the first god

Chapter 258 Special Envoy of Xuantian Sect

Chapter 258 Special Envoy of Xuantian Sect

Ma Yunteng didn't expect her to come, so he planned to leave again. He felt a little bit reluctant. This was the emotion of the original body. The original body should have had a fondness for Mo Ju, his great apprentice, but because of his status as a master and apprentice However, he never stated that when he looked at Moju, he seemed to have some affection for the original body, but because of the revival plan of the Mo clan, he didn't have time to worry about these children's love affairs.

Ma Yunteng also knows the importance of reviving the Mo family to Mo Ju, and it is not easy for her to drop everything to see him at this time.

Before Mo Ju left, he had a big problem. Even though Cheng Zi had outstanding talent, she was just an ordinary little girl who was greedy for money and fun in terms of character. She was expected to be indomitable like other monks, with a firm will to seek the truth against the sky. Easier said than done.

What's more, he didn't have the heart to restrain her to practice hard.

Orange is happy to improve in travel and battles.

Seeing Ma Yunteng's expression, Mo Ju knew what he was thinking. After sending Cheng Zi away, she solemnly said: "I will stay here for a few more days. Regarding Cheng Zi, I know you are in a difficult situation, and there is nothing I can do about it. won't teach kids..."

After talking about it, Mo Ju felt a little embarrassed.

"After the elders of the clan worked together to seal her, I took her to escape to the secular world. At that time, she just woke up and saw everything new. She asked me all kinds of strange questions all day long. I was almost dumbfounded by her questions. I was speechless, I didn't know how to get along with her... Later, I found out that there were traces of Xuantian Sect members nearby, and I had no choice but to leave her alone in a small village. In fact, at that time, I was relieved. I don't know what to do to reshape her Dao Xin, and I don't even know what kind of life I should let her live in order to be good to her. Am I useless?" Mo Ju said angrily.

In Ma Yunteng's impression, Mo Ju has always been arrogant, confident, and unrestrained, and it is rare to see her look so frustrated, probably because she trusts him, so she is willing to show such a side.Ma Yunteng quickly comforted him: "Didn't the elders of the Mo clan predict that Orange would change the fate of the Mo clan and bring hope and glory to the Mo clan? She will have her chance, so you don't have to blame yourself and worry too much."

Mo Ju raised her head and smiled, "I hope so."

Her smile is bright and clear, shining into Ma Yunteng's heart like a bright moon.

Mo Ju smiled slyly and charmingly: "From now on, you will listen to me!"

"Okay!" At this moment, Ma Yunteng is no longer the aloof and indifferent head of the Tianyuan Sect, but just an ordinary man with many friendships.

In a blink of an eye, it was Ma Yunteng's birthday again, and the birthday celebration will be held five days later.

The group of them happened to be in the Lingyun Sect of Lingyun Mountain in Wuli City. Everyone joined the Lingyun Sect and became the elders of the Keqing. Ma Yunteng was no longer an ordinary elder of the Keqing, but became the founder of the Lingyun Sect.

Because of his status as a seventh-rank alchemist, representatives from the first-class sects in the southwest area and even Xianlingzong and Qixiazong sent representatives to congratulate him solemnly.

Yunyou counted roughly the days, and Ma Yunteng also left the customs in the past few days, just taking advantage of Ma Yunteng's birthday ceremony, and introduced everyone as the elder of the Lingyun faction to everyone.

Everyone in the Lingyun Sect is so busy that their feet are not touching the ground. Today, the four eighth-rank patriarchs who are connected to the Tianzong, Yunshui, Haoran, and Misty Sects will also be present in person. In addition, there are several times more guests than expected. He only tossed the disciple in charge of the reception enough.

Ma Yunteng's master and apprentice and others were very relaxed. Chengzi changed into new clothes early in the morning, and went to see Moju with Ma Yunteng first.

It just so happened that Heng Zhi was also dressed up by Heng Er himself, ready to go out.

Heng Zhi was born handsome and extraordinary, just like the fairy in the painting, after some careful retouching, he is refreshed on happy occasions, making him look even more charming.

However, the happy event in his heart is not his success in promotion. If he hadn't found out that Chengzi and Doudou had absorbed the second kind of sky fire, he might have been secretly complacent for a long time, but with such a perverted little monster around him, he was still complacent about it. There is a ghost.

What he is really happy about is that his junior sister Heng Er seems to have finally opened up a little bit, which is commonly known as the nourishment of love.

Yunyou, Xueyuan and others soon came, and Gan Ning pulled Cheng Zi and said in a low voice: "I want to borrow fire from you again."

"No problem!" Cheng Zi touched Doudou in his arms, and agreed readily.

