the first god

Chapter 265 Underestimate the enemy

Chapter 265 Underestimate the enemy
Ma Wu sneered twice and said: "Don't worry, in the future, others will say that the person who attacked and killed Sixth Young Master, Ma Jia, and Martin is also the young master of Xuantian Sect."

After listening to what they said, Ma Jia and Martin knew that things could not go well today, so they gritted their teeth and prepared to fight.

Ma Yunteng and the others expected that the five seventh-rank immortals who were going to kill the three Ma family members would not rush to chase them, so after running for hundreds of miles, they stopped on a mountain.

Xue Yuan said lazily: "Finally dumped those three bastards and suffocated my mother to death!"

The rest of the people also felt the same, only Liu San shook his head and sighed: "If the Ma family of Worshiping the Moon Sect continues to indulge in internal fighting like this, I'm afraid it will be defeated sooner or later."

Ma Yunteng was silent, Cheng Zi gently grabbed his hand and shook it, Ma Yunteng still didn't speak, he held hers with his backhand, and his tense body slowly relaxed.

"Someone!" Cheng Zi suddenly said, she found out that the other party was still a few miles away, but it was a pity that it came too fast, as soon as she uttered her reminder, a powerful coercion had already rushed to her face - the late stage of the eighth-rank immortal.

Xiu Xueyuan and the others looked serious, Ma Yunteng stretched out his hand and pushed the orange to Liu San's side, and turned around to wait with his brothers and sisters.

A middle-aged man in black with ordinary features slowly landed on the ground from the air. Without saying a word, he suddenly patted Ma Yunteng on the shoulder.

Ma Yunteng did not dodge or dodge, his hands formed seals, and a phantom of a white dragon condensed by a cold air swayed in front of him, and even slapped the eighth-rank immortal monarch a few inches away.

Seeing that this shot was about to fail, the man in black let out a "huh" and glanced around Ma Yunteng from the corner of his eyes. The reason why he was able to block his shot was not due to his efforts alone.

However, it is surprising that he can still be so calm and calm in the face of the late eighth-rank immortals.The expression of the man in black remained unchanged, and the magic power exerted on the account suddenly increased tenfold.

Xue Yuan, Heng Zhi, Heng Er, Ci Ning and Cheng Li are teaming up to help Ma Yunteng fight against the enemy. Unfortunately, compared with the real eighth-rank late-stage immortals, they are still far behind. The pressure squeezed their whole bodies, making them unable to move, and even breathing became very difficult. They could only watch helplessly as the man in black turned his palm and patted Ma Yunteng on the shoulder firmly.

The man in black only felt the ice-cold under his palms, like countless fine needles piercing his palms, as if there were signs of piercing through his protective mana.There is only one kind of person who can practice ice spells to such a level at this age...

"Ice-type single spirit root." The man in black murmured, something flashed in his eyes, and he took his hand back without launching an attack.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, before Cheng Zi had time to react, the man in black took a few steps back and stood still a foot away from them.

Cheng Zi breathed a sigh of relief, the fairy in black seemed to have no ill intentions towards them, she couldn't feel the slightest murderous aura from him, so she didn't know what he wanted to do when he suddenly appeared.

"Your magic circle is good, but it's not enough to deal with the late eighth-rank immortals. With your cultivation base, it's very impressive to be able to block my first strike. Be careful in the fighting competition." The man in black said in a flat tone. But what he said showed a sense of closeness to the teacher and concern for the juniors, which made people very confused.

After saying a word, he already took off into the sky and disappeared into the sky just as abruptly as when he came up.

The pressure on Xueyuan's body was relieved, she sat down on the ground, gasped and said: "What is the background of this person, I didn't think he was stronger than Moju, how could his coercion be so exaggerated. Yun Teng, isn't he I know you, otherwise why no one will shoot you?"

Ma Yunteng suspected that the other party was Ma's person, but he searched his childhood memories and found no such person existed, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

A few people guessed left and right and felt that it was futile, so they simply didn't want to and continued on the road.

A few days later, according to Liu San's instructions, they arrived at Liuyun City, a medium-sized fairy city in the east of Wanling Fairyland. They planned to clear out the supplies they had earned on the way here, and then rushed directly to Xianyun Island in the East China Sea.Hengzhi, Henger, and Liu Sanyi went to find the Subaozhai branch here. When they came back, Henger looked strange and said to Chengzi: "Guess who we saw just now? Ma Liu and the others are not dead." !"

They ran into each other in front of Subao Zhai. Ma Liu, Ma Jia and another middle-aged man who was dressed like the vest just came out of the shop. Because of their appearance, the other party did not recognize them.

