favor."

"Help? What kind of ink do you want to refine?" Cheng Zi asked strangely.

Heng Er smiled and said: "No, actually I want to borrow fire from you."

As long as the Eternal Immortal Flame is used carefully, it can quickly increase the cultivation speed of a fairy with a fire root. Now that the Eternal Immortal Fire has been swallowed by Doudou, it is natural to find an orange to borrow it.

Heng Erlian has all the props ready, which are the relics of the God of Ice and Fire.

Although this kind of fairy artifact is rare, these people have even seen the treasure of chaos, so naturally they don't pay attention to it.

These five fairy artifacts have been roughly divided according to their skills, attributes and specialties.

The relics of the Ice and Fire God King obtained by Heng Er can not only absorb starlight, but also absorb and release other light sources. Heng Er wants Doudou to spit out eternal fire, and uses the relics of the Ice and Fire God King to absorb its light and shadow, and release it slowly when she practices. The three-eyed red fire lion will benefit endlessly.

Cheng Zi repeatedly nodded in agreement. For Xianjun, strength means everything, and she also hopes that everyone can break through as soon as possible.Many things will happen in the future, and the more strength you have, the more opportunities you have.

Heng Er can find a way to quickly improve his mana cultivation, of course Cheng Zi is willing to help, and immediately took the relic of the Ice and Fire God King and thought of the ink room to store the eternal fire light and shadow sprayed out by Doudou.

After Tianyuanmen obtained the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King, Ma Yunteng began to purchase raw materials for elixir from Subaozhai.With Cheng Zi, the medicine refining genius, high-level ink medicine can be mass-produced, so he doesn't care about the spirit stone at all.

After Hengzhi came out to meet Henger Xueyuan and others, he started retreating again the next day. He had just been promoted to the eighth rank and had experienced the silent thunderstorm. He needed enough time to stabilize his realm.

Not to mention Xueyuan and the others, Hengzhi is so fierce, they are under tremendous pressure, and they are cultivating crazily like desperately. Now Yunyou has to urge them to rest every time they come to the door, lest they practice too hard and hurt their roots.

With the two powerful weapons of high-grade ice gui fairy crystal and eternal immortal fire, their cultivation efficiency is at least dozens of times that of others. In addition, there are all kinds of high-grade ink medicines, even the first-class sects in the world of all spirits may not be able to give them so well. According to the current progress, if there are no accidents, promotion within a year or two will not be a problem.

It has been two months since Ma Yunteng actually left the customs. On the day he left the customs, Mo Ju came to the door in the disguise of an ordinary fairy, relying on the token Ma Yunteng gave him, and went all the way to him in the Vulture. The cave residence on the island.

Although Moju's behavior during this period was not smooth, she was also very happy for him. The two briefly talked about their divorce, and then called Chengzi to ask her about going down the mountain to find the relics of the Ice and Fire God King.

Cheng Zi blinked and said: "I found it. The treasure of the Ice and Fire God King is located under the island in the middle of the lake in the Fallen Devil Valley. Let's go open the treasure and bring back everything inside!"

Moju only had the chance to ask about this matter today, and she was very surprised when she heard what Chengzi said. She never expected that they would go so smoothly in finding the relic of the Ice and Fire God King, let alone that they would move so quickly, even before she came. Touched the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King.

Mo Ju asked: "Is there an eternal immortal fire in the treasure?"

Cheng Zi nodded and said: "Yes, he was swallowed by Doudou, and Heng Zhi also found the "Tianbing Jue", and he has thoroughly comprehended all of them. He has already been promoted to the eighth rank!"

"What? Little Doudou swallowed the eternal fire?!" Moju changed color and exclaimed.

"Yeah... Is there something wrong?" Cheng Zi looked at Mo Ju's round eyes and asked in fear.

Mo Ju tremblingly said: "You let Doudou spit out the eternal immortal fire, let me see."

Cheng Zi took out the burning heart and frying soul cauldron, and ordered Doudou to spit fire into it.

Doudou lazily spat out a verdant green fireball into the cauldron. The fireball was very small, only the size of a wine glass, but Moju was a man of knowledge, and he could tell at a glance that it was genuine sky fire.

Mo Ju felt his throat dry, and said harshly, "How did it swallow this eternal fairy fire, please explain it in detail."

Cheng Zi obediently told the story of their entry into the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King in detail, including the process of her hiding in the warehouse alone with Doudou to fight against the dredging of the fire.

While she was talking, she secretly observed Mo Ju's expression. She looked devastated, and she felt guilty. Could it be that the fire of the sky cannot be swallowed this day?
Mo Ju said blankly: "You mean, you and Doudou took less than five days to swallow this eternal immortal fire?"

Cheng Zi timidly said: "Yes, yes!"

Mo Ju almost wanted to vomit blood, she turned her head and looked at Ma Yunteng with a wry smile, "I think her existence is simply to test my Dao heart..."

Ma Yunteng felt sorry for him: "I understand how you feel, it's really...too much!"

Cheng Zi looked at them and dared not speak.

Mo Ju stared at her for a long time like a monster, and suddenly burst out laughing: "I really want to know what that person's expression will be if he finds out that it took less than five days for you to absorb the second type of sky fire, haha Haha! It took him two full years!"

Hearing Mo Ju's words, Ma Yunteng also gloated, and most of the depression in his heart disappeared immediately: "What a peerless genius, compared with Cheng Zi, it's a thousand miles away!"

Orange is really too strong!
Cheng Zi hesitated and asked: "That the young master of Xuantian Sect?"

Mo Ju raised his eyebrows and sneered: "That's right, I was disheartened when I heard that he had successfully absorbed the third type of sky fire, but I didn't expect that! My Mo clan has hope!"

Mo Ju was happy for a while, then suddenly frowned again and said: "Chengzi can absorb the second kind of sky fire, does it mean that her Dao Heart has begun to re-condense?"

Cheng Zi didn't quite understand such a profound question, so he looked at her blankly.

Mo Ju looked at her silly expression, and said weakly: "It's because I thought too much, but it's not bad to be able to be like this."

She cheered up and grabbed Cheng Zi and asked, "Good boy, tell me, do you want to become stronger? Do you want to cultivate like Master and your friends?"

The so-called Dao heart, the most basic thing is the heart of Taoism, clearly knowing why one wants to seek immortality and learn Taoism?

Cheng Zi hesitated for a while before nodding and said: "I want to become stronger, so that I don't have to worry about others coming to trouble me and everyone, and Master doesn't have to work so hard to cultivate."

Mo Ju nodded again and again, "Cultivation is very hard and boring, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but there's nothing I can do. Master can bear it, so I should be able to..." Cheng Zi was very entangled, she didn't like to practice, not only uncomfortable and boring, but also time-consuming and dangerous.

Therefore, she has always been a first-rank fairy monarch, and she was only recently promoted to third rank by luck.

This answer is really reluctant, but Mo Ju knew not to be too hasty, so he asked again: "Are you afraid of death?"

"Of course I'm afraid. If I die, I won't be able to see Master and the others."

Mo Ju frowned slowly: "Why don't you leave Master in every word?"

Seeing that she looked fierce, Chengzi lowered her head and dared not speak.

Ma Yunteng couldn't see it, and said: "Chengzi has been with me for many years, and it is normal to miss me."

Mo Ju vaguely felt that something was wrong, but in the end it was not good to push too hard, sighed and said: "Forget it, I will find news about the other types of Tianhuo as soon as possible, Cheng Zi will work hard on you to reshape Dao Xin."

(End of this chapter)

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