It happened that Ma Yunteng had something to tell Cheng Zi to do, Cheng Zi stuffed the Burning Heart and Soul Cauldron together with Doudou into Ma Yunteng's arms and said, "Mmmm!"

Ma Yunteng temporarily lived in the cave of the Lingyun sect, and all of them knew the inside story. Ma Yunteng did not deliberately avoid it, took Doudou aside, and ordered it to breathe fire into the cauldron.

Doudou never compromised on Ma Yunteng's orders, so he obediently spit out a large ball of emerald green flames into the cauldron, and let Gan Ning take out the relics of the Ice and Fire God King to collect the fairy fire light and shadow.

"You can command Doudou?!" Mo Ju's expression was shocked and strange, and his voice was somewhat sharp and piercing, and suddenly sounded from Ma Yunteng's side.

After Ma Yunteng's explanation, they finally got some ideas. Simply put, when Orange settled in Wuming Village a few years ago, it was the time when she began to reshape her Dao Xin in a hazy way, and Ma Yunteng and Yunyou happened to appear , and by coincidence, Ma Yunteng left a deep mark on her weak heart.

If these traces cannot be erased, even if she has the opportunity to ascend to a fairy in the future, she will not be able to get rid of Ma Yunteng's influence.In case of any accident to Ma Yunteng, she will also collapse accordingly.

"What's going on with the young master of Xuantian Sect?" Ma Yunteng asked in silence for a while.

He looked at Moju, he didn't know about this, and could only wait for Moju to clarify.

Mo Ju said unhappily: "He united with the traitors of the Mo tribe, mastered the weakness of Chengzi's Dao Heart, took advantage of Cheng Zi's retreat and practiced a very powerful mind attack technique to completely destroy Cheng Zi's Dao Heart, and then imprisoned her in the palace. In the middle, she wanted to leave a trace on her heart when she reshaped her Dao Xin, and let her be his servant for the rest of her life, but Cheng Zi’s Dao Heart had never recovered after it was destroyed. Later, our people rescued Cheng Zi and gave it to him. Take it with me."

"I never imagined that after all my thinking, I would end up taking advantage of you!" Mo Ju was still furious when she said this.If killing Ma Yunteng can solve the problem, she may have already made a move just now.

Ju had watched the two getting along in the dark a long time ago. At that time, he felt that Ma Yunteng had a sense of responsibility, so he was tempted to entrust Cheng Zi to him to take care of him. He never thought that this would turn out like this.Both she and Chengzi moved the hearts of their children.

Ma Yunteng faced Mo Ju without flinching and said, "Although I don't know why this happened, but if you have a way to erase the traces I left on Cheng Zi's Dao Heart, I will be happy to cooperate."

Mo Ju's eyes lit up: "Really?"

She glanced at Cheng Zi, and was immediately relieved, Cheng Zi is now very different from her original appearance, no wonder Ma Yunteng let go easily.If he knew clearly the value of Cheng Zi's identity, he might not be so willing.

"Well, if the traces are erased, will there be any impact?" Cheng Zi asked suddenly.

"At most, I just forgot about him. You have only known each other for a few years, so it doesn't matter at all." Moju wished that Chengzi could completely dissociate from Ma Yunteng and leave marks on Chengzi's Dao Heart by mistake. Dangerous people who should be on guard!

The same is true for herself.

"Then I don't want it!" Cheng Zi's voice was small but firm.

When Mo Ju heard Cheng Zi's words, he said angrily, "Are you willing to be controlled by him for the rest of your life?"

"I don't want to forget Master! He won't harm me. If he changes and treats me badly in the future, it won't be too late to erase it. My heart is with me. If I don't want to, how can he leave traces?" Oranges are persistent.

Mo Ju was stunned, what Cheng Zi said was not unreasonable. The Young Sect Master of Xuantian Sect spent so much time and effort on her, and tried many means, but none of them succeeded. There is a mark on the heart.It can only be said that Chengzi's heart has long accepted Ma Yunteng, so he never had the intention of resisting.

"No, I've never heard that a person who has been left with marks on his heart can remove the marks by himself. What if he regrets and refuses to cooperate in the future, what should you do?" Mo Ju insisted.

"Elder Sister! You have become more and more rude to Master recently, I won't allow it! If I can't even control my own heart, if I can't repair it, how can I talk about cultivation?!" Cheng Zi retorted.

Mo Ju was speechless after being refuted by her, full of resentment that he hated iron but not steel.

But Ma Yunteng suddenly laughed, patted her on the shoulder and said: "Okay, don't be angry, go to my birthday celebration first, this matter can't be rushed."