Xueyuan just came out of the room after practicing, and hummed after hearing this: "It's their fate!"

Liu San had already completely stood on their side, touched his chin and said, "The stranger with them should be another one of the ten generals of the Ma family. It is estimated that the rescuers arrived in time to save them. The most troublesome What's more, they also live in this inn."

"Don't worry about them, anyway, it only takes less than a day to rush from here to Xianyun Island in the East China Sea, and it's not easy for them to pester them when they get there."

Cheng Li thought of the entrustment of the head of the house before leaving the house, and didn't want to cause trouble for no reason.Others have no objection, but they don't want to make trouble, but others want to make trouble for them.

Not long after they left the inn the next morning, Cheng Zi said, "Someone is following us, five!"

Xueyuan rubbed her face and said, "That brat Ma Liu?! There is a way to heaven, but he won't go, and there is no way to hell, he will come and vote!"

Hearing the evil spirit in her words, Liu San was secretly startled that it was true that Ma Liu and the others hated it, but Xue Yuan and the others seemed to be hostile to them from the very beginning, so why?

Cheng Zi was a little worried and said: "A few days ago, they were besieged by five seventh-rank immortals and they were fine. The two helpers who came later may be very powerful!"

"The seventh-rank immortals from these great sects are all rich, right?" Xueyuan said with green eyes.

Hengzhi and Ma Yunteng glanced at her.

Cheng Li said helplessly: "Okay, okay, let's deal with the current enemy first."

"Hengzhi, you know these insidious villains best, where do you think they will attack?" Xue Yuan snorted.

"What do you think?" Heng Zhi asked modestly.

"There are so many people in the city, they must have scruples about how to get a secluded place outside the city..." Xue Yuan snorted.

Hengzhi smiled and said: "Sure enough, Xueyuan understands these idiots who love to kill themselves the most."

Xueyuan realized that she had fallen into Hengzhi's verbal trap, and scolded with a smile: "You are a cunning old man, how dare you mock my old lady!"

They said it easily, but they were not at all relaxed in their hearts. They all knew that there would be a hard battle later...

Ma Yunteng rubbed Cheng Zi's head and said: "Prepare the Wuxing Ruyi Shield and hug careful."

"Yeah." Cheng Zi nodded in agreement, and Doudou in her arms also followed her example and nodded repeatedly.

The group of people didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so they deliberately took the trail out of the city. As expected, when they entered a canyon, they saw Ma Liu and Ma Jia coming out from behind a huge boulder, Shi Shiran, and said with a sneer, "It's unexpected that we meet again."

While he was speaking, Martin and two other middle-aged men in the same attire appeared from the other three sides, blocking all the escape routes of Xue Yuan and the others.

Xue Yuan stretched her waist and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so stupid. You didn't die a few days ago, but today you seem to be dying in a hurry."

Ma Liu's face changed, and the vest had already shouted: "What a big tone! Master Six doesn't need to talk to them, let's do it."

Liu Sandao: "You and I are both of the same spirit and are allies. I don't know how to offend a few of you, and you want to force each other so hard?" Tianshuzong had a grudge.

Ma Liu and the others have ghosts in their hearts, how can they explain it to him?Wen Yan just sneered twice and didn't speak.

The vest stepped forward and waved its palms, a ball of flames rose into the air and turned into a giant bear with its teeth and claws, pressing towards Xueyuan.

He recalled what happened a few days ago, and he also guessed that these people had been covering up their cultivation, so they shot mercilessly, hoping to clean up this brash brat.

When Xueyuan saw that he was casting fire spells, she couldn't help laughing: "Setting fire in front of my old lady? Your little flame, even the dog in Chengzi's hand can't look down on me!"

While speaking, she swung her left arm and drew her right arm, making a standard bow and arrow posture. A water bow appeared in her hand, and the three water arrows shot at the fire bear in three directions: up, middle and down.

The vest saw that the other party just shot three water arrows and wanted to block his Fire Bear, so he couldn't help sneering, and with a thought, Fire Bear waved his arms, trying to block the three water arrows.

When the bear's paw condensed by the flames touched the rocket, something unexpected happened. Only the sound of hissing continued, and the whole big palm turned into blue smoke, and the blue smoke continued to extend upwards. Disappeared.

Fire Bear raised his head and roared, at this time the other two water arrows also arrived, the vest was in danger, and the spell in his hand changed, Fire Bear's body suddenly leaned forward and turned into a flaming tiger, dodging the water arrows, and continued to shoot at Xue Yuan pounce.