Mo Ju also knew that even if Ma Yunteng was willing to cooperate, it would take some time to recover Cheng Zi's Dao Xin. She didn't want to spoil Ma Yunteng's interest, so she reluctantly followed him out.

Ma Yunteng said to Mo Ju who was still aggrieved: "Don't worry, I will persuade Cheng Zi."

Thinking of Ma Yunteng's previous attitude, Mo Ju said unwillingly: "You better be more sensible!"

"I'm not the young master of Xuantian Sect, but I really like oranges, so don't worry."

Mo Ju thought about it, and Ma Yunteng's performance was indeed impeccable, but she still couldn't bear to admit that she was just nervous.

"Think about what Chengzi said just now. You really don't need to worry too much about her. A person who is afraid of being hurt and guards against everything, or a person who knows that he may be hurt but goes forward bravely. Who do you think is more courageous?" The more Ma Yunteng thought about it, the more he felt that Orange is really an interesting complex.

She dared to compete with the immortal monarch whose strength was unknown to her.

In the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King, she merged with Doudou and swallowed the eternal immortal fire by herself.Ma Yunteng himself did not know how many times he had done absorbing the external fire source and kindling for his own use. He would not dare to try the pain just by absorbing the beast fire, let alone something that was countless times more violent than the beast fire. sky fire.

The few words she said against Mo Ju today really impressed him.

In fact, she insisted on her own reasons.

Ma Yunteng shook his head and chuckled at a little girl who they thought was fragile, but she always inadvertently did something surprising. Mo Ju lost her former calm judgment because she was concerned.

Mo Ju's thoughts turned slightly, and she suddenly understood.Cheng Zi cherishes the memory of being with Ma Yunteng, so she knows that the traces of Dao Xin are dangerous to her, but she is still unwilling to erase the traces left by Ma Yunteng for the sake of safety, because she has confidence in Ma Yunteng and has confidence in herself. She is more confident that if Ma Yunteng really changes one day, she can rely on her own strength to regain her pure mind.

Mo Ju slowly nodded and said: "You are right, but I dare not risk the hope of the Mo tribe, so if possible, I still hope that Cheng Zi can remove this hidden danger."

Ma Yunteng watched Moju leave, and pulled Chengzi out of the cave, saying as he walked, "According to what they said, you should listen to me now."

"Huh?" Cheng Zi looked sideways at him, and there was complete trust in his unattractive eyes.

"When the birthday celebration is over, just be obedient and erase all those traces."

Chengzi pouted and said nothing.

"There is an alchemist Xianjun who is a servant, it is indeed quite majestic, but I don't want that person to be you." Ma Yunteng reached out and rubbed her head, and continued: "I am not interested in taking advantage of others, I am afraid that one day I will I can't help but wonder if it's because you like me that you stay by my side, or because of this inexplicable trace."

Cheng Zi hugged his arm and said, "But I don't want to forget you, I want to forget what happened in the past few years."

"Aren't you very majestic just now? If I can't even control my heart, I can't repair it, so what's the point of cultivation?" Ma Yunteng repeated in imitation of Cheng Zi's tone just now.

"I want you to remember me, but I don't want to affect your Dao heart. I want you to be free and to be with me reluctantly without any grievances. If there is no accident, we can live for at least a few thousand years. It's very long..." Ma Yunteng reached out to hold Cheng Zi's hand.

"What if I forget you?" Cheng Zi was still struggling with this.

"If you are so stupid, I don't want you to forget it." Ma Yunteng raised his hand and flicked her head.

Cheng Zi rubbed the place he played and said angrily: "I'm serious!"

"Then wait until you like me again, and I'll tell you about the past slowly." Ma Yunteng said casually.

This guy who is so proud to die!Cheng Zi didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"If I don't like you, what if I like someone else?" Orange asked.

Ma Yunteng glared at her and said, "Your vision should not be so bad."

Can't he say a few nice words to coax her?For example, he will pursue her with all his heart...

Not pleasing girls at all, arrogant and arrogant!

The two sat on the flying sword and soon arrived at the celebration venue of Lingyun Mountain. The place was already full of representatives sent by various forces to congratulate. Ma Yunteng attracted countless eyes as soon as he arrived. He was wearing an elder of Lingyun School The black Taoist robe that he is qualified to wear is younger than many outer disciples, no need to introduce, everyone knows his identity - Ma Yunteng, the youngest elder since the establishment of the Lingyun Sect!

Everyone was amazed and envious, when suddenly there was the ups and downs of singing from the welcoming disciples outside the arena: "Xuantianzong's young lord's special envoy, sixth-grade alchemist Qi Yue, and Master Qi have arrived to congratulate them!"

(End of this chapter)

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