Vest is proficient in fire spells, and what he is currently performing is his famous stunt "Fire Beast Ten Image Transformation".He has cultivated the pure fire magic power for more than a hundred years, and absorbed ten kinds of famous fifth-level fire monsters in his body, and refined their souls for his own use. Ten kinds of fire monsters phantom , each kind of attack power is even better than the real fifth-order monster.

Relying on this unique skill, Majia has killed many seventh-rank immortals of the same level, but unexpectedly, the water arrow shot by Xueyuan easily blocks the attack of the first transformation.

"Seventh Grade!" Martin, who was watching the battle, was taken aback.They knew that Xue Yuan and others must have concealed her cultivation, but they didn't expect that she would be a seventh-rank fairy!
Xueyuan was triumphant, the three arrows she shot just now were transformed by the cold pond water soaked in the high-grade ice gui fairy crystal, the cold water is not comparable to the water arrows transformed by ordinary spells or spring water, although the vest has already thought of Xueyuan He concealed his strength, but still underestimated the enemy. He rashly let his fire bear touch the water arrow, but suffered a dark loss on the spot.

Martin said to the other two companions: "Brother Ren and Brother Gui, let's do it, these people are weird, be careful!"

One of these two companions is called Ma Ren and the other is Ma Gui. They are the old nine and ten of the ten generals of the Ma family. Unexpectedly terrifying cultivation base, there is a problem without Martin's reminder.

The two of them didn't talk much at the moment, they patted the spirit animal bags on their waists, and two big crocodiles jumped out of the bags, they were covered in black and glowed with a faint green luster. With a ferocious killing intent, he flicked his tail and rushed towards Ma Yunteng and others in the field.

Each one is a sixth-level poisonous swamp bone crocodile!No wonder they were able to safely rescue Ma Liu and the other three from the subordinates of five seventh-rank immortals. These poisonous swamp carrion crocodiles, any one of them can beat a late seventh-rank immortal. The most terrifying thing is that they are covered in Poison, even a little bit of it will cause endless troubles, and the skin on the body is thick and tough, which is famous among monsters.

Ma Yunteng and Cheng Li pushed Chengzi and Liu San to a corner, their expressions all solemn.

Ma Liu sneered and said, "It's not in vain for you to die at the hands of such a sixth-level poisonous swamp rotting bone crocodile!"

"Hey, just such a beast wants to deal with my old lady, you're dreaming!" Xue Yuan flicked her wrist, and a water whip as thick as the mouth of a wine glass was swiped towards the head of the flaming tiger.

This time the vest learned to be smart, and the flame tiger dodged very nimbly, dodged the water whip, and instead attacked Heng Er, who looked weaker by the side.

At the same time, Ma Ren's two poisonous rotting bone crocodiles also arrived, crossing his body to block between Xue Yuan and Heng Er.Don't let him have a chance to turn around and save him.

Heng Er did not dodge or dodge, and also slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist, and the three-eyed red fire lion jumped out.When he opened his mouth, he spewed out a mass of blood-red flames, attacking with fire against fire and the flaming tiger whose vest was magically transformed.

Before Xueyuan and the others left Lingyun Peak, the three-eyed red fire lion had successfully survived the catastrophe, regenerated the demon core, became a fifth-level spirit beast, and was promoted to the sixth level.

It doesn't know how much tonic pills it has eaten over the years. Because Chengzi plotted against it that day, he felt ashamed, so the food he gave him was no worse than Xueyuan, Hengzhi and others. Practicing with the Eternal Immortal Fire, the firepower has far surpassed its past.

It confronted the flame tiger, although it did not gain the upper hand.But the Flame Tiger couldn't get past it to attack Heng Er's.

Seeing that the three-eyed red fire lion could withstand it, Heng Er made seals with his hands, and a gleaming golden spear appeared above his head in a blink of an eye, and the tip of the spear stabbed at the vest with a flick.

Her gas-gathering gold technique is mixed with phantom charm. In the eyes of the vest, there are dozens of long spears stabbing him, each of which is fierce and powerful, and a thousand second-rank immortals add up. It is impossible to launch such a terrible attack.

Another seventh-rank fairy, and a female cultivator!
The vest has rich experience in dealing with the enemy, although each of the dozens of spears is extremely realistic.But he knew that this was impossible. To be able to attack so many golden spears at one time, one must have at least an eighth-rank cultivation base. If the opponent is really an eighth-rank fairy, one shot is enough to finish him. There is absolutely no need to do so.

But knowing that among the other party's dozens of long guns, there might be only one or two real ones, he couldn't distinguish the real ones from the fake ones in a hurry, so he had to back away in a hurry.

The energy-gathering and gold-transforming technique consumes a lot of energy. Only the first shot of Heng Er was real, and after that, he only used phantoms to create illusions to pursue the victory.

(End of this chapter)

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